WDS 2019 — Proceedings of Contributed Papers — Physics
Proceedings of the 28th Annual Conference of Doctoral Students – WDS 2019
Prague, June 46, 2019
Edited by Jana Šafránková
and Jiří Pavlů,
MATFYZPRESS, Prague, 2019,
ISBN 978-80-7378-409-6.
Suggested reference example:
Ďurovcová, T., Šafránková, J., Němeček, Z.,
Proton Beam Development in the Expanding Solar Wind,
in WDS'19 Proceedings of Contributed Papers Physics (eds. J. Šafránková and J. Pavlů), Prague,
Matfyzpress, pp. 131137, 2019.
For obtaining PDFs of Proceedings, please, contact Prof. Safrankova.
The traditional WDS Proceedings in your hands is composed of the contributions
which have been presented during the 28th Annual Conference of
Doctoral Students that was held in Prague, at Charles University, Faculty of
Mathematics and Physics from June 4 to 6, 2019. The Proceedings is limited to
physical study branches and it is compiled from 33 student manuscripts
finally accepted for publication (three contributions were not
accepted in this year).
As usual, all manuscripts were reviewed by two referees. We believe that it
helps students to learn how to prepare the written presentation of their
results in a foreign language and how to respond the referee's notices. They
should take into account their comments and prepare a new submission including
letters to both referees where they explain their reaction. This is a standard
publication procedure in scientific journals and we are offering an exercise
that would be useful for students in future. Since one of referees is
a doctoral student, he/she can practise in the preparation of a review. Moreover,
the subject of the paper under review is often slightly different from his/her
field of research, thus the student’s referees should investigate new problems
and another style of writing. They can see that a good and comprehensive review
is sometimes a very difficult task. Therefore, a level of student's reports is
often very different from a formal review only to precise reports with
a number of comments and suggestions.
The second referee is selected from the experienced senior researchers and, in
this year, their list includes over 40 % of foreign experts, because they feel
the importance of such a method of teaching. We would like to express many
thanks to all referees for the understanding and great help. Their effort
significantly contributed to a traditionally good quality of the Proceedings
and you can find over 700 citations to articles in previous volumes in Web of
Science and this number increases every year.
Editors thank to following referees:
S. Abel,
B. Bondar,
J. E. Borovsky,
A. Demekhov,
D. Drdlik,
J. Dugáček,
V. Gabriel,
F. A. Gianturco,
N. N. Gorelenkov,
J. Hanuš,
M. Hanzelka,
M. Hejduk,
P. Hellinger,
J. Hromádka,
I. Jogi,
A. Kálosi,
J. Káninský (2×),
J. Kára,
K. Koláček,
I. Kolář,
M. Komm,
D. Korda,
A. Kozub,
A. P. Kumar,
T. Ledvinka,
B. Löptien,
J. Lukačevič,
T. Markovič,
C. Martinez,
J. Merc,
J. Miškovičová,
P. Moskovkin,
P. Ondáč,
S. Pagnotta,
J. Palacký,
V. Pergamenshchik,
J. S. Pickett,
V. Pierrard,
D. Píša,
A. Podolník,
E. Poláškova,
V. Prysiazhnyi,
M. G. Rivas,
P. Rubovič,
A. Samsonov,
D. Shapko,
I. Shepa,
J.-H. Shue,
N. Siadati,
A. Skopal,
M. Sobotka,
P. Sťahel,
M. Stano,
V. Stelmashuk,
V. Straňák,
R. Švarc,
T. Tahamtan,
M. Tomeš,
Z. Tučeková,
I. Turek,
J. Urbář,
A. Usachov,
K. Vokurka,
L. Wyrzykowski,
J. Záhlava,
P. Zasche,
I. Zymak,
and M. Žofka.
Finally, we would like to express our thanks to all speakers and other
participants for helping us to keep a~fruitful and friendly atmosphere during
the whole meeting as the photo from open-air joint poster session demonstrates.
Last but not least, we would like to thank our colleagues and many cooperative
students who assisted us greatly both prior to and through the conference.
