98 articles found.
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Roučka, Š; Rednyk, S; Palacký, J; Dohnal, P; Glosík, J; Plašil, R
Ion trap study of the isotope exchange in the low-temperature collisions of OD - anions with HD
Mol. Phys., 122 (1-2): Art. No. e2232479 (9 pages), 2024.
doi:10.1080/00268976.2023.2232479 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:001026800100001 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Kassayová, M; Uvarova, L; Dohnal, P; Rednyk, S; Roučka, Š; Glosík, J; Plašil, R
Ternary Association Reaction of Vibrationally Cold N2+ Ions in Ambient Helium
J. Phys. Chem. A, 128 (40): 8732–8738, 2024.
doi:10.1021/acs.jpca.4c05103 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:001326729300001 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Plašil, R; Uvarova, L; Rednyk, S; Roučka, Š; Vanko, E; Dohnal, P; Glosík, J
Isotope Exchange Reaction of OH− Anion with HD at Temperatures from 15 K up to 300 K: Ion Trap Study
Astrophys. J., 948 (2): Art. No. 131 (7 pages), 2023.
doi:10.3847/1538-4357/acc9ac (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000989747700001 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Uvarova, L; Rednyk, S; Dohnal, P; Kassayová, M; Saito, S; Roučka, Š; Plašil, R; Johnsen, R; Glosík, J
Recombination of vibrationally cold N2+ ions with electrons
The Journal of Chemical Physics, 158 (17): Art. No. 174303 (9 pages), 2023.
doi:10.1063/5.0149110 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:001010685000006 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Roučka, Š; Rednyk, S; Tran, TD; Kovalenko, A; Mulin, D; Kumar, SS; Dohnal, P; Plašil, R; Glosík, J
Enthalpy of the N+ + H2 → NH+ + H Reaction—Experimental Study of the Reverse Process
Astrophys. J., 959 (2): Art. No. 127 (5 pages), 2023.
doi:10.3847/1538-4357/ad0bea (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:001126270700001 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Plašil, R; Roučka, Š; Kovalenko, A; Tran, TD; Rednyk, S; Dohnal, P; Shapko, D; Gerlich, D; Glosík, J
Reaction of N+ Ion with H2, HD, and D2 at Low Temperatures: Experimental Study of the Pathway to Deuterated Nitrogen-containing Molecules in the Interstellar Medium
Astrophys. J., 941 (2): Art. No. 144 (16 pages), 2022.
doi:10.3847/1538-4357/aca088 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000899907700001 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Plašil, R; Rednyk, S; Kovalenko, A; Tran, TD; Roučka, Š; Dohnal, P; Novotný, O; Glosík, J
Experimental Study on CH+ Formation from Doubly Charged Carbon and Molecular Hydrogen
Astrophys. J., 910 (2): Art. No. 155 (6 pages), 2021.
doi:10.3847/1538-4357/abe86c (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000637342400001 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Kovalenko, A; Roučka, Š; Tran, TD; Rednyk, S; Plašil, R; Dohnal, P; Glosík, J
The reaction of O+(4S) ions with H2, HD, and D2 at low temperatures: Experimental study of the isotope effect
The Journal of Chemical Physics, 154 (9): Art. No. 094301 (10 pages), 2021.
doi:10.1063/5.0036049 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000630524600001 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Rednyk, S; Roučka, Š; Dohnal, P; Hejduk, M; Glosík, J; Plašil, R
Reaction of carbon dication C2+ with O2, N2, CO, and HD at low temperatures: Experimental study using a 22-pole ion trap
Phys. Rev. A, 104 (6): Art. No. 062803 (7 pages), 2021.
doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.104.062803 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000733430600004 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Shapko, D; Dohnal, P; Roučka, Š; Uvarova, L; Kassayová, M; Plašil, R; Glosík, J
Cavity ring-down spectroscopy study of neon assisted recombination of H3+ ions with electrons
J. Mol. Spectrosc., 378: Art. No. 111450 (7 pages), 2021.
doi:10.1016/j.jms.2021.111450 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000660002400009 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Shapko, D; Dohnal, P; Kassayová, M; Kálosi, Á; Rednyk, S; Roučka, Š; Plašil, R; Augustovičová, LD; Johnsen, R; Špirko, V; Glosík, J
Dissociative recombination of N2H+ ions with electrons in the temperature range of 80–350 K
The Journal of Chemical Physics, 152 (2): Art. No. 024301 (11 pages), 2020.
