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WOS advanced search query (RED – proceedings): PŘÍMÝ LINK

BibTeX entries:
	 author = {Marshall, T. AND Bandara, S. AND Karunarathne, N. AND Karunarathne, S. AND Kolmasova, I. AND Siedlecki, R. AND Stolzenburg, M.},
	 title = {A study of lightning flash initiation prior to the first initial breakdown pulse},
	 journal = {Atmos. Res.},
	 fulljournal = {Atmospheric Research},
	 volume = {217},
	 number = {Mar},
	 pages = {10--23},
	 year = {2019},
	 issn = {0169-8095},
	 doi = {10.1016/j.atmosres.2018.10.013},
	 KFPPid = {2040},


\bibitem[{Marshall et~al.(2019)}]{Marshall:19:A}
Marshall, T., Bandara, S., Karunarathne, N., Karunarathne, S., Kolmasova, I., Siedlecki, R., Stolzenburg, M., A study of lightning flash initiation prior to the first initial breakdown pulse. {\it Atmos. Res.} {\bf 217}(Mar): 10--23, 2019.