Nalezeno 321 záznamů (294 v impaktovaných časopisech, 27 ve WOS sbornících).
(BibTeX & \bibitem všech článků tohoto člověka)
Kruparova, O; Szabo, A; Jian, LK; Němec, F; Šafránková, J; Němeček, Z; Pasanen, J; Narock, A; Krupar, V
Radial Evolution of Interplanetary Shock Properties with Heliospheric Distance: Observations from Parker Solar Probe
Astrophys. J. Lett., 979 (1): Art. No. L10 (6 pages), 2025.
doi:10.3847/2041-8213/ada558 (odkaz na abstrakt) - PDF ISI ID:001395903100001 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Ďurovcová, T; Šafránková, J; Němeček, Z
How Does the Structure of Rarefaction Regions Develop?
Astrophys. J., 966 (1): Art. No. 81 (12 pages), 2024.
doi:10.3847/1538-4357/ad3074 (odkaz na abstrakt) - PDF ISI ID:001208546500001 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Salohub, A; Šafránková, J; Němeček, Z; Pi, G
A Novel Determination of the Foreshock ULF Boundary: Statistical Approach
J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys., 129 (12): Art. No. e2024JA033195 (13 pages), 2024.
doi:10.1029/2024JA033195 (odkaz na abstrakt) - PDF ISI ID:001369962800001 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Pitňa, A; Šafránková, J; Němeček, Z; Pi, G; Zank, G; Zhao, L; Adhikari, L; Nakanotani, M
Turbulent Heating of Solar Wind Plasma Downstream of Magnetohydrodynamic Shocks
Astrophys. J., 963 (2): Art. No. 161 (12 pages), 2024.
doi:10.3847/1538-4357/ad1c64 (odkaz na abstrakt) - PDF ISI ID:001181052400001 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Pi, G; Němeček, Z; Šafránková, J; Grygorov, K
Spatial profiles of magnetosheath parameters under different IMF orientations: THEMIS observations
Front. Astron. Space Sci., 11: Art. No. 1401078 (13 pages), 2024.
doi:10.3389/fspas.2024.1401078 (odkaz na abstrakt) - PDF ISI ID:001255210100001 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Ijaz, S; Vaverka, J; Šafránková, J; Němeček, Z
Study of Dust Impact Signals around Mars Using MAVEN/LPW Observations
Astrophys. J., 970 (2): Art. No. 175 (11 pages), 2024.
doi:10.3847/1538-4357/ad5670 (odkaz na abstrakt) - PDF ISI ID:001279953400001 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Xirogiannopoulou, N; Goncharov, O; Šafránková, J; Němeček, Z
Characteristics of Foreshock Subsolar Compressive Structures
J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys., 129 (2): Art. No. e2023JA032033 (11 pages), 2024.
doi:10.1029/2023JA032033 (odkaz na abstrakt) - PDF ISI ID:001158156100001 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Linzmayer, V; Němec, F; Němeček, Z; Šafránková, J
Martian bow shock and magnetic pileup boundary models based on machine learning
Adv. Space Res., 73 (12): 6298–6309, 2024.
doi:10.1016/j.asr.2024.03.030 (odkaz na abstrakt) - PDF ISI ID:001238205700001 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Janda, B; Němec, F; Němeček, Z; Šafránková, J
Dawn‐Dusk Asymmetry of the Magnetopause Distance Under the Parker Spiral Configuration of the IMF
J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys., 129 (11): Art. No. e2024JA033181 (9 pages), 2024.
doi:10.1029/2024JA033181 (odkaz na abstrakt) - PDF ISI ID:001368954900001 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Aghabozorgi Nafchi, M; Němec, F; Pi, G; Němeček, Z; Šafránková, J; Grygorov, K; Šimůnek, J; Tsai, T-C
Magnetopause location modeling using machine learning: inaccuracy due to solar wind parameter propagation
Front. Astron. Space Sci., 11: Art. No. 1390427 (11 pages), 2024.
