Katedra fyziky povrchů a plazmatu

Program společného semináře KFPP a RDSO f-2 a f-5 2021/2022

18.05.2022 14:00

Studenti navazujícího studia se hlásí o pozornost (s výsledky seminárních prací) — in Czech
Přednášející: T. Dolák, D. Hájek, M. Kotková, M. Orság, K. Drastichová, D. Kalabis, V. Linzmayer

Bc. Tomáš Dolák, Určení struktury povrchu Co3O4 pomocí LEED I-V
Bc. Daniel Hájek, Kalibrace zdroje paravodíku
Bc. Marie Kotková, Raytracing: simulace šíření vln zemskou magnetosférou
Bc. Martin Orság, Využití cyklické voltametrie pro zkoumání aktivního povrchu katalyzátoru na bázi platiny
Bc. Kristýna Drastichová, Vyhodnocení přesnosti k Zemi propagovaných dat o slunečním větru (OMNI)
Bc. David Kalabis, Studium otravy CO metodou impedanční spektroskopie
Bc. Václav Linzmayer, Sluneční vítr a záření měřené u Země: jak dobře funguje propagování k Marsu?

11.05.2022 14:00

Rektorský den / Rector's day

04.05.2022 14:00

One-step model of photoemission: spin polarisation and dichroism effects of 2D materials — in English
Přednášející: Prof. Dr. Jan Minar, Ph.D., Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, Nové technologie - výzkumné centrum

27.04.2022 14:00

COMPASS Upgrade: Design overview and project status — in English
Přednášející: Ing. Petr Vondráček, Ph.D., Institute of Plasma Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences


COMPASS Upgrade, a medium size, high magnetic field tokamak, is curently under construction in the Institute of Plasma Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences. COMPASS Upgrade aims to become a flexible scientific device with the capability to study various reactor relevant issues. It will provide unique capabilities for addressing some of the key challenges in plasma exhaust physics, advanced confinement modes and advanced plasma configurations as well as testing new plasma facing materials and liquid metal divertor concepts.

An overview of the engineering design of the device and project status will be presented in this contribution.

06.04.2022 14:00

Space coronagraph Metis on board the Solar Orbiter – Observations and science — in English
Přednášející: Prof. RNDr. Petr Heinzel, DrSc., Astronomical Institute, Czech Academy of Sciences, Ondřejov


Solar Orbiter mission (ESA) was launched two years ago, carrying 10 scientific instruments. One of them is the coronagraph Metis with visible-light and UV (Lyman-alpha) telescopes. It is for the first time when the corona and CMEs will be observed simultaneously in these two channels, providing a unique plasma diagnostics. We will briefly describe the instrument and its capabilities and show some first observations of the coronal wind, eruptive prominences and CMEs. We will discuss key scientific questions to be solved with Metis.

30.03.2022 14:00

High voltage aqueous batteries — in English
Přednášející: Ing. Jiří Červenka, Ph.D., Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences

23.03.2022 14:00

One-dimensional molecular systems with exotic quantum states — in English
Přednášející: doc. Ing. Pavel Jelínek, Ph.D., Institute of Physics, Czech Academy of Sciences


Low dimensional materials offer very interesting material and physical properties due to reduced dimensionality. At present, 2D materials are the focus of attention. However, 1D systems often show far more exotic features, such as Tomanaga-Luttinger liquid or Peierls distortion not presented in 3D and 2D materials. On the other, an exploitation of 1D system was affected by our limited opportunities for their growth and characterization. Nevertheless, recent progress of on-surface chemistry paved the way for the synthesis of molecular chains with atomic precision. Moreover, scanning probe microscopy represents the unique tool, which enables to characterize their structural and electronic structure with the unprecedented spatial resolution. In this talk, we will briefly discuss several examples of 1D molecular system featuring interesting physical and chemical properties.

