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BibTeX entries:
author = {Gabor, R. AND Šlamborová, I. AND Mašek, K. AND Večeř, M. AND Simha Martynková, G. AND Hlinka, J. AND Tokarčíková, M. AND Motyka, O. AND Běčák, P. AND Seidlerová, J.},
title = {Structural modification of aluminium alloy for preparation of hydrophobic and antibacterial ZnO-based coatings},
journal = {Ceram. Int.},
fulljournal = {Ceramics International},
volume = {50},
number = {18},
pages = {33751--33761},
year = {2024},
issn = {0272-8842},
doi = {10.1016/j.ceramint.2024.06.193},
KFPPid = {2559},
author = {Gabor, R. AND Cvrček, L. AND Mašek, K. AND Hlinka, J. AND Motyka, O. AND Walter, J. AND Martynková, G.S. AND Mikesková, G. AND Seidlerová, J.},
title = {Tribological and corrosion properties of β-TiNb alloy modified by plasma electrolytic oxidation: Evaluation of the synergistic effect of composition and processing time through statistical evaluation},
journal = {Int. J. Refract. Hard Met.},
fulljournal = {International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials},
volume = {118},
number = {},
pages = {106502},
eid = {106502},
year = {2024},
issn = {0263-4368},
doi = {10.1016/j.ijrmhm.2023.106502},
KFPPid = {2475},
author = {Nouzák, L. AND Broulím, J. AND Fontanese, J. AND Mašek, K. AND Horanyi, M. AND Sternovsky, Z.},
title = {Characterizing the response of Timepix solid state detectors to dust impacts},
journal = {Icarus},
fulljournal = {Icarus},
volume = {418},
number = {},
pages = {116155},
eid = {116155},
year = {2024},
issn = {0019-1035},
doi = {10.1016/j.icarus.2024.116155},
KFPPid = {2541},
author = {Mikeštíková, M. AND Federičová, P. AND Gallus, P. AND Jirásek, R. AND Kozáková, J. AND Kroll, J. AND Kvasnička, J. AND Latoňová, V. AND Mandić, I. AND Mašek, K. AND Novotný, P. AND Přívara, R. AND Tůma, P. AND Zatočilová, I.},
title = {The study of gamma-radiation induced displacement damage n+-in-p silicon diodes},
journal = {Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. A},
fulljournal = {Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment},
volume = {1064},
number = {},
pages = {169432},
eid = {169432},
year = {2024},
issn = {0168-9002},
doi = {10.1016/j.nima.2024.169432},
KFPPid = {2540},
author = {Mikeštíková, M. AND Federičová, P. AND Gallus, P. AND Jirásek, R. AND Kozáková, J. AND Kroll, J. AND Kvasnička, J. AND Latoňová, V. AND Mandić, I. AND Mašek, K. AND Novotný, P. AND Přívara, R. AND Tůma, P. AND Zatočilová, I.},
title = {The study of gamma-radiation induced displacement damage n+-in-p silicon diodes},
journal = {Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. A},
fulljournal = {Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment},
volume = {1064},
number = {},
pages = {169432},
eid = {169432},
year = {2024},
issn = {0168-9002},
doi = {10.1016/j.nima.2024.169432},
KFPPid = {2540},
author = {Uvarov, V. AND Krutel, J. AND Mašek, K. AND Mysliveček, J. AND Johánek, V.},
title = {Thermal stability of cobalt oxide thin films and its enhancement by cerium oxide},
journal = {Appl. Surf. Sci.},
volume = {593},
number = {},
pages = {153430},
eid = {153430},
year = {2022},
issn = {0169-4332},
doi = {10.1016/j.apsusc.2022.153430},
KFPPid = {2312},
author = {Forsythe, J. AND Leiko, O. AND Uvarov, V. AND Škvára, J. AND Mysliveček, J. AND Mašek, K. AND Johánek, V.},
title = {CoO epitaxial growth on Cu(111) by reactive PVD and plasma oxidation},
journal = {Surfaces and Interfaces},
fulljournal = {Surfaces and Interfaces},
volume = {34},
number = {},
pages = {102364},
eid = {102364},
year = {2022},
issn = {2468-0230},
doi = {10.1016/j.surfin.2022.102364},
KFPPid = {2342},
author = {Johánek, V. AND Švenda, P. AND Mašek, K.},
title = {Methanol to hydrogen conversion on cobalt–ceria catalysts prepared by magnetron sputtering},
journal = {Int. J. Hydrog. Energy},
fulljournal = {International Journal of Hydrogen Energy},
volume = {46},
number = {33},
pages = {17197--17208},
year = {2021},
issn = {0360-3199},
doi = {10.1016/j.ijhydene.2021.02.167},
KFPPid = {2198},
author = {Beran, J. AND Mašek, K.},
title = {RHEED and XPS study of palladium interaction with cerium oxide surface},
journal = {Vacuum},
fulljournal = {Vacuum},
volume = {167},
number = {Jun},
pages = {438--444},
year = {2019},
issn = {0042-207X},
doi = {10.1016/j.vacuum.2019.06.023},
KFPPid = {1986},
author = {Perekrestov, R. AND Spesyvyi, A. AND Maixner, J. AND Mašek, K. AND Leiko, O. AND Khalakhan, I. AND Maňák, J. AND Kšírová, P. AND Hubička, Z. AND Čada, M.},
title = {The comparative study of electrical, optical and catalytic properties of Co3O4 thin nanocrystalline films prepared by reactive high-power impulse and radio frequency magnetron sputtering},
journal = {Thin Solid Films},
fulljournal = {THIN SOLID FILMS},
volume = {686},
number = {Sep},
pages = {137427},
eid = {137427},
year = {2019},
issn = {0040-6090},
doi = {10.1016/j.tsf.2019.137427},
KFPPid = {1996},
author = {Korcsmáros, G. AND Moravec, P. AND Grill, R. AND Mašek, K. AND Veis, M.},
title = {Oxidation and erosion of single crystal CdTe surface in distilled water and NaCl solution},
journal = {Thin Solid Films},
fulljournal = {THIN SOLID FILMS},
volume = {686},
number = {Jul},
pages = {137426},
eid = {137426},
year = {2019},
issn = {0040-6090},
doi = {10.1016/j.tsf.2019.137426},
KFPPid = {1991},
author = {Polášek, J. AND Johánek, V. AND Ostroverkh, A. AND Mašek, K.},
title = {Methanol oxidation on pure and platinum-doped tungsten oxide supported by activated carbon},
journal = {Mater. Chem. Phys.},
fulljournal = {Materials Chemistry and Physics},
volume = {228},
number = {Apr},
pages = {147--159},
year = {2019},
issn = {0254-0584},
doi = {10.1016/j.matchemphys.2019.02.042},
KFPPid = {1939},
author = {Lukášek, J. AND Hauzerová, .. AND Havlíčková, K. AND Strnadová, K. AND Mašek, K. AND Stuchlík, M. AND Stibor, I. AND Jenčová, V. AND Řezanka, M.},
title = {Cyclodextrin-Polypyrrole Coatings of Scaffolds for Tissue Engineering},
journal = {Polymers},
fulljournal = {Polymers},
volume = {11},
number = {3},
pages = {459},
eid = {459},
year = {2019},
issn = {2073-4360},
doi = {10.3390/polym11030459},
KFPPid = {1987},
author = {Leiko, O. AND Kosto, Y. AND Mašek, K.},
title = {Structural and photoelectron studies of Sn-SnOx and SnO2 nanoparticles on TiO2 (110) surface},
journal = {Surf. Interface Anal.},
volume = {50},
number = {11},
pages = {1116--1121},
year = {2018},
issn = {0142-2421},
doi = {10.1002/sia.6397},
KFPPid = {1877},
author = {Šedivá, R. AND Pistonesi, C. AND Pronsato, M.E. AND Duchoň, T. AND Stetsovych, V. AND Mysliveček, J. AND Mašek, K.},
title = {1D tungsten oxide nanostructures on a Cu(1 1 0) surface},
journal = {J. Phys.: Condens. Matter},
fulljournal = {Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter},
volume = {30},
number = {46},
pages = {465001},
eid = {465001},
year = {2018},
issn = {0953-8984},
doi = {10.1088/1361-648X/aae3bb},
KFPPid = {1904},
