56 articles found.
List publications in Web of Science.
(BibTeX & \bibitem of all these articles)
Kolmašová, I; Santolík, O; Manninen, J
Whistler echo trains triggered by energetic winter lightning
Nat. Commun., 15 (1): Art. No. 7166 (10 pages), 2024.
doi:10.1038/s41467-024-51684-0 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:001296093800032 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Chum, J; Langer, R; Kolmašová, I; Lhotka, O; Rusz, J; Strhárský, I
Solar cycle signatures in lightning activity
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 24 (16): 9119–9130, 2024.
doi:10.5194/acp-24-9119-2024 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:001295953500001 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Santolík, O; Shprits, Y; Kolmašová, I; Wang, D; Taubenschuss, U; Turčičová, M; Hanzelka, M
Strong Effects of Chorus Waves on Radiation Belts Expected for Future Magnetic Superstorms
AGU Advances, 5 (5): Art. No. e2024AV001234 (8 pages), 2024.
doi:10.1029/2024AV001234 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:001304043900001 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Linzmayer, V; Němec, F; Santolík, O; Kolmašová, I
Lightning‐Induced Energetic Electron Precipitation Observed in Long‐Term DEMETER Spacecraft Measurements
J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys., 129 (8): Art. No. e2024JA032713 (9 pages), 2024.
doi:10.1029/2024JA032713 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:001285609200001 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Kašpar, P; Marshall, T; Stolzenburg, M; Kolmašová, I; Santolík, O
Electromagnetic Model of K‐Changes
J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 129 (20): Art. No. e2023JD040503 (13 pages), 2024.
doi:10.1029/2023JD040503 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:001331266300001 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Kolmašová, I; Scholten, O; Santolík, O; Hare, BM; Zacharov, P; Lán, R; Liu, N; Dwyer, JR
A Strong Pulsing Nature of Negative Intracloud Dart Leaders Accompanied by Regular Trains of Microsecond‐Scale Pulses
Geophys. Res. Lett., 50 (10): Art. No. e2023GL103864 (10 pages), 2023.
doi:10.1029/2023GL103864 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000999827700001 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Kolmašová, I; Santolík, O; Imai, M; Kurth, WS; Hospodarsky, GB; Connerney, JEP; Bolton, SJ; Lán, R
Lightning at Jupiter pulsates with a similar rhythm as in-cloud lightning at Earth
Nat. Commun., 14 (1): Art. No. 2707 (9 pages), 2023.
doi:10.1038/s41467-023-38351-6 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:001001026600001 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Hartley, DP; Christopher, IW; Kletzing, CA; Kurth, WS; Santolik, O; Kolmasova, I; Argall, MR; Ahmadi, N
Chorus Wave Properties From Van Allen Probes: Quantifying the Impact of the Sheath Corrected Electric Field
Geophys. Res. Lett., 50 (7) (10 pages), 2023.
doi:10.1029/2023GL102922 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000959405100001 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Fletcher, LN; Cavalié, T; Grassi, D; Hueso, R; Lara, LM; Kaspi, Y; Galanti, E; Greathouse, TK; Molyneux, PM; Galand, M; Vallat, C; Witasse, O; Lorente, R; Hartogh, P; Poulet, F; Langevin, Y; Palumbo, P; Gladstone, GR; Retherford, KD; Dougherty, MK; Wahlund, J-E; Barabash, S; Iess, L; Bruzzone, L; Hussmann, H; Gurvits, LI; Santolik, O; Kolmasova, I; Fischer, G; Müller-Wodarg, I; Piccioni, G; Fouchet, T; Gérard, J-C; Sánchez-Lavega, A; Irwin, PGJ; Grodent, D; Altieri, F; Mura, A; Drossart, P; Kammer, J; Giles, R; Cazaux, S; Jones, G; Smirnova, M; Lellouch, E; Medvedev, AS; Moreno, R; Rezac, L; Coustenis, A; Costa, M
Jupiter Science Enabled by ESA’s Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer
Space Sci. Rev., 219 (7): Art. No. 53 (75 pages), 2023.
