Proceedings of the 7th Annual Conference of Doctoral Students
- WDS'98
(Prague, 9th June - 12th June, 1998)
Edited by J.
Šafránková , MATFYZPRESS,
Prague, 1998, ISBN 80-85863-29-4
Three parts of the Proceedings you are holding in your hands
are composed of the contributions which have been presented by
students and teachers during the 7th Annual Conference
of Students (Week of Doctoral Students, WDS'98) which was held in
Prague, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles
University from June 9 to June 12, 1998. The international
meeting was divided into the different symposia in accordance
with their topics and consisted of both invited lectures of
professors and shorter contributions, which were presented as
oral contributions or posters by doctoral students. The total
number of lectures and posters was 170; 74 of them being
submitted for publication in the Proceedings. This number is
rather high and thus the Proceedings are divided into three
volumes. Part I presents the contribution on
Mathematics, Informatics and Didactics (25 contributions). The
contributions from the field of Physics of Plasmas and Ionized
Media are the main topic of Part II, (because
32 contributions have been submitted from this symposium). Part III consists of contributions from all
other symposia on Physics (17 contributions).
All contributions in these volumes have been refereed by one
experts. We would like to thank all the referees for
their fruitful comments, which will make these student articles
easier to read and more informative for the scientific community.
We gratefully acknowledge the help of M. Králíková in editing
the manuscripts.
The Proceedings from previous years were published as
preprints of Faculty of Mathematics and Physics but the present
Proceedings are an official publication of the MATFYZPRESS
company and they are internationally registered under the ISBN
number. I believe that this registration would make the
reference to the articles contained in the Proceedings easier.
Judge for yourself, dear reader, if our attempt to present the
results, not only those of our students but also of many other
colleagues from abroad, has been successful. In the same way, we
leave to your opinion the assessment of the scientific level of
the contributions. However, it should be noted here that the
Proceedings contain the contributions of students who have just
started their postgraduate study as well as contributions of
students who are about to finish their degree. We could have
ordered the contributions in accordance with this criterion but
we chose to arrange the papers according to their topic for the
sake of easier reference.
Finally, I would like to express my thanks to all speakers
and other participants for helping us to keep a fruitful and
friendly atmosphere during the whole meeting and, last but not
least, to the Headquarters of our Faculty for their support which
allowed us not only to invite the foreign participants but also
to issue the present volumes of Proceedings.
Pleasant reading, Jana Šafránková
M-2, M-4, M-9, M-10, M-11, M-13, I-1, I-2 and I-3 Branches of
Graduate Doctoral Studies
- Preface and Introduction
- Nešetřil J., Špičková P., Coloring of graphs
with bounded girth, M4
- Crhák T., On homotopy in commutative algebra, M2
- Babilon R., Interesting properties of Penrose
tilings, M4
- Resová E., Mueller J., Analysis of one factor
model of ANOVA, M9
- Lešanská E., Comparison of the nonsensitiveness
regions in measuring angles and distances, M9
- Juránek J., Hypothesis testing in the regular
linear multivariate model without constraints, M9
- Franěk P., Recursive methods in time series
analysis, M10
- Tichý P., BiCGStab and other hybrid BiCG methods,
- Kliková A., Adaptive methods for the Euler
equations, M11
- Ženčák P., Quartic smoothing splines preserving
convexity and monotonicity, M11
- Linhart A., Numerical solution of
convection-diffusion problems of environmental
protection, M11
- Koňák M., Price models of the assets under
regulation, M13
- Kovářová M., The application of the central
limit theorem in the regenerative model for the permanent
health insurance, M13
- Unzeitigová V., A probabilistic model of IBNR
reserves, M13
- Friesl M., Constant death-rate and credibility, M13
- Pešek P., Introduction into the theory of pattern
recognition and trading strategy, M13
- Beran M., Computational power of BSP computers, I1
- Vestenicky V., Data replication in distributed
systems, I2
- Vlach R., Query processing in distributed database
systems, I2
- Haindl M., Havlíček V., Colour texture
modelling, I2
- Dvorský J., Word-based compression methods for
text retrieval systems, I2
- Holub M., Some problems in text document retrieval
systems, I2
- Nguyen Duy Hoa, Component definition language for
dynamic component updating, I2
- Špimr M., Kostner R., Empathic approach to cell
modeling, I2
- Straňáková M., Ambiguity in Czech sentences,
classification and searching for it, I3
F-2 Branch of Graduate Doctoral Studies
- Vandas M., Magnetic clouds in the solar wind, F2
- Hrabaň V., Holub P., Solar wind observation:
Methodology, data processing, F2
