Nalezeno 61 záznamů. Některé publikace mohou být zařazeny VÍCEKRÁT (u více skupin).
Adamek, J; Stockel, J; Duran, I; Hron, M; Panek, R; Tichy, M; Schrittwieser, R; Ionita, C; Balan, P; Martines, E; Van Oost, G
Comparative measurements of the plasma potential with the ball-pen and emissive probes on the CASTOR tokamak
Czech. J. Phys., 55 (3): 235–242, 2005.
doi:10.1007/s10582-005-0036-8 (odkaz na abstrakt) - PDF ISI ID:000228845400001 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Bano, G; Horvath, P; Csillag, L; Glosik, J; Adamowicz, TM; Rozsa, K
224 nm segmented hollow-cathode silver ion laser
Appl. Phys. B-Lasers Opt., 80 (2): 215–219, 2005.
doi:10.1007/s00340-004-1713-1 (odkaz na abstrakt) - PDF ISI ID:000226320700013 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Boldys, J; Hrach, R
Thin film description by wavelet coefficients statistics
Czech. J. Phys., 55 (1): 55–64, 2005.
doi:10.1007/s10582-005-0007-0 (odkaz na abstrakt) - PDF ISI ID:000227266200007 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Dryahina, K; Spanel, P
A convenient method for calculation of ionic diffusion coefficients for accurate selected ion flow tube mass spectrometry, SIFT-MS
Int. J. Mass Spectrom., 244 (2-3): 148–154, 2005.
doi:10.1016/j.ijms.2005.06.001 (odkaz na abstrakt) - PDF ISI ID:000231103000007 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Hellberg, F; Zhaunerchyk, V; Ehlerding, A; Geppert, WD; Larsson, M; Thomas, RD; Bannister, ME; Bahati, E; Vane, CR; Osterdahl, F; Hlavenka, P; af Ugglas, M
Investigating the breakup dynamics of dihydrogen sulfide ions recombining with electrons
J. Chem. Phys., 122 (22): Art. No. 224314 (9 pages), 2005. - PDF ISI ID:000229858500033 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Hippler, R; Wrehde, S; Stranak, V; Zhigalov, O; Steffen, H; Tichy, M; Quaas, M; Wulff, H
Characterization of a magnetron plasma for deposition of titanium oxide and titanium nitride films
Contrib. Plasma Phys., 45 (5-6): 348–357, 2005.
doi:10.1002/ctpp.200510040 (odkaz na abstrakt) - PDF ISI ID:000231757100006 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Hubicka, Z; Olejnicek, J; Cada, M; Virostko, P; Sichova, H; Deyneka, A; Jastrabik, L; Chvostova, D; Sicha, M
BaxSr1-xTiO3 thin films deposited by RF hollow cathode plasma jet technique
Ferroelectrics, 317: 193–198, 2005.
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Chichina, M; Hubicka, Z; Churpita, E; Tichy, M
Measurement of the parameters of atmospheric-pressure barrier-torch discharge
Plasma Process. Polym., 2 (6): 501–506, 2005.
doi:10.1002/ppap.200500017 (odkaz na abstrakt) - PDF ISI ID:000230914600009 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Chichina, M; Churpita, O; Hubicka, Z; Tichy, M; Holdova, M; Virostko, P
Investigation of atmospheric pressure plasma-jet system used for deposition of ZnO thin films
Acta Phys. Slovaca, 55 (5): 429–434, 2005. - PDF ISI ID:000232386500002 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Kreckel, H; Motsch, M; Mikosch, J; Glosik, J; Plasil, R; Altevogt, S; Andrianarijaona, V; Buhr, H; Hoffmann, J; Lammich, L; Lestinsky, M; Nevo, I; Novotny, S; Orlov, DA; Pedersen, HB; Sprenger, F; Terekhov, AS; Toker, J; Wester, R; Gerlich, D; Schwalm, D; Wolf, A; Zajfman, D
High-Resolution Dissociative Recombination of Cold H3+ and First Evidence for Nuclear Spin Effects
Phys. Rev. Lett., 95 (26): Art. No. 263201 (4 pages), 2005.
doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.95.263201 (odkaz na abstrakt) - PDF ISI ID:000234337900033 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Marek, A; Kudrna, P; Holik, M; Bilyk, O; Pickova, I; Tichy, M; Apetrei, RP
2D Particle-In-cell simulation of DC magnetized plasma in cylindrical configuration
Acta Phys. Slovaca, 55 (5): 461–466, 2005. - PDF ISI ID:000232386500007 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Mitchell, JBA; Novotny, O; Angelova, G; LeGarrec, JL; Rebrion-Rowe, C; Svendsen, A; Andersen, LH; Florescu-Mitchell, AI; Orel, AE
Dissociative recombination of rare gas hydride ions: I. NeH+
J. Phys. B-At. Mol. Opt. Phys., 38 (6): 693–703, 2005.
doi:10.1088/0953-4075/38/6/008 (odkaz na abstrakt) - PDF ISI ID:000228455000012 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Mitchell, JBA; Novotny, O; LeGarrec, JL; Florescu-Mitchell, A; Rebrion-Rowe, C; Stolyarov, AV; Child, MS; Svendsen, A; El Ghazaly, MA; Andersen, LH
Dissociative recombination of rare gas hydride ions: II. ArH+
J. Phys. B-At. Mol. Opt. Phys., 38 (10): L175–L181, 2005.
doi:10.1088/0953-4075/38/10/L07 (odkaz na abstrakt) - PDF ISI ID:000230374500007 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Novotny, O; Mitchell, JBA; LeGarrec, JL; Florescu-Mitchell, AI; Rebrion-Rowe, C; Svendsen, A; El Ghazaly, MA; Andersen, LH; Ehlerding, A; Viggiano, AA; Hellberg, F; Thomas, RD; Zhaunerchyk, V; Geppert, WD; Montaigne, H; Kaminska, M; Osterdahl, F; Larsson, M
The dissociative recombination of fluorocarbon ions: II. CF+
J. Phys. B-At. Mol. Opt. Phys., 38 (10): 1471–1482, 2005.
doi:10.1088/0953-4075/38/10/006 (odkaz na abstrakt) - PDF ISI ID:000230374500014 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Novotny, O; Sivaraman, B; Rebrion-Rowe, C; Travers, D; Biennier, L; Mitchell, JBA; Rowe, BR
Recombination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon photoions with electrons in a flowing afterglow plasma
J. Chem. Phys., 123 (10): Art. No. 104303 (6 pages), 2005.
doi:10.1063/1.2000927 (odkaz na abstrakt) - PDF ISI ID:000231886000013 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Pavluch, J; Zommer, L; Polyak, Y; Pekarek, Z; Jablonski, A; Lesiak, B; Hrncir, T; Nehasil, V
Experimental and model study of the Rh/Al system by means of EPES
Surf. Interface Anal., 37 (11): 998–1005, 2005.
doi:10.1002/sia.2094 (odkaz na abstrakt) - PDF ISI ID:000233757900022 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Porokhova, IA; Holik, M; Bilyk, O; Kudrna, P; Golubovskii, YB; Tichy, M; Behnke, JF
Modeling and diagnostic of the plasma of magnetic field supported discharges
Contrib. Plasma Phys., 45 (5-6): 319–327, 2005.
doi:10.1002/ctpp.200510037 (odkaz na abstrakt) - PDF ISI ID:000231757100003 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Drbohlav, J; Matolinova, I; Masek, K; Matolin, V
SIMS study of Ti-Zr-VNEG thermal activation process
Vacuum, 80 (1-3): 47–52, 2005.
doi:10.1016/j.vacuum.2005.07.016 (odkaz na abstrakt) - PDF ISI ID:000232674400009 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Lykhach, Y; Moroz, V; Yoshitakea, M
Formation of epitaxial Al2O3/NiAl(1 1 0) films: aluminium deposition
Appl. Surf. Sci., 241 (1-2): 250–255, 2005.
doi:10.1016/j.apsusc.2004.09.041 (odkaz na abstrakt) - PDF ISI ID:000226709000049 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Masek, K; Nemsak, S; Matolin, V
Structural study of epitaxial tungsten oxide nanoclusters
Vacuum, 80 (1-3): 58–63, 2005.