doi:10.1063/1.5128330 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000539054700001 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Rednyk, S; Roučka, Š; Kovalenko, A; Tran, TD; Dohnal, P; Plašil, R; Glosík, J
Reaction of NH+, NH2+, and NH3+ ions with H2 at low temperatures
Astron. Astrophys., 625 (May): Art. No. A74 (8 pages), 2019.
doi:10.1051/0004-6361/201834149 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000468015700003 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Dohnal, P; Shapko, D; Kálosi, Á; Kassayová, M; Roučka, Š; Rednyk, S; Plašil, R; Hejduk, M; Glosík, J
Towards state selective recombination of H3+ under astrophysically relevant conditions
Faraday Discuss., 217: 220–234, 2019.
doi:10.1039/C8FD00214B (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000476809000011 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Plašil, R; Dohnal, P; Kálosi, Á; Roučka, Š; Shapko, D; Rednyk, S; Johnsen, R; Glosík, J
Stationary afterglow apparatus with CRDS for study of processes in plasmas from 300 K down to 30 K
Rev. Sci. Instrum., 89: Art. No. 063116 (11 pages), 2018.
doi:10.1063/1.5036834 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000437195200016 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Roučka, Š.; Rednyk, S; Kovalenko, A; Tran, TD; Plašil, R; Kálosi, Á.; Dohnal, P; Gerlich, D; Glosík, J
Effect of rotational excitation of H2 on isotopic exchange reaction with OD− at low temperatures
Astron. Astrophys., 615: Art. No. L6 (5 pages), 2018.
doi:10.1051/0004-6361/201833264 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000439527100001 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Tran, TD; Rednyk, S; Kovalenko, A; Roučka, Š; Dohnal, P; Plašil, R; Gerlich, D; Glosík, J
Formation of H2O+ and H3O+ Cations in Reactions of OH+ and H2O+ with H2: Experimental Studies of the Reaction Rate Coefficients from T = 15 to 300 K
Astrophys. J., 854 (1): Art. No. 25 (5 pages), 2018.
doi:10.3847/1538-4357/aaa0d8 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000424502900013 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Kovalenko, A; Tran, TD; Rednyk, S; Roučka, Š; Dohnal, P; Plašil, R; Gerlich, D; Glosík, J
OH+ Formation in the Low-temperature O+(4S) + H2 Reaction
Astrophys. J., 856 (2): Art. No. 100 (6 pages), 2018.
doi:10.3847/1538-4357/aab106 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000428685000013 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Plašil, R; Tran, TD; Roučka, Š; Jusko, P; Mulin, D; Zymak, I; Rednyk, S; Kovalenko, A; Dohnal, P; Glosík, J; Houfek, K; Táborský, J; Cížek, M
Isotopic effects in the interaction of O− with D2 and H2 at low temperatures
Phys. Rev. A, 96 (6): Art. No. 062703 (8 pages), 2017.
doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.96.062703 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000417471100004 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Plašil, R; Dohnal, P; Kálosi, Á; Roučka, Š; Johnsen, R; Glosík, J
Stationary afterglow measurements of the temperature dependence of the electron–ion recombination rate coefficients of H2D+ and HD2+ in He/Ar/H2/D2 gas mixtures at T = 80–145 K
Plasma Sources Sci. Technol., 26 (3): Art. No. 035006 (13 pages), 2017.
doi:10.1088/1361-6595/aa5916 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000395715200001 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Kálosi, A; Dohnal, P; Shapko, D; Roučka, Š; Plašil, R; Johnsen, R; Glosík, J
Overtone spectroscopy of N2H+ molecular ions—application of cavity ring-down spectroscopy
J. Instrum., 12 (Oct): Art. No. C10010 (10 pages), 2017.
doi:10.1088/1748-0221/12/10/C10010 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000414167000010 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Glosík, J; Dohnal, P; Kálosi, Á; Augustovičová, LD; Shapko, D; Roučka, Š; Plašil, R
Electron-ion recombination in low temperature hydrogen/deuterium plasma
Eur. Phys. J.-Appl. Phys., 80 (3): Art. No. 30801 (5 pages), 2017.
doi:10.1051/epjap/2017170228 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000423458900001 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Plašil, R; Tran, TD; Roučka, Š; Rednyk, S; Kovalenko, A; Jusko, P; Mulin, D; Zymak, I; Dohnal, P; Glosík, J
Reactions of O− with D2 at temperatures below 300 K
J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., 875 (1): Art. No. 012015 (4 pages), 2017.
