Adhikari, L; Zank, GP; Zhao, L; Wang, B; Tang, B; Telloni, D; Pitna, A; Nykyri, K
MHD Inertial and Energy-containing Range Turbulence Anisotropy in the Young Solar Wind
Astrophys. J., 965 (1): Art. No. 94 (11 pages), 2024.
Aghabozorgi Nafchi, M; Němec, F; Pi, G; Němeček, Z; Šafránková, J; Grygorov, K; Šimůnek, J; Tsai, T-C
Magnetopause location modeling using machine learning: inaccuracy due to solar wind parameter propagation
Front. Astron. Space Sci., 11: Art. No. 1390427 (11 pages), 2024.
Basuvaraj, PK; Němec, F; Fowler, CM; Regoli, LH; Němeček, Z; Šafránková, J
On the Formation Mechanism of Martian Dayside Ionospheric Plasma Depletion Events
J. Geophys. Res. Planets, 129 (6): Art. No. e2023JE008227 (15 pages), 2024.
Cerovsky, J; Ficker, O; Mlynar, J; Tomesova, E; Cavalier, J; Weinzettl, V; Jerab, M; Caloud, J; Farnik, M; Casolari, A; Varju, J; Barton, P; Lang, PT; Ploeckl, B; Panek, R; Hron, M; COMPASS team; MST1 team
Installation of the room temperature solid state pellet injector for investigation of runaway electrons at the COMPASS tokamak
Fusion Eng. Des., 201 (Apr): Art. No. 114270 (12 pages), 2024.
Drastichová, K; Němec, F; Manninen, J
Whistler‐Mode Waves Observed by the DEMETER Spacecraft and the Kannuslehto Station: Spatial Extent and Propagation to the Ground
J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys., 129 (9): Art. No. e2024JA032802 (12 pages), 2024.
Ďurovcová, T; Šafránková, J; Němeček, Z
How Does the Structure of Rarefaction Regions Develop?
Astrophys. J., 966 (1): Art. No. 81 (12 pages), 2024.
Fatemi, S; Hamrin, M; Krämer, E; Gunell, H; Nordin, G; Karlsson, T; Goncharov, O
Unveiling the 3D structure of magnetosheath jets
Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 531 (4): 4692–4713, 2024.
Hanzelka, M; Santolík, O
Theories of Growth and Propagation of Parallel Whistler-Mode Chorus Emissions: A Review
Surv. Geophys., 45 (1): 1–54, 2024.
Hou, C; Rouillard, AP; He, J; Gannouni, B; Réville, V; Louarn, P; Fedorov, A; Přech, L; Owen, CJ; Verscharen, D; D’Amicis, R; Sorriso-Valvo, L; Fargette, N; Coburn, J; Génot, V; Raines, JM; Bruno, R; Livi, S; Lavraud, B; André, N; Fruit, G; Kieokaew, R; Plotnikov, I; Penou, E; Barthe, A; Kataria, D; Berthomier, M; Allegrini, F; Fortunato, V; Mele, G; Horbury, T
Connecting Solar Wind Velocity Spikes Measured by Solar Orbiter and Coronal Brightenings Observed by SDO
Astrophys. J. Lett., 968 (2): Art. No. L28 (9 pages), 2024.
Chum, J; Langer, R; Kolmašová, I; Lhotka, O; Rusz, J; Strhárský, I
Solar cycle signatures in lightning activity
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 24 (16): 9119–9130, 2024.
Ijaz, S; Vaverka, J; Šafránková, J; Němeček, Z
Study of Dust Impact Signals around Mars Using MAVEN/LPW Observations
Astrophys. J., 970 (2): Art. No. 175 (11 pages), 2024.
Janda, B; Němec, F; Němeček, Z; Šafránková, J
Dawn‐Dusk Asymmetry of the Magnetopause Distance Under the Parker Spiral Configuration of the IMF
J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys., 129 (11): Art. No. e2024JA033181 (9 pages), 2024.
Jones, GH; Snodgrass, C; Tubiana, C; Küppers, M; Kawakita, H; Lara, LM; ... Pommerol, A; Prech, L; Rando, N; .... Valavanoglou, A; Vaverka, J; Wang, W; Wang, X-D; Wattieaux, G; Wieser, M; Wolf, S; Yano, H; Yoshikawa, I; Zakharov, V; Zawistowski, T; Zuppella, P; Rinaldi, G; Ji, H
The Comet Interceptor Mission
Space Sci. Rev., 220 (1): Art. No. 9 (83 pages), 2024.
Kašpar, P; Marshall, T; Stolzenburg, M; Kolmašová, I; Santolík, O
Electromagnetic Model of K‐Changes
J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 129 (20): Art. No. e2023JD040503 (13 pages), 2024.
Kočiščák, S; Kvammen, A; Mann, I; Meyer-Vernet, N; Píša, D; Souček, J; Theodorsen, A; Vaverka, J; Zaslavsky, A
Impact ionization double peaks analyzed in high temporal resolution on Solar Orbiter
Ann. Geophys., 42 (1): 191–212, 2024.
Kolmašová, I; Santolík, O; Manninen, J
Whistler echo trains triggered by energetic winter lightning
Nat. Commun., 15 (1): Art. No. 7166 (10 pages), 2024.
Krämer, E; Koller, F; Suni, J; LaMoury, AT; Pöppelwerth, A; Glebe, G; Mohammed-Amin, T; Raptis, S; Vuorinen, L; Weiss, S; Xirogiannopoulou, N; Archer, M; Blanco-Cano, X; Gunell, H; Hietala, H; Karlsson, T; Plaschke, F; Preisser, L; Roberts, O; Simon Wedlund, C; Temmer, M; Vörös, Z
Jets Downstream of Collisionless Shocks: Recent Discoveries and Challenges
Space Sci. Rev., 221 (1): Art. No. 4 (59 pages), 2024.
Krupar, V; Kruparova, O; Szabo, A; Nemec, F; Maksimovic, M; Martinez Oliveros, JC; Lario, D; Bonnin, X; Vecchio, A; Pulupa, M; Bale, SD
Comparative Analysis of Type III Radio Bursts and Solar Flares: Spatial Localization and Correlation with Solar Flare Intensity
Astrophys. J., 961 (1): Art. No. 88 (8 pages), 2024.
