95 articles found.
List publications in Web of Science.
(BibTeX & \bibitem of all these articles)
Louarn, P; Fedorov, A; Prech, L; Owen, CJ; D’Amicis, R; Bruno, R; Livi, S; Lavraud, B; Rouillard, AP; Génot, V; André, N; Fruit, G; Réville, V; Kieokaew, R; Plotnikov, I; Penou, E; Barthe, A; Lewis, G; Berthomier, M; Allegrini, F; Alterman, BL; Lepri, ST; Raines, JM; Verscharen, D; Mele, G; Fargette, N; Horbury, TS; Maksimovic, M; Kasper, JC; Bale, SD
Skewness and kurtosis of solar wind proton distribution functions: The normal inverse-Gaussian model and its implications
A&A, 682 (Feb): Art. No. A44 (14 pages), 2024.
doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202347874 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:001163661300016 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Hou, C; Rouillard, AP; He, J; Gannouni, B; Réville, V; Louarn, P; Fedorov, A; Přech, L; Owen, CJ; Verscharen, D; D’Amicis, R; Sorriso-Valvo, L; Fargette, N; Coburn, J; Génot, V; Raines, JM; Bruno, R; Livi, S; Lavraud, B; André, N; Fruit, G; Kieokaew, R; Plotnikov, I; Penou, E; Barthe, A; Kataria, D; Berthomier, M; Allegrini, F; Fortunato, V; Mele, G; Horbury, T
Connecting Solar Wind Velocity Spikes Measured by Solar Orbiter and Coronal Brightenings Observed by SDO
Astrophys. J. Lett., 968 (2): Art. No. L28 (9 pages), 2024.
doi:10.3847/2041-8213/ad4eda (abstract link) ISI ID:001251771100001 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Jones, GH; Snodgrass, C; Tubiana, C; Küppers, M; Kawakita, H; Lara, LM; ... Pommerol, A; Prech, L; Rando, N; .... Valavanoglou, A; Vaverka, J; Wang, W; Wang, X-D; Wattieaux, G; Wieser, M; Wolf, S; Yano, H; Yoshikawa, I; Zakharov, V; Zawistowski, T; Zuppella, P; Rinaldi, G; Ji, H
The Comet Interceptor Mission
Space Sci. Rev., 220 (1): Art. No. 9 (83 pages), 2024.
doi:10.1007/s11214-023-01035-0 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:001194889900001 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Šafránková, J; Němeček, Z; Němec, F; Verscharen, D; Horbury, TS; Bale, SD; Přech, L
Evolution of Magnetic Field Fluctuations and Their Spectral Properties within the Heliosphere: Statistical Approach
Astrophys. J. Lett., 946 (2): Art. No. L44 (9 pages), 2023.
doi:10.3847/2041-8213/acc531 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000963299200001 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Dandouras, I; Taylor, MGGT; De Keyser, J; Futaana, Y; Bamford, RA; Branduardi-Raymont, G; Chaufray, J-Y; Constantinescu, D; De Angelis, E; Devoto, P; Eastwood, J; Echim, M; Garnier, P; Grison, B; Hercik, D; Lammer, H; Laurens, A; Leblanc, F; Milillo, A; Nakamura, R; Přech, L; Roussos, E; Štverák, Š; Forest, J; Trouche, A; Hess, SLG; Mateo-Vélez, J-C; Carpenter, J; Winter, J
Space plasma physics science opportunities for the lunar orbital platform - Gateway
Front. Astron. Space Sci., 10: Art. No. 1120302 (30 pages), 2023.
doi:10.3389/fspas.2023.1120302 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000962307800001 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Louarn, P; Fedorov, A; Prech, L; Owen, CJ; Bruno, R; Livi, S; Lavraud, B; Rouillard, AP; Génot, V; André, N; Fruit, G; Réville, V; Kieokaew, R; Plotnikov, I; Penou, E; Barthe, A; Khataria, D; Berthomier, M; D’Amicis, R; Sorriso-Valvo, L; Allegrini, F; Raines, J; Verscharen, D; Fortunato, V; Mele, G; Horbury, TS; O’brien, H; Evans, V; Angelini, V; Maksimovic, M; Kasper, JC; Bale, SD
Multiscale views of an Alfvénic slow solar wind: 3D velocity distribution functions observed by the Proton-Alpha Sensor of Solar Orbiter
Astron. Astrophys., 656: Art. No. A36 (10 pages), 2021.
doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202141095 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000730246400047 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Fedorov, A; Louarn, P; Owen, CJ; Horbury, TS; Prech, L; Durovcova, T; Barthe, A; Rouillard, AP; Kasper, JC; Bale, SD; Bruno, R; O’Brien, H; Evans, V; Angelini, V; Larson, D; Livi, R; Lavraud, B; Andre, N; Genot, V; Penou, E; Mele, G; Fortunato, V
Switchback-like structures observed by Solar Orbiter
Astron. Astrophys., 656: Art. No. A40 (7 pages), 2021.
doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202141246 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000730246400048 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Lavraud, B; Kieokaew, R; Fargette, N; Louarn, P; Fedorov, A; André, N; Fruit, G; Génot, V; Réville, V; Rouillard, AP; Plotnikov, I; Penou, E; Barthe, A; Prech, L; Owen, CJ; Bruno, R; Allegrini, F; Berthomier, M; Kataria, D; Livi, S; Raines, JM; D’Amicis, R; Eastwood, JP; Froment, C; Laker, R; Maksimovic, M; Marcucci, F; Perri, S; Perrone, D; Phan, TD; Stansby, D; Stawarz, J; Toledo-Redondo, S; Vaivads, A; Verscharen, D; Zouganelis, I; Angelini, V; Evans, V; Horbury, TS; O’Brien, H
Magnetic reconnection as a mechanism to produce multiple thermal proton populations and beams locally in the solar wind
Astron. Astrophys., 656: Art. No. A37 (8 pages), 2021.
doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202141149 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000730246400052 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Owen, CJ; Bruno, R; Livi, S; Louarn, P; Al Janabi, K; Allegrini, F; Amoros, C; Baruah, R; Barthe, A; Berthomier, M; Bordon, S; Brockley-Blatt, C; Brysbaert, C; Capuano, G; Collier, M; DeMarco, R; Fedorov, A; Ford, J; Fortunato, V; Fratter, I; Galvin, AB; Hancock, B; Heirtzler, D; Kataria, D; Kistler, L; Lepri, ST; Lewis, G; Loeffler, C; Marty, W; Mathon, R; Mayall, A; Mele, G; Ogasawara, K; Orlandi, M; Pacros, A; Penou, E; Persyn, S; Petiot, M; Phillips, M; Přech, L; Raines, JM; Reden, M; Rouillard, AP; Rousseau, A; Rubiella, J; Seran, H; Spencer, A; Thomas, JW; Trevino, J; Verscharen, D; Wurz, P; Alapide, A; Amoruso, L; André, N; Anekallu, C; Arciuli, V; Arnett, KL; Ascolese, R; Bancroft, C; Bland, P; Brysch, M; Calvanese, R; Castronuovo, M; Čermák, I; Chornay, D; Clemens, S; Coker, J; Collinson, G; D’Amicis, R; Dandouras, I; Darnley, R; Davies, D; Davison, G; De Los Santos, A; Devoto, P; Dirks, G; Edlund, E; Fazakerley, A; Ferris, M; Frost, C; Fruit, G; Garat, C; Génot, V; Gibson, W; Gilbert, JA; de Giosa, V; Gradone, S; Hailey, M; Horbury, TS; Hunt, T; Jacquey, C; Johnson, M; Lavraud, B; Lawrenson, A; Leblanc, F; Lockhart, W; Maksimovic, M; Malpus, A; Marcucci, F; Mazelle, C; Monti, F; Myers, S; Nguyen, T; Rodriguez-Pacheco, J; Phillips, I; Popecki, M; Rees, K; Rogacki, SA; Ruane, K; Rust, D; Salatti, M; Sauvaud, JA; Stakhiv, MO; Stange, J; Stubbs, T; Taylor, T; Techer, J-D; Terrier, G; Thibodeaux, R; Urdiales, C; Varsani, A; Walsh, AP; Watson, G; Wheeler, P; Willis, G; Wimmer-Schweingruber, RF; Winter, B; Yardley, J; Zouganelis, I
The Solar Orbiter Solar Wind Analyser (SWA) suite
Astron. Astrophys., 642: Art. No. A16 (36 pages), 2020.