doi:10.1088/1742-6596/875/2/012015 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000431682500015
Dohnal, P; Kálosi, Á; Plašil, R; Roučka, Š; Kovalenko, A; Rednyk, S; Johnsen, R; Glosík, J
Binary and ternary recombination of H2D+ and HD2+ ions with electrons at 80 K
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 18 (34): 23549–23553, 2016.
doi:10.1039/C6CP04152C (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000382107200013 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Kálosi, Á; Dohnal, P; Augustovičová, L; Roučka, Š; Plašil, R; Glosík, J
Monitoring the removal of excited particles in He/Ar/H2 low temperature afterglow plasma at 80–300 K*
Eur. Phys. J.-Appl. Phys., 75 (2): Art. No. 24707 (7 pages), 2016.
doi:10.1051/epjap/2016150587 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000380828500007 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Jusko, P; Roucka, S; Mulin, D; Zymak, I; Plasil, R; Gerlich, D; Cizek, M; Houfek, K; Glosik, J
Interaction of O− and H2 at low temperatures
J. Chem. Phys., 142 (1): Art. No. 014304 (7 pages), 2015.
doi:10.1063/1.4905078 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000347973600015 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Hejduk, M; Dohnal, P; Rubovic, P; Kalosi, A; Plasil, R; Johnsen, R; Glosik, J
Flowing-afterglow study of electron-ion recombination of para–H3+ and ortho–H3+ ions at temperatures from 60 K to 300 K
J. Chem. Phys., 143 (4): Art. No. 044303 (10 pages), 2015.
doi:10.1063/1.4927094 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000358929100031 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Glosik, J; Dohnal, P; Rubovic, P; Kalosi, A; Plasil, R; Roucka, S; Johnsen, R
Recombination of H+3 ions with electrons in He/H2 ambient gas at temperatures from 240 K to 340 K
Plasma Sources Sci. Technol., 24 (6): Art. No. 065017 (10 pages), 2015.
doi:10.1088/0963-0252/24/6/065017 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000368117100022 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Mulin, D; Roucka, S; Jusko, P; Zymak, I; Plasil, R; Gerlich, D; Wester, R; Glosik, J
H/D exchange in reactions of OH− with D2 and of OD− with H2 at low temperatures
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 17 (14): 8732–8739, 2015.
doi:10.1039/c5cp00516g (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000351933600023 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Roucka, S; Mulin, D; Jusko, P; Cizek, M; Eliasek, J; Plasil, R; Gerlich, D; Glosik, J
Electron Transfer and Associative Detachment in Low-Temperature Collisions of D– with H
J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 6 (22?): 4762–4766, 2015.
doi:10.1021/acs.jpclett.5b02155 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000366008500016 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Glosik, J; Hejduk, M; Dohnal, P; Rubovic, P; Kalosi, A; Plasil, R
State selective study of H3+ recombination in Cryo-FALP and SA-CRDS experiments at 77 K
EPJ Web of Conferences, 84 (Jan): Art. No. 01002 (10 pages), 2015.
doi:10.1051/epjconf/20158401002 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000351835100002
Dohnal, P; Rubovic, P; Kalosi, A; Hejduk, M; Plasil, R; Johnsen, R; Glosik, J
H2-assisted ternary recombination of H3+ with electrons at 300 K
Phys. Rev. A, 90 (4): Art. No. 042708 (6 pages), 2014.
doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.90.042708 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000343699100007 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Plasil, R; Zymak, I; Hejduk, M; Mulin, D; Glosik, J; Gerlich, D
Formation of NH+ in collisions of N+ with para- or ortho-H2 at low temperatures – an experimental study
J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., 488 (12): Art. No. 122003 (1 pages), 2014.
doi:10.1088/1742-6596/488/12/122003 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000338432500318
Gerlich, D; Plasil, R; Zymak, I; Hejduk, M; Jusko, P; Mulin, D; Glosik, J
State Specific Stabilization of H+ + H2(j) Collision Complexes
J. Phys. Chem. A, 117 (39): 10068–10075, 2013.
doi:10.1021/jp400917v (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000326300600088 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Jusko, P; Roucka, S; Plasil, R; Glosik, J
Determining the energy distribution of electrons produced in associative detachment: The electron spectrometer with multipole trap
Int. J. Mass Spectrom., 352 (Oct): 19–28, 2013.
