Science Topics Addressed

Development of instruments for satellite missions

Our group has a long history in development and construction of instruments for scientific spacecraft missions. A short itemized list of the satellites and individual instruments that we worked on is listed below, from the most recent ones back to more than 60 years ago.

BMSW instrument
BMSW launch
(left) BMSW instrument developed by our group. (right) Launch of the satellite.

2023 - JUICE (Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer)

2020 - Solar Orbiter (electronics and detector board for the Proton-Alpha Sensor (PAS) block belonging to the Solar Wind plasma Analyser (SWA) instrument)

2018 - BepiColombo

2011 - BMSW instrument (fast solar wind monitor on board the Spektr-R spacecraft)

1996 - Mars 96 probe (complex ion spectrometer)

1996 - multispacecraft constellation: Interball Auroral, Prognoz 12, MAGION 5: MONITOR 3 (complex measurement of solar wind parameters; VDP (accurate measurement of ion flux), MPS (electron and ion energetic spectra), VDP-S (ion flux), EPS (electron and ion energetic spectra), VDP-S (ion flux))

1995 - multispacecraft constellation: Interball Tail, Prognoz 11, MAGION 4: MONITOR 3 (complex measurement of solar wind parameters; VDP (accurate measurement of ion flux), MPS (electron and ion energetic spectra), VDP-S (ion flux), EPS (electron and ion energetic spectra), VDP-S (ion flux))

1991 - Apex instrument on board the Magion 3 spacecraft (active experiment in the magnetosphere)

1989 - Active instrument on board the Magion 2 spacecraft (first active experiment in the magnetosphere)

1988 - Interplanetary probes FOBOS 1 and FOBOS 2 (solar wind density and velocity vector)

1985 - BIFRAM (complex measurement of solar wind parameters), AKME (detection of high energy ions), DOR (electron monitor), BROD (central processing unit), TP 3 (high energy ion spectrometer) instruments on board Prognoz 10

1980 - Plazmag (energetic spectrum of solar wind ions) and Monitor (fast measurement of solar wind parameters) on board Prognoz 8

1978 - Plazmag (energetic spectrum of solar wind ions) and Monitor (fast measurement of solar wind parameters) on board Prognoz 7

1976 - PG1b instrument for the INTERKOSMOS 17 spacecraft (contract with Institute of Experimental Physics), EMA and ESA instruments (contract with Astronomical Institute), devoted to study low energy magnetospheric plasma

1973 - PG1b instrument for the INTERKOSMOS 13 spacecraft (contract with Institute of Experimental Physics), EMA and ESA instruments (contract with Astronomical Institute), devoted to study low energy magnetospheric plasma

1971 - PG1a instrument for the INTERKOSMOS 5 spacecraft (contract with Intitute of Experimental Physics)

1970 - PG1 instrument for the INTERKOSMOS 3 spacecraft (contract with Intitute of Experimental Physics); first instrument built at the faculty, devoted to the analysis of radiation belts

1967 - development and construction of instruments in the INTERKOSMOS program framework (contracts with institutes of the Czech Academy of Sciences)