doi:10.1016/j.vacuum.2005.07.015 (odkaz na abstrakt) - PDF ISI ID:000232674400011 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Matolin, V; Dudr, V; Fabik, S; Chab, V; Masek, K; Matolinova, I; Prince, KC; Skala, T; Sutara, F; Tsud, N; Veltruska, K
Activation of binary Zr-V non-evaporable getters: synchrotron radiation photoemission study
Appl. Surf. Sci., 243 (1-4): 106–112, 2005.
doi:10.1016/j.apsusc.2004.09.049 (odkaz na abstrakt) - PDF ISI ID:000227853400016 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Matolinova, I; Johanek, V; Skala, T; Veltruska, K; Matolin, V
XPS, TDS and static SIMS studies of binary Pd/Al system properties: correlation between Pd-Al bimetallic interaction and CO adsorption
Appl. Surf. Sci., 245 (1-4): 87–93, 2005.
doi:10.1016/j.apsusc.2004.09.115 (odkaz na abstrakt) - PDF ISI ID:000228904900013 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Nemec, F; Santolik, O; Gereova, K; Macusova, E; de Conchy, Y; Cornilleau-Wehrlin, N
Initial results of a survey of equatorial noise emissions observed by the Cluster spacecraft
Planet Space Sci., 53 (1-3): 291–298, 2005.
doi:10.1016/j.pss.2004.09.055 (odkaz na abstrakt) - PDF ISI ID:000226760500034 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Nemsak, S; Masek, K; Matolin, V
RHEED study of the growth of Pd-Al/MgO bimetallic system
Vacuum, 80 (1-3): 102–107, 2005.
doi:10.1016/j.vacuum.2005.07.047 (odkaz na abstrakt) - PDF ISI ID:000232674400019 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Pavluch, J; Zommer, L; Polyak, Y; Pekarek, Z; Jablonski, A; Lesiak, B; Hrncir, T; Nehasil, V
Experimental and model study of the Rh/Al system by means of EPES
Surf. Interface Anal., 37 (11): 998–1005, 2005.
doi:10.1002/sia.2094 (odkaz na abstrakt) - PDF ISI ID:000233757900022 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Petit, M; Baca, D; Arabasz, S; Bideux, L; Tsud, N; Fabik, S; Gruzza, B; Chab, V; Matolin, V; Prince, KC
Nitridation of InP(100) surface studied by synchrotron radiation
Surf. Sci., 583 (2-3): 205–212, 2005.
doi:10.1016/j.susc.2005.03.040 (odkaz na abstrakt) - PDF ISI ID:000229664400012 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Tsud, N; Skala, T; Sutara, F; Veltruska, K; Dudr, V; Fabik, S; Sedlacek, L; Chab, V; Prince, KC; Matolin, V
Electronic properties of Sn/Pd intermetallic compounds on Pd(110),
Surf. Sci., 595 (1-3): 138–150, 2005.
doi:10.1016/j.susc.2005.08.003 (odkaz na abstrakt) - PDF ISI ID:000233315900017 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Ostadal, I; Kocan, P; Sobotik, P; Pudl, J
Direct observation of long-range assisted formation of Ag clusters on Si(111)7x7
Phys. Rev. Lett., 95 (14): Art. No. 146101 (4 pages), 2005.
doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.95.146101 (odkaz na abstrakt) - PDF ISI ID:000232229800040 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Blecki, J; Wronowski, R; Savin, S; Cornilleau-Wehrlin, N; Parrot, M; Nemecek, Z; Safrankova, J; Santolik, O; Kudela, K; Sauvaud, JA
Low-frequency plasma waves in the outer polar cusp: A review of observations from Prognoz 8, Interball 1, Magion 4, and cluster
Surv. Geophys., 26 (1-3): 177–191, 2005.