doi:10.1007/s11214-023-00996-6 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:001072292500001 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Kolmašová, I; Santolík, O; Šlegl, J; Popová, J; Sokol, Z; Zacharov, P; Ploc, O; Diendorfer, G; Langer, R; Lán, R; Strhárský, I
Continental thunderstorm ground enhancement observed at an exceptionally low altitude
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 22 (12): 7959–7973, 2022.
doi:10.5194/acp-22-7959-2022 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000813038400001 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Kolmašová, I; Santolík, O; Rosická, K
Lightning activity in northern Europe during a stormy winter: disruptions of weather patterns originating in global climate phenomena
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 22 (5): 3379–3389, 2022.
doi:10.5194/acp-22-3379-2022 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000780233700001 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Kolmašová, I; Soula, S; Santolík, O; Farges, T; Bousquet, O; Diendorfer, G; Lán, R; Uhlíř, L
A Frontal Thunderstorm With Several Multi‐Cell Lines Found to Produce Energetic Preliminary Breakdown
J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 127 (4): Art. No. e2021JD035780 (18 pages), 2022.
doi:10.1029/2021JD035780 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000765621000003 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Liu, NY; Scholten, O; Hare, BM; Dwyer, JR; Sterpka, CF; Kolmašová, I; Santolík, O
LOFAR Observations of Lightning Initial Breakdown Pulses
Geophys. Res. Lett., 49 (6): Art. No. e2022GL098073 (10 pages), 2022.
doi:10.1029/2022GL098073 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000777608200016 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Hartley, DP; Christopher, IW; Kletzing, CA; Kurth, WS; Santolik, O; Kolmasova, I; Wygant, JR; Bonnell, JW
Quantifying the Sheath Impedance of the Electric Double Probe Instrument on the Van Allen Probes
J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys., 127 (5): Art. No. e2022JA030369 (27 pages), 2022.
doi:10.1029/2022JA030369 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000796533300001 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Scholten, O; Hare, B M; Dwyer, J; Liu, N; Sterpka, C; Kolmašová, I; Santolík, O; Lán, R; Uhlíř, L; Buitink, S; Huege, T; Nelles, A; ter Veen, S
Interferometric imaging of intensely radiating negative leaders
Phys. Rev. D, 105 (6): Art. No. 062007 (12 pages), 2022.
doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.105.062007 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000789448800003 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Peterson, MJ; Lang, TJ; Logan, T; Wee Kiong, C; Gijben, M; Holle, R; Kolmasova, I; Marisaldi, M; Montanya, J; Pawar, SD; Zhang, D; Brunet, M; Cerveny, RS
New WMO Certified Megaflash Lightning Extremes for Flash Distance and Duration Recorded from Space
Bull Am Met Soc, 103 (4): 257–261, 2022.
doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-21-0254.1 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000829050400017 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Miyoshi, Y; Shinohara, I; Ukhorskiy, S; Claudepierre, SG; Mitani, T; Takashima, T; Hori, T; Santolik, O; Kolmasova, I; Matsuda, S; Kasahara, Y; Teramoto, M; Katoh, Y; Hikishima, M; Kojima, H; Kurita, S; Imajo, S; Higashio, N; Kasahara, S; Yokota, S; Asamura, K; Kazama, Y; Wang, S-Y; Jun, C-W; Kasaba, Y; Kumamoto, A; Tsuchiya, F; Shoji, M; Nakamura, S; Kitahara, M; Matsuoka, A; Shiokawa, K; Seki, K; Nosé, M; Takahashi, K; Martinez-Calderon, C; Hospodarsky, G; Colpitts, C; Kletzing, C; Wygant, J; Spence, H; Baker, DN; Reeves, GD; Blake, JB; Lanzerotti, L
Collaborative Research Activities of the Arase and Van Allen Probes
Space Sci. Rev., 218 (5): Art. No. 38 (27 pages), 2022.
