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BibTeX entries:
	 author = {Khalakhan, I. AND Waidhas, F. AND Brummel, O. AND Vorokhta, M. AND Kúš, P. AND Yakovlev, Y.V. AND Bertram, M. AND Dopita, M. AND Matolínová, I. AND Libuda, J. AND Matolín, V.},
	 title = {Nanoscale Morphological and Structural Transformations of PtCu Alloy Electrocatalysts during Potentiodynamic Cycling},
	 journal = {J. Phys. Chem. C},
	 fulljournal = {The Journal of Physical Chemistry C},
	 volume = {122},
	 number = {38},
	 pages = {21974--21982},
	 year = {2018},
	 issn = {1932-7447},
	 doi = {10.1021/acs.jpcc.8b06840},
	 KFPPid = {1900},


\bibitem[{Khalakhan et~al.(2018)}]{Khalakhan:18:Nanoscale}
Khalakhan, I., Waidhas, F., Brummel, O., Vorokhta, M., Kúš, P., Yakovlev, Y.V., Bertram, M., Dopita, M., Matolínová, I., Libuda, J., Matolín, V., Nanoscale Morphological and Structural Transformations of PtCu Alloy Electrocatalysts during Potentiodynamic Cycling. {\it J. Phys. Chem. C.} {\bf 122}(38): 21974--21982, 2018.