15th International Workshop on Slow Positron Beam Techniques & Applications (SLOPOS-15)
important dates:
- Abstract submission deadline May 15, 2019
- Notification about abstract acceptance May 15, 2019
- Early bird registation fee deadline May 31, 2019
- SLOPOS-15 conference September 2-6, 2019
- Full paper submission deadline extended till
September 30, 2019
number of registered participants: 135
SLOPOS is a well established international workshop dedicated to variable energy positron beams, related techniques and all aspects of surface science and defect studies using positron beams.
The workshop has long term tradition and is being organized with period of three years at various places. The 15th SLOPOS workshop will be held in Prague, Czech Republic.
On behalf of the SLOPOS-15 organizing team I sincerely invite all scientists interested in positron annihilation to come to Prague and attend the workshop.
Jakub Cizek
Main topics of the workshop
- positron and positroinum beams and related technologies
- pulsed beams and positron traps
- thin films and layered structures
- nano structures
- porous materials
- defect depth profiling in bulk and layered structures
- surfaces and interfaces
- positronium formation and emission
- positron interaction with atoms and molecules
- many positrons and anti-hydrogen
- theoretical calculations of positron parameters
- digital processing of positron annihilation data
- improvement of experimental techniques
On the behalf of the local organizing committee I would like to thank all participants for their attendance and presenting of excellent talks and poster contributions
Jakub Cizek