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UT=001215993100005 OR UT=001238910700001 OR UT=001191988800001 OR UT=000900746200002 OR UT=001038727700001 OR UT=001025992800001 OR UT=000954163900001 OR UT=000524211800051 OR UT=000473389900022 OR UT=000473389900023

BibTeX entries:
	 author = {Kapran, A. AND Hippler, R. AND Wulff, H. AND Olejnicek, J. AND Volfova, L. AND Pisarikova, A. AND Nepomniashchaia, N. AND Cada, M. AND Hubicka, Z.},
	 title = {Crystalline Structure and Optical Properties of Cobalt Nickel Oxide Thin Films Deposited with a Pulsed Hollow-Cathode Discharge in an Ar+O2 Gas Mixture},
	 journal = {Coatings},
	 fulljournal = {Coatings},
	 volume = {14},
	 number = {3},
	 pages = {319},
	 eid = {319},
	 year = {2024},
	 issn = {2079-6412},
	 doi = {10.3390/coatings14030319},
	 KFPPid = {2510},

	 author = {Kapran, A. AND Ballage, C. AND Hubička, Z. AND Minea, T.},
	 title = {2D analysis of sputtered species transport in high-power impulse magnetron sputtering (HiPIMS) discharge},
	 journal = {J. Appl. Phys.},
	 volume = {135},
	 number = {17},
	 pages = {173302},
	 eid = {173302},
	 year = {2024},
	 issn = {0021-8979},
	 doi = {10.1063/5.0198423},
	 KFPPid = {2522},

	 author = {Krýsová, H. AND Cichoň, S. AND Kapran, A. AND Volfová, L. AND Chvostová, D. AND Imrich, T. AND Neumann-Spallart, M. AND Krýsa, J. AND Hubička, Z.},
	 title = {Deposition of Fe2O3:Sn semiconducting thin films by reactive pulsed HiPIMS + ECWR co-sputtering from Fe and Sn targets},
	 journal = {Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry},
	 fulljournal = {Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry},
	 volume = {454},
	 number = {},
	 pages = {115676},
	 eid = {115676},
	 year = {2024},
	 issn = {1010-6030},
	 doi = {10.1016/j.jphotochem.2024.115676},
	 KFPPid = {2523},

	 author = {Kapran, A. AND Hippler, R. AND Wulff, H. AND Olejnicek, J. AND Pisarikova, A. AND Cada, M. AND Hubicka, Z.},
	 title = {Characteristics of a pulsed hollow cathode discharge operated in an Ar+O2 gas mixture and deposition of copper nickel oxide thin films},
	 journal = {Vacuum},
	 fulljournal = {Vacuum},
	 volume = {215},
	 number = {Sep},
	 pages = {112272},
	 eid = {112272},
	 year = {2023},
	 issn = {0042-207X},
	 doi = {10.1016/j.vacuum.2023.112272},
	 KFPPid = {2452},

	 author = {Kapran, A. AND Antunes, V.G. AND Hubička, Z. AND Ballage, C. AND Minea, T.},
	 title = {Investigation of the magnetron balancing effect on the ionized flux fraction and deposition rate of sputtered titanium species for the high-power impulse magnetron sputtering pulses of different lengths},
	 journal = {J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A },
	 fulljournal = {Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A},
	 volume = {41},
	 number = {1},
	 pages = {013003},
	 eid = {013003},
	 year = {2023},
	 issn = {0734-2101,1520-8559},
	 doi = {10.1116/6.0002309},
	 KFPPid = {2454},

	 author = {Jirátová, K. AND Soukal, P. AND Kapran, A. AND Babii, T. AND Balabánová, J. AND Koštejn, M. AND Čada, M. AND Maixner, J. AND Topka, P. AND Hubička, Z. AND Kovanda, F.},
	 title = {Nickel-Copper Oxide Catalysts Deposited on Stainless Steel Meshes by Plasma Jet Sputtering: Comparison with Granular Analogues and Synergistic Effect in VOC Oxidation},
	 journal = {Catalysts},
	 fulljournal = {Catalysts},
	 volume = {13},
	 number = {3},
	 pages = {595},
	 eid = {595},
	 year = {2023},
	 issn = {2073-4344},
	 doi = {10.3390/catal13030595},
	 KFPPid = {2453},