doi:10.1007/s11214-022-00885-4 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000814252100002 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Mousis, O; Bouquet, A; Langevin, Y; André, N; Boithias, H; Durry, G; Faye, F; Hartogh, P; Helbert, J; Iess, L; Kempf, S; Masters, A; Postberg, F; Renard, J-B; Vernazza, P; Vorburger, A; Wurz, P; Atkinson, DH; Barabash, S; Berthomier, M; Brucato, J; Cable, M; Carter, J; Cazaux, S; Coustenis, A; Danger, G; Dehant, V; Fornaro, T; Garnier, P; Gautier, T; Groussin, O; Hadid, LZ; Ize, J-C; Kolmasova, I; Lebreton, J-P; Maistre, SL; Lellouch, E; Lunine, JI; Mandt, KE; Martins, Z; Mimoun, D; Nenon, Q; Caro, GMM; Rannou, P; Rauer, H; Schmitt-Kopplin, P; Schneeberger, A; Simons, M; Stephan, K; Hoolst, TV; Vaverka, J; Wieser, M; Wörner, L
Moonraker: Enceladus Multiple Flyby Mission
Planet. Sci. J., 3 (12): Art. No. 268 (12 pages), 2022.
doi:10.3847/PSJ/ac9c03 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000922128400001 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Kolmašová, I; Santolík, O; Kašpar, P; Popek, M; Pizzuti, A; Spurný, P; Borovička, J; Mlynarczyk, J; Manninen, J; Macotela, EL; Zacharov, P; Lán, R; Uhlíř, L; Diendorfer, G; Bennett, A; Füllekrug, M; Slošiar, R
First Observations of Elves and Their Causative Very Strong Lightning Discharges in an Unusual Small‐Scale Continental Spring‐Time Thunderstorm
J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 126 (1): Art. No. e2020JD032825 (23 pages), 2021.
doi:10.1029/2020JD032825 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000616529300007 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Santolík, O; Kolmašová, I; Pickett, JS; Gurnett, DA
Multi‐Point Observation of Hiss Emerging From Lightning Whistlers
J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys., 126 (12): Art. No. e2021JA029524 (14 pages), 2021.
doi:10.1029/2021JA029524 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000735715600045 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Soucek, J; Píša, D; Kolmasova, I; Uhlir, L; Lan, R; Santolík, O; Krupar, V; Kruparova, O; Baše, J; Maksimovic, M; Bale, SD; Chust, T; Khotyaintsev, YV; Krasnoselskikh, V; Kretzschmar, M; Lorfèvre, E; Plettemeier, D; Steller, M; Štverák, Š; Vaivads, A; Vecchio, A; Bérard, D; Bonnin, X
Solar Orbiter Radio and Plasma Waves – Time Domain Sampler: In-flight performance and first results
Astron. Astrophys., 656: Art. No. A26 (9 pages), 2021.
doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202140948 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000730246400036 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Santolík, O; Miyoshi, Y; Kolmašová, I; Matsuda, S; Hospodarsky, GB; Hartley, DP; Kasahara, Y; Kojima, H; Matsuoka, A; Shinohara, I; Kurth, WS; Kletzing, CA
Inter‐Calibrated Measurements of Intense Whistlers by Arase and Van Allen Probes
J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys., 126 (9): Art. No. e2021JA029700 (15 pages), 2021.
doi:10.1029/2021JA029700 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000702340700011 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Chum, J; Kollárik, M; Kolmašová, I; Langer, R; Rusz, J; Saxonbergová, D; Strhárský, I
Influence of Solar Wind on Secondary Cosmic Rays and Atmospheric Electricity
Front. Earth Sci., 9: Art. No. 671801 (15 pages), 2021.
doi:10.3389/feart.2021.671801 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000679385900001 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Scholten, O; Hare, BM; Dwyer, J; Sterpka, C; Kolmašová, I; Santolík, O; Lán, R; Uhlíř, L; Buitink, S; Corstanje, A; Falcke, H; Huege, T; Hörandel, JR; Krampah, GK; Mitra, P; Mulrey, K; Nelles, A; Pandya, H; Pel, A; Rachen, JP; Trinh, TNG; Veen, Ster; Thoudam, S; Winchen, T
The Initial Stage of Cloud Lightning Imaged in High‐Resolution
J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 126 (4): Art. No. e2020JD033126 (19 pages), 2021.
