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WOS advanced search query (RED – proceedings): PŘÍMÝ LINK

BibTeX entries:
	 author = {Ju, X. AND Grego, C. AND Zhang, X.},
	 title = {Specific effects of fiber size and fiber swelling on biomass substrate surface area and enzymatic digestibility},
	 journal = {Bioresource Technology},
	 fulljournal = {Bioresource Technology},
	 volume = {144},
	 number = {},
	 pages = {232--239},
	 year = {2013},
	 issn = {0960-8524},
	 doi = {10.1016/j.biortech.2013.06.100 },
	 KFPPid = {2201},


\bibitem[{Ju et~al.(2013)}]{Ju:13:Specific}
Ju, X., Grego, C., Zhang, X., Specific effects of fiber size and fiber swelling on biomass substrate surface area and enzymatic digestibility. {\it Bioresource Technology.} {\bf 144}: 232--239, 2013.