Tuesday, June 4
Tue., June 4 Plenary session  
Hall T1   Chairman: doc. R. Plasil    
10:00 prof. Dolezal Z. (Vice-Dean for Research and International Affairs) Invitation
10:10   Kolmasova I. I Planetary Lightning in Our Solar System
10:40 Break
Tue., June 4 Symposium Biophysics, Chemical and Macromolecular Physics
Hall T1   dr. V. Brezina   M. Protschak, T. Malina
11:00 f4 Pilipenco A., Subbiahdoss G., Forinova M., Romanyuk O., Spasovova M., Reimhult E., and Vaisocherova-Lisalova H. O Ultra‐Low Fouling Polymer Brush Interfaces for Biomedical Applications
11:20 f4 Vrabcova M., Spasovova M., Forinova M., Pilipenco A., Houska M., Fekete L., Lynn N.S., and Vaisocherova-Lisalova H. O Antifouling Polymer Brushes for Improved Analytical Performance in Biosensing
11:40 f4 Cale A., Elblova E., Uzhytchak M., Andelova H., and Oleg L. O Mechanical Regulation of Metabolism in Liver Cancer Cells
12:00 Lunch Break
Hall T1   doc. T. Mancal   Dr. J. Alster
13:20 f4 Bouda K. O 2DES — Ultrafast Spectroscopy with Independent Spectral and Time Resolution
13:40 f4 Bukhari A., Pirker L., Hlawacek G., and Frank O. O Substrate Dependence of Defect-Engineering with Helium Ion Microscopy in Molybdenum Disulfide Monolayers
14:00 f4 Novotny R. O Molecular Simulations of Layered Double Hydroxides
14:20 f4 Ptacek M. and Mancal T. O Nonlinear Optical Spectroscopy of Electron-Phonon Coupling
14:40 Break
Hall T1   Chairman: doc. M. Pospisil   Referee: dr. O. Marsalek
15:00 f4 Samanta M. and Timr S. O Exploring the Conformational Transitions of Adenylate Kinase in a Crowded Milieu
15:20 f4 Simko P. and Marsalek O. O Modelling Solvation and Solute–Solute Interactions Through C-NNP and Active Learning
15:40 f4 Sahu S., Varade V., Kesarwani R., Pirker L., Frank O., Vejpravova J., and Velicky M. P Dynamic Tuning of MoS2 Photoluminescence via Thickness Modulation of CrSBr in Van der Waals Heterostructure
15:45 Poster Session
Tue., June 4 Symposium Physics of Plasma and Ionized Media
Atmospheric Physics, Meteorology and Climatology
Physics Education and General Problems of Physics
Hall T2   Chairman: Dr. G. Pi   Referee: Dr. T. Durovcova
11:00 f2 Basuvaraj P., Nemec F., Fowler C.M., Regoli L., Nemecek Z., and Safrankova J. O Investigating Plasma Depletion Events in the Martian Ionosphere: Insights from MAVEN and Mars Express
11:20 f2 Micko J., Soucek J., Pisa D., and Santolik O. O Statistical Analysis of Waves in the Solar Orbiter TDS-RPW Data
11:40 f2 Aghabozorgi Nafchi M., Pi G., Tsai T.-S., and Nemec F. O Automatic Region Identification in Spacecraft Data
12:00 End of Session
Hall T2   Chairman: Dr. L. Nouzak   Referee: Dr. O. Goncarov
13:20 f2 Ghosh M., Pi G., Safrankova J., and Nemecek Z. O Magnetopause Motion Speed: A New Hypothesis Through Ion Speed Analysis
13:40 f2 Salohub A., Safrankova J., Nemecek Z., and Pi G. P Statistical Study of ULF Fluctuations and Determination of Their Boundary
13:45 f2 Drastichova K., Nemec F., and Manninen J. O Power Line Harmonic Radiation Observed by the Kannuslehto Station
14:05 f2 Linzmayer V., Nemec F., Santolik O., and Kolmasova I. O Lightning-Induced Electron Precipitation Events Observed by DEMETER
14:25 f2 Ijaz S., Vaverka J., Safrankova J., and Nemecek Z. P Dust Impact-Like Events Observed by the Demeter Spacecraft
14:30 f2 Lashkova A., Ivanova O., and Parimucha S. P Dust Environment of Distant Comet C/2015 V1 (PanSTARRS) Beyond the Snowline
14:35 Break
Hall T2   Chairman: doc. J. Miksovsky   Referee: L. Bartik
15:00 f8 Ramatheerthan S.K., Peiker J., Crespo N.M., and Kozubek M. O Monitoring Extreme Meteorological and Pollution Events in Prague: A Station Data-Based Analysis
15:20 f8 Dolezalova A., Seidl J., and Stastka J. O Automatic Detection of Overshooting Tops and Their Properties Using Neural Networks
15:40 f2 Pardo A., Klas M., and Matejcik S. O Application of Atmospheric Cold Plasma to Pesticide Degradation
16:00 f12 Blovsky T. O Qualitative Analysis of High School and University Textbooks on Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics
16:20 End of Session
Wednesday, June 5
Wed., June 5 Symposium Theoretical Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics
Particle and Nuclear Physics
Hall T1   Chairman: doc. L. Subr   Referee: H. Wirth
9:00 f1 Adamcova B., Svoboda J., Kouroumpatzakis K., and Kyritsis E. O Observational Analysis of Star-forming Dwarf Galaxies
9:20 f1 Brigitte M. O X-ray Polarimetric Analysis of the HMXB Cygnus X-1
9:40 f1 Muthyala S., Araudo A., and Jurysek J. O Multiwavelength Emission from Markarian 421
10:00 f1 Panja S. O Reconstruction of the Depth of Maximum of Air-shower Profiles at the Pierre Auger Observatory Using Cherenkov Technique
10:20 Break
Hall T1   Chairman: doc. D. Kubiznak   Referee: 
10:40 f1 Racko D. O Early Universe with Anisotropy
11:00 f1 Arias C. and Kubiznak D. O A Novel Solution for Maxwell Equations via Symmetry Operators Acting on a Test Field Solution
11:20 f1 Hale T., Kubiznak D., Mensikova J., Mann R.B., and Yang J. O Accelerated RegMax Black Holes
11:40 f1 Mlada K. O Thermodynamic Transformations in Far-from-equilibrium Systems
12:00 f1 Farakou D. and Skordis C. O Effective Field Theory of Large Scale Structure
12:20 Lunch Break
Hall T1   Chairman: doc. M. Zofka   Referee: dr. V. Witzany
13:20 f1 Klimesova E. and Zofka M. O Multi-Black Hole Gravitational Field
13:40 f1 Martinez-Gomez A. and Witzany V. O Beyond Color-Kinematic Duality and the Classical Double Copy
14:00 f1 Pajger S. O Jamming of Active Particles in Quasi-1D Geometries
14:20 f1 Rossi P. O Ensemble Holography and 3d Euclidean Wormholes
14:40 f1 Tadros P. and Kolar I. O Carrollian Gravitational Theories
15:00 Break
Hall T1   Chairman: dr. P. Vasko   Referee: prof. K. Kampf
15:20 f1 Skordis C. and Vokrouhlicky D. O Black Holes in AeSt Theory
15:40 f1 Morozova A. O Analytic Solutions in Open String Field Theory
16:00 f1 Lukes P. and Krtous P. P Particles, Strings, and Black Holes in 2+1 AdS
16:05 f9 Hidic N. O Investigation of the Four-Top-Quark Production
16:25 f9 Honsa L. O Periodic Driving of Collective Quantum Systems
16:45 Poster Session
Wed., June 5 Symposium Physics of Plasma and Ionized Media
Quantum Optics and Optoelectronics
Hall T2   Chairman: N. Laštovičková Streshkova, dr. M. Hejduk   Referee: dr. P. Koutensky
13:20 f6 Gindl A. and Kozak M. O Attosecond Physics and Advanced Control of High Harmonic Generation in Condensed Matter
13:40 f6 Satra S. and Novak O. O Proposal for Second Harmonic Generation in a Herriott Cell
14:00 f2 Lausti N., Kumar V., and Hejduk M. O Feasibility of 3D-printed Material for UHV and Microwave Electronics
14:20 f2 Kumar V., Lausti N., and Hejduk M. P Spatially Resolved Ions Imaging at Room Temperature
14:25 f2 Jelinek S., Dudzak R., Juha L., and Chalupsky J. O Peak Intensity of 5×1018 W/cm2 Observed in Laser Beam Focus at Prague Asterix Laser System
14:45 f2 Kuglerova Z., Burian T., Bulicka J., Vagovic P., Ronch M., and Juha L. P Heating of X-ray Optics by Synchrotron and Free-electron Laser Radiation: A Role of Elemental Composition
14:50 Break
Hall T2   Chairman: doc. P. Dohnal   Referee: P. Barton, S. Jelinek, A. Kapran
15:10 f2 Mishra H., Tichy M., and Kudrna P. P Applicability of the Branching Fraction Method Using Optical Emission Spectroscopy in a Non-segmented Cathode System at Low Pressure
15:15 f2 Naiko I., Cada M., Ostapenko A., Venkrbcova I., and Hubicka Z. P Hybrid HiPIMS+ Cathodic Arc Ion Energy Distribution Function Measurement with Carbon Target
15:20 f2 Kapran A., Ballage C., Hubicka Z., and Minea T. P Analysis of Sputtered Species Transport in High Power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering (HiPIMS) Discharge by Means of Magnetized QCM Probe
15:25 f2 Tuharin K., Mishra H., Turek Z., Tichy M., and Kudrna P. P Electron Density Measurements in Low-pressure Hollow Cathode Plasma Jet System Using Cutoff Probe
15:30 f2 Turek Z., Mishra H., Kudrna P., and Tichy M. P Analysis of Curling Probe in Low-pressure Hot Tungsten Cathode System
