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WOS advanced search query (RED – proceedings): PŘÍMÝ LINK
BibTeX entries:
author = {Krupar, V. AND Maksimovic, M. AND Santolik, O. AND Cecconi, K.r.u.p.a.r.o.v.a.,. .O.},
title = {Statistical Survey of Type III Radio Bursts at Long Wavelengths Observed by the Solar TErrestrial RElations Observatory (STEREO)/Waves Instruments: Goniopolarimetric Properties and Radio Source Locations},
journal = {Sol. Phys.},
fulljournal = {SOLAR PHYSICS},
volume = {289},
number = {12},
pages = {4633--4652},
year = {2014},
issn = {0038-0938},
doi = {10.1007/s11207-014-0601-z},
KFPPid = {1475},
\bibitem[{Krupar et~al.(2014)}]{Krupar:14:Statistical}
Krupar, V., Maksimovic, M., Santolik, O., Cecconi, K.r.u.p.a.r.o.v.a.,. .O., Statistical Survey of Type III Radio Bursts at Long Wavelengths Observed by the Solar TErrestrial RElations Observatory (STEREO)/Waves Instruments: Goniopolarimetric Properties and Radio Source Locations. {\it Sol. Phys.} {\bf 289}(12): 4633--4652, 2014.