author = {Šedivá, R. AND Mašek, K. AND Pronsato, M.E. AND Pistonesi, C.},
title = {Tungsten oxide nanowire on copper surfaces: a DFT model},
journal = {RSC Adv.},
fulljournal = {RSC Advances},
volume = {6},
number = {91},
pages = {88463--88468},
year = {2016},
issn = {2046-2069},
doi = {10.1039/C6RA16993G},
KFPPid = {1659},
author = {Korcsmáros, G. AND Moravec, P. AND Grill, R. AND Musiienko, A. AND Mašek, K.},
title = {Thermal stability of bulk p-CdTe},
journal = {J. Alloy. Compd.},
volume = {680},
number = {25 Sep},
pages = {8--13},
year = {2016},
issn = {0925-8388},
doi = {10.1016/j.jallcom.2016.03.233},
KFPPid = {1658},
author = {Zázvorka, J. AND Franc, J. AND Statelov, M. AND Pekárek, J. AND Veis, M. AND Moravec, P. AND Mašek, K.},
title = {Optical and electrical study of CdZnTe surfaces passivated by KOH and NH4F solutions},
journal = {Appl. Surf. Sci.},
volume = {389},
number = {15 Dec},
pages = {1214--1219},
year = {2016},
issn = {0169-4332},
doi = {10.1016/j.apsusc.2016.08.103},
KFPPid = {1657},
author = {Stetsovych, V. AND Skála, T. AND Beran, J. AND Dvořák, F. AND Mazur, D. AND Tsud, N. AND Mašek, K. AND Mysliveček, J. AND Matolín, V.},
title = {Two-dimensional, high valence-doped ceria: Ce6WO12(100)/W(110)},
journal = {Appl. Surf. Sci.},
volume = {372},
number = {30 May},
pages = {152--157},
year = {2016},
issn = {0169-4332},
doi = {10.1016/j.apsusc.2016.03.050},
KFPPid = {1597},
author = {Masek, K. AND Skoda, M. AND Beran, J. AND Cabala, M. AND Prince, K.C. AND Skala, T. AND Tsud, N. AND Matolin, V.},
title = {Photoemission Study of Methanol Adsorption and Decomposition on Pd/CeO2 (111)/Cu(111) Thin Film Model Catalyst},
journal = {Catal. Lett.},
fulljournal = {Catalysis Letters},
volume = {145},
number = {7},
pages = {1474--1482},
year = {2015},
issn = {1011-372X},
doi = {10.1007/s10562-015-1557-9},
KFPPid = {1519},
author = {Polasek, J. AND Masek, K. AND Marek, A. AND Vyskocil, J.},
title = {Effects of oxygen addition in reactive cluster beam deposition of tungsten by magnetron sputtering with gas aggregation},
journal = {Thin Solid Films},
fulljournal = {THIN SOLID FILMS},
volume = {591},
number = {Sep},
pages = {194--199},
year = {2015},
issn = {0040-6090},
doi = {10.1016/j.tsf.2015.03.044},
KFPPid = {1583},
author = {Beran, J. AND Matolin, V. AND Masek, K.},
title = {RHEED structural study of the novel tin-cerium oxide catalyst},
journal = {Ceram. Int.},
fulljournal = {Ceramics International},
volume = {41},
number = {3},
pages = {4946--4952},
year = {2015},
issn = {0272-8842},
doi = {10.1016/j.ceramint.2014.12.057},
KFPPid = {1472},
author = {Sevcikova, K. AND Nehasil, V. AND Vorokhta, M. AND Haviar, S. AND Matolin, V. AND Matolinova, I. AND Masek, K. AND Pis, I. AND Kobayashi, K. AND Kobata, M. AND Nagata, T. AND Matsushita, Y. AND Yoshikawa, H.},
title = {Altering properties of cerium oxide thin films by Rh doping},
journal = {Mater. Res. Bull.},
volume = {67},
number = {Jul},
pages = {5--13},
year = {2015},
issn = {0025-5408},
doi = {10.1016/j.materresbull.2015.02.059},
KFPPid = {1490},
author = {Aulicka, M. AND Duchon, T. AND Dvorak, F. AND Stetsovych, V. AND Beran, J. AND Veltruska, K. AND Myslivcek, J. AND Masek, K. AND Matolin, V.},
title = {Faceting Transition at the Oxide–Metal Interface: (13 13 1) Facets on Cu(110) Induced by Carpet-Like Ceria Overlayer},
journal = {J. Phys. Chem. C},
volume = {119},
number = {4},
pages = {1851--1858},
year = {2015},
issn = {1932-7447},
doi = {10.1021/jp5099359},
KFPPid = {1471},
author = {Masek, K. AND Gillet, M. AND Matolin, V.},
title = {Evidence for two growth modes during tungsten oxide vapor deposition on mica substrates},
journal = {J. Cryst. Growth},
volume = {394},
number = {May},
pages = {67--73},
year = {2014},
issn = {0022-0248},
doi = {10.1016/j.jcrysgro.2014.02.026},
KFPPid = {1390},
author = {Beran, J. AND Hishita, S. AND Masek, K. AND Matolin, V. AND Haneda, H.},
title = {RHEED and XPS study of cerium interaction with SnO2 (110) surface},
journal = {Ceram. Int.},
fulljournal = {Ceramics International},
volume = {40},
number = {1},
pages = {323--329},
year = {2014},
issn = {0272-8842},
doi = {10.1016/j.ceramint.2013.06.005},
KFPPid = {1356},
author = {Zazvorka, J. AND Franc, J. AND Moravec, P. AND Jesenska, E. AND Sedivy, L. AND Ulrych, J. AND Masek, K.},
title = {Contactless resistivity and photoconductivity correlation to surface preparation of CdZnTe},
journal = {Appl. Surf. Sci.},
volume = {315},
number = {1 October},
pages = {144--148},
year = {2014},
issn = {0169-4332},
doi = {10.1016/j.apsusc.2014.07.104},
KFPPid = {1415},
author = {Polasek, J. AND Masek, K. AND Beran, J. AND Blumentrit, P. AND Vorokhta, M. AND Tsud, N. AND Matolin, V.},
title = {Photoemission and RHEED study of the supported Pt and Au epitaxial alloy clusters},
journal = {Appl. Surf. Sci.},
volume = {282},
number = {Oct},
pages = {746--456},
year = {2013},
issn = {0169-4332},
doi = {10.1016/j.apsusc.2013.06.047},
KFPPid = {1330},
author = {Stetsovych, O. AND Beran, J. AND Dvorak, F. AND Masek, K. AND Myslivecek, J. AND Matolin, V.},
title = {Polarity driven morphology of CeO2(1 0 0) islands on Cu(1 1 1)},
journal = {Appl. Surf. Sci.},
volume = {285},
number = {Nov, B},
pages = {766--771},
year = {2013},
issn = {0169-4332},
doi = {10.1016/j.apsusc.2013.08.124},
KFPPid = {1351},
author = {Ivanits’ ANDka, V.G. AND Moravec, P. AND Tomashik, V.M. AND Masek, K. AND Tomashik, Z.F. AND Franc, J. AND Grill, R. AND Hoschl, P.},
title = {A Slightly Oxidizing Etchant for Polishing of CdTe and CdZnTe Surfaces},
journal = {J. Electron. Mater.},
volume = {42},
number = {11},
pages = {3059--3065},
year = {2013},
issn = {0361-5235},
doi = {10.1007/s11664-013-2625-9},
KFPPid = {1348},
author = {Masek, K. AND Beran, J. AND Matolin, V.},
title = {RHEED study of the growth of cerium oxide on Cu(1 1 1)},
journal = {Appl. Surf. Sci.},
volume = {259},
number = {1},
pages = {34--38},
year = {2012},
issn = {0169-4332},
doi = {10.1016/j.apsusc.2012.06.014},
KFPPid = {1262},
author = {Masek, K. AND Blumentrit, P. AND Beran, J. AND Skala, T. AND Pis, I. AND Polasek, J. AND Matolin, V.},
title = {Structural and electronic studies of supported Pt and Au epitaxial clusters on tungsten oxide surface},
journal = {Vacuum},
fulljournal = {VACUUM},
volume = {86},
number = {6},
pages = {586--589},
year = {2012},
issn = {0042-207X},
doi = {10.1016/j.vacuum.2011.07.021},
KFPPid = {1204},
author = {Hanys, P. AND Pis, I. AND Masek, K. AND Sutara, F. AND Matolin, V. AND Nehasil, V.},
title = {Photoemission and LEED study of the Sn/Rh(111) surface—early oxidation steps and thermal stability},
journal = {J. Phys.: Condens. Matter},
fulljournal = {Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter},
volume = {24},
number = {1},
pages = {015002},
eid = {015002},
year = {2012},
issn = {0953-8984},
doi = {10.1088/0953-8984/24/1/015002},
KFPPid = {1185},
author = {Moravec, P. AND Tomashik, Z.F. AND Ivanits’ ANDka, V.G. AND Tomashik, V.M. AND Franc, J. AND Masek, K. AND Hoschl, P.},