doi:10.1007/s10712-005-1876-2 (odkaz na abstrakt) - PDF ISI ID:000231157700007 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Cao, JB; Liu, ZX; Yang, JY; Yian, CX; Wang, ZG; Zhang, XH; Wang, SR; Chen, SW; Bian, W; Dong, W; Zhang, ZG; Hua, FL; Zhou, L; Cornilleau-Wehrlin, N; de Laporte, B; Parrot, M; Alleyne, H; Yearby, K; Santolik, O; Mazelle, C
First results of low frequency electromagnetic wave detector of TC-2/Double Star program
Ann. Geophys., 23 (8): 2803–2811, 2005.
doi:10.5194/angeo-23-2803-2005 (odkaz na abstrakt) - PDF - BibTeX & \bibitem
Cornilleau-Wehrlin, N; Alleyne, HStC; Yearby, KH; de la Porte de Vaux, B; Meyer, A; Santolik, O; Parrot, M; Belmont, G; Rezeau, L; Le Contel, O; Roux, A; Attie, D; Robert, P; Bouzid, V; Herment, D; Cao, J
The STAFF-DWP wave instrument on the DSP equatorial spacecraft: description and first results
Ann. Geophys., 23 (8): 2785–2801, 2005. - PDF - BibTeX & \bibitem
Hayosh, M; Nemecek, Z; Safrankova, J; Zastenker, GN
Variations of the magnetosheath ion flux and geomagnetic activity
Adv. Space Res., 36 (12): 2417–2422, 2005.
doi:10.1016/j.asr.2003.08.082 (odkaz na abstrakt) - PDF ISI ID:000235183100031 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Hayosh, M; Safrankova, J; Nemecek, Z; Prech, L; Kudela, K; Zastenker, GN
Relationship between high-energy particles and ion flux in the magnetosheath
Planet Space Sci., 53 (1-3): 103–115, 2005.
doi:10.1016/j.pss.2004.09.034 (odkaz na abstrakt) - PDF ISI ID:000226760500013 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Chum, J; Santolik, O
Propagation of whistler-mode chorus to low altitudes: divergent ray trajectories and ground accessibility
Ann. Geophys., 23 (12): 3727–3738, 2005.
doi:10.5194/angeo-23-3727-2005 (odkaz na abstrakt) - PDF ISI ID:000235008400014 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Jerab, M; Nemecek, Z; Safrankova, J; Jelinek, K; Merka, J
Improved bow shock model with dependence on the IMF strength
Planet Space Sci., 53 (1-3): 85–93, 2005.
doi:10.1016/j.pss.2004.09.032 (odkaz na abstrakt) - PDF ISI ID:000226760500011 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Kotova, G; Verigin, M; Zastenker, G; Nikolaeva, N; Smolkin, B; Slavin, J; Szabo, A; Merka, J; Nemecek, Z; Safrankova, J
Bow shock observations by Prognoz–Prognoz 11 data: analysis and model comparison
Adv. Space Res., 36 (10): 1958–1963, 2005.
doi:10.1016/j.asr.2004.09.007 (odkaz na abstrakt) - PDF ISI ID:000236277300037 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Koval, A; Safrankova, J; Nemecek, Z
A study of particle flows in hot flow anomalies
Planet Space Sci., 53 (1-3): 41–52, 2005.
doi:10.1016/j.pss.2004.09.027 (odkaz na abstrakt) - PDF ISI ID:000226760500006 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Koval, A; Safrankova, J; Nemecek, Z; Prech, L; Samsonov, AA; Richardson, JD
Deformation of interplanetary shock fronts in the magnetosheath
Geophys. Res. Lett., 32 (15): Art. No. L15101 (4 pages), 2005.
doi:10.1029/2005GL023009 (odkaz na abstrakt) - PDF ISI ID:000231141400002 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Menietti, JD; Santolik, O; Pickett, JS; Gurnett, DA
High resolution observations of continuum radiation
Planet Space Sci., 53 (1-3): 283–290, 2005.
doi:10.1016/j.pss.2004.09.054 (odkaz na abstrakt) - PDF ISI ID:000226760500033 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Merka, J; Safrankova, J; Nemecek, Z; Simunek, J
Magion-4 high-altitude cusp study
Surv. Geophys., 26 (1-3): 57–69, 2005.