doi:10.1016/j.ijms.2013.08.001 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000325830500003 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Rubovic, P; Dohnal, P; Hejduk, M; Plasil, R; Glosik, J
Binary Recombination of H3+ and D3+ Ions with Electrons in Plasma at 50–230 K
J. Phys. Chem. A, 117 (39): 9626–9632, 2013.
doi:10.1021/jp3123192 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000326300600037 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Zymak, I; Hejduk, M; Mulin, D; Plasil, R; Glosik, J; Gerlich, D
Low-Temperature Ion Trap Studies of N+(3 Pja ) + H2(j) -> NH+ + H
Astrophys. J., 768 (1): Art. No. 86 (8 pages), 2013.
doi:10.1088/0004-637X/768/1/86 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000317960500086 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Dohnal, P; Rubovic, P; Kotrik, T; Hejduk, M; Plasil, R; Johnsen, R; Glosik, J
Collisional-radiative recombination of Ar+ ions with electrons in ambient helium at temperatures from 50 K to 100 K
Phys. Rev. A, 87 (5): Art. No. 052716 (9 pages), 2013.
doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.87.052716 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000319677700006 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Johnsen, R; Rubovic, P; Dohnal, P; Hejduk, M; Plasil, R; Glosik, J
Ternary Recombination of H3+ and D3+ with Electrons in He–H2 (D2) Plasmas at Temperatures from 50 to 300 K
J. Phys. Chem. A, 117 (39): 9477–9485, 2013.
doi:10.1021/jp311978n (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000326300600019 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Plasil, R; Zymak, I; Jusko, P; Mulin, D; Gerlich, D; Glosik, J
Stabilization of H+H2 collision complexes between 11 and 28K
Philos. Trans. R. Soc. A-Math. Phys. Eng. Sci., 370 (1978): 5066–5073, 2012.
doi:10.1098/rsta.2012.0098 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000309522800007 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Hejduk, M; Dohnal, P; Varju, J; Rubovic, P; Plasil, R; Glosik, J
Nuclear spin state-resolved cavity ring-down spectroscopy diagnostics of a low-temperature H3+dominated plasma
Plasma Sources Sci. Technol., 21 (2): Art. No. 024002 (9 pages), 2012.
doi:10.1088/0963-0252/21/2/024002 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000302779400005 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Gerlich, D; Jusko, P; Roucka, S; Zymak, I; Plasil, R; Glosik, J
Ion Trap Studies of H– + H → H2 + e– Between 10 and 135 K
Astrophys. J., 749 (1): Art. No. 22 (6 pages), 2012.
doi:10.1088/0004-637X/749/1/22 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000302175500022 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Dohnal, P; Hejduk, M; Rubovic, P; Varju, J; Roucka, S; Plasil, R; Glosik, J
Binary and ternary recombination of D3+ ions at 80130 K: Application of laser absorption spectroscopy
J. Chem. Phys., 137 (19): Art. No. 194320 (14 pages), 2012.
doi:10.1063/1.4767396 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000311458900034 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Dohnal, P; Hejduk, M; Varju, J; Rubovic, P; Roucka, S; Kotrik, T; Plasil, R; Johnsen, R; Glosik, J
Binary recombination of para- and ortho-H3+ with electrons at low temperatures
Philos. Trans. R. Soc. A-Math. Phys. Eng. Sci., 370 (1978): 5101–5108, 2012.
doi:10.1098/rsta.2012.0097 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000309522800010 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Dohnal, P; Hejduk, M; Varju, J; Rubovic, P; Roucka, S; Kotrik, T; Plasil, R; Glosik, J; Johnsen, R
Binary and ternary recombination of para-H3+ and ortho-H3+ with electrons: State selective study at 77200 K
J. Chem. Phys., 136 (24): Art. No. 244304 (14 pages), 2012.
doi:10.1063/1.4730162 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000305881100015 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Plasil, R; Zymak, I; Jusko, P; Mulin, D; Gerlich, D; Glosik, J
Radiative association of H+ H2 - experimental study
J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., 388 (1): Art. No. 012041 (7 pages), 2012.
doi:10.1088/1742-6596/388/1/012041 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000314994700041
Hejduk, M; Dohnal, P; Rubovic, P; Varju, J; Opanasiuk, S; Plasil, R; Glosik, J
Equilibrium in Low Temperature H+3-dominated Plasma, Application of Cavity Ring-Down
Acta Univ. Carolin. Math. Phys., 53 (1): 51–59, 2012. - PDF
Plasil, R; Mehner, T; Dohnal, P; Kotrik, T; Glosik, J; Gerlich, D
Reactions of Cold Trapped CH+ Ions with Slow H Atoms
Astrophys. J., 737 (2): Art. No. 60 (7 pages), 2011.
