WDS'02 - Proceedings of Contributed Papers
Proceedings of the 11th Annual Conference of
Doctoral Students - WDS 2002
Prague, 11th June - 14th June, 2002
Edited by J. Šafránková
, MATFYZPRESS, Prague, 2002,
ISBN 80-85863-88-X
The three volumes of the WDS Proceedings you just obtained
are composed of the contributions which have been presented
during the last 11th Annual Conference of
Doctoral Students. This international conference was held in
Prague, at Charles University, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
from June 11 to June 14, 2002, i.e., in the year of
50th anniversary of the Faculty foundation.
The contributions were divided into different
symposia in accordance with their topics and consisted of both
invited lectures of professors and shorter contributions, which were
presented as oral contributions or posters by doctoral students.
The number of presentations reached 197 in this year and 110 of them have been
accepted for a publication in the Proceedings.
Proceedings are divided into three volumes.
Part I presents the contributions on Mathematics and
Computer Sciences (together 39 papers). The contributions
from the field of Physics of Plasmas and Ionized Media are
the main topics of Part II (34 papers have been
submitted from this symposium). Part III consists of contributions
from all other symposia on Physics (37 papers).
All student's contributions in these volumes have been refereed by one
experts (usually the supervisor). I would like to thank all the
supervisors for their fruitful comments. However, each volume is further
divided into two sections: Refereed and Non-refereed contributions.
The papers in the refereed part
have been refereed by another referee (no supervisor) and these
papers have been accepted for publication after corresponding
revisions. I would like to thank the referees from different
institutions who worked so hard to review the student's papers,
and thus permitted the timely production of these volumes:
G. Andrejková, S. Schwabík, T. Holan, R. Neruda, D. Zeman,
N. Peterek, M. Plátek, J. Hric, Z. Žabokrtský, A. Drápal, V.
Majerech, E. Fasangová, B. Maslowski, T. Cipra, V. Dolejší, K.
Najzar, J. Kofroň, P. Mayer, S. Zelenda, J. Milota, L. Beran, O.
John, J. Bečvář, A. Karger, J. Veselý, R. Batůšek, B. Novák, E.
Hajičová, J. Dolejší, M. Sobotka, P.
Kulhánek, J. Grygar, I. Barvík, J. Obdržálek, O. Jiříček, L.
Dvořák, R. Grill, F. Honda, B. Vlčková, J. Nedbal, K. Veltruská,
A. Havránek, P. Hlídek, M. Mišina, V. Baumruk, P. Kudrna, E.
Tomková, J. Horák, J. Šafránková, I. Čermák, J. Glosík, Z.
Němeček, M. Slivka, J. Richardson, V. Hrachová, M. Tichý, L.
Třísková, J. Wild, M. Trchová, J. Kasper, P. Španěl, O. Santolík.
We would like to note that the Proceedings contain the contributions of
students who have just
started their postgraduate study as well as contributions of
students who are about to finish their degree and thus the
scientific level of contributions can differ accordingly.
We could ordered the contributions in accordance with this criterion but
we chose to arrange the papers according to their topic for the
sake of easier reference.
Finally, I would like to express my thanks
to all speakers and other participants for
helping us to keep a fruitful and friendly atmosphere during the
whole meeting and, last but not least, to J. Pavlů and other our
young colleagues who assisted me greatly both prior to the
conference and after it. The Troja campus where the conference
was held was heavily flooded during the preparation of
Proceedings but we hope that none of submitted contributions was
lost. You can find the photos of campus during this event on our
web page.
