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BibTeX entries:
	 author = {Rozbořil, F. AND Ošťádal, I. AND Sobotík, P. AND Kocán, P.},
	 title = {Self-assembly of a two-dimensional molecular layer in a nonhomogeneous electric field: Kinetic Monte Carlo simulations},
	 journal = {Phys. Rev. E},
	 fulljournal = {PHYSICAL REVIEW E},
	 volume = {99},
	 number = {3},
	 pages = {032110},
	 eid = {032110},
	 year = {2019},
	 issn = {1063-651X},
	 doi = {10.1103/PhysRevE.99.032110},
	 KFPPid = {1944},


\bibitem[{Rozbořil et~al.(2019)}]{Rozbořil:19:Self-assembly}
Rozbořil, F., Ošťádal, I., Sobotík, P., Kocán, P., Self-assembly of a two-dimensional molecular layer in a nonhomogeneous electric field: Kinetic Monte Carlo simulations. {\it Phys. Rev. E.} {\bf 99}(3): 032110, 2019.