doi:10.1088/0004-637X/737/2/60 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000294013600014 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Kotrik, T; Dohnal, P; Rubovic, P; Plasil, R; Roucka, S; Opanasiuk, S; Glosik, J
Cryo-FALP study of collisional-radiative recombination of Ar+ ions at 40–200 K
Eur. Phys. J.-Appl. Phys., 56 (2): Art. No. 24011 (4 pages), 2011.
doi:10.1051/epjap/2011110158 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000296772200011 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Zymak, I; Jusko, P; Roucka, S; Plasil, R; Rubovic, P; Gerlich, D; Glosik, J
Ternary association of H+ ion with H2 at 11 K, experimental study
Eur. Phys. J.-Appl. Phys., 56 (2): Art. No. 24010 (4 pages), 2011.
doi:10.1051/epjap/2011110172 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000296772200010 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Kotrik, T; Dohnal, P; Roucka, S; Jusko, P; Plasil, R; Glosik, J; Johnsen, R
Collisional-radiative recombination Ar+ + e + e: Experimental study at 77–180 K
Phys. Rev. A, 83 (3): Art. No. 032720 (8 pages), 2011.
doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.83.032720 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000288944500010 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Varju, J; Hejduk, M; Dohnal, P; Jilek, M; Kotrik, T; Plasil, R; Gerlich, D; Glosik, J
Nuclear Spin Effect on Recombination of H3+ Ions with Electrons at 77 K
Phys. Rev. Lett., 106 (20): Art. No. 203201 (4 pages), 2011.
doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.106.203201 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000290729400006 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Plasil, R; Varju, J; Hejduk, M; Dohnal, P; Kotrik, T; Glosik, J
Experimental study of para- and ortho-H3+ recombination
J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., 300 (1): Art. No. 012023 (8 pages), 2011.
doi:10.1088/1742-6596/300/1/012023 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000301801700023
Dohnal, P; Kotrik, T; Plasil, R; Korolov, I; Glosik, J
Recombination in low temperature Ar+ dominated plasmas
J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., 300 (1): Art. No. 012021 (4 pages), 2011.
doi:10.1088/1742-6596/300/1/012021 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000301801700021
Glosik, J; Plasil, R; Kotrik, T; Dohnal, P; Varju, J; Hejduk, M; Korolov, I; Roucka, S; Kokoouline, V
Binary and ternary recombination of H3+ and D3+ ions with electrons in low temperature plasma
Mol. Phys., 108 (17): 2253–2264, 2010.
doi:10.1080/00268976.2010.507555 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000281646900011 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Kotrik, T; Dohnal, P; Korolov, I; Plasil, R; Roucka, S; Glosik, J; Greene, CH; Kokoouline, V
Temperature dependence of binary and ternary recombination of D3 ions with electrons
J. Chem. Phys., 133 (3): Art. No. 034305 (8 pages), 2010.
doi:10.1063/1.3457940 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000280596900027 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Varju, J; Roucka, S; Kotrik, T; Plasil, R; Glosik, J
Application of NIR – CRDS for state selective study of recombination of para and ortho H3+ ions with electrons in low temperature plasma
J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., 227 (1): Art. No. 012026 (4 pages), 2010.
doi:10.1088/1742-6596/227/1/012026 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000297797100026
Plasil, R; Korolov, I; Kotrik, T; Dohnal, P; Bano, G; Donko, Z; Glosik, J
Non-Maxwellian electron energy distribution function in He, He/Ar, He/Xe/H2 and He/Xe/D2 low temperature afterglow plasma
Eur. Phys. J. D, 54 (2): 391–398, 2009.
doi:10.1140/epjd/e2009-00144-3 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000268329200037 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Korolov, I; Plasil, R; Kotrik, T; Dohnal, P; Glosik, J
Recombination of HCO+ and DCO+ ions with electrons
Int. J. Mass Spectrom., 280 (1-3): 144–148, 2009.
doi:10.1016/j.ijms.2008.07.023 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000263195500022 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Glosik, J; Plasil, R; Korolov, I; Kotrik, T; Novotny, O; Hlavenka, P; Dohnal, P; Varju, J; Kokoouline, V; Greene, CH
Temperature dependence of binary and ternary recombination of H3+ ions with electrons
Phys. Rev. A, 79 (5): Art. No. 052707 (12 pages), 2009.
doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.79.052707 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000266500900100 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Glosik, J; Korolov, I; Plasil, R; Kotrik, T; Dohnal, P; Novotny, O; Varju, J; Roucka, S; Greene, CH; Kokoouline, V
Binary and ternary recombination of D3+ ions with electrons in He-D2 plasma
Phys. Rev. A, 80 (4): Art. No. 042706 (7 pages), 2009.
doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.80.042706 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000271351000101 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Plasil, R; Korolov, I; Kotrik, T; Varju, J; Dohnal, P; Donko, Z; Bano, G; Glosik, J
Measurements of EEDF in recombination dominated afterglow plasma
J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., 192: Art. No. 012023 (4 pages), 2009.
doi:10.1088/1742-6596/192/1/012023 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000287793300023
Glosik, J; Plasil, R; Korolov, I; Novotny, O; Kotrik, T
Multicollision character of recombination of H3+ ions in afterglow plasma
J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., 192: Art. No. 012005 (8 pages), 2009.
doi:10.1088/1742-6596/192/1/012005 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000287793300005
Korolov, I; Kotrik, T; Plasil, R; Hejduk, M; Varju, J; Dohnal, P; Glosik, J
Recombination of KrD+ and KrH+ ions in afterglow plasma
J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., 192: Art. No. 012018 (4 pages), 2009.
doi:10.1088/1742-6596/192/1/012018 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000287793300018
Plasil, R; Korolov, I; Kotrik, T; Glosik, J
Recombination of KrD+ and XeD+ ions with electrons
Int. J. Mass Spectrom., 275 (1-3): 80–85, 2008.
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Molek, CD; Plasil, R; McLain, JL; Adams, NG; Babcock, LM
Experimental Determination of Energy Disposal in the Dissociative Electron Recombinations of (CS2)+ and (HCS2)+
J. Phys. Chem. A, 112 (5): 934–941, 2008.
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Korolov, I; Plasil, R; Kotrik, T; Dohnal, P; Novotny, O; Glosik, J
Measurements of EEDF in Helium Flowing Afterglow at Pressures 500 – 2000 Pa
Contrib. Plasma Phys., 48 (5-7): 461–466, 2008.
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Glosik, J; Korolov, I; Plasil, R; Novotny, O; Kotrik, T; Hlavenka, P; Varju, J; Mikhailov, IA; Kokoouline, V; Greene, CH
Recombination of H+3 ions in the afterglow of a He–Ar–H2 plasma
J. Phys. B-At. Mol. Opt. Phys., 41 (19): Art. No. 191001 (6 pages), 2008.
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Korolov, I; Kotrik, T; Plasil, R; Varju, J; Hejduk, M; Glosik, J
Application of Langmuir Probe in Recombination Dominated Afterglow Plasma
Contrib. Plasma Phys., 48 (5-7): 521–526, 2008.
doi:10.1002/ctpp.200810084 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000258126900023 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Korolov, I; Kotrik, T; Dohnal, P; Plasil, R; Glosik, J
Recombination of D_3^+ Ions with Electrons in Low Temperature Plasma
Publ. Astron. Obs. Belgrade, (84): 39–44, 2008. - PDF ISI ID:000269314500009
Bano, G; Hartmann, P; Kutasi, K; Horvath, P; Plasil, R; Hlavenka, P; Glosik, J; Donko, Z
Combined Langmuir probe, electrical and hybrid modelling characterization of helium glow discharges
Plasma Sources Sci. Technol., 16 (3): 492–500, 2007.
doi:10.1088/0963-0252/16/3/008 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000249094100009 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Kreckel, H; Petrignani, A; Berg, M; Bing, D; Reinhardt, S; Altevogt, S; Buhr, H; Froese, M; Hoffmann, J; Jordon-Thaden, B; Krantz, C; Lestinsky, M; Mendes, M; Novotny, O; Novotny, S; Pedersen, HB; Orlov, DA; Mikosch, J; Wester, R; Plasil, R; Glosik, J; Schwalm, D; Zajfman, D; Wolf, A
Electron collisions and rovibrational action spectroscopy of cold H_3^+ molecules
J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., 88: Art. No. 012064 (8 pages), 2007.
doi:10.1088/1742-6596/88/1/012064 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000255634300064
Hlavenka, P; Plasil, R; Bano, G; Korolov, I; Gerlich, D; Ramanlal, J; Tennyson, J; Glosik, J
Near infrared second overtone cw-cavity ringdown spectroscopy of D2H+ ions
Int. J. Mass Spectrom., 255: 170–176, 2006.