doi:10.1007/s10712-005-1872-6 (odkaz na abstrakt) - PDF ISI ID:000231157700003 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Nemec, F; Santolik, O; Gereova, K; Macusova, E; de Conchy, Y; Cornilleau-Wehrlin, N
Initial results of a survey of equatorial noise emissions observed by the Cluster spacecraft
Planet Space Sci., 53 (1-3): 291–298, 2005.
doi:10.1016/j.pss.2004.09.055 (odkaz na abstrakt) - PDF ISI ID:000226760500034 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Nemecek, Z; Safrankova, J; Prech, L; Sauvaud, J-A
Formation of the flank LLBL: A case study
Czech. J. Phys., 55 (10): 1293–1301, 2005.
doi:10.1007/s10582-005-0136-5 (odkaz na abstrakt) - PDF ISI ID:000233389200009 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Parrot, M; Nemec, F; Santolik, O; Berthelier, JJ
ELF magnetospheric lines observed by DEMETER
Ann. Geophys., 23 (10): 3301–3311, 2005.
doi:10.5194/angeo-23-3301-2005 (odkaz na abstrakt) - PDF ISI ID:000234596100012 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Pickett, JS; Chen, LJ; Kahler, SW; Santolik, O; Goldstein, ML; Lavraud, B; Decreau, PME; Kessel, R; Lucek, E; Lakhina, GS; Tsurutani, BT; Gurnett, DA; Cornilleau-Wehrlin, N; Fazakerley, A; Reme, H; Balogh, A
On the generation of solitary waves observed by Cluster in the near-Earth magnetosheath
Nonlinear Process Geophys., 12 (2): 181–193, 2005.
doi:10.5194/npg-12-181-2005 (odkaz na abstrakt) - PDF ISI ID:000227946300004 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Prech, L; Safrankova, J; Nemecek, Z; Kudela, K
INTERBALL-1 observations of plasma and energetic particle fluxes upstream of the Earth's bow shock
Planet Space Sci., 53 (1-3): 65–78, 2005.
doi:10.1016/j.pss.2004.09.030 (odkaz na abstrakt) - PDF ISI ID:000226760500009 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Prech, L; Safrankova, J; Nemecek, Z; Kudela, K; Slivka, M
Plasma flow variations and energetic protons upstream of the earth’s bow shock: A statistical study
Adv. Space Res., 36 (12): 2345–2350, 2005.
doi:10.1016/j.asr.2003.07.078 (odkaz na abstrakt) - PDF ISI ID:000235183100018 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Safrankova, J; Dusik, S; Nemecek, Z
The shape and location of the high-latitude magnetopause
Adv. Space Res., 36 (10): 1934–1939, 2005.
doi:10.1016/j.asr.2004.05.009 (odkaz na abstrakt) - PDF ISI ID:000236277300033 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Safrankova, J; Nemecek, Z; Richardson, JD
Dynamics of the solar wind-magnetosphere interaction - Preface
Planet Space Sci., 53 (1-3): 1–2, 2005.
doi:10.1016/j.pss.2004.09.022 (odkaz na abstrakt) - PDF ISI ID:000226760500001 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Santolik, O; Gurnett, DA; Pickett, JS; Parrot, M; Cornilleau-Wehirlin, N
Central position of the source region of storm-time chorus
Planet Space Sci., 53 (1-3): 299–305, 2005.
doi:10.1016/j.pss.2004.09.056 (odkaz na abstrakt) - PDF ISI ID:000226760500035 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Santolik, O; Macusova, E; Yearby, KH; Cornilleau-Wehrlin, N; Alleyne, HStCK
Radial variation of whistler-mode chorus: first results from the STAFF/DWP instrument on board the Double Star TC-1 spacecraft
Ann. Geophys., 23 (8): 2937–2942, 2005. - PDF - BibTeX & \bibitem
Santolik, O; Persoon, AM; Gurnett, DA; Decreau, PME; Pickett, JS; Marsalek, O; Maksimovic, M; Cornilleau-Wehrlin, N
Drifting field-aligned density structures in the night-side polar cap
Geophys. Res. Lett., 32 (6): Art. No. L06106 (4 pages), 2005.