title = {Slow-Polishing Iodine-Based Etchant for CdTe and CdZnTe Single Crystals},
journal = {J. Electron. Mater.},
volume = {41},
number = {10},
pages = {2838--2845},
year = {2012},
issn = {0361-5235},
doi = {10.1007/s11664-012-2001-1},
KFPPid = {1266},
author = {Ivanits’ ANDka, V.G. AND Moravec, P. AND Franc, J. AND Tomashik, V.M. AND Tomashik, Z.F. AND Masek, K. AND Chukhnenko, P.S. AND Hoschl, P. AND Ulrych, J.},
title = {Chemical Polishing of CdTe and CdZnTe in Iodine–Methanol Etching Solutions},
journal = {J. Electron. Mater.},
volume = {40},
number = {8},
pages = {1802--1808},
year = {2011},
issn = {0361-5235},
doi = {10.1007/s11664-011-1649-2},
KFPPid = {1173},
author = {Masek, K. AND Blumentrit, P. AND Beran, J. AND Skala, T. AND Pis, I. AND Libra, J. AND Matolin, V.},
title = {Pt-doped tungsten oxide surface: photoemission and RHEED study},
journal = {Surf. Interface Anal.},
volume = {42},
number = {6-7},
pages = {540--544},
year = {2010},
issn = {0142-2421},
doi = {10.1002/sia.3362},
KFPPid = {994},
author = {Tsud, N. AND Skala, T. AND Masek, K. AND Hanys, P. AND Takahashi, M. AND Suga, H. AND Mori, T. AND Yoshikawa, H. AND Yoshitake, M. AND Kobayashi, K. AND Matolin, V.},
title = {Photoemission study of the tin doped cerium oxide thin films prepared by RF magnetron sputtering},
journal = {Thin Solid Films},
fulljournal = {THIN SOLID FILMS},
volume = {518},
number = {8},
pages = {2206--2209},
year = {2010},
issn = {0040-6090},
doi = {10.1016/j.tsf.2009.07.128},
KFPPid = {962},
author = {Pavluch, J. AND Zommer, L. AND Masek, K. AND Skala, T. AND Sutara, F. AND Nehasil, V. AND Pis, I. AND Polyak, Y.},
title = {Non-destructive Depth Profiling of the Activated Ti-Zr-V Getter by Means of Excitation Energy Resolved Photoelectron Spectroscopy},
journal = {Anal. Sci.},
fulljournal = {ANALYTICAL SCIENCES},
volume = {26},
number = {2},
pages = {209--215},
year = {2010},
issn = {0910-6340},
doi = {10.2116/analsci.26.209},
KFPPid = {981},
author = {Yoshitake, M. AND Song, W. AND Libra, J. AND Masek, K. AND Sutara, F. AND Matolin, V. AND Prince, K.C.},
title = {The interface structure and band alignment at alumina/Cu(Al) alloy interfaces—Influence of the crystallinity of alumina films},
journal = {Appl. Surf. Sci.},
volume = {256},
number = {10},
pages = {3051--3057},
year = {2010},
issn = {0169-4332},
doi = {10.1016/j.apsusc.2009.11.072},
KFPPid = {969},
author = {Masek, K. AND Vaclavu, M. AND Babor, P. AND Matolin, V.},
title = {Sn–CeO2 thin films prepared by rf magnetron sputtering: XPS and SIMS study},
journal = {Appl. Surf. Sci.},
volume = {255},
number = {13-14},
pages = {6656--6660},
year = {2009},
issn = {0169-4332},
doi = {10.1016/j.apsusc.2009.02.080},
KFPPid = {896},
author = {Sutara, F. AND Skala, T. AND Masek, K. AND Matolin, V.},
title = {Surface characterization of activated Ti–Zr–V NEG coatings},
journal = {Vacuum},
fulljournal = {VACUUM},
volume = {83},
number = {5},
pages = {824--827},
year = {2009},
issn = {0042-207X},
doi = {10.1016/j.vacuum.2008.08.002},
KFPPid = {852},
author = {Moravec, P. AND Ivanits’ ANDka, V.G. AND Franc, J. AND Tomashik, Z.F. AND Tomashik, V.M. AND Masek, K. AND Feychuk, P.I. AND Shcherbak, L.P. AND Hoschl, P. AND Grill, R. AND Walter, J.},
title = {Chemical Interaction of CdTe and CdZnTe with Aqueous Solutions of H2O2-HI-Tartaric Acid},
journal = {J. Electron. Mater.},
volume = {38},
number = {8},
pages = {1645--1651},
year = {2009},
issn = {0361-5235},
doi = {10.1007/s11664-009-0787-2},
KFPPid = {924},
author = {Masek, K. AND Nemsak, S. AND Matolin, V.},
title = {Structure of Pd/tungsten oxide epitaxial system},
journal = {Vacuum},
fulljournal = {VACUUM},
volume = {82},
number = {2},
pages = {274--277},
year = {2008},
issn = {0042-207X},
doi = {10.1016/j.vacuum.2007.07.029},
KFPPid = {768},
author = {Gillet, M. AND Masek, K. AND Potin, V. AND Bruyere, S. AND Domenichini, B. AND Bourgeois, S. AND Gillet, E. AND Matolin, V.},
title = {An epitaxial hexagonal tungsten bronze as precursor for WO3 nanorods on mica},
journal = {J. Cryst. Growth},
volume = {310},
number = {14},
pages = {3318--3324},
year = {2008},
issn = {0022-0248},
doi = {10.1016/j.jcrysgro.2008.03.040},
KFPPid = {831},
author = {Matolin, V. AND Masek, K.},
title = {Proceedings of the 11th Joint Vacuum Conference (JVC-11), organized by the Czech Vacuum Society, in cooperation with the vacuum societies of Austria, Croatia, Hungary, Slovakia, and Slovenia},
journal = {Vacuum},
fulljournal = {VACUUM},
volume = {82},
number = {2},
pages = {115--115},
year = {2008},
issn = {0042-207X},
doi = {10.1016/j.vacuum.2007.07.019},
KFPPid = {764},
author = {Gillet, E. AND Masek, K. AND Lollman, D. AND Gillet, M.},
title = {Evolution of the oxidation states at the WO3 thin film surface during annealing in gases},
journal = {Vacuum},
fulljournal = {VACUUM},
volume = {82},
number = {2},
pages = {261--265},
year = {2008},
issn = {0042-207X},
doi = {10.1016/j.vacuum.2007.07.026},
KFPPid = {767},
author = {Yoshitake, M. AND Song, W. AND Libra, J. AND Masek, K. AND Sutara, F. AND Matolin, V. AND Prince, K.C.},
title = {Interface termination and band alignment of epitaxially grown alumina films on Cu–Al alloy},
journal = {J. Appl. Phys.},
volume = {103},
number = {3},
pages = {033707},
eid = {033707},
year = {2008},
issn = {0021-8979},
doi = {10.1063/1.2837116},
KFPPid = {787},
author = {Nemsak, S. AND Libra, J. AND Skala, T. AND Masek, K. AND Skoda, M. AND Cabala, M. AND Matolin, V.},
title = {The growth of Au/Pd/alumina/Cu–Al system studied by SRPES},
journal = {Appl. Surf. Sci.},
volume = {254},
number = {14},
pages = {4340--4345},
year = {2008},
issn = {0169-4332},
doi = {10.1016/j.apsusc.2008.01.057},
KFPPid = {796},
author = {Nemsak, S. AND Masek, K. AND Matolin, V.},
title = {RHEED and XPS study of Pd-Sn bimetallic system growth},
journal = {Surf. Sci.},
fulljournal = {SURFACE SCIENCE},
volume = {601},
number = {18},
pages = {4475--4478},
year = {2007},
issn = {0039-6028},
doi = {10.1016/j.susc.2007.04.215},
KFPPid = {751},
author = {Matolin, V. AND Matolinova, I. AND Veltruska, K. AND Masek, K.},
title = {Photoelectron spectroscopy and secondary ion mass spectrometry characterization of diamond-like carbon films},
journal = {Thin Solid Films},
fulljournal = {THIN SOLID FILMS},
volume = {515},
number = {13},
pages = {5386--5390},
year = {2007},
issn = {0040-6090},
doi = {10.1016/j.tsf.2006.12.028},
KFPPid = {742},
author = {Skala, T. AND Veltruska, K. AND Sedlacek, L. AND Masek, K. AND Matolinova, I. AND Matolin, V.},
title = {Photoelectron-spectroscopic and reactivity investigation of thin Pd-Sn films prepared by magnetron sputtering},
journal = {Appl. Surf. Sci.},
volume = {253},
number = {12},
pages = {5400--5403},
year = {2007},
issn = {0169-4332},
doi = {10.1016/j.apsusc.2006.12.017},
KFPPid = {743},
author = {Nemsak, S. AND Skala, T. AND Libra, J. AND Hanys, P. AND Masek, K. AND Yoshitake, M. AND Matolin, V.},