Krupar, V; Kruparova, O; Szabo, A; Wilson, LB; Nemec, F; Santolik, O; Pulupa, M; Issautier, K; Bale, SD; Maksimovic, M
Radial Variations in Solar Type III Radio Bursts
Astrophys. J. Lett., 967 (2): Art. No. L32 (11 pages), 2024.
Linzmayer, V; Němec, F; Němeček, Z; Šafránková, J
Martian bow shock and magnetic pileup boundary models based on machine learning
Adv. Space Res., 73 (12): 6298–6309, 2024.
Linzmayer, V; Němec, F; Santolík, O; Kolmašová, I
Lightning‐Induced Energetic Electron Precipitation Observed in Long‐Term DEMETER Spacecraft Measurements
J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys., 129 (8): Art. No. e2024JA032713 (9 pages), 2024.
Louarn, P; Fedorov, A; Prech, L; Owen, CJ; D’Amicis, R; Bruno, R; Livi, S; Lavraud, B; Rouillard, AP; Génot, V; André, N; Fruit, G; Réville, V; Kieokaew, R; Plotnikov, I; Penou, E; Barthe, A; Lewis, G; Berthomier, M; Allegrini, F; Alterman, BL; Lepri, ST; Raines, JM; Verscharen, D; Mele, G; Fargette, N; Horbury, TS; Maksimovic, M; Kasper, JC; Bale, SD
Skewness and kurtosis of solar wind proton distribution functions: The normal inverse-Gaussian model and its implications
A&A, 682 (Feb): Art. No. A44 (14 pages), 2024.
Němec, F; Drastichová, K; Manninen, J; Martinez‐Calderon, C; Shiokawa, K; Connors, M
Comparison of Very Low Frequency Wave Intensities Measured by a Low‐Altitude Spacecraft and on the Ground
J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys., 129 (7): Art. No. e2024JA032655 (16 pages), 2024.
Němec, F; Santolík, O; Hospodarsky, GB; Kurth, WS
Magnetospheric Line Radiation: Temporal Modulation Corresponding to a Bouncing Wave
Geophys. Res. Lett., 51 (19): Art. No. e2024GL111477 (9 pages), 2024.
Němec, F; Santolík, O; Hospodarsky, GB; Kurth, WS
Quasiperiodic Emissions: Fine Structure Corresponding to a Bouncing Wave
Geophys. Res. Lett., 51 (2): Art. No. e2023GL106459 (9 pages), 2024.
Nouzák, L; Broulím, J; Fontanese, J; Mašek, K; Horanyi, M; Sternovsky, Z
Characterizing the response of Timepix solid state detectors to dust impacts
Icarus, 418: Art. No. 116155 (9 pages), 2024.
Peter, K; Sánchez-Cano, B; Němec, F; González-Galindo, F; Kopf, AJ; Lester, M; Pätzold, M; Regan, CE; Holmström, M
The Ionosphere of Mars After 20 Years of Mars Express Contributions
Space Sci. Rev., 220 (4): Art. No. 41 (28 pages), 2024.
Pi, G; Němeček, Z; Šafránková, J; Grygorov, K
Spatial profiles of magnetosheath parameters under different IMF orientations: THEMIS observations
Front. Astron. Space Sci., 11: Art. No. 1401078 (13 pages), 2024.
Pitňa, A; Šafránková, J; Němeček, Z; Pi, G; Zank, G; Zhao, L; Adhikari, L; Nakanotani, M
Turbulent Heating of Solar Wind Plasma Downstream of Magnetohydrodynamic Shocks
Astrophys. J., 963 (2): Art. No. 161 (12 pages), 2024.
Salohub, A; Šafránková, J; Němeček, Z; Pi, G
A Novel Determination of the Foreshock ULF Boundary: Statistical Approach
J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys., 129 (12): Art. No. e2024JA033195 (13 pages), 2024.
Santolík, O; Shprits, Y; Kolmašová, I; Wang, D; Taubenschuss, U; Turčičová, M; Hanzelka, M
Strong Effects of Chorus Waves on Radiation Belts Expected for Future Magnetic Superstorms
AGU Advances, 5 (5): Art. No. e2024AV001234 (8 pages), 2024.
Silwal, A; Zhao, L; Zank, GP; Wang, B; Pitña, A; Gautam, SP; Park, B; Nakanotani, M; Zhu, X
Multispecies Energetic Particle Acceleration Associated with CIR and ICME-driven Shocks
Astrophys. J., 972 (2): Art. No. 168 (14 pages), 2024.
Xirogiannopoulou, N; Goncharov, O; Šafránková, J; Němeček, Z
Characteristics of Foreshock Subsolar Compressive Structures
J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys., 129 (2): Art. No. e2023JA032033 (11 pages), 2024.
Zank, GP; Zhao, L-L; Adhikari, L; Telloni, D; Baruwal, P; Baruwal, P; Zhu, X; Nakanotani, M; Pitňa, A; Kasper, JC; Bale, SD
Characterization of Turbulent Fluctuations in the Sub-Alfvénic Solar Wind
Astrophys. J., 966 (1): Art. No. 75 (17 pages), 2024.
Kolinska, A; Kolmasova, I; Defer, E; Santolik, O
Post-Return Stroke VHF Electromagnetic Activity in North-Western Mediterranean CG Flashes
Proc. URSI AT-RASC 2024, (4 pages), 2024.
Adhikari, L; Zank, GP; Wang, B; Zhao, L; Telloni, D; Pitna, A; Opher, M; Shrestha, B; McComas, DJ; Nykyri, K
Theory and Transport of Nearly Incompressible Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence: High Plasma Beta Regime
Astrophys. J., 953 (1): Art. No. 44 (14 pages), 2023.
Aghabozorgi Nafchi, M; Němec, F; Pi, G; Němeček, Z; Šafránková, J; Grygorov, K; Šimůnek, J
Interplanetary Magnetic Field B y Controls the Magnetopause Location
J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys., 128 (5): Art. No. e2023JA031303 (8 pages), 2023.
Bezděková, B; Němec, F; Manninen, J; Santolík, O; Hospodarsky, GB; Kurth, WS
Very Low Frequency Whistler Mode Wave Events Observed Simultaneously by the Kannuslehto Station and Van Allen Probes
J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys., 128 (1): Art. No. e2022JA03107 (12 pages), 2023.
