WDS 2015 — Proceedings of Contributed Papers — Physics
Proceedings of the 24th Annual Conference of Doctoral Students – WDS 2015
Prague, 2rd June 4th June, 2015
Edited by Jana Šafránková
and Jiří Pavlů,
MATFYZPRESS, Prague, 2015,
ISBN 978-80-7378-311-2.
Suggested reference example:
Vyšinka, M., Vaverka, J., Pavlů, J., Němeček, Z., Šafránková, J., Lavková, J.
On-surface Dust Grain Sputtering: Experiment and Model,
in WDS'15 Proceedings of Contributed Papers Physics (eds. J. Safrankova and J. Pavlu), Prague,
Matfyzpress, pp. 222226, 2015.
For obtaining PDFs of Proceedings, please, contact Prof. Safrankova.
The traditional WDS Proceedings in your hands is composed of the contributions which have been presented during the 24th Annual Conference of Doctoral Students that was held in Prague, at Charles University, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics from June 2 to 4, 2015. The Proceedings is limited to physical study branches and it is compiled from 47 student manuscripts finally accepted for publication.
As usual, all manuscripts were reviewed by two referees. We believe that it helps students to learn how to prepare the written presentation of their results in a foreign language and how to respond the referee's notices. They should take into account their comments and prepare a new submission including letters to both referees where they explain their reaction. This is a standard publication procedure in scientific journals and we are offering an exercise that would be useful for students in future. Since one of referees is a doctoral student, he/she can practise the preparation of a review. Moreover, the subject of the paper under review is often slightly different from his/her field of research, thus the student’s referees should investigate new problems and another style of writing. They can see that a good and comprehensive review is sometimes a very difficult task. Even now, it is possible to see a different approach of student’s referees — some of them are very active and bring a lot of comments and suggestions, whereas others carry out a formal review only.
The second referee is selected from the experienced senior researchers and, in this year, their list includes even 25 % of foreign experts. We would like to express many thanks to them for the understanding and great help. Their effort significantly contributed to a traditionally good quality of the Proceedings and you can find already 265 citations to previous volumes in Web of Science.
Editors thank to following referees:
M. Agostini, S. Babuin, P. Barta, N. Bashmakova, H. Bednar, P. Berta, P. Bohm, A. Brablec, D. Brunner, S. Burian, J. Capek, M. Cariglia, I. Cermak, M. Cieslar, K. Danek, V. Dedic, M. Divis, J. Dolejsi, D. Duda, P. Dvorak, M. Farnik, O. Goncharov, J. Gruber, J. Hamersky, J. Havlicek, F. Hejda, M. Hejduk, J. Houfkova, O. Hurba, T. Ibehej, P. Jelinek, P. Kacovsky (2×), A. Kanka, J. Katz, M. Kekule, M. Knapek, D. Kofron, O. A. Korotchenkov, T. Kotrik, J. Kousal, A. Kovalenko, A. Kozub, R. Krumpolec, O. Kruparova, D. Kubiznak, D. Kunneriath, V. V. Kuryliuk, R. A. Kycia, M. Laca, T. Ledvinka, M. Malaskova, T. Markovic, J. Matousek, T. Moravek, M. J. Moravek, L. Moravsky, H. W. Muller, L. Nouzak, P. Ondac, M. Ondracek, D. M. Orlov, J. Orszagh, R. Paprok, R. Perekrestov, M. Petr, J. Pfleger, P. Pisoft, R. Plasil, K. Podolska, I. Prochazka, P. Pudivitr, P. P. Puga, S. Rednyk, O. Rinne, P. Rubovic, R. Santagata, E. C. Sayre, V. Sember, J. Sestakova, A. Shklyaev, D. Skacelova, M. Snetinova, P. Solar, V. Stefl, A. J. Stone, J. Strasky, R. Svarc, O. Svitek, A. Szczurek, U. Taubenschuss, M. Tichy, M. Tomes, A. Tomori, M. Toufarova, Z. Tucekova, J. Urbar, M. Varga, P. Vondracek, A. Voshchepynets, M. Vysinka, Z. Weiss, A. Zahoranova, V. Zak, J. Zazvorka,
and I. Zymak.