title = {XPS and LEED study of Pd and Au growth on alumina/Cu-Al surface},
journal = {Appl. Surf. Sci.},
volume = {254},
number = {2},
pages = {490--493},
year = {2007},
issn = {0169-4332},
doi = {10.1016/j.apsusc.2007.06.019},
KFPPid = {758},
author = {Brinzari, V. AND Korotcenkov, G. AND Ivanov, M. AND Nehasil, V. AND Matolin, V. AND Masek, K. AND Kamei, M.},
title = {Valence band and band gap photoemission study of (111) In2O3 epitaxial films under interactions with oxygen, water and carbon monoxide},
journal = {Surf. Sci.},
fulljournal = {SURFACE SCIENCE},
volume = {601},
number = {23},
pages = {5585--5594},
year = {2007},
issn = {0039-6028},
doi = {10.1016/j.susc.2007.09.049},
KFPPid = {784},
author = {Ivanitska, V.G. AND Moravec, P. AND Franc, J. AND Tomashik, Z.F. AND Feychuk, P.I. AND Tomashik, V.M. AND Shcherbak, L.P. AND Masek, K. AND Hoschl, P.},
title = {Chemical etching of CdTe in aqueous solutions of H2O2-HI-citric acid},
journal = {J. Electron. Mater.},
volume = {36},
number = {8},
pages = {1021--1024},
year = {2007},
issn = {0361-5235},
doi = {10.1007/s11664-007-0166-9},
KFPPid = {746},
author = {Masek, K. AND Fabik, S. AND Maskova, A. AND Tsud, N. AND Veltruska, K. AND Prince, K.C. AND Chab, V. AND Vyskocil, J. AND Matolin, V.},
title = {Photoelectron spectroscopy characterization of diamond-like carbon films},
journal = {Appl. Spectrosc.},
volume = {60},
number = {8},
pages = {936--940},
year = {2006},
issn = {0003-7028},
doi = {10.1366/000370206778062129},
KFPPid = {647},
author = {Masek, K. AND Libra, J. AND Skala, T. AND Cabala, M. AND Matolin, V. AND Chab, V. AND Prince, K.C.},
title = {SRPES investigation of tungsten oxide in different oxidation states},
journal = {Surf. Sci.},
fulljournal = {SURFACE SCIENCE},
volume = {600},
number = {8},
pages = {1624--1627},
year = {2006},
issn = {0039-6028},
doi = {10.1016/j.susc.2005.11.048},
KFPPid = {667},
author = {Masek, K. AND Mixa, M. AND Nemsak, S. AND Matolin, V.},
title = {Study of the growth of supported Pd-Sn bimetallic nanoclusters},
journal = {Thin Solid Films},
fulljournal = {THIN SOLID FILMS},
volume = {515},
number = {2},
pages = {563--566},
year = {2006},
issn = {0040-6090},
doi = {10.1016/j.tsf.2005.12.298},
KFPPid = {623},
author = {Nemsak, S. AND Yoshitake, M. AND Masek, K.},
title = {Ultra-thin oxide layer formation on Cu-9% Al(111) surface and Pd growth studied using reflection high energy electron diffraction and Auger electron spectroscopy},
journal = {Surf. Sci.},
fulljournal = {SURFACE SCIENCE},
volume = {600},
number = {18},
pages = {4357--4360},
year = {2006},
issn = {0039-6028},
doi = {10.1016/j.susc.2006.02.077},
KFPPid = {622},
author = {Masek, K. AND Nemsak, S. AND Matolin, V.},
title = {Structural study of epitaxial tungsten oxide nanoclusters},
journal = {Vacuum},
fulljournal = {VACUUM},
volume = {80},
number = {1-3},
pages = {58--63},
year = {2005},
issn = {0042-207X},
doi = {10.1016/j.vacuum.2005.07.015},
KFPPid = {455},
author = {Nemsak, S. AND Masek, K. AND Matolin, V.},
title = {RHEED study of the growth of Pd-Al/MgO bimetallic system},
journal = {Vacuum},
fulljournal = {VACUUM},
volume = {80},
number = {1-3},
pages = {102--107},
year = {2005},
issn = {0042-207X},
doi = {10.1016/j.vacuum.2005.07.047},
KFPPid = {458},
author = {Drbohlav, J. AND Matolinova, I. AND Masek, K. AND Matolin, V.},
title = {SIMS study of Ti-Zr-VNEG thermal activation process},
journal = {Vacuum},
fulljournal = {VACUUM},
volume = {80},
number = {1-3},
pages = {47--52},
year = {2005},
issn = {0042-207X},
doi = {10.1016/j.vacuum.2005.07.016},
KFPPid = {499},
author = {Matolin, V. AND Dudr, V. AND Fabik, S. AND Chab, V. AND Masek, K. AND Matolinova, I. AND Prince, K.C. AND Skala, T. AND Sutara, F. AND Tsud, N. AND Veltruska, K.},
title = {Activation of binary Zr-V non-evaporable getters: synchrotron radiation photoemission study},
journal = {Appl. Surf. Sci.},
volume = {243},
number = {1-4},
pages = {106--112},
year = {2005},
issn = {0169-4332},
doi = {10.1016/j.apsusc.2004.09.049},
KFPPid = {17},
author = {Masek, K. AND Moroz, V. AND Nemsak, S. AND Matolin, V.},
title = {RHEED study of Pd/Al bimetallic thin film growth on NaCl(001) substrate},
journal = {J. Electron Spectrosc. Relat. Phenom.},
volume = {137-140},
number = {},
pages = {113--117},
year = {2004},
issn = {0368-2048},
doi = {10.1016/j.elspec.2004.02.046},
KFPPid = {80},
author = {Matolin, V. AND Masek, K. AND Matolinova, I. AND Skala, T. AND Veltruska, K.},
title = {XPS and SIMS study of the ageing mechanism of Zr-V non-evaporable getter films},
journal = {Appl. Surf. Sci.},
volume = {235},
number = {1-2},
pages = {202--206},
year = {2004},
issn = {0169-4332},
doi = {10.1016/j.apsusc.2004.05.125},
KFPPid = {67},
author = {Gillet, M. AND Masek, K. AND Gillet, E.},
title = {Structure of tungsten oxide nanoclusters},
journal = {Surf. Sci.},
fulljournal = {SURFACE SCIENCE},
volume = {566},
number = {},
pages = {383--389},
year = {2004},
issn = {0039-6028},
doi = {10.1016/j.susc.2004.05.075},
KFPPid = {513},
author = {Sutara, F. AND Matolinova, I. AND Skala, T. AND Masek, K. AND Matolin, V.},
title = {Residual surface oxide on ZrV getter - XPS, LEIS and SIMS study},
journal = {Vacuum},
fulljournal = {VACUUM},
volume = {74},
number = {2},
pages = {305--309},
year = {2004},
issn = {0042-207X},
doi = {10.1016/j.vacuum.2003.12.144},
KFPPid = {89},
author = {Fabik, S. AND Chab, V. AND Dudr, V. AND Masek, K. AND Prince, K.C. AND Sutara, F. AND Veltruska, K. AND Tsud, N. AND Vondracek, M. AND Matolin, V.},
title = {Activation of binary Zr-V non-evaporable getters: a soft X-ray photoemission study of carbide formation},
journal = {Surf. Sci.},
fulljournal = {SURFACE SCIENCE},
volume = {566},
number = {},
pages = {1246--1249},
year = {2004},
issn = {0039-6028},
doi = {10.1016/j.susc.2004.06.138},
KFPPid = {62},
author = {Masek, K. AND Moroz, V. AND Matolin, V.},
title = {Reflection high-energy electron loss spectroscopy (RHEELS): a new approach in the investigation of epitaxial thin film growth by reflection high-energy electron diffraction (RHEED)},
journal = {Vacuum},
fulljournal = {VACUUM},
volume = {71},
number = {1-2},
pages = {59--64},
year = {2003},
issn = {0042-207X},
doi = {10.1016/S0042-207X(02)00714-5},
KFPPid = {121},
author = {Masek, K. AND Sutara, F. AND Skala, T. AND Drbohlav, J. AND Veltruska, K. AND Matolin, V.},
title = {X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and static secondary ion mass spectroscopy study of activation mechanism of Zr-V low activation temperature nonevaporable getter films},
journal = {J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A},
volume = {21},
number = {3},
pages = {797--805},
year = {2003},
issn = {0734-2101},
doi = {10.1116/1.1562175},
KFPPid = {119},
author = {Gillet, M. AND Masek, K. AND Lemire, C.},
title = {Oxidation of tungsten nanoclusters},
journal = {Thin Solid Films},
fulljournal = {THIN SOLID FILMS},
volume = {444},
number = {1-2},
pages = {9--16},
year = {2003},