Brunet, A; Dahmen, N; Katsavrias, C; Santolík, O; Bernoux, G; Pierrard, V; Botek, E; Darrouzet, F; Nasi, A; Aminalragia‐Giamini, S; Papadimitriou, C; Bourdarie, S; Daglis, IA
Improving the Electron Radiation Belt Nowcast and Forecast Using the SafeSpace Data Assimilation Modeling Pipeline
Space Weather, 21 (8): Art. No. e2022SW003377 (21 pages), 2023.
Dandouras, I; Taylor, MGGT; De Keyser, J; Futaana, Y; Bamford, RA; Branduardi-Raymont, G; Chaufray, J-Y; Constantinescu, D; De Angelis, E; Devoto, P; Eastwood, J; Echim, M; Garnier, P; Grison, B; Hercik, D; Lammer, H; Laurens, A; Leblanc, F; Milillo, A; Nakamura, R; Přech, L; Roussos, E; Štverák, Š; Forest, J; Trouche, A; Hess, SLG; Mateo-Vélez, J-C; Carpenter, J; Winter, J
Space plasma physics science opportunities for the lunar orbital platform - Gateway
Front. Astron. Space Sci., 10: Art. No. 1120302 (30 pages), 2023.
Fletcher, LN; Cavalié, T; Grassi, D; Hueso, R; Lara, LM; Kaspi, Y; Galanti, E; Greathouse, TK; Molyneux, PM; Galand, M; Vallat, C; Witasse, O; Lorente, R; Hartogh, P; Poulet, F; Langevin, Y; Palumbo, P; Gladstone, GR; Retherford, KD; Dougherty, MK; Wahlund, J-E; Barabash, S; Iess, L; Bruzzone, L; Hussmann, H; Gurvits, LI; Santolik, O; Kolmasova, I; Fischer, G; Müller-Wodarg, I; Piccioni, G; Fouchet, T; Gérard, J-C; Sánchez-Lavega, A; Irwin, PGJ; Grodent, D; Altieri, F; Mura, A; Drossart, P; Kammer, J; Giles, R; Cazaux, S; Jones, G; Smirnova, M; Lellouch, E; Medvedev, AS; Moreno, R; Rezac, L; Coustenis, A; Costa, M
Jupiter Science Enabled by ESA’s Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer
Space Sci. Rev., 219 (7): Art. No. 53 (75 pages), 2023.
Gohl, S; Bergmann, B; Kaplan, M; Němec, F
Measurement of electron fluxes in a Low Earth Orbit with SATRAM and comparison to EPT data
Adv. Space Res., 72 (6): 2362–2376, 2023.
Hajoš, M; Němec, F; Demekhov, A; Santolík, O; Parrot, M; Raita, T; Bezděková, B
Quasiperiodic ELF/VLF Emissions Associated With Corresponding Pulsations of the Geomagnetic Field
J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys., 128 (4): Art. No. e2022JA031103 (13 pages), 2023.
Hartley, DP; Christopher, IW; Kletzing, CA; Kurth, WS; Santolik, O; Kolmasova, I; Argall, MR; Ahmadi, N
Chorus Wave Properties From Van Allen Probes: Quantifying the Impact of the Sheath Corrected Electric Field
Geophys. Res. Lett., 50 (7) (10 pages), 2023.
Horbury, TS; Bale, SD; McManus, MD; Larson, D; Kasper, JC; Laker, R; Matteini, L; Raouafi, NE; Velli, M; Woodham, LD; Woolley, T; Fedorov, A; Louarn, P; Kieokaew, R; Durovcova, T; Chandran, B; Owen, CJ
Switchbacks, microstreams, and broadband turbulence in the solar wind
Phys. Plasmas, 30 (8): Art. No. 082905 (10 pages), 2023.
Kolmašová, I; Santolík, O; Imai, M; Kurth, WS; Hospodarsky, GB; Connerney, JEP; Bolton, SJ; Lán, R
Lightning at Jupiter pulsates with a similar rhythm as in-cloud lightning at Earth
Nat. Commun., 14 (1): Art. No. 2707 (9 pages), 2023.
Kolmašová, I; Scholten, O; Santolík, O; Hare, BM; Zacharov, P; Lán, R; Liu, N; Dwyer, JR
A Strong Pulsing Nature of Negative Intracloud Dart Leaders Accompanied by Regular Trains of Microsecond‐Scale Pulses
Geophys. Res. Lett., 50 (10): Art. No. e2023GL103864 (10 pages), 2023.
Krämer, E; Hamrin, M; Gunell, H; Karlsson, T; Steinvall, K; Goncharov, O; André, M
Waves in Magnetosheath Jets—Classification and the Search for Generation Mechanisms Using MMS Burst Mode Data
J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys., 128 (7): Art. No. e2023JA031621 (20 pages), 2023.
Kurth, WS; Wilkinson, DR; Hospodarsky, GB; Santolík, O; Averkamp, TF; Sulaiman, AH; Menietti, JD; Connerney, JEP; Allegrini, F; Mauk, BH; Bolton, SJ
Juno Plasma Wave Observations at Europa
Geophys. Res. Lett., 50 (24): Art. No. e2023GL105775 (9 pages), 2023.
Kvammen, A; Wickstrøm, K; Kociscak, S; Vaverka, J; Nouzak, L; Zaslavsky, A; Rackovic Babic, K; Gjelsvik, A; Pisa, D; Soucek, J; Mann, I
Machine learning detection of dust impact signals observed by the Solar Orbiter
Ann. Geophys., 41 (1): 69–86, 2023.
Lotz, S; Nel, AE; Wicks, RT; Roberts, OW; Engelbrecht, NE; Strauss, RD; Botha, GJJ; Kontar, EP; Pitňa, A; Bale, SD
The Radial Variation of the Solar Wind Turbulence Spectra near the Kinetic Break Scale from Parker Solar Probe Measurements
Astrophys. J., 942 (2): Art. No. 93 (10 pages), 2023.
Němec, F; Manninen, J; Santolík, O; Hospodarsky, GB; Kurth, WS
Magnetospheric Line Radiation Observed Close to the Source: Properties and Propagation
J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys., 128 (6): Art. No. e2023JA031454 (9 pages), 2023.
