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BibTeX entries:
	 author = {Bazel, Y.R. AND Kulakova, T.A. AND Studenyak, Y.I. AND Serbin, R. AND Rednyk, S. AND Andruch, V.},
	 title = {Extraction of platinum with Astrafloxin FF from aqueous-organic solutions: Separative extraction-spectrophotometric determination of platinum(II) and platinum(IV) species},
	 journal = {J Anal Chem},
	 fulljournal = {Journal of Analytical Chemistry},
	 volume = {67},
	 number = {6},
	 pages = {519--526},
	 year = {2012},
	 issn = {1061-9348},
	 doi = {10.1134/S1061934812040077},
	 KFPPid = {2499},


\bibitem[{Bazel et~al.(2012)}]{Bazel:12:Extraction}
Bazel, Y.R., Kulakova, T.A., Studenyak, Y.I., Serbin, R., Rednyk, S., Andruch, V., Extraction of platinum with Astrafloxin FF from aqueous-organic solutions: Separative extraction-spectrophotometric determination of platinum(II) and platinum(IV) species. {\it J Anal Chem.} {\bf 67}(6): 519--526, 2012.