Pleasant reading
Jana Šafránková
i-1, i-2, i-3, i-4, m-3, m-4, m-5, m-6, and m-8 Branches of Graduate Doctoral Studies
Reviewed Contributions
- Antolík J., Hierarchical self-organizing feature maps: A state of the art, i-2, p. 1
- Tesková J., Implementation of hierarchical associative memories, i-2, p. 9
- Šámal R., Flows and colorings of graphs, i-4, p. 17
- Tichy T., A lower bound for restricted randomized on-line algorithms for scheduling, i-4, p. 21
- Podveský, P., Finite-state machines in speech recognition, i-3, p. 27
- Honetschläger V., Analytical and tectogrammatical syntactic parsing, i-3, p. 33
- Homola P., Machine translation among Slavic languages, i-3, p. 39
- Ljubopytnov V., Němec P., Pilátová M., Reschke J., Stuchl J., Oraculum, a system for complex linguistic queries, i-3, p. 44
- Bárta T., Spectral properties of integrodifferential equation, m-3, p. 49
- Beneš M., A new critical spectrum for semigroups , m-3, p. 55
- Polívka J., Liability side of asset- liability management model, m-5, p. 61
- Brát M., The FFT pre-processes the data for neural solution of the ICA, m-6, p. 68
- Bejček M., On discontinuous Galerkin method for numerical solution of conservation laws, m-6, p. 74
- Finěk V., Approximation properties of wavelets and relations between scaling moments, m-6, p. 81
- Hartman J., Principles of algorithmic differentiation, m-6, p. 86
- Pražák P., Application of the maximum principle in economics, m-8, p. 92
- Purmová L., Using predator-prey models for describing the population dynamics of insect pests, m-8, p. 98
- Olejníčková J., Scientific work of Bohumil Bydžovský - cyclic collineations, m-8, p. 105
- Drábková P., Prof. Miloš Kössler and number theory II., m-8, p. 111
- Ernestová M., Polynomial systems throughout the centuries, m-8, p. 117
- Kupkova K., Education and on-line courses, m-8, p. 123
- Preclík J., What authoring tool is the best?, m-8, p. 128
- Sobotová E., Ptolemy's contribution to trigonometry, m-8, p. 134
- Gažová L., The work of Jan Vojtěch in the teaching of geometry in our schools, m-8, p. 139
Non-refereed Contributions
- Olmer P., A pursuit of semantic web, i-1, p. 143
- Müller T., Lecture timetabling, i-1, p. 147
- Vilím P., Global constraints in CSP, i-1, p. 153
- Adamek J., Current approaches to behavior description of software components , i-2, p. 159
- Novák T., The compression of articulated figures motion, i-2, p. 165
- Machek, P., Structured language modeling, i-3, p. 169
- Rychtář J., On invariant subspaces of biduals, m-3, p. 173
- Husová J., Stable convergence in central limit theorems, m-4, p. 177
- Prokešová M., Stochastic stability of MCMC algorithms, m-4, p. 183
- Pawlas Z., Central limit theorems in stochastic geometry, m-4, p. 189
- Lněnička R., On the tightness in Zhang-Yeung inequality for Gaussian vectors, m-4, p. 194
- Kalina J., Autocorrelated residuals of least trimmed squares regression, m-4, p. 198
- Houda M., Stability and metrics in stochastic programming problems, m-5, p. 204
- Moc O., The infinite products, m-8, p. 210
- Šimková H., Equiaffine generalization of cyclic motions, m-8, p. 214
f-2 Branch of Graduate Doctoral Studies
Reviewed Contributions
- Merka J., The terrestrial bow shock: Models and observations, f-2, p. 219, invited
- Hayosh M., Nemecek Z., Safrankova J., Correlation of geomagnetic indexes with the magnetosheath ion flux, f-2, p. 232
- Riazantseva M.O., Dalin P.A., Zastenker G.N., Orientation of the sharp solar wind plasma fronts, f-2, p. 238
- Šimůnek J., Šafránková J., Němeček Z., Wing S., Sources of the cusp plasma for different sign of IMF By, f-2, p. 244
- Chum J., Jiříček F., Shklyar D., LHR associated oblique noise bands, f-2, p. 252
- Kuzhevskij B.M., Nechaev O.Yu., Panasyuk M.I., Sigaeva E.A., Studies of neutrons distributions near the Earth surface in order to predict space weather, f-2, p. 258