Němec, F; Partík, V; Parrot, M
On the fine inner structure of whistler mode quasiperiodic emissions
Adv. Space Res., 71 (11): 4626–4635, 2023.
Němeček, Z; Šafránková, J; Grygorov, K; Mokrý, A; Pi, G; Aghabozorgi Nafchi, M; Němec, F; Xirogiannopoulou, N; Šimůnek, J
Extremely Distant Magnetopause Locations Caused by Magnetosheath Jets
Geophys. Res. Lett., 50 (24): Art. No. e2023GL106131 (9 pages), 2023.
Park, B; Pitňa, A; Šafránková, J; Němeček, Z; Krupařová, O; Krupař, V; Zhao, L; Silwal, A
Change of Spectral Properties of Magnetic Field Fluctuations across Different Types of Interplanetary Shocks
Astrophys. J. Lett., 954 (2): Art. No. L51 (8 pages), 2023.
Pavlů, L; Zádorová, T; Pavlů, J; Tejnecký, V; Drábek, O; Rojas, JR; Thai, S; Penížek, V
Prediction of the distribution of soil properties in deep Colluvisols in different pedogeographic regions (Czech Republic) using diffuse reflectance infrared spectroscopy
Soil and Tillage Research, 234 (Oct): Art. No. 105844 (13 pages), 2023.
Phillips, SR; Narvaez, C; Němec, F; Withers, P; Felici, M; Mendillo, M
The Martian ionosphere at solar minimum: Empirical model validation using MAVEN ROSE data
Icarus, 393: Art. No. 114609 (7 pages), 2023.
Šafránková, J; Němeček, Z; Němec, F; Verscharen, D; Horbury, TS; Bale, SD; Přech, L
Evolution of Magnetic Field Fluctuations and Their Spectral Properties within the Heliosphere: Statistical Approach
Astrophys. J. Lett., 946 (2): Art. No. L44 (9 pages), 2023.
Wild, J; Čížek, J; Nouzák, L; Pavlů, J; Šafránková, J; Němeček, Z; Vaverka, J; Nosek, D; Burian, T; Wildová, A; Broulím, J
Laboratory Simulation of the Positron–Dust Interaction and its Implication for Interstellar Dark Clouds
Astrophys. J., 942 (1): Art. No. 42 (13 pages), 2023.
Yang, H-F; Zhao, G-Q; Feng, H-Q; Pi, G; Liu, Q; Xiang, L; Li, Q-H; Ren, D-Y
Observation of Small-amplitude Electromagnetic Cyclotron Waves in the Solar Wind
Res. Astron. Astrophys., 23 (4): Art. No. 045009 (9 pages), 2023.
Zank, GP; Zhao, L-L; Adhikari, L; Nakanotani, M; Pitňa, A; Telloni, D; Che, H
Linear Mode Decomposition in Magnetohydrodynamics Revisited
Astrophys. J. Suppl. Ser., 268 (1): Art. No. 18 (38 pages), 2023.
Zhang, H; Titus, P; Peterka, M; Barton, P; Vondracek, P
COMPASS-U Global Heat Balance Calculations
IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci., 51 (3): 922–926, 2023.
Adhikari, L; Zank, GP; Telloni, D; Zhao, L-L; Pitna, A
Slow solar wind modeling of the Metis/Solar Orbiter – Parker Solar Probe quadrature
J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., 2544 (1): Art. No. 012007 (9 pages), 2023.
Pitna, A; Zank, GP; Nakanotani, M; Zhao, L-L; Adhikari, L; Safrankova, J; Nemecek, Z
Transmission of magnetic island modes across interplanetary shocks: comparison of theory and observations
J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., 2544 (1): Art. No. 012009 (9 pages), 2023.
Basuvaraj, PK; Němec, F; Němeček, Z; Šafránková, J
Ionospheric Plasma Depletions at Mars Observed by the MAVEN Spacecraft
J. Geophys. Res. Planets, 127 (11): Art. No. e2022JE007302 (14 pages), 2022.
Bezděková, B; Němec, F; Manninen, J
Ground-based VLF wave intensity variations investigated by the principal component analysis
Earth Planets Space, 74 (1): Art. No. 30 (15 pages), 2022.
Dahmen, N; Sicard, A; Brunet, A; Santolik, O; Pierrard, V; Botek, E; Darrouzet, F; Katsavrias, C
FARWEST: Efficient Computation of Wave‐Particle Interactions for a Dynamic Description of the Electron Radiation Belt Diffusion
J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys., 127 (10): Art. No. e2022JA030518 (21 pages), 2022.
Gohl, S; Malich, M; Bergmann, B; Burian, P; Granja, C; Heijne, E; Holik, M; Jacubek, J; Janecek, J; Marek, L; Oancea, C; Petro, M; Pospisil, S; Smetana, A; Soukup, P; Turecek, D; Vuolo, M
A miniaturized radiation monitor for continuous dosimetry and particle identification in space
J. Instrum., 17 (01): Art. No. C01066 (12 pages), 2022.
Grygorov, K; Němeček, Z; Šafránková, J; Šimůnek, J; Gutynska, O
Storm‐Time Magnetopause: Pressure Balance
J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys., 127 (11): Art. No. e2022JA030803 (13 pages), 2022.
Hanzelka, M; Němec, F; Santolík, O; Parrot, M
Statistical Analysis of Wave Propagation Properties of Equatorial Noise Observed at Low Altitudes
J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys., 127 (7): Art. No. e2022JA030416 (14 pages), 2022.
Hartley, DP; Chen, L; Christopher, IW; Kletzing, CA; Santolik, O; Li, W; Shi, R
The Angular Distribution of Lower Band Chorus Waves Near Plasmaspheric Plumes
Geophys. Res. Lett., 49 (9): Art. No. e2022GL098710 (11 pages), 2022.
Hartley, DP; Christopher, IW; Kletzing, CA; Kurth, WS; Santolik, O; Kolmasova, I; Wygant, JR; Bonnell, JW
Quantifying the Sheath Impedance of the Electric Double Probe Instrument on the Van Allen Probes
J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys., 127 (5): Art. No. e2022JA030369 (27 pages), 2022.