doi:10.1051/0004-6361/201937259 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000577099700016 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Urbář, J; Němeček, Z; Šafránková, J; Přech, L
Solar Wind Proton Deceleration in Front of the Terrestrial Bow Shock
J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys., 124 (8): 6553–6565, 2019.
doi:10.1029/2019JA026734 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000490956600011 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Borodkova, NL; Eselevich, VG; Zastenker, GN; Sapunova, OV; Yermolaev, YI; Šafránková, J; Nĕmeček, Z; Přech, L
Fine Structure of Interplanetary Shock Front—Results from BMSW Experiment with High Time Resolution
J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys., 124 (11): 8191–8207, 2019.
doi:10.1029/2018JA026255 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000494533100001 - BibTeX & \bibitem
De Keyser, J; Lavraud, B; Přech, L; Neefs, E; Berkenbosch, S; Beeckman, B; Fedorov, A; Marcucci, MF; De Marco, R; Brienza, D
Beam tracking strategies for fast acquisition of solar wind velocity distribution functions with high energy and angular resolutions
Ann. Geophys., 36 (5): 1285–1302, 2018.
doi:10.5194/angeo-36-1285-2018 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000446186500001 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Kočiščák, S; Pavlů, J; Šafránková, J; Němeček, Z; Přech, L
Do we detect interplanetary dust with Faraday cups?
Planet Space Sci., 156: 17–22, 2018.
doi:10.1016/j.pss.2017.11.004 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000435059800004 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Goncharov, O; Koval, A; Šafránková, J; Němeček, Z; Stevens, ML; Szabo, A; Přech, L
Interaction of the Interplanetary Shock and IMF Directional Discontinuity in the Solar Wind
J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys., 123 (5): 3822–3835, 2018.
doi:10.1029/2018JA025195 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000435943300036 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Prech, L; Ruzhin, YY; Dokukin, VS; Nemecek, Z; Safrankova, J
Overview of APEX Project Results
Front. Astron. Space Sci., 5 (DEC): Art. No. 46 (22 pages), 2018.
doi:10.3389/fspas.2018.00046 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000453951300001
Enžl, J; Šafránková, J; Němeček, Z; Přech, L
Spiky Structures around Reconnection Exhausts in the Solar Wind
Astrophys. J., 851 (2): Art. No. 86 (8 pages), 2017.
doi:10.3847/1538-4357/aa98e0 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000418111100004 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Grygorov, K; Šafránková, J; Němeček, Z; Pi, G; Přech, L; Urbář, J
Shape of the equatorial magnetopause affected by the radial interplanetary magnetic field
Planet Space Sci., 148 (Nov 15): 28–34, 2017.
doi:10.1016/j.pss.2017.09.011 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000415775900003 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Eselevich, VG; Borodkova, NL; Eselevich, MV; Zastenker, GN; Šafránkova, J; Němeček, Z; Přech, L
Fine structure of the interplanetary shock front according to measurements of the ion flux of the solar wind with high time resolution
Cosmic Res., 55 (1): 30–45, 2017.
doi:10.1134/S0010952517010038 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000394182700004 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Sarria, D; Lebrun, F; Blelly, P-L; Chipaux, R; Laurent, P; Sauvaud, J-A; Prech, L; Devoto, P; Pailot, D; Baronick, J-P; Lindsey-Clark, M
TARANIS XGRE and IDEE detection capability of terrestrial gamma-ray flashes and associated electron beams
Geosci. Instrum. Method. Data Syst., 6 (2): 239–256, 2017.
