Scientific Programme
Practical Information
How to get there
Lecture Hall and Poster Sessions
All oral presentations, poster sessions, and coffee breaks will take place in in the building of Faculty of Agrobiology (see map Lecture Hall).
Registration desk will be open from 10 AM to 16 PM at B,C,D Student's dormitory (see map and follow orange path).
Reception takes place on Monday from 19:00 PM at restaurant “Formanka”.
For presentation purposes, notebook (MS Windows, Powerpoint, Adobe Reader) and dataprojector will be available. Data transfer will be possible via CD, DVD, and USB.
Posters should be max. of A0 size (portrait).
Meals will take place next to restaurant Formanka (the same entrance). Usually at 12:20 . Breakfast for those who stay in student dormitory will be served in the SVU hotel of Veterinary education centre from 7:30 to 8:30 (see map)
Internet Connection – limited access will be available.
Downtown can be easily and quickly reached by buses 107 or 147 to “Dejvicka” metro station (line A) departure every 5 minutes.
Up to date information is now available:
Scientific Programme
Practical Information
How to get there
Registration is no longer possible.
The 11th International Conference on the Application of Density Functional Theory in Chemistry and Physics will be held in Geneva in September 11-15, 2005.
For other related conferences, you can also try the web page: Chemistry section of the WWW Virtual Library |