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UT=000413053700005 OR UT=000408187400017 OR UT=000391311100004 OR UT=000375521100024 OR UT=000368486600002 OR UT=000375631100022 OR UT=000355739500037
BibTeX entries:
author = {Krejčí, O. AND Hapala, P. AND Ondráček, M. AND Jelínek, P.},
title = {Principles and simulations of high-resolution STM imaging with a flexible tip apex},
journal = {Phys. Rev. B},
fulljournal = {PHYSICAL REVIEW B},
volume = {95},
number = {4},
pages = {045407},
eid = {045407},
year = {2017},
issn = {1098-0121},
doi = {10.1103/PhysRevB.95.045407},
KFPPid = {1686},
author = {LaRue, J. AND Krejčí, O. AND Yu, L. AND Beye, M. AND Ng, M.L. AND Öberg, H. AND Xin, H. AND Mercurio, G. AND Moeller, S. AND Turner, J.J. AND Nordlund, D. AND Coffee, R. AND Minitti, M.P. AND Wurth, W. AND Pettersson, L.G.M. AND Öström, H. AND Nilsson, A. AND Abild-Pedersen, F. AND Ogasawara, H.},
title = {Real-Time Elucidation of Catalytic Pathways in CO Hydrogenation on Ru},
journal = {J. Phys. Chem. Lett.},
fulljournal = {Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters},
volume = {8},
number = {16},
pages = {3820--3825},
year = {2017},
issn = {1948-7185},
doi = {10.1021/acs.jpclett.7b01549},
KFPPid = {1739},
author = {de la Torre, B. AND Švec, M. AND Foti, G. AND Krejčí, O. AND Hapala, P. AND Garcia-Lekue, A. AND Frederiksen, T. AND Zbořil, R. AND Arnau, A. AND Vázquez, H. AND Jelínek, P.},
title = {Nanometer-Range Strain Distribution in Layered Incommensurate Systems},
journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.},
volume = {119},
number = {16},
pages = {166001},
eid = {166001},
year = {2017},
issn = {0031-9007},
doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.119.166001},
KFPPid = {1781},
author = {Krejčí, O. AND Matvija, P. AND Zimmermann, P. AND Sobotík, P. AND Ošt’ádal, I. AND Kocán, P.},
title = {Chemisorption of Acetophenone on Si(111)-7 × 7. Polar Aromatic Molecule on Electronically Complex Surface},
journal = {J. Phys. Chem. C},
volume = {120},
number = {17},
pages = {9200--9206},
year = {2016},
issn = {1932-7447},
doi = {10.1021/acs.jpcc.6b00486},
KFPPid = {1607},
author = {Sforzini, J. AND Telychko, M. AND Krejci, O. AND Vondracek, M. AND Svec, M. AND Bocquet, F.C. AND Tautz, F.S.},
title = {Transformation of metallic boron into substitutional dopants in graphene on 6H−SiC(0001)},
journal = {Phys. Rev. B},
fulljournal = {PHYSICAL REVIEW B},
volume = {93},
number = {4},
pages = {041302(R)},
eid = {041302(R)},
year = {2016},
issn = {1098-0121},
doi = {10.1103/PhysRevB.93.041302},
KFPPid = {1585},
author = {Kocić, N. AND Liu, X. AND Chen, S. AND Decurtins, S. AND Krejčí, O. AND Jelínek, P. AND Repp, J. AND Liu, S.-.X.},
title = {Control of Reactivity and Regioselectivity for On-Surface Dehydrogenative Aryl–Aryl Bond Formation},
journal = {J. Am. Chem. Soc.},
volume = {138},
number = {17},
pages = {5585--5593},
year = {2016},
issn = {0002-7863},
doi = {10.1021/jacs.5b13461},
KFPPid = {1608},
author = {Kocan, P. AND Krejci, O. AND Tochihara, H.},
title = {Anomalous structural evolution and √3×√3 reconstruction of a clean Si(111) surface observed after thermal desorption of thallium},
journal = {J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A},
volume = {33},
number = {2},
pages = {021408},
eid = {021408},
year = {2015},
issn = {0734-2101},
doi = {10.1116/1.4913199},
KFPPid = {1487},
\bibitem[{Krejčí et~al.(2017)}]{Krejčí:17:Principles}
Krejčí, O., Hapala, P., Ondráček, M., Jelínek, P., Principles and simulations of high-resolution STM imaging with a flexible tip apex. {\it Phys. Rev. B.} {\bf 95}(4): 045407, 2017.
\bibitem[{LaRue et~al.(2017)}]{LaRue:17:Real-Time}
LaRue, J., Krejčí, O., Yu, L., Beye, M., Ng, M.L., Öberg, H., Xin, H., Mercurio, G., Moeller, S., Turner, J.J., Nordlund, D., Coffee, R., Minitti, M.P., Wurth, W., Pettersson, L.G.M., Öström, H., Nilsson, A., Abild-Pedersen, F., Ogasawara, H., Real-Time Elucidation of Catalytic Pathways in CO Hydrogenation on Ru. {\it J. Phys. Chem. Lett.} {\bf 8}(16): 3820--3825, 2017.
\bibitem[{d et~al.(2017)}]{d:17:Nanometer-Range}
de la Torre, B., Švec, M., Foti, G., Krejčí, O., Hapala, P., Garcia-Lekue, A., Frederiksen, T., Zbořil, R., Arnau, A., Vázquez, H., Jelínek, P., Nanometer-Range Strain Distribution in Layered Incommensurate Systems. {\it Phys. Rev. Lett.} {\bf 119}(16): 166001, 2017.
\bibitem[{Krejčí et~al.(2016)}]{Krejčí:16:Chemisorption}
Krejčí, O., Matvija, P., Zimmermann, P., Sobotík, P., Ošt’ádal, I., Kocán, P., Chemisorption of Acetophenone on Si(111)-7 × 7. Polar Aromatic Molecule on Electronically Complex Surface. {\it J. Phys. Chem. C.} {\bf 120}(17): 9200--9206, 2016.
\bibitem[{Sforzini et~al.(2016)}]{Sforzini:16:Transformation}
Sforzini, J., Telychko, M., Krejci, O., Vondracek, M., Svec, M., Bocquet, F.C., Tautz, F.S., Transformation of metallic boron into substitutional dopants in graphene on 6H−SiC(0001). {\it Phys. Rev. B.} {\bf 93}(4): 041302(R), 2016.
\bibitem[{Kocić et~al.(2016)}]{Kocić:16:Control}
Kocić, N., Liu, X., Chen, S., Decurtins, S., Krejčí, O., Jelínek, P., Repp, J., Liu, S.-.X., Control of Reactivity and Regioselectivity for On-Surface Dehydrogenative Aryl–Aryl Bond Formation. {\it J. Am. Chem. Soc.} {\bf 138}(17): 5585--5593, 2016.
\bibitem[{Kocan et~al.(2015)}]{Kocan:15:Anomalous}
Kocan, P., Krejci, O., Tochihara, H., Anomalous structural evolution and √3×√3 reconstruction of a clean Si(111) surface observed after thermal desorption of thallium. {\it J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A.} {\bf 33}(2): 021408, 2015.