doi:10.5194/gi-6-239-2017 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000405526000001 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Riazantseva, MO; Budaev, VP; Rakhmanova, LS; Borodkova, NL; Zastenker, GN; Yermolaev, YI; Safrankova, J; Nemecek, Z; Prech, L; Pitna, A
Intermittency of the solar wind density near the interplanetary shock
Geomagn. Aeron., 57 (6): 645–654, 2017.
doi:10.1134/S001679321706010X (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000424019800002 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Riazantseva, M; Budaev, V; Rakhmanova, L; Zastenker, G; Yermolaev, Y.; Lodkina, I; Šafránková, J; Němeček, Z; Přech, L
Variety of shapes of solar wind ion flux spectra: Spektr-R measurements
J. Plasma Phys., 83 (4): Art. No. 705830401 (24 pages), 2017.
doi:10.1017/S0022377817000502 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000424148100001 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Grygorov, K; Němeček, Z; Šafránková, J; Přech, L; Pi, G; Shue, J-H
Kelvin-Helmholtz wave at the subsolar magnetopause boundary layer under radial IMF
J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys., 121 (10): 9863–9879, 2016.
doi:10.1002/2016JA023068 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000388965900035 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Šafránková, J; Němeček, Z; Němec, F; Přech, L; Chen, CHK; Zastenker, GN
Power Spectral Density of Fluctuations of Bulk and Thermal Speeds in the Solar Wind
Astrophys. J., 825 (2): Art. No. 121 (8 pages), 2016.
doi:10.3847/0004-637X/825/2/121 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000381940800039 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Pitna, A; Safrankova, J; Nemecek, Z; Goncharov, O; Nemec, F; Prech, L; Chen, CHK; Zastenker, GN
Density Fluctuations Upstream and Downstream of Interplanetary Shocks
Astrophys. J., 819 (1): Art. No. 41 (9 pages), 2016.
doi:10.3847/0004-637X/819/1/41 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000372303400041 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Němeček, Z; Šafránková, J; Lopez, RE; Dušík, Š; Nouzák, L; Přech, L; Šimůnek, J; Shue, J-H
Solar cycle variations of magnetopause locations
Adv. Space Res., 58 (2): 240–248, 2016.
doi:10.1016/j.asr.2015.10.012 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000379367800011 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Riazantseva, MO; Budaev, VP; Rakhmanova, LS; Zastenker, GN; Šafránková, J; Němeček, Z; Přech, L
Comparison of properties of small-scale ion flux fluctuations in the flank magnetosheath and in the solar wind
Adv. Space Res., 58 (2): 166–174, 2016.
doi:10.1016/j.asr.2015.12.022 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000379367800003 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Lavraud, B; Liu, Y; Segura, K; He, J; Qin, G; Temmer, M; Vial, J-C; Xiong, M; Davies, JA; Rouillard, AP; Pinto, R; Auchère, F; Harrison, RA; Eyles, C; Gan, W; Lamy, P; Xia, L; Eastwood, JP; Kong, L; Wang, J; Wimmer-Schweingruber, RF; Zhang, S; Zong, Q; Soucek, J; An, J; Prech, L; Zhang, A; Rochus, P; Bothmer, V; Janvier, M; Maksimovic, M; Escoubet, CP; Kilpua, EKJ; Tappin, J; Vainio, R; Poedts, S; Dunlop, MW; Savani, N; Gopalswamy, N; Bale, SD; Li, G; Howard, T; DeForest, C; Webb, D; Lugaz, N; Fuselier, SA; Dalmasse, K; Tallineau, J; Vranken, D; Fernández, JG
A small mission concept to the Sun–Earth Lagrangian L5 point for innovative solar, heliospheric and space weather science
J. Atmos. Sol.-Terr. Phys., 146 (Aug): 171–185, 2016.
doi:10.1016/j.jastp.2016.06.004 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000380593300017 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Nemecek, Z; Safrankova, J; Kruparova, O; Prech, L; Jelinek, K; Dusik, S; Simunek, J; Grygorov, K; Shue, J-H
Analysis of temperature versus density plots and their relation to the LLBL formation under southward and northward IMF orientations
J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys., 120 (5): 3475–3488, 2015.