doi:10.1029/2020JD033126 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000624348900019 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Pizzuti, A; Wilkinson, JM; Soula, S; Mlynarczyk, J; Kolmašová, I; Santolík, O; Scovell, R; Bennett, A; Füllekrug, M
Signatures of large peak current lightning strokes during an unusually intense sprite-producing thunderstorm in southern England
Atmos. Res., 249 (Feb): Art. No. 105357 (10 pages), 2021.
doi:10.1016/j.atmosres.2020.105357 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000596914300003 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Maslej‐Krešňáková, V; Kundrát, A; Mackovjak, Š; Butka, P; Jaščur, S; Kolmašová, I; Santolík, O
Automatic Detection of Atmospherics and Tweek Atmospherics in Radio Spectrograms Based on a Deep Learning Approach
Earth Space Sci, 8 (11): Art. No. e2021EA002007 (14 pages), 2021.
doi:10.1029/2021EA002007 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000722485800023 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Scholten, O; Hare, BM; Dwyer, J; Liu, N; Sterpka, C; Kolmašová, I; Santolík, O; Lán, R; Uhlíř, L; Buitink, S; Corstanje, A; Falcke, H; Huege, T; Hörandel, JR; Krampah, GK; Mitra, P; Mulrey, K; Nelles, A; Pandya, H; Rachen, JP; Trinh, TNG; ter Veen, S; Thoudam, S; Winchen, T
A distinct negative leader propagation mode
Sci. Rep., 11 (1): Art. No. 16256 (11 pages), 2021.
doi:10.1038/s41598-021-95433-5 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000683904100082 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Kolmašová, I; Santolík, O; Defer, E; Kašpar, P; Kolínská, A; Pedeboy, S; Coquillat, S
Two Propagation Scenarios of Isolated Breakdown Lightning Processes in Failed Negative Cloud‐to‐Ground Flashes
Geophys. Res. Lett., 47 (23): Art. No. e2020GL090593 (10 pages), 2020.
doi:10.1029/2020GL090593 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000598677000032 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Imai, M; Wong, MH; Kolmašová, I; Brown, ST; Santolík, O; Kurth, WS; Hospodarsky, GB; Bolton, SJ; Levin, SM
High‐Spatiotemporal Resolution Observations of Jupiter Lightning‐Induced Radio Pulses Associated With Sferics and Thunderstorms
Geophys. Res. Lett., 47 (15): Art. No. e2020GL088397 (9 pages), 2020.
doi:10.1029/2020GL088397 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000560376100071 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Hanzelka, M; Santolík, O; Omura, Y; Kolmašová, I; Kletzing, CA
A Model of the Subpacket Structure of Rising Tone Chorus Emissions
J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys., 125 (8): Art. No. e2020JA028094 (17 pages), 2020.
doi:10.1029/2020JA028094 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000577125000047 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Shklyar, DR; Manninen, J; Titova, EE; Santolík, O; Kolmašová, I; Turunen, T
Ground and Space Signatures of VLF Noise Suppression by Whistlers
J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys., 125 (2): Art. No. e2019JA027430 (14 pages), 2020.