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Simunek, J; Safrankova, J; Nemecek, Z; Prech, L
Structure of the high-altitude cusp formed by the horizontal IMF
Adv. Space Res., 36 (10): 1928–1933, 2005.
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Titova, EE; Yahnin, AG; Santolik, O; Gurnett, DA; Jiricek, F; Rauch, JL; Lefeuvre, F; Frank, LA; Sigwarth, JB; Mogilevsky, MM
The relationship between auroral hiss at high altitudes over the polar caps and the substorm dynamics of aurora
Ann. Geophys., 23 (6): 2117–2128, 2005.
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Yearby, KH; Alleyne, HSCK; Cornilleau-Wehrlin, N; Santolik, O; Balikhin, MA; Walker, SN; Fazakerley, A; Lahiff, A
Observations of lion roars in the magnetosheath by the STAFF/DWP experiment on the Double Star TC-1 spacecraft
Ann. Geophys., 23 (8): 2861–2866, 2005.
doi:10.5194/angeo-23-2861-2005 (odkaz na abstrakt) - PDF - BibTeX & \bibitem
Zilavy, P; Richterova, I; Nemecek, Z; Safrankova, J; Pavlu, J
The influence of ion bombardment on emission properties of small dust grains
Czech. J. Phys., 55 (10): 1283–1291, 2005.
doi:10.1007/s10582-005-0135-6 (odkaz na abstrakt) - PDF ISI ID:000233389200008 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Jerab, M; Richterova, I; Pavlu, J; Safrankova, J; Nemecek, Z
The Study of Field Ion Emission from Gold Dust Grains
AIP Conf. Proc., 799: 387–390, 2005.
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Pavlu, J; Richterova, I; Safrankova, J; Nemecek, Z
Field Electron Emission from Gold Dust Grains
AIP Conf. Proc., 799: 129–132, 2005.
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Richterova, I; Pavlu, J; Nemecek, Z; Safrankova, J; Jerab, M
Electric Field Influence on Secondary Emission
AIP Conf. Proc., 799: 395–398, 2005.
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Zilavy, P; Pavlu, J; Nemecek, Z; Safrankova, J
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AIP Conf. Proc., 799: 391–394, 2005.
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Boldys, J; Hrach, R
Thin film description by wavelet coefficients statistics
Czech. J. Phys., 55 (1): 55–64, 2005.
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Jerab, M; Nemecek, Z; Safrankova, J; Jelinek, K; Merka, J
Improved bow shock model with dependence on the IMF strength
Planet Space Sci., 53 (1-3): 85–93, 2005.
doi:10.1016/j.pss.2004.09.032 (odkaz na abstrakt) - PDF ISI ID:000226760500011 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Juha, L; Bittner, M; Chvostova, D; Letal, V; Krasa, J; Otcenasek, Z; Kozlova, M; Polan, J; Prag, AR; Rus, B; Stupka, M; Krzywinski, J; Andrejczuk, A; Pelka, JB; Sobierajski, R; Ryc, L; Feldhaus, J; Boody, FP; Grisham, ME; Vaschenko, GO; Menoni, CS; Rocca, JJ
XUV-laser induced ablation of PMMA with nano-, pico-, and femtosecond pulses
J. Electron Spectrosc. Relat. Phenom., 144: 929–932, 2005.
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Trojanek, F; Neudert, K; Bittner, M; Maly, P
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Jerab, M; Richterova, I; Pavlu, J; Safrankova, J; Nemecek, Z
The Study of Field Ion Emission from Gold Dust Grains
AIP Conf. Proc., 799: 387–390, 2005.
doi:10.1063/1.2134646 (odkaz na abstrakt) - PDF ISI ID:000234508900080
Richterova, I; Pavlu, J; Nemecek, Z; Safrankova, J; Jerab, M
Electric Field Influence on Secondary Emission
AIP Conf. Proc., 799: 395–398, 2005.
doi:10.1063/1.2134648 (odkaz na abstrakt) - PDF ISI ID:000234508900082
Brinzari, V; Korotcenkov, G; Matolin, V
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Drbohlav, J; Matolinova, I; Masek, K; Matolin, V
SIMS study of Ti-Zr-VNEG thermal activation process
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