issn = {0040-6090},
doi = {10.1016/S0040-6090(03)00907-6},
KFPPid = {518},
author = {Matolinova, I. AND Fabik, A. AND Masek, K. AND Sedlacek, L. AND Skala, T. AND Veltruska, K. AND Matolin, V.},
title = {Influence of Pd-Co bimetallic interaction on CO adsorption properties of PdxCo1-x alloys: XPS, TPD and static SIMS studies},
journal = {Vacuum},
fulljournal = {VACUUM},
volume = {71},
number = {1-2},
pages = {41--45},
year = {2003},
issn = {0042-207X},
doi = {10.1016/S0042-207X(02)00711-X},
KFPPid = {120},
author = {Matolin, V. AND Drbohlav, J. AND Masek, K.},
title = {Mechanism of non-evaporable getter activation XPS and static SIMS study of Zr44V56 alloy},
journal = {Vacuum},
fulljournal = {VACUUM},
volume = {71},
number = {1-2},
pages = {317--322},
year = {2003},
issn = {0042-207X},
doi = {10.1016/S0042-207X(02)00756-X},
KFPPid = {122},
author = {Lykhach, Y. AND Masek, K. AND Nehasil, V.},
title = {Influence of the alumina surface orientation to the Rh particle growth and reconstruction},
journal = {Surf. Sci.},
fulljournal = {SURFACE SCIENCE},
volume = {507},
number = {},
pages = {655--661},
year = {2002},
issn = {0039-6028},
doi = {10.1016/S0039-6028(02)01331-6},
KFPPid = {527},
author = {Moroz, V. AND Rajs, K. AND Masek, K.},
title = {RHEED and EELS study of Pd/Al bimetallic thin film growth on different alpha-Al2O3 substrates},
journal = {Surf. Sci.},
fulljournal = {SURFACE SCIENCE},
volume = {507},
number = {},
pages = {300--304},
year = {2002},
issn = {0039-6028},
doi = {10.1016/S0039-6028(02)01400-0},
KFPPid = {526},
author = {Masek, K. AND Matolin, V.},
title = {RHEED study of Nb thin film growth on Cu(111) and (100) single-crystals},
journal = {Vacuum},
fulljournal = {VACUUM},
volume = {61},
number = {2-4},
pages = {217--221},
year = {2001},
issn = {0042-207X},
doi = {10.1016/S0042-207X(01)00116-6},
KFPPid = {224},
author = {Gillet, M. AND Al Mohammad, A. AND Masek, K. AND Gillet, E.},
title = {Influence of surface structure on the growth of Au on alpha Al2O3 ((1)over-bar-012)},
journal = {Thin Solid Films},
fulljournal = {THIN SOLID FILMS},
volume = {374},
number = {1},
pages = {134--141},
year = {2000},
issn = {0040-6090},
doi = {10.1016/S0040-6090(00)01070-1},
KFPPid = {542},
author = {Masek, K. AND Moroz, V. AND Matolin, V.},
title = {RHEED investigation of Pd/Al bimetallic system on KCl(001) substrate},
journal = {Surf. Rev. Lett.},
volume = {6},
number = {5},
pages = {825--828},
year = {1999},
issn = {0218-625X},
doi = {10.1142/S0218625X9900086X},
KFPPid = {256},
author = {Masek, K. AND Matolin, V.},
title = {RHEED investigation of lattice deformations of alpha-Al2O3 supported Pd particles},
journal = {Eur. Phys. J. D},
volume = {9},
number = {1-4},
pages = {557--560},
year = {1999},
issn = {1434-6060},
doi = {10.1007/PL00010955},
KFPPid = {253},
author = {Masek, K. AND Matolin, V.},
title = {RHEED study of Nb thin film growth on alpha-Al2O3 (0001) substrate},
journal = {Thin Solid Films},
fulljournal = {THIN SOLID FILMS},
volume = {317},
number = {1-2},
pages = {183--188},
year = {1998},
issn = {0040-6090},
doi = {10.1016/S0040-6090(97)00617-2},
KFPPid = {319},
author = {Masek, K. AND Kapsa, R. AND Matolin, V.},
title = {Preparation of single-crystalline Nb-Al2O3-Nb structures by molecular-beam deposition},
journal = {Surf. Sci.},
fulljournal = {SURFACE SCIENCE},
volume = {417},
number = {1},
pages = {139--144},
year = {1998},
issn = {0039-6028},
doi = {10.1016/S0039-6028(98)00677-3},
KFPPid = {295},
author = {Masek, K. AND Matolin, V.},
title = {RHEED study of Pd thin film growth on alpha-Al2O3 substrate},
journal = {Vacuum},
fulljournal = {VACUUM},
volume = {50},
number = {1-2},
pages = {151--155},
year = {1998},
issn = {0042-207X},
doi = {10.1016/S0042-207X(98)00027-X},
KFPPid = {311},
author = {Stara, I. AND Gonzalez, V. AND Jungwirthova, I. AND Masek, K. AND Matolin, V.},
title = {Influence of alumina surface structure on growth and adsorption properties of Pd particles},
journal = {Surf. Rev. Lett.},
volume = {5},
number = {1},
pages = {397--401},
year = {1998},
issn = {0218-625X},
doi = {10.1142/S0218625X98000736},
KFPPid = {322},
author = {Bruna, J.C. AND Gillet, M. AND Gonzales, V. AND Masek, K. AND Matolin, V.},
title = {Rheed study of Pd particle growth on alpha-alumina and NaCl substrates},
journal = {Surf. Rev. Lett.},
volume = {5},
number = {1},
pages = {403--408},
year = {1998},
issn = {0218-625X},
doi = {10.1142/S0218625X98000748},
KFPPid = {323},
author = {Nehasil, V. AND Masek, K. AND Moreau, O. AND Matolin, V.},
title = {Miniature electron bombardment evaporation source: Evaporation rate measurement},
journal = {Czech. J. Phys.},
volume = {47},
number = {3},
pages = {261--268},
year = {1997},
issn = {0011-4626},
doi = {10.1023/A:1022842115104},
KFPPid = {350},
author = {Masek, K. AND Matolin, V.},
title = {Rh particle growth on insulator substrates: RHEED study},
journal = {Thin Solid Films},
fulljournal = {THIN SOLID FILMS},
volume = {286},
number = {1-2},
pages = {330--335},
year = {1996},
issn = {0040-6090},
doi = {10.1016/S0040-6090(96)08550-1},
KFPPid = {354},
journal = {Thin Solid Films},
fulljournal = {THIN SOLID FILMS},
volume = {260},
number = {2},
pages = {252--258},
year = {1995},
issn = {0040-6090},
doi = {},
KFPPid = {382},
author = {Masek, K. AND Nehasil, V. AND Matolin, V.},
title = {RHEED study of Au/KCl system for estimation of the dependence of diffraction spot profiles on the particle size},
journal = {Fizika},
fulljournal = {FIZIKA},
volume = {A4},
number = {2},
pages = {295--300},
year = {1995},
issn = {1330-0008},
doi = {},
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journal = {J. Catal.},
fulljournal = {JOURNAL OF CATALYSIS},
volume = {143},
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pages = {492--498},
year = {1993},
issn = {0021-9517},
doi = {10.1006/jcat.1993.1292},
KFPPid = {413},
journal = {Catal. Lett.},
fulljournal = {CATALYSIS LETTERS},
volume = {21},
number = {1-2},
pages = {175--182},
year = {1993},
issn = {1011-372X},
doi = {10.1007/BF00767383},
KFPPid = {414},
journal = {Z. Phys. D-Atoms Mol. Clusters},
volume = {10},
number = {4},
pages = {499--501},
year = {1988},
issn = {0178-7683},
doi = {10.1007/BF01425769},
KFPPid = {462},
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\bibitem[{Gabor et~al.(2024)}]{Gabor:24:Tribological}
Gabor, R., Cvrček, L., Mašek, K., Hlinka, J., Motyka, O., Walter, J., Martynková, G.S., Mikesková, G., Seidlerová, J., Tribological and corrosion properties of β-TiNb alloy modified by plasma electrolytic oxidation: Evaluation of the synergistic effect of composition and processing time through statistical evaluation. {\it Int. J. Refract. Hard Met.} {\bf 118}: 106502, 2024.
\bibitem[{Nouzák et~al.(2024)}]{Nouzák:24:Characterizing}
Nouzák, L., Broulím, J., Fontanese, J., Mašek, K., Horanyi, M., Sternovsky, Z., Characterizing the response of Timepix solid state detectors to dust impacts. {\it Icarus.} {\bf 418}: 116155, 2024.