Hron, M; Adámek, J; Cavalier, J; Dejarnac, R; Ficker, O; Grover, O; Horáček, J; Komm, M; Macúšová, E; Matveeva, E; Pánek, R; Peterka, M; Seidl, J; Tskhakaya, D; Yanovskiy, V; Artola, FJ; Atikukke, S; Bartoň, P; Bencze, A; Berta, M; Bílková, P; Bin, W; Bogár, K; Bogár, O; Böhm, P; Borodkina, I; Brezinsek, S; Brochard, F; Buratti, P; Čaloud, J; Casolari, A; Castaldo, C; Čečrdle, J; Čeřovský, J; Cipciar, D; Devitre, A; Dimitrova, M; Ďuran, I; Entler, S; Farník, M; Fernandes, H; Fridrich, D; Fuková, Š; Gauthier, E; Gerardin, J; Gobbin, M; Grenfell, G; Gribov, Y; Grof, M; Gunn, J; Háček, P; Havlíček, J; Havránek, A; Hidalgo, C; Hromasová, K; Hronova, O; Iafrati, M; Imríšek, M; Isernia, N; Jaulmes, F; Jeřáb, M; Jirsa, M; Junek, P; Kallenbach, A; Kovanda, O; Kovařík, K; Krbec, J; Kripner, L; Krlín, L; Kulhánek, P; Lehnen, M; Lemoine, N; Litaudon, X; Liu, YQ; Logan, NC; Loarer, T; Loarte, A; Lourenco, P; Lukes, S; Mácha, P; Rabinski, M; Marin Roldan, A; Markovič, T; Matějíček, J; Mazzitelli, G; Mlynář, J; Mysiura, I; Napoli, F; Naydenkova, D; Park, J-K; Patel, N; Pavlo, P; Pitts, R; Podolník, A; Poradzinski, M; Preinhaelter, J; Prishvitsin, A; Refy, D; Roccella, R; Šesták, D; Shyshkin, O; Škvára, V; Šos, M; Spolaore, M; Stöckel, J; Svoboda, J; Tomeš, M; Torres, A; Turjanica, P; Tynan, G; Valovič, M; Van Oost, G; Varavin, M; Varju, J; Veis, P; Vilemova, M; Villone, F; Vondráček, P; Weinzettl, V; Žáček, F; Zadvitskiy, G; Zajac, J; Zaloga, DR; Zebrowski, J; Zoletnik, S
Overview of the COMPASS results
Nucl. Fusion, 62 (4): Art. No. 042021 (17 pages), 2022.
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Lightning activity in northern Europe during a stormy winter: disruptions of weather patterns originating in global climate phenomena
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 22 (5): 3379–3389, 2022.
Kolmašová, I; Santolík, O; Šlegl, J; Popová, J; Sokol, Z; Zacharov, P; Ploc, O; Diendorfer, G; Langer, R; Lán, R; Strhárský, I
Continental thunderstorm ground enhancement observed at an exceptionally low altitude
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 22 (12): 7959–7973, 2022.
Kolmašová, I; Soula, S; Santolík, O; Farges, T; Bousquet, O; Diendorfer, G; Lán, R; Uhlíř, L
A Frontal Thunderstorm With Several Multi‐Cell Lines Found to Produce Energetic Preliminary Breakdown
J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 127 (4): Art. No. e2021JD035780 (18 pages), 2022.
Krasnoselskikh, V; Tsurutani, BT; Dudok de Wit, T; Walker, S; Balikhin, M; Balat-Pichelin, M; Velli, M; Bale, SD; Maksimovic, M; Agapitov, O; Baumjohann, W; Berthomier, M; Bruno, R; Cranmer, SR; de Pontieu, B; Meneses, Dde S; Eastwood, J; Erdelyi, R; Ergun, R; Fedun, V; Ganushkina, N; Greco, A; Harra, L; Henri, P; Horbury, T; Hudson, H; Kasper, J; Khotyaintsev, Y; Kretzschmar, M; Krucker, S; Kucharek, H; Langevin, Y; Lavraud, B; Lebreton, J-P; Lepri, S; Liemohn, M; Louarn, P; Moebius, E; Mozer, F; Nemecek, Z; Panasenco, O; Retino, A; Safrankova, J; Scudder, J; Servidio, S; Sorriso-Valvo, L; Souček, J; Szabo, A; Vaivads, A; Vekstein, G; Vörös, Z; Zaqarashvili, T; Zimbardo, G; Fedorov, A
ICARUS: in-situ studies of the solar corona beyond Parker Solar Probe and Solar Orbiter
Exp. Astron., 54 (2-3): 277–315, 2022.
Liu, NY; Scholten, O; Hare, BM; Dwyer, JR; Sterpka, CF; Kolmašová, I; Santolík, O
LOFAR Observations of Lightning Initial Breakdown Pulses
Geophys. Res. Lett., 49 (6): Art. No. e2022GL098073 (10 pages), 2022.
Miyoshi, Y; Shinohara, I; Ukhorskiy, S; Claudepierre, SG; Mitani, T; Takashima, T; Hori, T; Santolik, O; Kolmasova, I; Matsuda, S; Kasahara, Y; Teramoto, M; Katoh, Y; Hikishima, M; Kojima, H; Kurita, S; Imajo, S; Higashio, N; Kasahara, S; Yokota, S; Asamura, K; Kazama, Y; Wang, S-Y; Jun, C-W; Kasaba, Y; Kumamoto, A; Tsuchiya, F; Shoji, M; Nakamura, S; Kitahara, M; Matsuoka, A; Shiokawa, K; Seki, K; Nosé, M; Takahashi, K; Martinez-Calderon, C; Hospodarsky, G; Colpitts, C; Kletzing, C; Wygant, J; Spence, H; Baker, DN; Reeves, GD; Blake, JB; Lanzerotti, L
Collaborative Research Activities of the Arase and Van Allen Probes
Space Sci. Rev., 218 (5): Art. No. 38 (27 pages), 2022.
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Moonraker: Enceladus Multiple Flyby Mission
Planet. Sci. J., 3 (12): Art. No. 268 (12 pages), 2022.
Němec, F; Santolík, O; Hospodarsky, GB; Kurth, WS
Alpha Transmitter Signals Observed by the Van Allen Probes: Ducted Versus Nonducted Propagation
Geophys. Res. Lett., 49 (12): Art. No. e2022GL098328 (10 pages), 2022.
