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WOS advanced search query (RED – proceedings): PŘÍMÝ LINK

BibTeX entries:
	 author = {Biennier, L. AND Alsayed-Ali, M. AND Foutel-Richard, A. AND Novotny, O. AND Carles, S. AND Rebrion-Rowe, C. AND Rowe, B.},
	 title = {Laboratory measurements of the recombination of PAH ions with electrons: implications for the PAH charge state in interstellar clouds},
	 journal = {Faraday Discuss.},
	 fulljournal = {Faraday Discussion},
	 volume = {133},
	 number = {},
	 pages = {289--301},
	 year = {2006},
	 issn = {1359-6640},
	 doi = {10.1039/b516858a},
	 KFPPid = {681},


\bibitem[{Biennier et~al.(2006)}]{Biennier:06:Laboratory}
Biennier, L., Alsayed-Ali, M., Foutel-Richard, A., Novotny, O., Carles, S., Rebrion-Rowe, C., Rowe, B., Laboratory measurements of the recombination of PAH ions with electrons: implications for the PAH charge state in interstellar clouds. {\it Faraday Discuss.} {\bf 133}: 289--301, 2006.