- Kirpichev I., Fedorov A., Zastenker G.,
Determination of ion flow direction in the magnetosheath
and cusp regions with the set of Faraday cups, F2
- Blecki J., Low frequency plasma waves and their
role in the dynamics of the earth magnetosphere, F2
- Měrka J., Šafránková J., Němeček Z., The
high-latitude observations of cusp-like plasma:
Statistical study, F2
- Gotselyuk Yu., Kuznetsov S. N., Sinyakov A. V.,
Belian D., Multisatellite observations of energetic
particle peaks in outer magnetosphere, F2
- Bučík R., Kudela K., Bogomolov A. V., Myagkova
L. N., Kuznetsov S. N., Ryumin S. P., Distribution of
gamma ray fluxes at altitude 500 km: CORONAS-I data, F2
- Kuznetsov S. N., Myagkova I. N., Anomalous fluxes
of quasi-trapped electrons (>0.5 MeV) under the inner
radiation belt, F2
- Gotselyuk Yu., Kuznetsov S. N., Sinyakov A. V.,
Belian D., Changes of outer radiation belt structure
during the magnetic storm of April 17, 1994, F2
- Bobík P., Kudela K., Storini M., Kaššovicová
J., Access of cosmic rays to Lomnický štít and Rome NM
stations, F2
- Mitková P., Trávníček P., The conversion from
the internal data representation of ISDAT system to IDFS
data format, I2
- Marek P., Mitková P., Paluch H., Trávníček P.,
Modular multi-database server storing data in different
data formats, F2
- Schletti R., Signal and noise of isochronous
time-of-flight mass spectrometer, F2
- Wurz P., Froehlich T., Bruening K., Scheer J.,
Heiland W., Hertzberg E., Fuselier S., Formation of
negative ions by scattering from a diamond (111) surface,
- Kalhofer S., Čermák I., Foerderer M.,
Čermáková I., Kraetschmer W., Emission spectroscopy of
carbon molecules, F2
- Illemann J., Wellert S., Schlemmer S., Gerlich D.,
Non-destructive mass determination of single
sub-micrometer sized particles, F2
- Žilavý P., Sternovský Z., Němeček Z.,
Šafránková J., Charging of small solid bodies by a
middle energy electron beam, F2
- Ďuran I., Stoeckel J., Jakubka K., Current
density fluctuations measured by miniature Rogowski coil
on the CASTOR tokamak, F2
- Hron M., Stoeckel J., Kryška L., Statistical
analysis of the plasma turbulence using a pin-plate
probe, F2
- Rusz J., Langmuir probe diagnostics for magnetised
low-temperature plasma, F2
- Kříž P., Optical diagnostic methods of the
flowing plasma, F2
- Eliáš M., Janča J., Optical diagnostics of RF
plasma during CN films deposition, F2
- Slavíček P., Kapička V., Brablec A., Střecha
M., Diagnostics of RF discharge, F2
- Vaculík R., Brablec A., Kapička V.,
Equiintensities of RF plasma discharges, F2
- Videnovic I. R., Konjevic N., Kuraica M. M.,
Diagnostics of the glow discharge cathode region by the
atomic emission spectroscopy, F2
- Hubička Z., Fendrych F., Šícha M., RF
multi-plasma-jet system for deposition composite thin
films, F2
- Češka Z., Janča J., Dvořák M., ECR plasma
deposition of thin films, F2
- Mrázek L., Klein J.-P., Winter H., Studies of SEC
by oxygen dication with Ar, He and simple molecules, F2
- Luca A., Schlemmer S., Gerlich D., Glosík J.,
(CO)n+ cluster formation in a cold
ion trap, F2
- Wisthaler A., Hansel A., Singer W., Schwarzmann
M., Lindinger W., Energy dependence of the proton
transfer system
H3O+ + CH2O -> CH2OH+
+ H2O, F2
- Wisthaler A., Hansel A., Schwarzmann M., Lindinger
W., Vibrational relaxation of HCN+ and DCN+
in collisions with He, F2
- Hansel A., Jordan A., Lindinger W.,
Proton-transfer-reactions: Applications for on-line
monitoring of VOC at PPTV levels, F2
F-1, F-3, F-4, F-8, F-10 and F-11 Branches of
Graduate Doctoral Studies
- Řezáč R., Hadrava P., Relativistic
kinetic model of a multi-particle cloud, F1
- Pichl L., Quasiclassical search for
nonadiabatic transition probability formulae, F1
- Čížek M., Long range forces and
dynamics of collision complexes H-2
and HCl-, F1
- Pravda V., Pravdová A., Uniformly
accelerated sources in electromagnetism and
gravity, F1
- Pravdová A., Gravitational radiation and
symmetries, F1
- Valach J., Comparison of 60o
and faulted dipoles: Lattice statics study, F3
- Zhedanov A., Malyuk O., Surface spin-flop
transition in AFM superlattices, F3
- Mančal T., Pendular molecules in strong
static and radiative fields, F4
- Chmelová K., Interaction of Ni(II) cation
with adenine mononucleotides and their analogues,
- Lovčinský M., Dědic R., Benešová J.,
Pšenčík J., Štys D., Hála J., Low
temperature spectroscopic study of protection
mechanism in photosynthesis of Fe-limited
cyanobacteria, F4
- Urbánková E., Jelokhani-Niaraki M.,
Ježek P., Tryptophans of brown fat mitochondrial
uncoupling protein (UCP1), F4
- Dědic R., Lovčinský M., Pšenčík J.,
Vácha M., Vácha F., Hála J., Characterization
of photosystem II reaction center containing 1
and 2 carotenoides by means of low temperature
spectroscopy, F4
- Dufková D., The diagnostic of the PBL in
- Kopál M., The strength function in
deformed nuclei, F10
- Kopál M., Macková A., Collective aspects
of nuclear dynamics, F10
- Entlicher M., Hrach R., Investigation of
plasma-surface interaction by computer modelling,
- Boldyš J., Hrach R., Wavelets in thin
film physics, F11
[KEVF Home Page],
[Faculty of Math. and Physics],
[Charles University]
Last revised 02-Oct-1998.