\bibitem[{Mikeštíková et~al.(2024)}]{Mikeštíková:24:The}
Mikeštíková, M., Federičová, P., Gallus, P., Jirásek, R., Kozáková, J., Kroll, J., Kvasnička, J., Latoňová, V., Mandić, I., Mašek, K., Novotný, P., Přívara, R., Tůma, P., Zatočilová, I., The study of gamma-radiation induced displacement damage n+-in-p silicon diodes. {\it Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. A.} {\bf 1064}: 169432, 2024.
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Mikeštíková, M., Federičová, P., Gallus, P., Jirásek, R., Kozáková, J., Kroll, J., Kvasnička, J., Latoňová, V., Mandić, I., Mašek, K., Novotný, P., Přívara, R., Tůma, P., Zatočilová, I., The study of gamma-radiation induced displacement damage n+-in-p silicon diodes. {\it Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. A.} {\bf 1064}: 169432, 2024.
\bibitem[{Uvarov et~al.(2022)}]{Uvarov:22:Thermal}
Uvarov, V., Krutel, J., Mašek, K., Mysliveček, J., Johánek, V., Thermal stability of cobalt oxide thin films and its enhancement by cerium oxide. {\it Appl. Surf. Sci.} {\bf 593}: 153430, 2022.
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\bibitem[{Johánek et~al.(2021)}]{Johánek:21:Methanol}
Johánek, V., Švenda, P., Mašek, K., Methanol to hydrogen conversion on cobalt–ceria catalysts prepared by magnetron sputtering. {\it Int. J. Hydrog. Energy.} {\bf 46}(33): 17197--17208, 2021.
\bibitem[{Beran and Mašek(2019)}]{Beran:19:RHEED}
Beran, J., Mašek, K., RHEED and XPS study of palladium interaction with cerium oxide surface. {\it Vacuum.} {\bf 167}(Jun): 438--444, 2019.
\bibitem[{Perekrestov et~al.(2019)}]{Perekrestov:19:The}
Perekrestov, R., Spesyvyi, A., Maixner, J., Mašek, K., Leiko, O., Khalakhan, I., Maňák, J., Kšírová, P., Hubička, Z., Čada, M., The comparative study of electrical, optical and catalytic properties of Co3O4 thin nanocrystalline films prepared by reactive high-power impulse and radio frequency magnetron sputtering. {\it Thin Solid Films.} {\bf 686}(Sep): 137427, 2019.
\bibitem[{Korcsmáros et~al.(2019)}]{Korcsmáros:19:Oxidation}
Korcsmáros, G., Moravec, P., Grill, R., Mašek, K., Veis, M., Oxidation and erosion of single crystal CdTe surface in distilled water and NaCl solution. {\it Thin Solid Films.} {\bf 686}(Jul): 137426, 2019.
\bibitem[{Polášek et~al.(2019)}]{Polášek:19:Methanol}
Polášek, J., Johánek, V., Ostroverkh, A., Mašek, K., Methanol oxidation on pure and platinum-doped tungsten oxide supported by activated carbon. {\it Mater. Chem. Phys.} {\bf 228}(Apr): 147--159, 2019.
\bibitem[{Lukášek et~al.(2019)}]{Lukášek:19:Cyclodextrin-Polypyrrole}
Lukášek, J., Hauzerová, .., Havlíčková, K., Strnadová, K., Mašek, K., Stuchlík, M., Stibor, I., Jenčová, V., Řezanka, M., Cyclodextrin-Polypyrrole Coatings of Scaffolds for Tissue Engineering. {\it Polymers.} {\bf 11}(3): 459, 2019.
\bibitem[{Leiko et~al.(2018)}]{Leiko:18:Structural}
Leiko, O., Kosto, Y., Mašek, K., Structural and photoelectron studies of Sn-SnOx and SnO2 nanoparticles on TiO2 (110) surface. {\it Surf. Interface Anal.} {\bf 50}(11): 1116--1121, 2018.
\bibitem[{Šedivá et~al.(2018)}]{Šedivá:18:1D}
Šedivá, R., Pistonesi, C., Pronsato, M.E., Duchoň, T., Stetsovych, V., Mysliveček, J., Mašek, K., 1D tungsten oxide nanostructures on a Cu(1 1 0) surface. {\it J. Phys.: Condens. Matter.} {\bf 30}(46): 465001, 2018.
\bibitem[{Šedivá et~al.(2016)}]{Šedivá:16:Tungsten}
Šedivá, R., Mašek, K., Pronsato, M.E., Pistonesi, C., Tungsten oxide nanowire on copper surfaces: a DFT model. {\it RSC Adv.} {\bf 6}(91): 88463--88468, 2016.
\bibitem[{Korcsmáros et~al.(2016)}]{Korcsmáros:16:Thermal}
Korcsmáros, G., Moravec, P., Grill, R., Musiienko, A., Mašek, K., Thermal stability of bulk p-CdTe. {\it J. Alloy. Compd.} {\bf 680}(25 Sep): 8--13, 2016.
\bibitem[{Zázvorka et~al.(2016)}]{Zázvorka:16:Optical}
Zázvorka, J., Franc, J., Statelov, M., Pekárek, J., Veis, M., Moravec, P., Mašek, K., Optical and electrical study of CdZnTe surfaces passivated by KOH and NH4F solutions. {\it Appl. Surf. Sci.} {\bf 389}(15 Dec): 1214--1219, 2016.
\bibitem[{Stetsovych et~al.(2016)}]{Stetsovych:16:Two-dimensional,}
Stetsovych, V., Skála, T., Beran, J., Dvořák, F., Mazur, D., Tsud, N., Mašek, K., Mysliveček, J., Matolín, V., Two-dimensional, high valence-doped ceria: Ce6WO12(100)/W(110). {\it Appl. Surf. Sci.} {\bf 372}(30 May): 152--157, 2016.
\bibitem[{Masek et~al.(2015)}]{Masek:15:Photoemission}
Masek, K., Skoda, M., Beran, J., Cabala, M., Prince, K.C., Skala, T., Tsud, N., Matolin, V., Photoemission Study of Methanol Adsorption and Decomposition on Pd/CeO2 (111)/Cu(111) Thin Film Model Catalyst. {\it Catal. Lett.} {\bf 145}(7): 1474--1482, 2015.
\bibitem[{Polasek et~al.(2015)}]{Polasek:15:Effects}
Polasek, J., Masek, K., Marek, A., Vyskocil, J., Effects of oxygen addition in reactive cluster beam deposition of tungsten by magnetron sputtering with gas aggregation. {\it Thin Solid Films.} {\bf 591}(Sep): 194--199, 2015.
\bibitem[{Beran et~al.(2015)}]{Beran:15:RHEED}
Beran, J., Matolin, V., Masek, K., RHEED structural study of the novel tin-cerium oxide catalyst. {\it Ceram. Int.} {\bf 41}(3): 4946--4952, 2015.
\bibitem[{Sevcikova et~al.(2015)}]{Sevcikova:15:Altering}
Sevcikova, K., Nehasil, V., Vorokhta, M., Haviar, S., Matolin, V., Matolinova, I., Masek, K., Pis, I., Kobayashi, K., Kobata, M., Nagata, T., Matsushita, Y., Yoshikawa, H., Altering properties of cerium oxide thin films by Rh doping. {\it Mater. Res. Bull.} {\bf 67}(Jul): 5--13, 2015.
\bibitem[{Aulicka et~al.(2015)}]{Aulicka:15:Faceting}
Aulicka, M., Duchon, T., Dvorak, F., Stetsovych, V., Beran, J., Veltruska, K., Myslivcek, J., Masek, K., Matolin, V., Faceting Transition at the Oxide–Metal Interface: (13 13 1) Facets on Cu(110) Induced by Carpet-Like Ceria Overlayer. {\it J. Phys. Chem. C.} {\bf 119}(4): 1851--1858, 2015.
\bibitem[{Masek et~al.(2014)}]{Masek:14:Evidence}
Masek, K., Gillet, M., Matolin, V., Evidence for two growth modes during tungsten oxide vapor deposition on mica substrates. {\it J. Cryst. Growth.} {\bf 394}(May): 67--73, 2014.
\bibitem[{Beran et~al.(2014)}]{Beran:14:RHEED}
Beran, J., Hishita, S., Masek, K., Matolin, V., Haneda, H., RHEED and XPS study of cerium interaction with SnO2 (110) surface. {\it Ceram. Int.} {\bf 40}(1): 323--329, 2014.
\bibitem[{Zazvorka et~al.(2014)}]{Zazvorka:14:Contactless}
Zazvorka, J., Franc, J., Moravec, P., Jesenska, E., Sedivy, L., Ulrych, J., Masek, K., Contactless resistivity and photoconductivity correlation to surface preparation of CdZnTe. {\it Appl. Surf. Sci.} {\bf 315}(1 October): 144--148, 2014.
