Development of instruments for satellite missions
Our group has a long history in development and construction of instruments for scientific spacecraft missions. A short itemized list of the satellites and individual instruments that we worked on is listed below, from the most recent ones back to more than 60 years ago.
2023 - JUICE (Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer)
2020 - Solar Orbiter (electronics and detector board for the Proton-Alpha Sensor (PAS) block belonging to the Solar Wind plasma Analyser (SWA) instrument)
2018 - BepiColombo
2011 - BMSW instrument (fast solar wind monitor on board the Spektr-R spacecraft)
1996 - Mars 96 probe (complex ion spectrometer)
1996 - multispacecraft constellation: Interball Auroral, Prognoz 12, MAGION 5: MONITOR 3 (complex measurement of solar wind parameters; VDP (accurate measurement of ion flux), MPS (electron and ion energetic spectra), VDP-S (ion flux), EPS (electron and ion energetic spectra), VDP-S (ion flux))
1995 - multispacecraft constellation: Interball Tail, Prognoz 11, MAGION 4: MONITOR 3 (complex measurement of solar wind parameters; VDP (accurate measurement of ion flux), MPS (electron and ion energetic spectra), VDP-S (ion flux), EPS (electron and ion energetic spectra), VDP-S (ion flux))
1991 - Apex instrument on board the Magion 3 spacecraft (active experiment in the magnetosphere)
1989 - Active instrument on board the Magion 2 spacecraft (first active experiment in the magnetosphere)
1988 - Interplanetary probes FOBOS 1 and FOBOS 2 (solar wind density and velocity vector)
1985 - BIFRAM (complex measurement of solar wind parameters), AKME (detection of high energy ions), DOR (electron monitor), BROD (central processing unit), TP 3 (high energy ion spectrometer) instruments on board Prognoz 10
1980 - Plazmag (energetic spectrum of solar wind ions) and Monitor (fast measurement of solar wind parameters) on board Prognoz 8
1978 - Plazmag (energetic spectrum of solar wind ions) and Monitor (fast measurement of solar wind parameters) on board Prognoz 7
1976 - PG1b instrument for the INTERKOSMOS 17 spacecraft (contract with Institute of Experimental Physics), EMA and ESA instruments (contract with Astronomical Institute), devoted to study low energy magnetospheric plasma
1973 - PG1b instrument for the INTERKOSMOS 13 spacecraft (contract with Institute of Experimental Physics), EMA and ESA instruments (contract with Astronomical Institute), devoted to study low energy magnetospheric plasma
1971 - PG1a instrument for the INTERKOSMOS 5 spacecraft (contract with Intitute of Experimental Physics)
1970 - PG1 instrument for the INTERKOSMOS 3 spacecraft (contract with Intitute of Experimental Physics); first instrument built at the faculty, devoted to the analysis of radiation belts
1967 - development and construction of instruments in the INTERKOSMOS program framework (contracts with institutes of the Czech Academy of Sciences)