16.03.2022 14:00

Je lepší zeleň destruovat nebo opečovávat? — in Czech
Přednášející: Ing. Jiří Rom, Magistrát hlavního města Prahy, odbor ochrany prostředí

Pro mnohé je vrcholem ochrany přírody vysazení stromu nebo ještě lépe rovnou celého lesa. Existuje ale řada důvodů, proč je tento přístup zavádějící, a výsadba dřevin je vysloveně chybou.

09.03.2022 14:00

First results of Mercury Electron Analyzer onboard BepiColombo/Mio during Mercury and Venus flybys — in English
Přednášející: Dr. Nicolas André, MEA Team, IRAP, CNRS-UPS-CNES, Toulouse, France

BepiColombo was launched in October 2018 and is currently en route to Mercury. Although its orbit insertion is planned for December 2025, BepiColombo will acquire new measurements during planetary flybys. During the cruise phase, the two spacecraft are docked together with Mio being protected behind the MOSIF sun shield. Thus, only partial observations of plasma distribution functions can be obtained by the Mercury Plasma Particle Experiment (MPPE) onboard Mio. However, since electrons have small Larmor radii and more isotropic distributions even in the solar wind, the two Mercury Electron Analyzer (MEA) of MPPE will provide us with new and unique measurements in the range of 5 eV to 3 keV when in solar wind mode and 3 eV to ~ 26 keV when in magnetospheric mode. We will present the first observations obtained by MEA onboard Mio/BepiColombo during its two Venus flybys in 2020 and 2021, as well as during its first Mercury flyby on October 2, 2021. In particular we will focus on the properties of the low-energy electron populations observed during its crossing of Mercury’s magnetosphere.

02.03.2022 14:00

A continuation of the Winter seminar (4f5) — in English
Přednášející: Doctoral students of P4F5A (Physics of Surfaces and Interfaces)


14:00 – Alina Madalina Darabut, The influence of thermal treatment on the structure and electrical conductivity of the thermally expanded graphite
14:20 – Lucinda Blanco Redondo, Ir and Ir oxides as catalysts for oxygen evolution reaction
14:40 – Athira lekshmi Mohandas Sandhya, Tuning the morphology of sputter deposited Platinum
15:00 – Hridya Nedumkulam, OPerando pem water electrolyzer experiment on synchrotron

15:20 – coffee break

15:40 – Aji Alexander, Interaction of cobalt with the KTaO3(001) surface
16:00 – Andrés Pinar Solé, Metallocene functionalized tips as spin sensors in Scanning Tunnelling Microscope
16:20 – Marco Aurelio Lozano, Many-body corrections on DFT calculations
16:40 – Qifan Chen, Chemisorption-Induced Formation of Biphenylene Dimer on Ag(111)

17:00 – end of section

23.02.2022 14:00

Global Ion Density Distributions Observed by Advanced Ionospheric Probe Onboard FORMOSAT-5 Satellite — in English
Přednášející: Prof. Chi-Kuang Chao, National Central University, Institute of Space Sciences and Engineering, Taoyuan, Taiwan


A FORMOSAT-5 satellite was launched on 25 August 2017 CST into a 98.28° inclination sun-synchronous circular orbit at 720 km altitude along the 1030/2230 local time sectors. The orbital coverage provides a great opportunity to survey terrestrial ionosphere from equatorial to polar regions every two days. Advanced Ionospheric Probe (AIP) is a piggyback science payload developed by National Central University for the FORMOSAT-5 satellite to measure ionospheric plasma densities, velocities, and temperatures. It is also capable of measuring ionospheric plasma density irregularities at a sample rate up to 8,192 Hz over a wide range of spatial scales. In this talk, global ion density distributions measured by FORMOSAT-5/AIP in the pre-midnight sector could be averaged monthly and seasonally from in-situ measurement since November 2017. Equatorial wave-4 patterns, plasma depletion bays, and mid-latitude plasma density enhancement were clearly observed from the distributions and varied with season and solar cycle. It is adversely indicated that FORMOSAT-5/AIP could provide high quality data to identify long-term ionospheric ion density variations.

15.12.2021 14:00

Materials Science Beamline at Elettra: Perspectives, possibilities, examples of application of synchrotron radiation in modern science — in English
Přednášející: Ing. Nataliya Tsud, Dr., RNDr. Ing. Tomáš Skála, Ph.D.

