MIB IX Contributions:
Abstract submission deadline will be 15 July.
The final version of your abstract cannot exceed one A4 format page and should preferably be written using one of the templates provided below. Do not change any formatting in the templates!
Please check following:
- all text is written using the Times font
- the main text is 12 pt size
- the title is 18 pt size, authors 14pt size, and the affiliations 10 pt size.
- top margin is at least 3.5cm, and bottom, left and right margins at least 2.5cm
Abstract submission
Once you have prepared your abstract, submit it using the form below before submission deadline. If you have any questions or problems using these templates, please contact us.
You should use only this form to submit your abstract, files sent by email will generally not be accepted. You are encouraged to upload a final PDF version of your abstract, but the source file should always be submitted as well. You can resubmit your files - the last submitted version will be used in editorial work.
The PDF version should be in every case only one file with a .pdf extension. If you have multiple source files (for instance LaTeX source and figures), compress them into one archive and send the archive file (.tar, .zip, etc.). If you are using a word processor, we urge you to send your abstract in Rich Text Format (.rtf extension) instead of MS Word (.doc extension).
Note! You must provide the same email address as the one you used on the registration page, it is used for identification.
Oral contributions
Oral-contribution deadline is 30th June (if later please contact organizing team). For your oral contribution, please prepare your slides in PDF or PowerPoint format. Nevertheless, there is only limited number of talk-slots!
The maximum dimensions of posters should be 90 cm in width and 120 cm in height, corresponding to the A0 paper size.