doi:10.1029/2019JA027430 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000535395800051 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Maksimovic, M; Bale, SD; Chust, T; Khotyaintsev, Y; Krasnoselskikh, V; Kretzschmar, M; Plettemeier, D; Rucker, HO; Souček, J; Steller, M; Štverák, Š; Trávníček, P; Vaivads, A; Chaintreuil, S; Dekkali, M; Alexandrova, O; Astier, P-A; Barbary, G; Bérard, D; Bonnin, X; Boughedada, K; Cecconi, B; Chapron, F; Chariet, M; Collin, C; de Conchy, Y; Dias, D; Guéguen, L; Lamy, L; Leray, V; Lion, S; Malac-Allain, LR; Matteini, L; Nguyen, QN; Pantellini, F; Parisot, J; Plasson, P; Thijs, S; Vecchio, A; Fratter, I; Bellouard, E; Lorfèvre, E; Danto, P; Julien, S; Guilhem, E; Fiachetti, C; Sanisidro, J; Laffaye, C; Gonzalez, F; Pontet, B; Quéruel, N; Jannet, G; Fergeau, P; Brochot, J-Y; Cassam-Chenai, G; Dudok de Wit, T; Timofeeva, M; Vincent, T; Agrapart, C; Delory, GT; Turin, P; Jeandet, A; Leroy, P; Pellion, J-C; Bouzid, V; Katra, B; Piberne, R; Recart, W; Santolík, O; Kolmašová, I; Krupař, V; Krupařová, O; Píša, D; Uhlíř, L; Lán, R; Baše, J; Ahlèn, L; André, M; Bylander, L; Cripps, V; Cully, C; Eriksson, A; Jansson, S-E; Johansson, EPG; Karlsson, T; Puccio, W; Břínek, J; Öttacher, H; Panchenko, M; Berthomier, M; Goetz, K; Hellinger, P; Horbury, TS; Issautier, K; Kontar, E; Krucker, S; Le Contel, O; Louarn, P; Martinović, M; Owen, CJ; Retino, A; Rodríguez-Pacheco, J; Sahraoui, F; Wimmer-Schweingruber, RF; Zaslavsky, A; Zouganelis, I
The Solar Orbiter Radio and Plasma Waves (RPW) instrument
A&A, 642 (Oct): Art. No. A12 (23 pages), 2020.
doi:10.1051/0004-6361/201936214 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000577099700012 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Kolmasova, I; Marshall, T; Bandara, S; Karunarathne, S; Stolzenburg, M; Karunarathne, N; Siedlecki, R
Initial Breakdown Pulses Accompanied by VHF Pulses During Negative Cloud‐to‐Ground Lightning Flashes
Geophys. Res. Lett., 46 (10): 5592–5600, 2019.
doi:10.1029/2019GL082488 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000471237500065 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Imai, M; Kolmašová, I; Kurth, WS; Santolík, O; Hospodarsky, GB; Gurnett, DA; Brown, ST; Bolton, SJ; Connerney, JEP; Levin, SM
Evidence for low density holes in Jupiter’s ionosphere
Nat. Commun., 10 (1): Art. No. 2751 (6 pages), 2019.
doi:10.1038/s41467-019-10708-w (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000472480500018 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Záhlava, J; Němec, F; Santolík, O; Kolmašová, I; Hospodarsky, GB; Parrot, M; Kurth, WS; Kletzing, CA
Lightning Contribution to Overall Whistler Mode Wave Intensities in the Plasmasphere
Geophys. Res. Lett., 46 (15): 8607–8616, 2019.
doi:10.1029/2019GL083918 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000483812500003 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Šlegl, J; Minářová, J; Kuča, P; Kolmašová, I; Santolík, O; Sokol, Z; Reitz, G; Ambrožová, I; Ploc, O
Radiat. Prot. Dosim., 186 (2-3): 215–218, 2019.
doi:10.1093/rpd/ncz205 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000530582200015 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Macotela, EL; Němec, F; Manninen, J; Santolík, O; Kolmašová, I; Turunen, T
VLF Emissions With Banded Structure in the 16‐ to 39‐kHz Frequency Range Measured by a High‐Latitude Ground‐Based Receiver
Geophys. Res. Lett., 46 (24): 14214–14222, 2019.
doi:10.1029/2019GL086127 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000503118000001 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Marshall, T; Bandara, S; Karunarathne, N; Karunarathne, S; Kolmasova, I; Siedlecki, R; Stolzenburg, M
A study of lightning flash initiation prior to the first initial breakdown pulse
Atmos. Res., 217 (Mar): 10–23, 2019.