Finally, we would like to express our thanks to all speakers
and other participants for helping us to keep a fruitful and
friendly atmosphere during the whole meeting and, last but not
least, to our colleagues and many cooperative students who assisted
us greatly both prior to and through the conference.
Jana Šafránková and Jiří Pavlů
- A. Khirnov and T. Ledvinka, Gauge Choice in Numerical Evolution of the Brill Data, f-1, pp. 914
- I. Kolář and P. Krtouš, Test Electromagnetic Field Admitting Separability of HamiltonJacobi and KleinGordon Equations in KerrNUT(A)dS Spacetimes, f-1, pp. 1520
- L. Ledvina and D. Heyrovský, Modeling Quasar Microlensing, f-1, pp. 2126
- M. Zajaček, A. Eckart, F. Peissker, G. D. Karssen, V. Karas, Infrared-excess Source DSO/G2 Near the Galactic Center: Theory vs. Observations, f-1, pp. 2735
- E. Varga and L. Skrbek, Simulating Quantum Turbulence in Non-uniform Coflow of He-II, f-3, pp. 3641
- D. Wagenknecht, I. Turek, and K. Carva, Ab Initio Calculations of Temperature Dependent Resistivity for Transition Metals, f-3, pp. 4247
- A. L. Kozub, J. Kolorenč, and A. B. Shick, Screening of Magnetic Moment at Co Impurity in Cu Host, f-3, pp. 4853
- P. Zháňal, P. Harcuba, M. Hájek, Microstructural Changes in β-Ti Alloy Investigated by Electrical Resistance, f-3, pp. 5460
- O. Molnárová, P. Málek, H. Becker, The Investigation of Al7075 and Al7075+1 wt. % Zr Alloys Prepared by Spark Plasma Sintering Technology, f-3, pp. 6166
- S. V. Kondratenko and A. O. Mykytiuk, Photogeneration and Recombination in Structures with Ge Nanoclusters Grown on Si(001), f-13, pp. 6771
- E. Alekseeva, J. Prokeš, P. Bober, J. Stejskal, The Influence of Compression Pressure on Transport Properties of Polypyrrole Nanotubes, f-4, pp. 7276
- M. Vaidulych, J. Hanus, Preparation of Porous Structures and Their Surface Modification, f-4, pp. 7783
- E. Barteneva, L. Vergun, Yu. Myagchenko, K. Teliman, Development of Methods for Water Activation and Study of Optical and Physical Properties of Solutions Based on It, f-4, pp. 8487
- V. Medvecká, A. Zahoranová, D. Kováčik, M. Černák, Plasma Assisted Preparation of Zirconia Submicron Fibers, f-5, pp. 8893
- I. Vasylchenko, R. Grill, and E. Belas, Oxidation-inhibited Electroless Preparation of (CdZn)Te-Au Contacts, f-6, pp. 9498
- T. Hural, M. Kyryliuk, M. Ovchar, V. Nastich, Research of Quasidynamic Characteristics of Ring Laser Mirror with Piezocorrector Using White Light Interferometer "Relief", f-6, pp. 99105
- P. Čech, Z. Grolmusová, P. Veis, A. Šivo, P. Povinec, Comparison of 13C/12C Isotope Ratios from the Atmosphere Measured Using Two Different Analytical Techniques, f-7, pp. 106109
- J. Skořepa, Predictability of the Atmosphere and Its Quantification, f-8, pp. 110116
- P. Hamal and T. Sýkora, Exclusive Pion Production Measured by ATLAS at √s = 7 TeV, f-9, pp. 117122
- M. Zamkovský on behalf of the NA62 experiment, Study of the Extremely Rare Decay K+ → π+ν ν with the NA62 Experiment at CERN, f-9, pp. 123127
- M. Pešek, Pion-induced Polarized Drell–Yan Process at COMPASS, f-9, pp. 128131
- R. Kříček, The Link of Education and Popularization of Astronomy with the Choice of a Future Focus of Study, f-12, pp. 132137
- M. Ryston, Theory of Relativity — How to Develop Its Understanding at a Secondary School Level, f-12, pp. 138143
