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Summer student projects

Several summer student projects has been announced on the department website. This is a great opportunity for all undergraduate students to participate at real-life scientific topics and get awarded financially. The duration of the summer projects is typically 2 weeks during summer holiday term (July-August).

Research highlight - Oxide nanoparticles in electrochemical environments

The cover page of the recent issue of Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics highlights research conducted by our group and and our collaborators from Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg. It is dealing with properties of cerium oxide nanoparticles in the alkaline electrolyte.

For more details, see the article at:
A model study of ceria–Pt electrocatalysts: stability, redox properties and hydrogen intercalation, Lukáš Fusek, Pankaj Kumar Samal, Jiří Keresteš, Ivan Khalakhan, Viktor Johánek, Yaroslava Lykhach, Jörg Libuda, Olaf Brummel, Josef Mysliveček, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2024.

New group members

Our group has recently acquired a new post-doc, Roser Fernandez Climent.

Another post-doc, Mateusz Wróbel, is about to join us during this summer.