doi:10.1016/j.atmosres.2018.10.013 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000452931100002 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Kolmašová, I; Santolík, O; Defer, E; Rison, W; Coquillat, S; Pedeboy, S; Lán, R; Uhlíř, L; Lambert, D; Pinty, J-P; Prieur, S; Pont, V
Lightning initiation: Strong pulses of VHF radiation accompany preliminary breakdown
Sci. Rep., 8 (26 Feb): Art. No. 3650 (10 pages), 2018.
doi:10.1038/s41598-018-21972-z (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000426045700071 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Kolmašová, I; Imai, M; Santolík, O; Kurth, WS; Hospodarsky, GB; Gurnett, DA; Connerney, JEP; Bolton, SJ
Discovery of rapid whistlers close to Jupiter implying lightning rates similar to those on Earth
Nat. Astron., 2 (7): 544–548, 2018.
doi:10.1038/s41550-018-0442-z (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000437959800016 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Záhlava, J; Němec, F; Santolík, O; Kolmašova, I; Hospodarsky, GB; Parrot, M; Kurth, WS; Bortnik, J; Kletzing, C
Longitudinal Dependence of Whistler Mode Electromagnetic Waves in the Earth's Inner Magnetosphere
J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys., 123 (8): 6562–6575, 2018.
doi:10.1029/2018JA025284 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000445731300030 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Záhlava, J; Němec, F; Santolík, O; Kolmašová, I; Parrot, M; Kouba, D
Selective Attenuation of Lightning-Generated Whistlers at Extralow Frequencies: DEMETER Spacecraft Observations
J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys., 123 (10): 8631–8640, 2018.
doi:10.1029/2018JA025879 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000451038700035 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Imai, M; Santolík, O; Brown, ST; Kolmašová, I; Kurth, WS; Janssen, MA; Hospodarsky, GB; Gurnett, DA; Bolton, SJ; Levin, SM
Jupiter Lightning-Induced Whistler and Sferic Events With Waves and MWR During Juno Perijoves
Geophys. Res. Lett., 45 (15): 7268–7276, 2018.
doi:10.1029/2018GL078864 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000443129500004 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Záhlava, J; Němec, F; Pincon, JL; Santolík, O; Kolmašová, I; Parrot, M
Whistler Influence on the Overall Very Low Frequency Wave Intensity in the Upper Ionosphere
J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys., 123 (7): 5648–5660, 2018.
doi:10.1029/2017JA025137 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000442664300028 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Brown, S; Janssen, M; Adumitroaie, V; Atreya, S; Bolton, S; Gulkis, S; Ingersoll, A; Levin, S; Li, C; Li, L; Lunine, J; Misra, S; Orton, G; Steffes, P; Tabataba-Vakili, F; Kolmašová, I; Imai, M; Santolík, O; Kurth, W; Hospodarsky, G; Gurnett, D; Connerney, J
Prevalent lightning sferics at 600 megahertz near Jupiter’s poles
Nature, 558: 87–90, 2018.
doi:10.1038/s41586-018-0156-5 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000434273300041 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Santolík, O; Kolmašová, I
Unusual Electromagnetic Signatures of European North Atlantic Winter Thunderstorms
Sci. Rep., 7 (24 Oct): Art. No. 13948 (9 pages), 2017.
doi:10.1038/s41598-017-13849-4 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000413597800065 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Kašpar, P; Santolík, O; Kolmašová, I; Farges, T
A model of preliminary breakdown pulse peak currents and their relation to the observed electric field pulses
Geophys. Res. Lett., 44 (1): 596–603, 2017.
doi:10.1002/2016GL071483 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000393954900068 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Kolmašová, I; Santolik, O; Farges, T; Cummer, SA; Lan, R; Uhlir, L
Subionospheric propagation and peak currents of preliminary breakdown pulses before negative cloud-to-ground lightning discharges
Geophys. Res. Lett., 43 (3): 1382–1391, 2016.
doi:10.1002/2015GL067364 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000372056600054 - BibTeX & \bibitem
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