The presentation will give an overview in the application of the synchrotron radiation in the modern science. We will present the Elettra synchrotron with particular emphasis at the Materials Science Beamline (MSB). The MSB is the Czech beamline operated since 2003 by the Charles University in cooperation with Elettra-Sincrotrone and is extremely suitable for materials research in the area of surface science. The beamline description and specification will be given together with the general information for potential users. At the end, we will present typical research directions which can be performed at the beamline ranging from the pure materials study for industrial applications (fuel cells, sensors, catalysts) to bio related topics (interaction of the bio and organic molecules with inorganic surfaces for hybrid systems).

08.12.2021 14:00

Waveform analysis of (not only) dust impact signals detected by different s/c: Cassini at Saturn, Solar Orbiter at the heliosphere — in English
Přednášející: Mgr. David Píša, PhD. Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Czech Academy of Science

01.12.2021 14:00

PŘELOZENO do LS Je lepší zeleň destruovat nebo opečovávat? — in Czech
Přednášející: Ing Jiří Rom, Magistrát hlavního města Prahy, odbor ochrany prostředí

Pro mnohé je vrcholem ochrany přírody vysazení stromu nebo ještě lépe rovnou celého lesa. Existuje ale řada důvodů, proč je tento přístup zavádějící, a výsadba dřevin je vysloveně chybou.

24.11.2021 14:45

WITHDRAWN — First results of Mercury Electron Analyzer onboard BepiColombo/Mio during Mercury and Venus flybys — in English
Přednášející: Dr. Nicolas André, MEA Team, IRAP, CNRS-UPS-CNES, Toulouse, France


BepiColombo was launched in October 2018 and is currently en route to Mercury. Although its orbit insertion is planned for December 2025, BepiColombo will acquire new measurements during planetary flybys. During the cruise phase, the two spacecraft are docked together with Mio being protected behind the MOSIF sun shield. Thus, only partial observations of plasma distribution functions can be obtained by the Mercury Plasma Particle Experiment (MPPE) onboard Mio. However, since electrons have small Larmor radii and more isotropic distributions even in the solar wind, the two Mercury Electron Analyzer (MEA) of MPPE will provide us with new and unique measurements in the range of 5 eV to 3 keV when in solar wind mode and 3 eV to ~ 26 keV when in magnetospheric mode. We will present the first observations obtained by MEA onboard Mio/BepiColombo during its two Venus flybys in 2020 and 2021, as well as during its first Mercury flyby on October 2, 2021. In particular we will focus on the properties of the low-energy electron populations observed during its crossing of Mercury’s magnetosphere.

24.11.2021 14:00

Switchback-like structures observed by Solar Orbiter — in English
Přednášející: A. Fedorov (IRAP, CNRS-UPS-CNES, Toulouse, France), P. Louarn,  C. J. Owen, T. S. Horbury, L. Prech, T. Durovcova (PAS Team, EAS Team, MAG Team)


Rapid polarity reversals of the radial heliospheric magnetic field were discovered by Ulysses, and are now observed as a frequent near-Sun phenomenon by NASA's Parker Solar Probe (PSP). Other solar wind missions, including ESA-NASA Solar Orbiter (SolO), also observe similar phenomena. The nature of these fluctuations is unclear, and the relation between the "switchbacks" observed near Sun and similar events observed at 1 AU is unknown. We make a detailed case study of SolO plasma and magnetic field data obtained in the region magnetically connected to a coronal hole. We would like to check if such fluctuations might have the same origin as "swithbacks" observed by PSP over the same coronal hole. On 27 September 2020 PSP and SolO were located around the same Carrington longitude and their latitudinal separation was very small. Solar wind plasma and magnetic field data during this time interval confirms that at least at times the solar wind observed by both spacecraft does originate from the same coronal hole region, and that during these time intervals SolO experiences several short variations similar to the "switchbacks" regularly observed by PSP. Solar Orbiter suprathermal electron pitch angle distributions and alpha-particle speed variations indicate that the local magnetic field line was bent 180 degrees by solar wind velocity shear. Variations in electron and proton velocity distribution functions suggest that bent field lines reconnect with themselves, producing flux ropes. The observed flux ropes might be the survivor and modified remains of the switchbacks created near Sun and observed by PSP.