doi:10.1002/2014JA020308 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000357869600015 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Safrankova, J; Nemecek, Z; Nemec, F; Prech, L; Pitna, A; Chen, CHK; Zastenker, GN
Solar Wind Density Spectra around the Ion Spectral Break
Astrophys. J., 803 (2): Art. No. 107 (7 pages), 2015.
doi:10.1088/0004-637X/803/2/107 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000353524500058 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Kruparova, O; Safrankova, J; Nemecek, Z; Prech, L
Transient events at the magnetopause and bipolar magnetic signatures
Planet Space Sci., 115 (Sep): 19–26, 2015.
doi:10.1016/j.pss.2015.02.008 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000360512300004 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Riazantseva, MO; Budaev, VP; Zelenyi, LM; Zastenker, GN; Pavlos, GP; Safrankova, J; Nemecek, Z; Prech, L; Nemec, F
Dynamic properties of small-scale solar wind plasma fluctuations
Philos. Trans. R. Soc. A-Math. Phys. Eng. Sci., 373 (2041): Art. No. 20140146 (19 pages), 2015.
doi:10.1098/rsta.2014.0146 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000353304500003 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Zastenker, GN; Khrapchenkov, VV; Koloskova, IV; Gavrilova, EA; Ryazanova,,EE; Ryazantseva, MO; Gagua, TI; Gagua, IT; Safrankova, J; Nemecek, Z; Prech, L; Vojta, J
Rapid Variations of the Value and Direction of the Solar Wind Ion Flux
Cosmic Res., 53 (1): 59–69, 2015.
doi:10.1134/S0010952515010098 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000349024600006 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Zelenyi, LM; Zastenker, GN; Petrukovich, AA; Chesalin, LS; Nazarov, VN; Prokhorenko, VI; Balaz, J; Kudela, K; Strgarski, I; Slivka, M; Gladyshev, VA; Kirpichev, IP; Sarris, E; Sarris, T; Lakutina, EV; Minskaya, LK; Krukovskaya, EV; Beznos, AV; Markov, YI; Tretyakov, AE; Batanov, OV; Korotkov, FV; Melnik, AP; Konoplev, VV; Ryabova, AD; Gevorkova, EV; Klimenchenko, MV; Bazhenov, AG; Belova, IE; Gavrilova, EA; Ananenkova, AN; Rudnevskaya, LV; Dyachkov, AV; Starostina, OA; Ryazanova, EE; Eismont, NA; Safrankova, J; Nemecek, Z; Prech, L; Cermak, I; Vaverka, J; Komarek, A; Vojta, J; Karimov, BT; Agafonov, YN; Borodkova, NL; Gagua, TI; Gagua, IT; Koloskova, IV; Leibov, AV; Parhomov, VA; Ryazanceva, MO; Khrapchenkov, VV; Chugunova, OM
PLASMA-F Experiment: Three Years of On-Orbit Operation
Solar Syst. Res., 49 (7): 580–603, 2015.
doi:10.1134/S0038094615070230 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000364968500027 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Grygorov, K; Prech, L; Safrankova, J; Nemecek, Z; Goncharov, O
The far magnetotail response to an interplanetary shock arrival
Planet Space Sci., 103 (15 Nov): 228–237, 2014.
doi:10.1016/j.pss.2014.07.016 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000345472000019 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Enzl, J; Prech, L; Safrankova, J; Nemecek, Z
Statistical Study of Reconnection Exhausts in the Solar Wind
Astrophys. J., 796 (1): Art. No. 21 (7 pages), 2014.
doi:10.1088/0004-637X/796/1/21 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000344550300021 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Goncharov, O; Safrankova, J; Nemecek, Z; Prech, L; Pitna, A; Zastenker, GN
Upstream and downstream wave packets associated with low-Mach number interplanetary shocks
Geophys. Res. Lett., 41 (22): 8100–8106, 2014.