Němec, F; Santolík, O; Hospodarsky, GB; Kurth, WS; Kletzing, C
Power Line Harmonic Radiation Observed by the Van Allen Probes Spacecraft
J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys., 127 (6): Art. No. e2022JA030320 (16 pages), 2022.
Parrot, M; Němec, F; Cohen, MB; Gołkowski, M
On the use of ELF/VLF emissions triggered by HAARP to simulate PLHR and to study associated MLR events
Earth Planets Space, 74 (1): Art. No. 4 (23 pages), 2022.
Parrot, M; Němec, F; Santolík, O
Properties of AKR‐Like Emissions Recorded by the Low Altitude Satellite DEMETER During 6.5 Years
J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys., 127 (6): Art. No. e2022JA030495 (11 pages), 2022.
Peterson, MJ; Lang, TJ; Logan, T; Wee Kiong, C; Gijben, M; Holle, R; Kolmasova, I; Marisaldi, M; Montanya, J; Pawar, SD; Zhang, D; Brunet, M; Cerveny, RS
New WMO Certified Megaflash Lightning Extremes for Flash Distance and Duration Recorded from Space
Bull Am Met Soc, 103 (4): 257–261, 2022.
Pi, G; Pitňa, A; Zhao, G-Q; Němeček, Z; Šafránková, J; Tsai, T-C
Properties of Magnetic Field Fluctuations in Long-Lasting Radial IMF Events from Wind Observation
Atmosphere, 13 (2): Art. No. 173 (18 pages), 2022.
Salohub, A; Šafránková, J; Němeček, Z; Němec, F; Pi, G
ULF Waves/Fluctuations in the Distant Foreshock: Statistical Approach
J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys., 127 (12) (13 pages), 2022.
Savin, SP; Lyakhov, VV; Neshchadim, VM; Zelenyi, LM; Nemecek, Z; Shafrankova, J; Wang, C; Klimov, SI; Skalskii, SA; Ryazantseva, MO; Rakhmanova, LS; Blecki, J; Lezhen, LA
Bow Shock Eigenmodes and Their Interconnection with Magnetospheric Resonances
J. Exp. Theor. Phys., 134 (3): 321–326, 2022.
Scholten, O; Hare, B M; Dwyer, J; Liu, N; Sterpka, C; Kolmašová, I; Santolík, O; Lán, R; Uhlíř, L; Buitink, S; Huege, T; Nelles, A; ter Veen, S
Interferometric imaging of intensely radiating negative leaders
Phys. Rev. D, 105 (6): Art. No. 062007 (12 pages), 2022.
Sulaiman, AH; Mauk, BH; Szalay, JR; Allegrini, F; Clark, G; Gladstone, GR; Kotsiaros, S; Kurth, WS; Bagenal, F; Bonfond, B; Connerney, JEP; Ebert, RW; Elliott, SS; Gershman, DJ; Hospodarsky, GB; Hue, V; Lysak, RL; Masters, A; Santolík, O; Saur, J; Bolton, SJ
Jupiter's Low‐Altitude Auroral Zones: Fields, Particles, Plasma Waves, and Density Depletions
J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys., 127 (8): Art. No. e2022JA030334 (24 pages), 2022.
Výbošťoková, T; Švanda, M
Correlation of anomaly rates in the Slovak electric transmission grid with geomagnetic activity
Adv. Space Res., 70 (11): 3769–3780, 2022.
Yang, H-F; Zhao, G-Q; Feng, H-Q; Pi, G; Liu, Q; Xiang, L; Li, Q-H
A Study on Low Frequency Electromagnetic Cyclotron Waves in the Solar Wind
Res. Astron. Astrophys., 22 (6): Art. No. 065007 (9 pages), 2022.
Antonsen, T; Mann, I; Vaverka, J; Nouzak, L; Fredriksen, Å
A comparison of contact charging and impact ionization in low-velocity impacts: implications for dust detection in space
Ann. Geophys., 39 (3): 533–548, 2021.
Bezděková, B; Němec, F; Parrot, M; Kruparova, O; Krupar, V
Using Principal Component Analysis to Characterize the Variability of VLF Wave Intensities Measured by a Low‐Altitude Spacecraft and Caused by Interplanetary Shocks
J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys., 126 (5): Art. No. e2021JA029158 (14 pages), 2021.
Ďurovcová, T; Šafránková, J; Němeček, Z
Proton Beam Abundance Variations and Their Relation to Alpha Particle Properties
Astrophys. J., 923 (2): Art. No. 170 (8 pages), 2021.
Fedorov, A; Louarn, P; Owen, CJ; Horbury, TS; Prech, L; Durovcova, T; Barthe, A; Rouillard, AP; Kasper, JC; Bale, SD; Bruno, R; O’Brien, H; Evans, V; Angelini, V; Larson, D; Livi, R; Lavraud, B; Andre, N; Genot, V; Penou, E; Mele, G; Fortunato, V
Switchback-like structures observed by Solar Orbiter
Astron. Astrophys., 656: Art. No. A40 (7 pages), 2021.
Gohl, S; Němec, F; Parrot, M
Variations in Energetic Particle Fluxes around Significant Geomagnetic Storms Observed by the Low-Altitude DEMETER Spacecraft
Universe, 7 (8): Art. No. 260 (12 pages), 2021.
González‐Galindo, F; Eusebio, D; Němec, F; Peter, K; Kopf, A; Tellmann, S; Paetzold, M
Seasonal and Geographical Variability of the Martian Ionosphere From Mars Express Observations
J. Geophys. Res. Planets, 126 (2): Art. No. e2020JE006661 (15 pages), 2021.
Chum, J; Kollárik, M; Kolmašová, I; Langer, R; Rusz, J; Saxonbergová, D; Strhárský, I
Influence of Solar Wind on Secondary Cosmic Rays and Atmospheric Electricity
Front. Earth Sci., 9: Art. No. 671801 (15 pages), 2021.
Kolmašová, I; Santolík, O; Kašpar, P; Popek, M; Pizzuti, A; Spurný, P; Borovička, J; Mlynarczyk, J; Manninen, J; Macotela, EL; Zacharov, P; Lán, R; Uhlíř, L; Diendorfer, G; Bennett, A; Füllekrug, M; Slošiar, R
First Observations of Elves and Their Causative Very Strong Lightning Discharges in an Unusual Small‐Scale Continental Spring‐Time Thunderstorm
J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 126 (1): Art. No. e2020JD032825 (23 pages), 2021.