	 author = {Antunes, V.G. AND Rudolph, M. AND Kapran, A. AND Hajihoseini, H. AND Raadu, M.A. AND Brenning, N. AND Gudmundsson, J.T. AND Lundin, D. AND Minea, T.},
	 title = {Influence of the magnetic field on the extension of the ionization region in high power impulse magnetron sputtering discharges},
	 journal = {Plasma Sources Sci. Technol.},
	 fulljournal = {Plasma Sources Science and Technology},
	 volume = {32},
	 number = {7},
	 pages = {075016},
	 eid = {075016},
	 year = {2023},
	 issn = {0963-0252},
	 doi = {10.1088/1361-6595/ace847},
	 KFPPid = {2451},

	 author = {Hubička, Z. AND Čada, M. AND Kapran, A. AND Olejníček, J. AND Kšírová, P. AND Zanáška, M. AND Adámek, P. AND Tichý, M.},
	 title = {Plasma Diagnostics in Reactive High-Power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering System Working in Ar + H2S Gas Mixture},
	 journal = {Coatings},
	 fulljournal = {Coatings},
	 volume = {10},
	 number = {3},
	 pages = {246},
	 eid = {246},
	 year = {2020},
	 issn = {2079-6412},
	 doi = {10.3390/coatings10030246},
	 KFPPid = {2066},


\bibitem[{Kapran et~al.(2024)}]{Kapran:24:Crystalline}
Kapran, A., Hippler, R., Wulff, H., Olejnicek, J., Volfova, L., Pisarikova, A., Nepomniashchaia, N., Cada, M., Hubicka, Z., Crystalline Structure and Optical Properties of Cobalt Nickel Oxide Thin Films Deposited with a Pulsed Hollow-Cathode Discharge in an Ar+O2 Gas Mixture. {\it Coatings.} {\bf 14}(3): 319, 2024.

\bibitem[{Kapran et~al.(2024)}]{Kapran:24:2D}
Kapran, A., Ballage, C., Hubička, Z., Minea, T., 2D analysis of sputtered species transport in high-power impulse magnetron sputtering (HiPIMS) discharge. {\it J. Appl. Phys.} {\bf 135}(17): 173302, 2024.

\bibitem[{Krýsová et~al.(2024)}]{Krýsová:24:Deposition}
Krýsová, H., Cichoň, S., Kapran, A., Volfová, L., Chvostová, D., Imrich, T., Neumann-Spallart, M., Krýsa, J., Hubička, Z., Deposition of Fe2O3:Sn semiconducting thin films by reactive pulsed HiPIMS + ECWR co-sputtering from Fe and Sn targets. {\it Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry.} {\bf 454}: 115676, 2024.

\bibitem[{Kapran et~al.(2023)}]{Kapran:23:Characteristics}
Kapran, A., Hippler, R., Wulff, H., Olejnicek, J., Pisarikova, A., Cada, M., Hubicka, Z., Characteristics of a pulsed hollow cathode discharge operated in an Ar+O2 gas mixture and deposition of copper nickel oxide thin films. {\it Vacuum.} {\bf 215}(Sep): 112272, 2023.

\bibitem[{Kapran et~al.(2023)}]{Kapran:23:Investigation}
Kapran, A., Antunes, V.G., Hubička, Z., Ballage, C., Minea, T., Investigation of the magnetron balancing effect on the ionized flux fraction and deposition rate of sputtered titanium species for the high-power impulse magnetron sputtering pulses of different lengths. {\it J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A .} {\bf 41}(1): 013003, 2023.

\bibitem[{Jirátová et~al.(2023)}]{Jirátová:23:Nickel-Copper}
Jirátová, K., Soukal, P., Kapran, A., Babii, T., Balabánová, J., Koštejn, M., Čada, M., Maixner, J., Topka, P., Hubička, Z., Kovanda, F., Nickel-Copper Oxide Catalysts Deposited on Stainless Steel Meshes by Plasma Jet Sputtering: Comparison with Granular Analogues and Synergistic Effect in VOC Oxidation. {\it Catalysts.} {\bf 13}(3): 595, 2023.

\bibitem[{Antunes et~al.(2023)}]{Antunes:23:Influence}
Antunes, V.G., Rudolph, M., Kapran, A., Hajihoseini, H., Raadu, M.A., Brenning, N., Gudmundsson, J.T., Lundin, D., Minea, T., Influence of the magnetic field on the extension of the ionization region in high power impulse magnetron sputtering discharges. {\it Plasma Sources Sci. Technol.} {\bf 32}(7): 075016, 2023.

\bibitem[{Hubička et~al.(2020)}]{Hubička:20:Plasma}
Hubička, Z., Čada, M., Kapran, A., Olejníček, J., Kšírová, P., Zanáška, M., Adámek, P., Tichý, M., Plasma Diagnostics in Reactive High-Power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering System Working in Ar + H2S Gas Mixture. {\it Coatings.} {\bf 10}(3): 246, 2020.