doi:10.1002/2014GL062149 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000346644600044 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Zastenker, GN; Koloskova, IV; Riazantseva, MO; Yurasov, AS; Safrankova, J; Nemecek, Z; Prech, L; Cagas, P
Observation of fast variations of the helium-ion abundance in the solar wind
Cosmic Res., 52 (1): 25–36, 2014.
doi:10.1134/S0010952514010109 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000330948100003 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Safrankova, J; Nemecek, Z; Prech, L; Zastenker, GN
Ion Kinetic Scale in the Solar Wind Observed
Phys. Rev. Lett., 110 (2): Art. No. 025004 (5 pages), 2013.
doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.110.025004 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000313422000012 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Safrankova, J; Nemecek, Z; Prech, L; Zastenker, G; Cermak, I; Chesalin, L; Komarek, A; Vaverka, J; Beranek, M; Pavlu, J; Gavrilova, E; Karimov, B; Leibov, A
Fast Solar Wind Monitor (BMSW): Description and First Results
Space Sci. Rev., 175 (1-4): 165–182, 2013.
doi:10.1007/s11214-013-9979-4 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000320282500006 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Safrankova, J; Nemecek, Z; Cagas, P; Prech, L; Pavlu, J; Zastenker, GN; Riazantseva, MO; Koloskova, IV
Short-scale Variations of the Solar Wind Helium Abundance
Astrophys. J., 778 (1): Art. No. 25 (7 pages), 2013.
doi:10.1088/0004-637X/778/1/25 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000327131700025 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Zastenker, GN; Safrankova, J; Nemecek, Z; Prech, L; Cermak, I; Vaverka, J; Komarek, A; Voita, J; Chesalin, LS; Karimov, BT; Agafonov, YN; Borodkova, NL; Gavrilova, EA; Gagua, TI; Gagua, IT; Dalin, PA; Dyachkov, AV; Koloskova, IV; Leibov, AV; Semena, NP; Chernov, VV; Markov, YI; Ryazanova, EE; Ryazantseva, MO; Shevyrev, NN; Chrapchenkov, VV; Chugunova, OM; Yurasov, AS
Fast measurements of parameters of the Solar Wind using the BMSW instrument
Cosmic Res., 51 (2): 88–99, 2013.
doi:10.1134/S0010952513020081 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000317351800002 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Nemecek, Z; Safrankova, J; Goncharov, O; Prech, L; Zastenker, GN
Ion scales of quasi-perpendicular low-Mach-number interplanetary shocks
Geophys. Res. Lett., 40 (16): 4133–4137, 2013.
doi:10.1002/grl.50814 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000324529000002 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Enzl, J; Prech, L; Safrankova, J; Nemecek, Z
Multi-spacecraft observations of magnetic reconnection in the solar wind
AIP Conf. Proc., 1539: 159–162, 2013.
doi:10.1063/1.4811012 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000320997100037
Safrankova, J; Nemecek, Z; Prech, L; Zastenker, G
Fast solar wind monitoring available: BMSW in operation
AIP Conf. Proc., 1539: 466–469, 2013.
doi:10.1063/1.4811085 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000320997100110
Urbar, J; Nemecek, Z; Prech, L; Safrankova, J; Jelinek, K
Solar wind modification upstream of the bow shock
AIP Conf. Proc., 1539: 438–441, 2013.
doi:10.1063/1.4811079 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000320997100104
Safrankova, J; Goncharov, O; Nemecek, Z; Prech, L; Sibeck, DG
Asymmetric magnetosphere deformation driven by hot flow anomaly(ies)
Geophys. Res. Lett., 39 (15): Art. No. L15107 (6 pages), 2012.