\bibitem[{Polasek et~al.(2013)}]{Polasek:13:Photoemission}
Polasek, J., Masek, K., Beran, J., Blumentrit, P., Vorokhta, M., Tsud, N., Matolin, V., Photoemission and RHEED study of the supported Pt and Au epitaxial alloy clusters. {\it Appl. Surf. Sci.} {\bf 282}(Oct): 746--456, 2013.
\bibitem[{Stetsovych et~al.(2013)}]{Stetsovych:13:Polarity}
Stetsovych, O., Beran, J., Dvorak, F., Masek, K., Myslivecek, J., Matolin, V., Polarity driven morphology of CeO2(1 0 0) islands on Cu(1 1 1). {\it Appl. Surf. Sci.} {\bf 285}(Nov, B): 766--771, 2013.
\bibitem[{Ivanits’ka et~al.(2013)}]{Ivanits’ka:13:A}
Ivanits’,ka, V.G., Moravec, P., Tomashik, V.M., Masek, K., Tomashik, Z.F., Franc, J., Grill, R., Hoschl, P., A Slightly Oxidizing Etchant for Polishing of CdTe and CdZnTe Surfaces. {\it J. Electron. Mater.} {\bf 42}(11): 3059--3065, 2013.
\bibitem[{Masek et~al.(2012)}]{Masek:12:RHEED}
Masek, K., Beran, J., Matolin, V., RHEED study of the growth of cerium oxide on Cu(1 1 1). {\it Appl. Surf. Sci.} {\bf 259}(1): 34--38, 2012.
\bibitem[{Masek et~al.(2012)}]{Masek:12:Structural}
Masek, K., Blumentrit, P., Beran, J., Skala, T., Pis, I., Polasek, J., Matolin, V., Structural and electronic studies of supported Pt and Au epitaxial clusters on tungsten oxide surface. {\it Vacuum.} {\bf 86}(6): 586--589, 2012.
\bibitem[{Hanys et~al.(2012)}]{Hanys:12:Photoemission}
Hanys, P., Pis, I., Masek, K., Sutara, F., Matolin, V., Nehasil, V., Photoemission and LEED study of the Sn/Rh(111) surface—early oxidation steps and thermal stability. {\it J. Phys.: Condens. Matter.} {\bf 24}(1): 015002, 2012.
\bibitem[{Moravec et~al.(2012)}]{Moravec:12:Slow-Polishing}
Moravec, P., Tomashik, Z.F., Ivanits’,ka, V.G., Tomashik, V.M., Franc, J., Masek, K., Hoschl, P., Slow-Polishing Iodine-Based Etchant for CdTe and CdZnTe Single Crystals. {\it J. Electron. Mater.} {\bf 41}(10): 2838--2845, 2012.
\bibitem[{Ivanits’ka et~al.(2011)}]{Ivanits’ka:11:Chemical}
Ivanits’,ka, V.G., Moravec, P., Franc, J., Tomashik, V.M., Tomashik, Z.F., Masek, K., Chukhnenko, P.S., Hoschl, P., Ulrych, J., Chemical Polishing of CdTe and CdZnTe in Iodine–Methanol Etching Solutions. {\it J. Electron. Mater.} {\bf 40}(8): 1802--1808, 2011.
\bibitem[{Masek et~al.(2010)}]{Masek:10:Pt-doped}
Masek, K., Blumentrit, P., Beran, J., Skala, T., Pis, I., Libra, J., Matolin, V., Pt-doped tungsten oxide surface: photoemission and RHEED study. {\it Surf. Interface Anal.} {\bf 42}(6-7): 540--544, 2010.
\bibitem[{Tsud et~al.(2010)}]{Tsud:10:Photoemission}
Tsud, N., Skala, T., Masek, K., Hanys, P., Takahashi, M., Suga, H., Mori, T., Yoshikawa, H., Yoshitake, M., Kobayashi, K., Matolin, V., Photoemission study of the tin doped cerium oxide thin films prepared by RF magnetron sputtering. {\it Thin Solid Films.} {\bf 518}(8): 2206--2209, 2010.
\bibitem[{Pavluch et~al.(2010)}]{Pavluch:10:Non-destructive}
Pavluch, J., Zommer, L., Masek, K., Skala, T., Sutara, F., Nehasil, V., Pis, I., Polyak, Y., Non-destructive Depth Profiling of the Activated Ti-Zr-V Getter by Means of Excitation Energy Resolved Photoelectron Spectroscopy. {\it Anal. Sci.} {\bf 26}(2): 209--215, 2010.
\bibitem[{Yoshitake et~al.(2010)}]{Yoshitake:10:The}
Yoshitake, M., Song, W., Libra, J., Masek, K., Sutara, F., Matolin, V., Prince, K.C., The interface structure and band alignment at alumina/Cu(Al) alloy interfaces—Influence of the crystallinity of alumina films. {\it Appl. Surf. Sci.} {\bf 256}(10): 3051--3057, 2010.
\bibitem[{Masek et~al.(2009)}]{Masek:09:Sn–CeO2}
Masek, K., Vaclavu, M., Babor, P., Matolin, V., Sn–CeO2 thin films prepared by rf magnetron sputtering: XPS and SIMS study. {\it Appl. Surf. Sci.} {\bf 255}(13-14): 6656--6660, 2009.
\bibitem[{Sutara et~al.(2009)}]{Sutara:09:Surface}
Sutara, F., Skala, T., Masek, K., Matolin, V., Surface characterization of activated Ti–Zr–V NEG coatings. {\it Vacuum.} {\bf 83}(5): 824--827, 2009.
\bibitem[{Moravec et~al.(2009)}]{Moravec:09:Chemical}
Moravec, P., Ivanits’,ka, V.G., Franc, J., Tomashik, Z.F., Tomashik, V.M., Masek, K., Feychuk, P.I., Shcherbak, L.P., Hoschl, P., Grill, R., Walter, J., Chemical Interaction of CdTe and CdZnTe with Aqueous Solutions of H2O2-HI-Tartaric Acid. {\it J. Electron. Mater.} {\bf 38}(8): 1645--1651, 2009.
\bibitem[{Masek et~al.(2008)}]{Masek:08:Structure}
Masek, K., Nemsak, S., Matolin, V., Structure of Pd/tungsten oxide epitaxial system. {\it Vacuum.} {\bf 82}(2): 274--277, 2008.
\bibitem[{Gillet et~al.(2008)}]{Gillet:08:An}
Gillet, M., Masek, K., Potin, V., Bruyere, S., Domenichini, B., Bourgeois, S., Gillet, E., Matolin, V., An epitaxial hexagonal tungsten bronze as precursor for WO3 nanorods on mica. {\it J. Cryst. Growth.} {\bf 310}(14): 3318--3324, 2008.
\bibitem[{Matolin and Masek(2008)}]{Matolin:08:Proceedings}
Matolin, V., Masek, K., Proceedings of the 11th Joint Vacuum Conference (JVC-11), organized by the Czech Vacuum Society, in cooperation with the vacuum societies of Austria, Croatia, Hungary, Slovakia, and Slovenia. {\it Vacuum.} {\bf 82}(2): 115--115, 2008.
\bibitem[{Gillet et~al.(2008)}]{Gillet:08:Evolution}
Gillet, E., Masek, K., Lollman, D., Gillet, M., Evolution of the oxidation states at the WO3 thin film surface during annealing in gases. {\it Vacuum.} {\bf 82}(2): 261--265, 2008.
\bibitem[{Yoshitake et~al.(2008)}]{Yoshitake:08:Interface}
Yoshitake, M., Song, W., Libra, J., Masek, K., Sutara, F., Matolin, V., Prince, K.C., Interface termination and band alignment of epitaxially grown alumina films on Cu–Al alloy. {\it J. Appl. Phys.} {\bf 103}(3): 033707, 2008.
\bibitem[{Nemsak et~al.(2008)}]{Nemsak:08:The}
Nemsak, S., Libra, J., Skala, T., Masek, K., Skoda, M., Cabala, M., Matolin, V., The growth of Au/Pd/alumina/Cu–Al system studied by SRPES. {\it Appl. Surf. Sci.} {\bf 254}(14): 4340--4345, 2008.
\bibitem[{Nemsak et~al.(2007)}]{Nemsak:07:RHEED}
Nemsak, S., Masek, K., Matolin, V., RHEED and XPS study of Pd-Sn bimetallic system growth. {\it Surf. Sci.} {\bf 601}(18): 4475--4478, 2007.
\bibitem[{Matolin et~al.(2007)}]{Matolin:07:Photoelectron}
Matolin, V., Matolinova, I., Veltruska, K., Masek, K., Photoelectron spectroscopy and secondary ion mass spectrometry characterization of diamond-like carbon films. {\it Thin Solid Films.} {\bf 515}(13): 5386--5390, 2007.