Pleasant reading
Jana Šafránková and Jiří Pavlů
- Front Matter, pp. 16 (PDF 2.94 MB)
- G. Vásquez, P. Veis, S. Hidalgo, C. Costa Vera, Elemental and Quantitative Analysis of Volcanic Ashes of the Tungurahua Volcano by Using LIBS and CF-LIBS, f2, pp. 711
- V. Dwivedi, A. Marín Roldán, and P. Veis, Discrimination of Bone Samples Using Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) Coupled with Artificial Neural Network (ANN), f2, pp. 1216
- J. Surovčík, V. Medvecká, D. Kováčik, Z. Tučeková, A. Zahoranová, Effects of Plasma Pretreatment of Submicron Metal–Organic Fibers on Calcination Process, f2, pp. 1723
- M. Ilčíková, J. Ráheľ, D. Pavliňák, Impact of Storage Conditions on Electrophoretic Deposition Performance of Plasma Pre-treated Al2O3 Ceramic Powders — A Study of Ageing Effect, f2, pp. 2429
- J. Tomeková, B. Feilhauerová, A. Zahoranová, Ľ. Slováková, R. Švubová, Study the Effect of Low-temperature Plasma on Soybean Seeds, f2, pp. 3035
- M. Tchaplianka and A. B. Shick, New Binary Refractory Metal-Fe Intermetallic Compounds for Hard Magnet Applications, f3, pp. 3638
- S. Ali-Ogly, L. Kučerová, Z. Krtouš, and J. Kousal, Surface Modification by Plasma-Based and Related Methods Demonstrated on Magnetron Sputtering of Polylactic Acid, f4, pp. 3944
- O. I. Volkova, A. N. Baranov, A. A. Kuleshova, and A. M. Saletsky, Spectral Investigations of the Dye’s Molecules Behavior in the Reverse Micelles Solutions, f4, pp. 4548
- K. Tuharin, M. Zanáška, P. Kudrna, M. Tichý, Plasma Diagnostics of Hollow Cathode Plasma-jet for Deposition of Iron Oxide Thin Films, f2, pp. 4953
- V. Gabriel, P. Kocán, Study of Early Stages Growth of Metal Thin Films by Atomistic Modeling: Influence of the Secondary Nucleation During Pulsed Deposition, f2, pp. 5460
- A. Tuholukov and V. Stelmashuk, Cylindrical Model of Underwater Spark Channel, f2, pp. 6165
- A. Kapran, M. Tichý, Z. Hubička, M. Čada, High Power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering: Current Research and Diagnostic, f2, pp. 6671
- T. D. Tran, A. Kovalenko, S. Rednyk, Š. Roučka, R. Plašil, and J. Glosík, Reaction of O– with HD at Low Temperatures, f2, pp. 7276
- A. Kovalenko, T. D. Tran, Š. Roučka, S. Rednyk, R. Plašil, J. Glosík, Reaction of O with D2 in the rf 22-pole ion trap between 100 K and 270 K, f2, pp. 7780
- S. Rednyk, R. Plašil, A. Kovalenko, T. D. Tran, Š. Roučka, P. Dohnal, and J. Glosík, Investigation of Doubly Charged Carbon Cations in 22-Pole Ion Trap, f2, pp. 8186
- J. Palacký, Š. Roučka, Dynamic Study of Low Temperature Plasma Properties by Particle Modelling, f2, pp. 8792
- E. Matveeva, J. Havlíček, A. Havránek, O. Hronova, V. Weinzettl, V. Yanovskiy, S. N. Gerasimov, V. D. Pustovitov, the COMPASS team, Vessel Currents During Asymmetrical Disruptions on COMPASS Tokamak, f2, pp. 9399
- L. Kripner, M. Tomeš, M. Peterka, J. Urban, E. Macúšová, F. Jaulmes, D. Fridrich, O. Grover, O. Ficker, J. Krbec, J. Čeřovský, Towards the Integrated Analysis of Tokamak Plasma Equilibria: PLEQUE, f2, pp. 100105
- B. Bezděková, F. Němec , J. Manninen, G. B. Hospodarsky, O. Santolík, W. S. Kurth, D. P. Hartley, Simultaneous Observations of Quasiperiodic Emissions by Spacecraft and Ground-based Instruments, f2, pp. 106113
- A. Tomori, O. Santolík, F. Němec, Dispersion Relation of Equatorial Noise, f2, pp. 114117
- J. Lukacevic, B. Grison, O. Santolik, EMIC Wave Observations in the H+, He+ and O+ bands close to the Earth’s Magnetopause, f2, pp. 118123
- A. Salohub, J. Šafránková, Z. Němeček, G. Pi, F. Němec, L. Přech, J. Šimůnek, Magnetopause Location Under Influence of Large Solar Wind Structures, f2, pp. 124130
- T. Ďurovcová, J. Šafránková, and Z. Němeček, Proton Beam Development in the Expanding Solar Wind, f2, pp. 131137
- S. Pillai and M. Švanda, Understanding the Sub-surface Dynamics of Sunspots Post Emergence, f1, pp. 138144
- J. Černý, Canonical Quantization of Spherically Symmetric Non-Vacuum Black Hole Spacetimes, f1, pp. 145150
- A. Vrátný and J. Podolský, Accelerating Taub-NUT Black Hole, f1, pp. 151157
- J. Kára, M. Wolf, S. Zharikov, Reconstruction of the Structure of Cataclysmic Variables from Observations, f1, pp. 158164
- J. Merc, R. Gális, M. Wolf, Symbiotic Variables in the Local Group and Beyond, f1, pp. 165170
- L. Polcar, Canonical Perturbation Theory in Axially Symmetric Spacetimes, f1, pp. 171176
- D. Matejov, M. Scholtz, N. Gürlebeck, Uniqueness of Extremal Isolated Horizons, f1, pp. 177182
- M. García-Rivas, J. Jurčák, N. Bello González, Vertical Magnetic Field on the Boundary of an Evolving Pore, f1, pp. 183188
- V. Yeroshenko, O. Bezshyyko, L. Golinka-Bezshyyko, V. Puill, P. Robbe, S. Barsuk, Simulation of the Quartz Detector for Luminosity Measurement at LHCb Upgrade, f9, pp. 189192
- O. A. Bezshyyko, L. O. Golinka-Bezshyyko, I. M. Kadenko, A. V. Kotenko, T. V. Povar, V. A. Kushnir, V. V. Mitrochenko, S. M. Olejnik , S. A. Perezhogin, O. M. Vodin, C. Vallerand, Isomeric Yield Ratio for (γ,4n) Reaction on Rhodium, f10, pp. 193197
- Back Matter, pp. 200200 (PDF 76 kB)
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Last revision on January 05, 2021.