Lavraud, B; Kieokaew, R; Fargette, N; Louarn, P; Fedorov, A; André, N; Fruit, G; Génot, V; Réville, V; Rouillard, AP; Plotnikov, I; Penou, E; Barthe, A; Prech, L; Owen, CJ; Bruno, R; Allegrini, F; Berthomier, M; Kataria, D; Livi, S; Raines, JM; D’Amicis, R; Eastwood, JP; Froment, C; Laker, R; Maksimovic, M; Marcucci, F; Perri, S; Perrone, D; Phan, TD; Stansby, D; Stawarz, J; Toledo-Redondo, S; Vaivads, A; Verscharen, D; Zouganelis, I; Angelini, V; Evans, V; Horbury, TS; O’Brien, H
Magnetic reconnection as a mechanism to produce multiple thermal proton populations and beams locally in the solar wind
Astron. Astrophys., 656: Art. No. A37 (8 pages), 2021.
Louarn, P; Fedorov, A; Prech, L; Owen, CJ; Bruno, R; Livi, S; Lavraud, B; Rouillard, AP; Génot, V; André, N; Fruit, G; Réville, V; Kieokaew, R; Plotnikov, I; Penou, E; Barthe, A; Khataria, D; Berthomier, M; D’Amicis, R; Sorriso-Valvo, L; Allegrini, F; Raines, J; Verscharen, D; Fortunato, V; Mele, G; Horbury, TS; O’brien, H; Evans, V; Angelini, V; Maksimovic, M; Kasper, JC; Bale, SD
Multiscale views of an Alfvénic slow solar wind: 3D velocity distribution functions observed by the Proton-Alpha Sensor of Solar Orbiter
Astron. Astrophys., 656: Art. No. A36 (10 pages), 2021.
Martinović, MM; Klein, KG; Ďurovcová, T; Alterman, BL
Ion-driven Instabilities in the Inner Heliosphere. I. Statistical Trends
Astrophys. J., 923 (1): Art. No. 116 (9 pages), 2021.
Maslej‐Krešňáková, V; Kundrát, A; Mackovjak, Š; Butka, P; Jaščur, S; Kolmašová, I; Santolík, O
Automatic Detection of Atmospherics and Tweek Atmospherics in Radio Spectrograms Based on a Deep Learning Approach
Earth Space Sci, 8 (11): Art. No. e2021EA002007 (14 pages), 2021.
Montagud-Camps, V; Němec, F; Šafránková, J; Němeček, Z; Verdini, A; Grappin, R; Papini, E; Franci, L
Flattening of the Density Spectrum in Compressible Hall-MHD Simulations
Atmosphere, 12 (9): Art. No. 1162 (16 pages), 2021.
Němec, F; Hajoš, M; Parrot, M; Santolík, O
Quasiperiodic Emissions and Related Particle Precipitation Bursts Observed by the DEMETER Spacecraft
J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys., 126 (10): Art. No. e2021JA029621 (12 pages), 2021.
Němec, F; Kotková, M
Evaluating the Accuracy of Magnetospheric Magnetic Field Models Using Cluster Spacecraft Magnetic Field Measurements
Universe, 7 (8): Art. No. 282 (12 pages), 2021.
Němec, F; Liška, M; Parrot, M
Seismic influence on the VLF transmitter signal intensity measured by the low-altitude satellite DEMETER
Eur. Phys. J. Spec. Top., 230 (1): 227–245, 2021.
Němec, F; Santolík, O; Parrot, M
Doppler Shifted Alpha Transmitter Signals in the Conjugate Hemisphere: DEMETER Spacecraft Observations and Raytracing Modeling
J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys., 126 (4): Art. No. e2020JA029017 (14 pages), 2021.
Němeček, Z; Grygorov, K; Šafránková, J; Šimůnek, J; Pi, G
Magnetic Field Gradient Across the Flank Magnetopause
Front. Astron. Space Sci., 8: Art. No. 778234 (13 pages), 2021.
Němeček, Z; Šafránková, J; Němec, F; Ďurovcová, T; Pitňa, A; Alterman, BL; Voitenko, YM; Pavlů, J; Stevens, ML
Spectra of Temperature Fluctuations in the Solar Wind
Atmosphere, 12 (10): Art. No. 1277 (17 pages), 2021.
Norenius, L; Hamrin, M; Goncharov, O; Gunell, H; Opgenoorth, H; Pitkänen, T; Chong, S; Partamies, N; Baddeley, L
Ground‐Based Magnetometer Response to Impacting Magnetosheath Jets
J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys., 126 (8): Art. No. e2021JA029115 (14 pages), 2021.
Nouzák, L; James, D; Němeček, Z; Šafránková, J; Pavlů, J; Nováková, J; Vaverka, J; Sternovsky, Z
Detection of Dust Particles Using Faraday Cup Instruments
Astrophys. J., 909 (2): Art. No. 132 (11 pages), 2021.
Pavlů, L; Kodešová, R; Fér, M; Nikodem, A; Němec, F; Prokeš, R
The impact of various mulch types on soil properties controlling water regime of the Haplic Fluvisol
Soil and Tillage Research, 205 (Jan): Art. No. 104748 (16 pages), 2021.
Pitňa, A; Šafránková, J; Němeček, Z; Ďurovcová, T; Kis, A
Turbulence Upstream and Downstream of Interplanetary Shocks
Front. Phys., 8: Art. No. 626768 (19 pages), 2021.
Pitňa, A; Šafránková, J; Němeček, Z; Franci, L; Pi, G
A Novel Method for Estimating the Intrinsic Magnetic Field Spectrum of Kinetic-Range Turbulence
Atmosphere, 12 (12): Art. No. 1547 (21 pages), 2021.
Pizzuti, A; Wilkinson, JM; Soula, S; Mlynarczyk, J; Kolmašová, I; Santolík, O; Scovell, R; Bennett, A; Füllekrug, M
Signatures of large peak current lightning strokes during an unusually intense sprite-producing thunderstorm in southern England
Atmos. Res., 249 (Feb): Art. No. 105357 (10 pages), 2021.