- K. Havlíček, Experiments in Physics Education: What do Students Remember?, f-12, pp. 144148
- K. Kolář, An Overview of Research Methods of Gain, f-12, pp. 149154
- A. Kovalenko, Š Roučka, S. Rednyk, T. D. Tran, D. Mulin, R. Plašil, J. Glosík, Source of Atomic Hydrogen for Ion Trap Experiments: Review and Basic Properties, f-2, pp. 155161
- S. Rednyk, D. Mulin, Š. Roučka, T. D. Tran, S. S. Kumar, R. Plašil, A. Kovalenko, J. Glosík, Study of the NH+ + H → N+ + H2 Reaction Rate Coefficient Using 22-Pole Ion Trap, f-2, pp. 162167
- A. Spesyvyi and P. Španěl, Flow Drift Tube Study of Gas Phase Formation of Hydrated Hydronium, f-2, pp. 168172
- N. P. Chirskaya, L. S. Novikov, E. N. Voronina, Computer Modelling of Ionized Radiation Impact on Micro-structured Materials, f-2, pp. 173178
- L. Moravský, M. Klas, Š. Matejčík, I. Jõgi, OES Study of Glow Region of Argon APPJ at Various Gas Flow Rates, f-2, pp. 179183
- Z. Lichvanova, M. Sabo, S. Matejcik, Interactions of Multiple Reactant Ions with TNT and RDX Studied by Corona Discharge Ion Mobility-mass Spectrometry, f-2, pp. 184186
- Z. Tučeková, K. Kučerová, A. Zahoranová, and M. Černák, Parameters of Plasma Generated by Diffuse Coplanar Surface Barrier Discharge Used for Inactivation of Escherichia Coli, f-2, pp. 187191
- K. Kučerová, K. Hensel, Biological and Chemical Effect of DC Transient Spark Discharge on Escherichia Coli, f-2, pp. 192198
- A. Pitňa, J. Šafránková, Z. Němeček, Evolution of Turbulence Through Terrestrial Bow Shock and its Changes in the Foreshock, f-2, pp. 199205
- A. Tomori, Numerical Plasma Dispersion Relation Solver, f-2, pp. 206211
- P. Shustov, A. Artemyev, and E. Yushkov, Non-adiabatic Scattering of Relativistic Electrons in the Inner Magnetosphere, f-2, pp. 212216
- J. Fišer and J. Chum, HF Doppler Observations of Ionospheric Disturbances over Taiwan, f-2, pp. 217221
- M. Vyšinka, J. Vaverka, J. Pavlů, Z. Němeček, J. Šafránková, and J. Lavková, On-surface Dust Grain Sputtering: Experiment and Model, f-2, pp. 222226
- M. J. Morávek, A. Kaňka, J. Čáp, V. Hrachová, Atomic Oxygen Concentration Observation by Optical Emission Spectrometry in O2 and O2–N2 DC Glow Discharge, f-2, pp. 227232
- M. Laca, M. J. Morávek, L. Schmiedt, V. Hrachová, A. Kaňka, Fluid Model of the Positive Column in DC Discharge, f-2, pp. 233240
- S. Micienka, P. Pira, T. Burian, M. Jerab, and J. Wild, Bismuth Glow Discharge, f-2, pp. 241244
- P. Ondáč, A. Mašláni, and M. Hrabovský, Investigation of Anode Attachment Area in Water/Argon Stabilized Plasma Arc, f-2, pp. 245251
- T. Markovič, J. Havlíček, M. Imríšek, P. Cahyna, R. Pánek, P. Bohm, M. Komm, J. Urban, A. Havránek, Y.Q. Liu, Response of the COMPASS Plasma to Magnetic Perturbation Experiments, f-2, pp. 252257
- K. Kovařík, I. Ďuran, J. Stöckel, J. Seidl, J. Havlíček, P. Háček, M. Spolaore, N. Vianello, Radial Propagation Filaments in SOL of the COMPASS Tokamak, f-2, pp. 258263
- P. Hacek, M. Berta, J. Krbec, J. Stöckel, V. Weinzettl, A. Bencze, S. Zoletnik, G. Anda, Measurements with Atomic Beam Probe Diagnostic on the COMPASS Tokamak, f-2, pp. 264268
- A. Podolník, M. Komm, R. Dejarnac, R. Pánek, J. P. Gunn, Simulations of Space Charge Effect on Ion Sensitive Probes, f-2, pp. 269273
- M. Tomes and V. Weinzettl, Calibration of High-resolution Spectrometer for C III Triplet Measurements, f-2, pp. 274278
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