17.11.2021 14:00


10.11.2021 14:00

How to write efficient modern plasma simulation code with minimal effort — in English
Přednášející: Dr. Petr Cagaš, Department of Aerospace and Ocean Engineering, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, USA

03.11.2021 14:00

Quantum technologies with Rydberg atoms — in English
Přednášející: Dr. Martin Kiffner, Keble College, University of Oxford


Rydberg atoms are atoms in highly excited electronic states and exhibit extremely exaggerated properties as compared to their ground state counterparts. For example, they exhibit a quasi-continuum of very strong dipole transitions in the terahertz and microwave range, and the lifetime of Rydberg states increases dramatically with their principal quantum number. In my talk I will discuss how these properties can be harnessed for the efficient interconversion of millimeter-wave and optical fields [1-3], which has numerous applications in classical and quantum technologies. In addition, I will present experimental results on the generation of coherent UV and terahertz fields in hot Rubidium vapor [4,5].

[1] M. Kiffner, A. Feizpour, K. T. Kaczmarek, D. Jaksch and J. Nunn, Two-way interconversion of millimeter-wave and optical elds in Rydberg gases, New J. Phys. 18, 093030 (2016).
[2] J. Han, T. Vogt, C. Gross, D. Jaksch, M. Kiffner, and W. Li, Coherent Microwave-to-Optical Conversion via Six-Wave Mixing in Rydberg Atoms, Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 093201 (2018).
[3] T. Vogt, C. Gross, J. Han, S. B. Pal, M. Lam, M. Kiffner, and W. Li, Efficient microwave-to-optical conversion using Rydberg atoms, Phys. Rev. A 99, 023832 (2019).
[4] M. Lam, S. B. Pal, T. Vogt, C. Gross, M. Kiffner, and W. Li, Collimated UV light generation by two-photon excitation to a Rydberg state in Rb vapor, Optics Letters 44, 2931 (2019).
[5] M. Lam, S. B. Pal, T. Vogt, M. Kiffner, and W. Li, Directional THz generation in hot Rb vapor excited to a Rydberg state, Opt. Lett. 46, 1017 (2021).

20.10.2021 14:00

Flux Ropes, Turbulence and Collisionless Perpendicular Shock Waves: High Plasma Beta Case — in English
Přednášející: Professor Gary P. Zank, The University of Alabama in Huntsville


With the onset of solar maximum and the likely increased prevalence of interplanetary shock waves, Parker Solar Probe is likely to observe numerous shocks in the next few years. An outstanding question that has received surprisingly little attention has been how turbulence interacts with collisionless shock waves. Turbulence in the supersonic solar wind is described frequently as a superposition of a majority 2D and a minority slab component. We formulate a collisional perpendicular shock-turbulence transmission problem in a way that enables investigation of the interaction and transmission of quasi-perpendicular fluctuations such as magnetic flux ropes/islands and vortices as well as entropy and acoustic modes in the large plasma beta regime. We focus on the transmission of an upstream spectrum of these modes, finding that the downstream spectral amplitude is typically increased significantly (a factor of 10 or more), and that the upstream spectral index of the inertial range, and indeed the general spectral shape, is unchanged for the downstream magnetic variance, kinetic energy, and density variance. A comparison of the theoretically predicted downstream magnetic variance, kinetic energy, and destiny variance spectra with those observed at 1 au, 5 au, and 84 au by Wind, Ulysses, and Voyager 2 shows excellent agreement. The overall theoretically predicted characteristics of the transmission of turbulence across shocks observed in the solar wind appear to be largely consistent with recent observational studies by Pitna et al. 2016, Pitna et al. 2020, and Borovsky 2020. We conclude with some recent simulations of the interaction of current sheets and turbulence with perpendicular shocks.