- Grigoryan O., Petrov A., Kudela K., Near-equatorial protons: the local-time dependence, f-2, p. 263
- Yordanova E., Comparative description of height-integrated conductivity distribution in dependence on geomagnetic activity level, f-2, p. 269
- Wieser M., Wurz P., Bochsler P., Moebius E., Quinn J., Fuselier S., DeFazio J., Stephen T. M., Direct mass spectrometric measurement of interstellar neutral gas, f-2, p. 275
- Čermák I., Savic I., Gerlich D., Ion-trapping apparatus for studies on reactions between ions and neutral carbon species, f-2, p. 281
- Pavlů J., Šafránková J., Němeček Z., Negative charging of dust grains, f-2, p. 288
- Luca A., Voulot D., Gerlich D., Low temperature reactions between stored ions and condensable gases: Formation of protonated methanol via radiative association, f-2, p. 294
- Dryahina K., Spanel P., Kinetics of ion-molecule reactions and diffusion in flow tubes, f-2, p. 301
- Gulejová G., Zahoranová A, Černák M., Using of atmospheric pressure nitrogen plasma treatment for hydrophilization of polyester nonwoven fabrics, f-2, p. 307
- Brotánková J., Plíšek P., Žáček F., Thomson scattering diagnostic for measurement of electron temperature and density on the tokamak CASTOR, f-2, p. 313
- Holík M., Kudrna P., Bilyk O., Tichý M., Behnke J. F., Langmuir probe study of DC discharge in cylindrical magnetron, f-2, p. 319
Non-refereed Contributions
- Yermolaev M.Yu., Yermolaev Yu.I., Statistic study of solar, interplanetary and geomagnetospheric disturbances during two solar cycles (1976-2000), f-2, p. 325
- Souček J., Dudok de Wit T., Décréau P., Dunlop M., Application of local wavelet correlation to multi-point CLUSTER measurements, f-2, p. 333
- Musatenko S.I., Kurochka E.V., Choliy V.Ya., Medvedsky M.M., Slipchenko A.S., Lastochkin A.V., Reshetnyk V.M., Buromskij N.I., Magnetoconjugated effects of solar eclipse on June 21, 2001, f-2, p. 338
- Brenkus R., Kudela K., Decreases of cosmic ray intensity and geomagnetic activity, f-2, p. 345
- Gotynyan O.E., Ivchenko V.M., Rapoport Yu.G., Ionospheric disturbances excited by acoustic gravity waves before earthquakes, f-2, p. 350
- Dzyubenko M., Martyushov V., Nepotyuk Ya., The influence of meteors on the ionospheric state, f-2, p. 356
- Kozak L. V., Ivchenko V.M., Dzubenko M.I., The wind change in upper atmosphere over seismic activity regions, f-7, p. 361
- Dimitrova S., The relationship between geomagnetic activity and some human physiological parameters, f-7, p. 367
- Fuciman M., Šunka P., Beneš J., Babický V., Generators of shock waves in water, pressure wave fields and possible application, f-2, p. 372
- Chumak O., Kopecky V., Sember V., Hrabovsky M., Investigation of radiation of alumina particles injected into water-argon plasma jet, f-2, p. 377
- Kavka T., Hrabovsky M., Sember V., Properties of electric arc and plasma jet in the plasma torch with water-argon stabilization, f-2, p. 381
- Bilyk O., Kudrna P., Holík M., Marek A., Tichý M., A study of DC discharges instability in cylindrical magnetron, f-2, p. 388
- Frolov O., Koláček K., Schmidt J., Boháček V., Řípa M., Capillary discharge based laser systems, f-2, p. 394
- Mašek M., Rohlena K., Aplication of Euler-Vlasov method to laser plasma: Stimulated Raman scattering, f-2, p. 400
- Pysanenko A., Zakouřil P., Novotný O., Poterya V., Plašil R., Glosík J., Study of the recombination of D3+ and D5+ ions with electrons in He-Ar-D2 flowing afterglow plasma, f-2, p. 407
- Cada M., Hubicka Z., Sicha M., In-situ plasma diagnostic during deposition of ZnO thin films in the plasma-jet reactor, f-2, p. 412
- Kříž P., Straňák V., Blažek J., Stach V., Holographic interferometry of barrier discharge, f-2, p. 418
- Olejníček J., Modelling of interferogram for flowing helium, f-2, p. 423
f-1, f-3, f-4, f-5, f-6, f-7, f-8, f-9, f-11, and f-12 Branches of Graduate Doctoral Studies
Contributions from Symposium on Physics of Plasmas and Ionized Media (f-2) are in Part II.