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Novotny, O; Plasil, R; Pysanenko, A; Korolov, I; Glosik, J
The recombination of D3+ and D5+ ions with electrons in deuterium containing plasma
J. Phys. B-At. Mol. Opt. Phys., 39 (11): 2561–2569, 2006.
doi:10.1088/0953-4075/39/11/019 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000238378500023 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Hlavenka, P; Korolov, I; Plasil, R; Varju, J; Kotrik, T; Glosik, J
Near infrared second overtone cw-cavity ringdown spectroscopy of H2D+ ions
Czech. J. Phys., 56: B749–B760, 2006.
doi:10.1007/s10582-006-0280-6 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000241336500019 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Glosik, J; Hlavenka, P; Plasil, R; Windisch, F; Gerlich, D; Wolf, A; Kreckel, H
Action spectroscopy of H3+ and D2H+ using overtone excitation
Philos. Trans. R. Soc. A-Math. Phys. Eng. Sci., 364 (1848): 2931–2942, 2006.
doi:10.1098/rsta.2006.1866 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000241921300007 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Korolov, I; Novotny, O; Plasil, R; Hlavenka, P; Kotrik, T; Tichy, M; Kudrna, P; Glosik, J; Luca, A
Recombination of KrH+ and XeH+ ions with electrons in low temperature plasma
Czech. J. Phys., 56: B854–B864, 2006.
doi:10.1007/s10582-006-0295-z (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000241336700005 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Gerlich, D; Windisch, F; Hlavenka, P; Plasil, R; Glosik, J
Dynamical constraints and nuclear spin caused restrictions in HmDn+ collision systems
Philos. Trans. R. Soc. A-Math. Phys. Eng. Sci., 364 (1848): 3007–3034, 2006.
doi:10.1098/rsta.2006.1865 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000241921300013 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Wolf, A; Kreckel, H; Lammich, L; Strasser, D; Mikosch, J; Glosik, J; Plasil, R; Altevogt, S; Andrianarijaona, V; Buhr, H; Hoffmann, J; Lestinsky, M; Nevo, I; Novotny, S; Orlov, DA; Pedersen, HB; Terekhov, AS; Toker, J; Wester, R; Gerlich, D; Schwalm, D; Zajfman, D
Effects of molecular rotation in loin-energy electron collisions of H3+
Philos. Trans. R. Soc. A-Math. Phys. Eng. Sci., 364 (1848): 2981–2997, 2006.
doi:10.1098/rsta.2006.1881 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000241921300011 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Kreckel, H; Motsch, M; Mikosch, J; Glosik, J; Plasil, R; Altevogt, S; Andrianarijaona, V; Buhr, H; Hoffmann, J; Lammich, L; Lestinsky, M; Nevo, I; Novotny, S; Orlov, DA; Pedersen, HB; Sprenger, F; Terekhov, AS; Toker, J; Wester, R; Gerlich, D; Schwalm, D; Wolf, A; Zajfman, D
High-Resolution Dissociative Recombination of Cold H3+ and First Evidence for Nuclear Spin Effects
Phys. Rev. Lett., 95 (26): Art. No. 263201 (4 pages), 2005.
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Pysanenko, A; Plasil, R; Glosik, J
The temperature dependence of electron-ion recombination in hydrogen plasma
Czech. J. Phys., 54: C1042–C1049, 2004.
doi:10.1007/BF03166528 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000226745800035 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Macko, P; Ban, G; Hlavenka, P; Plasil, R; Poterya, V; Pysanenko, A; Votava, O; Johnsen, R; Glosik, J
Afterglow studies of H-3(+)(v=0) recombination using time resolved cw-diode laser cavity ring-down spectroscopy
Int. J. Mass Spectrom., 233 (1-3): 299–304, 2004.
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Mikosch, J; Kreckel, H; Wester, R; Plasil, R; Glosik, J; Gerlich, D; Schwalm, D; Wolf, A
Action spectroscopy and temperature diagnostics of H-3(+) by chemical probing
J. Chem. Phys., 121 (22): 11030–11037, 2004.
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Macko, P; Bano, G; Hlavenka, P; Plasil, R; Poterya, V; Pysanenko, A; Dryahina, K; Votava, O; Glosik, J
Decay of H-3(+) dominated low-temperature plasma
Acta Phys. Slovaca, 54 (3): 263–271, 2004. - PDF ISI ID:000222041700007 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Bilyk, O; Holik, M; Pysanenko, A; Glosik, J; Kudrna, P; Plasil, R; Tichy, M
Langmuir probe diagnostic for measurement of recombination rates of positive ions with electrons in stationary afterglow system
Vacuum, 76 (4): 457–463, 2004.