\bibitem[{Skala et~al.(2007)}]{Skala:07:Photoelectron-spectroscopic}
Skala, T., Veltruska, K., Sedlacek, L., Masek, K., Matolinova, I., Matolin, V., Photoelectron-spectroscopic and reactivity investigation of thin Pd-Sn films prepared by magnetron sputtering. {\it Appl. Surf. Sci.} {\bf 253}(12): 5400--5403, 2007.
\bibitem[{Nemsak et~al.(2007)}]{Nemsak:07:XPS}
Nemsak, S., Skala, T., Libra, J., Hanys, P., Masek, K., Yoshitake, M., Matolin, V., XPS and LEED study of Pd and Au growth on alumina/Cu-Al surface. {\it Appl. Surf. Sci.} {\bf 254}(2): 490--493, 2007.
\bibitem[{Brinzari et~al.(2007)}]{Brinzari:07:Valence}
Brinzari, V., Korotcenkov, G., Ivanov, M., Nehasil, V., Matolin, V., Masek, K., Kamei, M., Valence band and band gap photoemission study of (111) In2O3 epitaxial films under interactions with oxygen, water and carbon monoxide. {\it Surf. Sci.} {\bf 601}(23): 5585--5594, 2007.
\bibitem[{Ivanitska et~al.(2007)}]{Ivanitska:07:Chemical}
Ivanitska, V.G., Moravec, P., Franc, J., Tomashik, Z.F., Feychuk, P.I., Tomashik, V.M., Shcherbak, L.P., Masek, K., Hoschl, P., Chemical etching of CdTe in aqueous solutions of H2O2-HI-citric acid. {\it J. Electron. Mater.} {\bf 36}(8): 1021--1024, 2007.
\bibitem[{Masek et~al.(2006)}]{Masek:06:Photoelectron}
Masek, K., Fabik, S., Maskova, A., Tsud, N., Veltruska, K., Prince, K.C., Chab, V., Vyskocil, J., Matolin, V., Photoelectron spectroscopy characterization of diamond-like carbon films. {\it Appl. Spectrosc.} {\bf 60}(8): 936--940, 2006.
\bibitem[{Masek et~al.(2006)}]{Masek:06:SRPES}
Masek, K., Libra, J., Skala, T., Cabala, M., Matolin, V., Chab, V., Prince, K.C., SRPES investigation of tungsten oxide in different oxidation states. {\it Surf. Sci.} {\bf 600}(8): 1624--1627, 2006.
\bibitem[{Masek et~al.(2006)}]{Masek:06:Study}
Masek, K., Mixa, M., Nemsak, S., Matolin, V., Study of the growth of supported Pd-Sn bimetallic nanoclusters. {\it Thin Solid Films.} {\bf 515}(2): 563--566, 2006.
\bibitem[{Nemsak et~al.(2006)}]{Nemsak:06:Ultra-thin}
Nemsak, S., Yoshitake, M., Masek, K., Ultra-thin oxide layer formation on Cu-9% Al(111) surface and Pd growth studied using reflection high energy electron diffraction and Auger electron spectroscopy. {\it Surf. Sci.} {\bf 600}(18): 4357--4360, 2006.
\bibitem[{Masek et~al.(2005)}]{Masek:05:Structural}
Masek, K., Nemsak, S., Matolin, V., Structural study of epitaxial tungsten oxide nanoclusters. {\it Vacuum.} {\bf 80}(1-3): 58--63, 2005.
\bibitem[{Nemsak et~al.(2005)}]{Nemsak:05:RHEED}
Nemsak, S., Masek, K., Matolin, V., RHEED study of the growth of Pd-Al/MgO bimetallic system. {\it Vacuum.} {\bf 80}(1-3): 102--107, 2005.
\bibitem[{Drbohlav et~al.(2005)}]{Drbohlav:05:SIMS}
Drbohlav, J., Matolinova, I., Masek, K., Matolin, V., SIMS study of Ti-Zr-VNEG thermal activation process. {\it Vacuum.} {\bf 80}(1-3): 47--52, 2005.
\bibitem[{Matolin et~al.(2005)}]{Matolin:05:Activation}
Matolin, V., Dudr, V., Fabik, S., Chab, V., Masek, K., Matolinova, I., Prince, K.C., Skala, T., Sutara, F., Tsud, N., Veltruska, K., Activation of binary Zr-V non-evaporable getters: synchrotron radiation photoemission study. {\it Appl. Surf. Sci.} {\bf 243}(1-4): 106--112, 2005.
\bibitem[{Masek et~al.(2004)}]{Masek:04:RHEED}
Masek, K., Moroz, V., Nemsak, S., Matolin, V., RHEED study of Pd/Al bimetallic thin film growth on NaCl(001) substrate. {\it J. Electron Spectrosc. Relat. Phenom.} {\bf 137-140}: 113--117, 2004.
\bibitem[{Matolin et~al.(2004)}]{Matolin:04:XPS}
Matolin, V., Masek, K., Matolinova, I., Skala, T., Veltruska, K., XPS and SIMS study of the ageing mechanism of Zr-V non-evaporable getter films. {\it Appl. Surf. Sci.} {\bf 235}(1-2): 202--206, 2004.
\bibitem[{Gillet et~al.(2004)}]{Gillet:04:Structure}
Gillet, M., Masek, K., Gillet, E., Structure of tungsten oxide nanoclusters. {\it Surf. Sci.} {\bf 566}: 383--389, 2004.
\bibitem[{Sutara et~al.(2004)}]{Sutara:04:Residual}
Sutara, F., Matolinova, I., Skala, T., Masek, K., Matolin, V., Residual surface oxide on ZrV getter - XPS, LEIS and SIMS study. {\it Vacuum.} {\bf 74}(2): 305--309, 2004.
\bibitem[{Fabik et~al.(2004)}]{Fabik:04:Activation}
Fabik, S., Chab, V., Dudr, V., Masek, K., Prince, K.C., Sutara, F., Veltruska, K., Tsud, N., Vondracek, M., Matolin, V., Activation of binary Zr-V non-evaporable getters: a soft X-ray photoemission study of carbide formation. {\it Surf. Sci.} {\bf 566}: 1246--1249, 2004.
\bibitem[{Masek et~al.(2003)}]{Masek:03:Reflection}
Masek, K., Moroz, V., Matolin, V., Reflection high-energy electron loss spectroscopy (RHEELS): a new approach in the investigation of epitaxial thin film growth by reflection high-energy electron diffraction (RHEED). {\it Vacuum.} {\bf 71}(1-2): 59--64, 2003.
\bibitem[{Masek et~al.(2003)}]{Masek:03:X-ray}
Masek, K., Sutara, F., Skala, T., Drbohlav, J., Veltruska, K., Matolin, V., X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and static secondary ion mass spectroscopy study of activation mechanism of Zr-V low activation temperature nonevaporable getter films. {\it J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A.} {\bf 21}(3): 797--805, 2003.
\bibitem[{Gillet et~al.(2003)}]{Gillet:03:Oxidation}
Gillet, M., Masek, K., Lemire, C., Oxidation of tungsten nanoclusters. {\it Thin Solid Films.} {\bf 444}(1-2): 9--16, 2003.
\bibitem[{Matolinova et~al.(2003)}]{Matolinova:03:Influence}
Matolinova, I., Fabik, A., Masek, K., Sedlacek, L., Skala, T., Veltruska, K., Matolin, V., Influence of Pd-Co bimetallic interaction on CO adsorption properties of PdxCo1-x alloys: XPS, TPD and static SIMS studies. {\it Vacuum.} {\bf 71}(1-2): 41--45, 2003.
\bibitem[{Matolin et~al.(2003)}]{Matolin:03:Mechanism}
Matolin, V., Drbohlav, J., Masek, K., Mechanism of non-evaporable getter activation XPS and static SIMS study of Zr44V56 alloy. {\it Vacuum.} {\bf 71}(1-2): 317--322, 2003.
\bibitem[{Lykhach et~al.(2002)}]{Lykhach:02:Influence}
Lykhach, Y., Masek, K., Nehasil, V., Influence of the alumina surface orientation to the Rh particle growth and reconstruction. {\it Surf. Sci.} {\bf 507}: 655--661, 2002.
\bibitem[{Moroz et~al.(2002)}]{Moroz:02:RHEED}
Moroz, V., Rajs, K., Masek, K., RHEED and EELS study of Pd/Al bimetallic thin film growth on different alpha-Al2O3 substrates. {\it Surf. Sci.} {\bf 507}: 300--304, 2002.
\bibitem[{Masek and Matolin(2001)}]{Masek:01:RHEED}
Masek, K., Matolin, V., RHEED study of Nb thin film growth on Cu(111) and (100) single-crystals. {\it Vacuum.} {\bf 61}(2-4): 217--221, 2001.
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