- Carraro G., The formation of elliptical galaxies seen through numerical simulations, f-1, p. 427, invited
Reviewed Contributions
- Prouza M., Ultra-high energy cosmic rays detected with experimental array of Pierre Auger observatory, f-1, p. 437
- Mészárosová H., Statistical analysis of the high-frequency solar radio bursts, f-1, p. 443
- Horák J., Transverse velocity profile in astrophysical jets, f-1, p. 449
- Machátová Z., Kamarád J., Andreev A.V., Magnetisation of Lu2Fe17 intermetallics under pressure, f-3, p. 455
- Krupko Yu., Smrčka L., Vašek P., Svoboda P., Cukr M., Jansen L., Gate voltage dependence of the magnetotransport in back-gated double quantum wells, f-3, p. 459
- Kholodkov I., Biederman H., Slavínská D., Choukourov A., Trchova M., Plasma polymers prepared by RF sputtering of polyethylene, f-4, p. 463
- Stelmashuk V., Biederman H., Slavinska D., RF magnetron sputtering of polypropylene, f-4, p. 468
- Choukourov A., Kholodkov I., Biederman H., Slavinska D., Properties of amine containing plasma polymers, f-4, p. 474
- Pihosh Y., Biederman H., Slavínská D., Choukourov A., Trchová M., Deposition of composite SiOx/fluorocarbon plasma polymers films prepared by r.f. magnetron sputtering, f-4, p. 479
- Koshelyev H., Biederman H., Slavinska D., DC plasma magnetron deposition of metal/C:H composite films, f-4, p. 485
- Boldyryeva H., Hlídek P., Biederman H., Slavínská D., Some remarks to Ag/C:H nanocomposite film deposition, f-4, p. 491
- Němeček D., Štěpánek J., Turpin P.-Y., Raman spectroscopic study of oligo-thymidylates hybridization properties with polyadenylic acid as natural counterpart, f-4, p. 497
- Loew M., Sladký P., Dienstbier M., Císařová H., Gabriel P., Elastic light scattering detection of polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) in low concentration solutions, f-4, p. 503
- Kundrat P., Lokajicek M., Energy transfered by ionising particles and inactivation mechanism in cells, f-10, p. 507
- Skála T., Veltruská K., Mašek K., Matolínová I., Matolín V., XPS study of Pd-Co thin layers, f-5, p. 513
- Mikšovský J., Raidl A., Inverse approach to nonlinear time series prediction, f-8, p. 518
- Goldová K., Žilavý P., School physical experiments with electronic support, f-12, p. 523
- Hluší S., Vokřál J., A quantitative assessment of nasalance of Czech language (preliminary report), f-12, p. 529
- Urbanová M., Dolejší J., The experience with the "Ask the Experts" section of Fyzweb, f-12, p. 534
Non-refereed Contributions
- Nováková D., Pecina P., Some aspects of meteor head echoes occurrence during Leonids 2000 and 2001, f-1, p. 539
- Bahena D., Hot luminous stars evolution, f-1, p. 545
- Bahena D., ZAMS models of massive and very massive stars, f-1, p. 550
- Kolář M., Slanina F., Accuracy of DNA computers, f-1, p. 555
- Svítek O., Podolský J., High-frequency gravitational waves and their relation to exact solutions, f-1, p. 559
- Stupakov O., Tomáš I., Application of permeability measurement method for nondestructive magnetic testing, f-3, p. 565
- Starovoytova L., Hanyková L., Ilavský M., Spěváček J., Temperature phase transition in poly(N-isopropylmethacrylamide)/D2O solutions as studied by 1H NMR method, f-4, p. 571
- Starykov O., Prokeš J., Křivka I., Stejskal J., Electrical properties of polyaniline doped with 3-nitro-1,2,4-triayol-5-one, f-4, p. 577
- Vanek J., Balkova R., Cech V., Grycova A., Prikryl R., RF-plasma technology for thin films preparation from VTEO-monomer, f-5, p. 583
- Romanyuk O., GaAs(100) structure analysis from LEED intensities, f-5, p. 589
- Blahitka B.I., Study of transport properties of GaSb p-n junction for thermophotovoltaic energy conversion, f-6, p. 594
- Kukačka M., Matyska C., Modelling the subducting lithosphere using FEM, f-7, p. 600
- Sedlák D.,Hrach R., Genetic algorithms and computer modelling, f-11, p. 605
- Bařina O., Hrach R., Simplified model of plasma-solid interaction, f-11, p. 610
- Šenkýř M., Trávníček P., Detection of an ellipse-shaped seam in a flat-layered medium from satellite data, f-11, p. 614
- Pinkavová Z., Projects as an alternative way of teaching, f-12, p. 620
- Kekule J., Modern method of teaching physics, f-12, p. 624
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Last revised 3-Oct-2002.