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BibTeX entries:
author = {Parrot, M. AND Němec, F. AND Cohen, M.B. AND Gołkowski, M.},
title = {On the use of ELF/VLF emissions triggered by HAARP to simulate PLHR and to study associated MLR events},
journal = {Earth Planets Space},
fulljournal = {Earth, Planets and Space},
volume = {74},
number = {1},
pages = {4},
eid = {4},
year = {2022},
issn = {1880-5981},
doi = {10.1186/s40623-021-01551-9},
KFPPid = {2303},
\bibitem[{Parrot et~al.(2022)}]{Parrot:22:On}
Parrot, M., Němec, F., Cohen, M.B., Gołkowski, M., On the use of ELF/VLF emissions triggered by HAARP to simulate PLHR and to study associated MLR events. {\it Earth Planets Space.} {\bf 74}(1): 4, 2022.