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Glosik, J; Novotny, O; Pysanenko, A; Zakouril, P; Plasil, R; Kudrna, P; Poterya, V
The recombination of H-3(+) and H-5(+) ions with electrons in hydrogen plasma: dependence on temperature and on pressure of H-2
Plasma Sources Sci. Technol., 12 (4): S117–S122, 2003.
doi:10.1088/0963-0252/12/4/027 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000187210000016 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Plasil, R; Glosik, J; Poterya, V; Kudrna, P; Rusz, J; Tichy, M; Pysanenko, A
Advanced integrated stationary afterglow method for experimental study of recombination of processes of H-3(+) and D-3(+) ions with electrons
Int. J. Mass Spectrom., 218 (2): 105–130, 2002.
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Macko, P; Plasil, R; Kudrna, P; Hlavenka, P; Poterya, V; Pysanenko, A; Bano, G; Glosik, J
High-resolution cw-diode laser cavity ring-down spectroscopy in hydrogen plasma at room temperature
Czech. J. Phys., 52: 695–704, 2002.
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Poterya, V; Glosik, J; Plasil, R; Tichy, M; Kudrna, P; Pysanenko, A
Recombination of D-3(+) ions in the afterglow of a He-Ar-D-2 plasma
Phys. Rev. Lett., 88 (4): Art. No. 044802 (4 pages), 2002.
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Pysanenko, O; Novotny, O; Zakouril, P; Plasil, R; Poterya, V; Glosik, J
Recombination of H-3(+) and H-5(+) ions with electrons in He-Ar-H-2 flowing afterglow plasma
Czech. J. Phys., 52: 681–694, 2002.
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Glosik, J; Plasil, R; Poterya, V; Kudrna, P; Tichy, M; Pysanenko, A
Recombination of H-3(+) and D-3(+) with electrons: Low limit of the recombination rate coefficient.
Abstr. Pap. Am. Chem. Soc., 222: U209–U209, 2001. ISI ID:000170690101135 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Glosik, J; Plasil, R; Zakouril, P; Poterya, V
Dissociative recombination of protonated dimer ions.
Abstr. Pap. Am. Chem. Soc., 222: U212–U213, 2001. ISI ID:000170690101161 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Glosik, J; Plasil, R; Poterya, V; Kudrna, P; Tichy, M; Pysanenko, A
Experimental study of recombination of H-3(+) ions with electrons relevant for interstellar and planetary plasmas
J. Phys. B-At. Mol. Opt. Phys., 34 (15): L485–L494, 2001.
doi:10.1088/0953-4075/34/15/104 (abstract link) ISI ID:000170855200004 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Glosik, J; Plasil, R; Zakouril, P; Poterya, V
Dissociative recombination of protonated dimer ions H+center dot(HCOH)(2) and H+center dot(CH3COH)(2) with electrons at near thermal energies
J. Phys. B-At. Mol. Opt. Phys., 34 (14): 2781–2793, 2001.
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Glosik, J; Plasil, R
The recombination rate coefficient of a protonated acetone dimer with electrons: indication of a temperature dependence
J. Phys. B-At. Mol. Opt. Phys., 33 (20): 4483–4493, 2000.
doi:10.1088/0953-4075/33/20/320 (abstract link) ISI ID:000165230700040 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Glosik, J; Plasil, R; Poterya, V; Kudrna, P; Tichy, M
The recombination of H-3(+) ions with electrons: dependence on partial pressure of H-2
Chem. Phys. Lett., 331 (2-4): 209–214, 2000.
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Kudrna, P; Plasil, R; Glosik, J; Tichy, M; Poteriya, V; Rusz, J
Advanced integrated stationary afterglow apparatus for study of recombination in He-Ar-H-2 plasma
Czech. J. Phys., 50: 329–334, 2000.
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Plasil, R; Glosik, J; Zakouril, P
Formation and recombination of protonated acetonitrile clusters
J. Phys. B-At. Mol. Opt. Phys., 32 (14): 3575–3583, 1999.
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Glosik, J; Bano, G; Plasil, R; Luca, A; Zakouril, P
Study of the electron ion recombination in high pressure flowing afterglow: recombination of NH4 center dot+ (NH3)(2)
Int. J. Mass Spectrom., 189 (2-3): 103–113, 1999.
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