Proceedings of the 5th Annual Conference of Doctoral Students -- WDS'96
F-2 Physics of Plasmas and Ionized Media
Prague,16th September - 20th September, 1996
Pekarek L., Deterministic chaos
Alexeev I. I., Belenkaya E. S., Sibeck D. G., Comparison of
the effects of field--aligned and tail currents on the structure
of the magnetosphere
Alexeev I. I., Bobrovnikov S., Tail current sheet
dynamic during substorm
Odehnal P., Electron beam injection into magnetized
plasma: Computer simulation
Polasek C., Actual spatial orientation of subsatellite as
derived from all three components of on--board magnetometer:
The APEX project
Truhlik V., Smilauer J., Triskova L.,
Shultchishin J., Variation of ion composition in
the topside ionosphere
Merka J., Safrankova J., Nemecek Z.,
Cusp region: The INTERBALL observation
Hellinger P., Mangeney A., Electromagnetic ion
beam instability
Eiges P., Zastenker G., Nozdrachev M., Astafjeva
N., Solar wind plasma and electric field fluctuations during
the bow shock crossing
Dalin P., Zastenker G., Paularena K., Lazarus A.,
Correlations of solar wind observations onboard
several spacecrafts: INTERBALL-1, IMP-8 and WIND data
Heyrovsky E., Shielding of a line charge in
magnetized plasma
Travnicek P., Database systems in space projects
Farnik M., Samelin B.,
Size distributions of charged helium microdroplets
Hansel A., Structure and reactivity of the hydrogen
cyanide ions
Luca A., Glosik J., Zakouril P., Bano G.,
Recombination of NH4+.(NH3) with electrons: Measurement of EEDF
Mrazek L., Single electron charge transfer from doubly
charged ions
Hubicka Z., RF-multi-hollow cathode system for deposition thin films
Tous J., Measurement of the electron current
distribution in the RF hollow cathode discharge
Kalcik J. , Warm Langmuir probe plasma diagnostics
Adamek P. , Experimental results of the probe diagnostic of
the plasma obtained by the high-speed measuring system
Kudrna P., Chudacek O., Tichy M., A study of the
electron energy distribution in rare gas stationary afterglow at
300 K
Zajickova L., Klima M., Janca J.,
The study of the discharge and substrate parameters important for plasma
Bindemann T. , Tichy M., Investigations on
plasma-wall interaction via potential measurements
Csambal C., Helbig V., Behnke J. F.,
Spectroscopic investigations in a cylindrical magnetron discharge
with diode lasers
Hennig A., Csambal C., Passoth E., Behnke J. F.,
Emission spectroscopy of a cylindrical magnetron discharge
Petrzilka J., Stoeckel J., Edge turbulence
scaling on the Castor
tokamak: A way to transport control
Hron M., Stoeckel J., Global energy and particle
confinement time on the Castor tokamak
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[Faculty of Math. and Physics],
[Charles University]
Last revised 16-Dec-1996.