Saito, Y; Delcourt, D; Hirahara, M; Barabash, S; André, N; Takashima, T; Asamura, K; Yokota, S; Wieser, M; Nishino, MN; Oka, M; Futaana, Y; Harada, Y; Sauvaud, J-A; Louarn, P; Lavraud, B; Génot, V; Mazelle, C; Dandouras, I; Jacquey, C; Aoustin, C; Barthe, A; Cadu, A; Fedorov, A; Frezoul, A-M; Garat, C; Le Comte, E; Lee, Q-M; Médale, J-L; Moirin, D; Penou, E; Petiot, M; Peyre, G; Rouzaud, J; Séran, H-C; Němeček, Z; Šafránková, J; Marcucci, MF; Bruno, R; Consolini, G; Miyake, W; Shinohara, I; Hasegawa, H; Seki, K; Coates, AJ; Leblanc, F; Verdeil, C; Katra, B; Fontaine, D; Illiano, J-M; Berthelier, J-J; Techer, J-D; Fraenz, M; Fischer, H; Krupp, N; Woch, J; Bührke, U; Fiethe, B; Michalik, H; Matsumoto, H; Yanagimachi, T; Miyoshi, Y; Mitani, T; Shimoyama, M; Zong, Q; Wurz, P; Andersson, H; Karlsson, S; Holmström, M; Kazama, Y; Ip, W-H; Hoshino, M; Fujimoto, M; Terada, N; Keika, K; BepiColombo Mio/MPPE Team,
Pre-flight Calibration and Near-Earth Commissioning Results of the Mercury Plasma Particle Experiment (MPPE) Onboard MMO (Mio)
Space Sci. Rev., 217 (5): Art. No. 70 (91 pages), 2021.
Santolík, O; Kolmašová, I; Pickett, JS; Gurnett, DA
Multi‐Point Observation of Hiss Emerging From Lightning Whistlers
J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys., 126 (12): Art. No. e2021JA029524 (14 pages), 2021.
Santolík, O; Miyoshi, Y; Kolmašová, I; Matsuda, S; Hospodarsky, GB; Hartley, DP; Kasahara, Y; Kojima, H; Matsuoka, A; Shinohara, I; Kurth, WS; Kletzing, CA
Inter‐Calibrated Measurements of Intense Whistlers by Arase and Van Allen Probes
J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys., 126 (9): Art. No. e2021JA029700 (15 pages), 2021.
Savin, SP; Lyakhov, VV; Neshchadim, VM; Zelenyi, LM; Nemecek, Z; Safrankova, J; Klimov, SI; Skalsky, SA; Ryazantseva, MO; Rakhmanova, LS; Wang, C; Li, H; Blecki, J; Rauch, J-L; Kozak, L; Suvorova, A; Lezhen, LA
Eigenmodes of the Boundary of a Magnetic Barrier Flowed Around by Plasma: the Boundary Membrane Model, Linear and Nonlinear Resonances, and Couplings with Internal Modes
J. Exp. Theor. Phys., 132 (2): 285–293, 2021.
Scholten, O; Hare, BM; Dwyer, J; Liu, N; Sterpka, C; Kolmašová, I; Santolík, O; Lán, R; Uhlíř, L; Buitink, S; Corstanje, A; Falcke, H; Huege, T; Hörandel, JR; Krampah, GK; Mitra, P; Mulrey, K; Nelles, A; Pandya, H; Rachen, JP; Trinh, TNG; ter Veen, S; Thoudam, S; Winchen, T
A distinct negative leader propagation mode
Sci. Rep., 11 (1): Art. No. 16256 (11 pages), 2021.
Scholten, O; Hare, BM; Dwyer, J; Sterpka, C; Kolmašová, I; Santolík, O; Lán, R; Uhlíř, L; Buitink, S; Corstanje, A; Falcke, H; Huege, T; Hörandel, JR; Krampah, GK; Mitra, P; Mulrey, K; Nelles, A; Pandya, H; Pel, A; Rachen, JP; Trinh, TNG; Veen, Ster; Thoudam, S; Winchen, T
The Initial Stage of Cloud Lightning Imaged in High‐Resolution
J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 126 (4): Art. No. e2020JD033126 (19 pages), 2021.
Soucek, J; Píša, D; Kolmasova, I; Uhlir, L; Lan, R; Santolík, O; Krupar, V; Kruparova, O; Baše, J; Maksimovic, M; Bale, SD; Chust, T; Khotyaintsev, YV; Krasnoselskikh, V; Kretzschmar, M; Lorfèvre, E; Plettemeier, D; Steller, M; Štverák, Š; Vaivads, A; Vecchio, A; Bérard, D; Bonnin, X
Solar Orbiter Radio and Plasma Waves – Time Domain Sampler: In-flight performance and first results
Astron. Astrophys., 656: Art. No. A26 (9 pages), 2021.
Šafránková, J; Němeček, Z; Němec, F; Montagud-Camps, V; Verscharen, D; Verdini, A; Ďurovcová, T
Anisotropy of Magnetic Field and Velocity Fluctuations in the Solar Wind
Astrophys. J., 913 (2): Art. No. 80 (12 pages), 2021.
Vaverka, J; Pavlů, J; Nouzák, L; Šafránková, J; Němeček, Z; Antonsen, T; Mann, I; Lindqvist, P-A
Ion Cloud Expansion after Hyper-velocity Dust Impacts Detected by the Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission Electric Probes in the Dipole Configuration
Astrophys. J., 921 (2): Art. No. 127 (8 pages), 2021.
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Preliminary design of the COMPASS upgrade tokamak
Fusion Eng. Des., 169 (Aug): Art. No. 112490 (13 pages), 2021.
Zaslavsky, A; Mann, I; Soucek, J; Czechowski, A; Píša, D; Vaverka, J; Meyer-Vernet, N; Maksimovic, M; Lorfèvre, E; Issautier, K; Rackovic Babic, K; Bale, SD; Morooka, M; Vecchio, A; Chust, T; Khotyaintsev, Y; Krasnoselskikh, V; Kretzschmar, M; Plettemeier, D; Steller, M; Štverák, Š; Trávníček, P; Vaivads, A
First dust measurements with the Solar Orbiter Radio and Plasma Wave instrument
Astron. Astrophys., 656: Art. No. A30 (13 pages), 2021.