doi:10.1029/2012GL052636 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000307742200006 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Gutynska, O; Simunek, J; Safrankova, J; Nemecek, Z; Prech, L
Multipoint study of magnetosheath magnetic field fluctuations and their relation to the foreshock
J. Geophys. Res., 117 (A04): Art. No. A04214 (12 pages), 2012.
doi:10.1029/2011JA017240 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000302872600001 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Goncharov, O; Safrankova, J; Nemecek, Z; Prech, L
IMF Rotations Following Interplanetary Shocks: Their Influence on the Interaction with the Magnetosphere
Acta Univ. Carolin. Math. Phys., 53 (2): 79–86, 2012. - PDF
Nemecek, Z; Safrankova, J; Koval, A; Merka, J; Prech, L
MHD analysis of propagation of an interplanetary shock across magnetospheric boundaries
J. Atmos. Sol.-Terr. Phys., 73 (1): 20–29, 2011.
doi:10.1016/j.jastp.2010.05.017 (abstract link) - PDF ISI ID:000287073100003 - BibTeX & \bibitem
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Safrankova, J; Hayosh, M; Gutynska, O; Nemecek, Z; Prech, L
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Safrankova, J; Nemecek, Z; Prech, L; Koval, A; Cermak, I; Beranek, M; Zastenker, G; Shevyrev, N; Chesalin, L
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Andreeova, K; Pulkkinen, TI; Laitinen, TV; Prech, L
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Tkachenko, O; Safrankova, J; Nemecek, Z; Simunek, J; Prech, L
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Safrankova, J; Nemecek, Z; Prech, L; Samsonov, AA; Koval, A; Andreeova, K
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Safrankova, J; Nemecek, Z; Prech, L; Samsonov, AA; Koval, A; Andreeova, K
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Safrankova, J; Nemecek, Z; Prech, L; Simunek, J; Sibeck, DG; Sauvaud, JA
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Nemecek, Z; Safrankova, J; Merka, J; Simunek, J; Prech, L
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Prech, L; Safrankova, J; Nemecek, Z; Kudela, K
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Koval, A; Safrankova, J; Nemecek, Z; Samsonov, AA; Prech, L; Richardson, JD; Hayosh, M
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Prech, L; Safrankova, J; Nemecek, Z; Kudela, K
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Prech, L; Safrankova, J; Nemecek, Z; Kudela, K; Slivka, M
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Koval, A; Safrankova, J; Nemecek, Z; Prech, L; Samsonov, AA; Richardson, JD
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Hayosh, M; Safrankova, J; Nemecek, Z; Prech, L; Kudela, K; Zastenker, GN
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Nemecek, Z; Simunek, J; Safrankova, J; Prech, L
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Nemecek, Z; Safrankova, J; Prech, L; Simunek, J; Sauvaud, JA; Fedorov, A; Stenuit, H; Fuselier, SA; Savin, S; Zelenyi, L; Berchem, J
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Prech, L; Nemecek, Z; Safrankova, J; Omar, A
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Safrankova, J; Prech, L; Nemecek, Z; Sauvaud, JA
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Safrankova, J; Nemecek, Z; Dusik, S; Prech, L; Sibeck, DG; Borodkova, NN
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Safrankova, J; Prech, L; Nemecek, Z; Sibeck, DG; Mukai, T
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Nemecek, Z; Safrankova, J; Prech, L; Zastenker, GN; Paularena, KI; Kokubun, S
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Santolik, O; Safrankova, J; Prech, L; Nemecek, Z
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Sibeck, DG; Kudela, K; Lepping, RP; Lin, R; Nemecek, Z; Nozdrachev, MN; Phan, TD; Prech, L; Safrankova, J; Singer, H; Yermolaev, Y
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Prech, L; Nemecek, Z; Safrankova, J; Simunek, J; Smilauer, J
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Safrankova, J; Nemecek, Z; Prech, L; Zastenker, G; Paularena, KI; Nikolaeva, N; Nozdrachev, M; Skalsky, A; Mukai, T
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Nemecek, Z; Safrankova, J; Prech, L; Sibeck, DG; Kokubun, S; Mukai, T
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Safrankova, J; Nemecek, Z; Sibeck, DG; Prech, L; Merka, J; Santolik, O
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Nemecek, Z; Safrankova, J; Prech, L; Simunek, J; Smilauer, J; Gringauz, KI; Shutte, NM; Teltsov, MV; Marjin, BV; Ruzhin, YY; Dokukin, VS
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Safrankova, J; Zastenker, G; Nemecek, Z; Fedorov, A; Simersky, M; Prech, L
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