15:35 f2 Omezzine Gnioua M., Dryahina K., Swift S.J., and Spanel P. P A SIFT Study of Reactions of Positive and Negative Ions with Polyfluoroalkyl (PFAS) Molecules in Nitrogen
15:40 f2 Slezak P., Dumitru S.-M., Kassayova M., Dohnal P., Roucka S., Rednyk S., Plasil R., and Glosik J. P Implementation of Microwave Diagnostics in a SA-CRDS Apparatus
15:45 f2 Uvarova L., Jimenez-Redondo M., Dohnal P., Kassayova M., Caselli P., and Jusko P. P Collisional Deexcitation and Radiative Lifetime of Vibrationally Excited HCO+ and HOC+ Ions
15:50 f2 Kassayova M., Dohnal P., Slezak P., Uvarova L., Rednyk S., Roucka S., Plasil R., and Glosik J. P Recombination of HCO+ Ions with Electrons at 170 K
15:55 f2 Hernandez Alvarez O.E., Rednyk S., Roucka S., Dohnal P., Plasil R., and Glosik J. P Deuteration and Nuclear-Spin Effects with Ammonia Chemistry in Ion Trap Experiment
16:00 f2 Palacky J. and Roucka S.  P Langmuir Probe Sheath Size and Comparison with Plasma Properties
16:05 f2 Mekki R.N., Hubicka. Z., and Tichy M. O Plasma Application Technology for Nuclear Power Plant Contamination Abatement
16:25 f2 Ivanek M., Duran I., Entler S., Torres A., Sladek P., Simonovsky M., Reboun J., and Turjanica P. O Development of Magnetic Field Diagnostics for Fusion Reactors
16:45 f2 Barton P., Patocka K., and Prevratil J. P Design and Modelling of the High-temperature High-vacuum Flanges
16:50 f2 Kripner L. and Cahyna P. P Implementation of Melnikov Integral Method for Tokamak Magnetic Footprints Characterization
16:55 Poster Session
Wed., June 5 Symposium Physics of Nanostructures and Nanomaterials
Physics of Condensed Matter and Materials Research
Physics of Surfaces and Interfaces
Room T7   Chairman: dr. ing. O. Melikhova   Referee: dr. P. Hruska
13:00 f13 Srivastava K.A., Vejpravova J., Veverka M., Sandoval S., Kalbac M., and Prchal J. O Nanomagnets with Coupled Spin Crossover
13:20 f3 Flores Gonzales J.E., Antunes Correa C., Verhagen T., and Pasciak M. O Diffuse Scattering of Two-dimensional Ferroelectrics
13:40 f3 Kumar S., Elias A., Colman R., Klicpera M., and Bastien G. O Magnetic Frustration in Magnetoelectric Hexaaluminates PrMgAl11O19
14:00 f3 Alex S.G., Zorilo I., Horak L., Andreev A.V., and Tereshina-Chitrova E.A. O Preparation and Characterization of UGe2 Thin Films
14:20 f3 Strzalka M., Filip R., and Roszak K. O Qubit-environment Entanglement in Time-dependent Pure Dephasing for Transmon Qubits
14:40 f3 Qureshi P.A., Hovancik D., Pospisil J., and Sechovsky V. P Exploring Electrical and Magnetic Properties of Single Crystal NiBr2
14:45 f3 Peheliwa V.M. and Ma. Y.-R. P Synthesis, Characterization, and Second Harmonic Generation of 2D SnS2 Layers
14:50 Break
Room T7   Chairman: dr. Y. Yakovlev, doc. J. Myslivecek   Referee: T. Hrbek
15:10 f5 Ksanova J., Cimerman R., Satrapinskyy L., and Hensel K. O Nonthermal Plasma Air Purification and Catalyst Regeneration
15:30 f5 Orsag M. O Enhancing the Stability of ORR Catalysts Through Rhodium Doping
15:50 f5 Samal P.K., Skvara J., Fusek L., Ronovsky M., Johanek V., Lykhach Y., Libuda J., Brummel O., and Myslivecek J. O Engineering High-index Surfaces Using Ion Erosion for Model Electrocatalytic Studies
16:10 f5 Skvara J., Samal P.K., and Myslivecek J. O Design and Implementation of PCTFE EC Cell
16:30 f5 Kalabis D. and Yakovlev Y. O Electrochemical Deposition of Platinum Nanoparticles
16:50 f5 Oveysipoor S., Piliai L., Castro-Latorre P., Pchalek F., Ormos M., Kosto Y., Khalakhan I., Skala T., Alemany P., Vorochta M., Neyman K.M., Bruix A., Matvija P., and Matolinova I. O Enhancing Ceria Catalysts: Structural and Electronic Insights into FeOx/CeO2(111) and Au/FeOx/CeO2(111) Systems
17:10 f5 Albons Caldentey L., Wrana D., Alexander A., Sokolovic I., and Setvin M. P BaTiO3 Characterized at the Atomic Scale: Surface Structure and Its Ferroelectric Behavior
17:15 Poster Session
Joint POSTER session
— atrium (outside) —
Wednesday  16:45–18:00