doi:10.3389/fspas.2024.1390427 (odkaz na abstrakt) - PDF ISI ID:001233399900001 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Basuvaraj, PK; Němec, F; Fowler, CM; Regoli, LH; Němeček, Z; Šafránková, J
On the Formation Mechanism of Martian Dayside Ionospheric Plasma Depletion Events
J. Geophys. Res. Planets, 129 (6): Art. No. e2023JE008227 (15 pages), 2024.
doi:10.1029/2023JE008227 (odkaz na abstrakt) - PDF ISI ID:001234744000001 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Šafránková, J; Němeček, Z; Němec, F; Verscharen, D; Horbury, TS; Bale, SD; Přech, L
Evolution of Magnetic Field Fluctuations and Their Spectral Properties within the Heliosphere: Statistical Approach
Astrophys. J. Lett., 946 (2): Art. No. L44 (9 pages), 2023.
doi:10.3847/2041-8213/acc531 (odkaz na abstrakt) - PDF ISI ID:000963299200001 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Němeček, Z; Šafránková, J; Grygorov, K; Mokrý, A; Pi, G; Aghabozorgi Nafchi, M; Němec, F; Xirogiannopoulou, N; Šimůnek, J
Extremely Distant Magnetopause Locations Caused by Magnetosheath Jets
Geophys. Res. Lett., 50 (24): Art. No. e2023GL106131 (9 pages), 2023.
doi:10.1029/2023GL106131 (odkaz na abstrakt) - PDF ISI ID:001127489700001 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Park, B; Pitňa, A; Šafránková, J; Němeček, Z; Krupařová, O; Krupař, V; Zhao, L; Silwal, A
Change of Spectral Properties of Magnetic Field Fluctuations across Different Types of Interplanetary Shocks
Astrophys. J. Lett., 954 (2): Art. No. L51 (8 pages), 2023.
doi:10.3847/2041-8213/acf4ff (odkaz na abstrakt) - PDF ISI ID:001064288400001 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Wild, J; Čížek, J; Nouzák, L; Pavlů, J; Šafránková, J; Němeček, Z; Vaverka, J; Nosek, D; Burian, T; Wildová, A; Broulím, J
Laboratory Simulation of the Positron–Dust Interaction and its Implication for Interstellar Dark Clouds
Astrophys. J., 942 (1): Art. No. 42 (13 pages), 2023.
doi:10.3847/1538-4357/aca01c (odkaz na abstrakt) - PDF ISI ID:000908109100001 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Aghabozorgi Nafchi, M; Němec, F; Pi, G; Němeček, Z; Šafránková, J; Grygorov, K; Šimůnek, J
Interplanetary Magnetic Field B y Controls the Magnetopause Location
J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys., 128 (5): Art. No. e2023JA031303 (8 pages), 2023.
doi:10.1029/2023JA031303 (odkaz na abstrakt) - PDF ISI ID:001000426400001 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Pitna, A; Zank, GP; Nakanotani, M; Zhao, L-L; Adhikari, L; Safrankova, J; Nemecek, Z
Transmission of magnetic island modes across interplanetary shocks: comparison of theory and observations
J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., 2544 (1): Art. No. 012009 (9 pages), 2023.
doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2544/1/012009 (odkaz na abstrakt) - PDF
Salohub, A; Šafránková, J; Němeček, Z; Němec, F; Pi, G
ULF Waves/Fluctuations in the Distant Foreshock: Statistical Approach
J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys., 127 (12) (13 pages), 2022.
doi:10.1029/2022JA030802 (odkaz na abstrakt) - PDF ISI ID:000922109600001 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Grygorov, K; Němeček, Z; Šafránková, J; Šimůnek, J; Gutynska, O
Storm‐Time Magnetopause: Pressure Balance
J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys., 127 (11): Art. No. e2022JA030803 (13 pages), 2022.
doi:10.1029/2022JA030803 (odkaz na abstrakt) - PDF ISI ID:000922089400001 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Basuvaraj, PK; Němec, F; Němeček, Z; Šafránková, J
Ionospheric Plasma Depletions at Mars Observed by the MAVEN Spacecraft
J. Geophys. Res. Planets, 127 (11): Art. No. e2022JE007302 (14 pages), 2022.
doi:10.1029/2022JE007302 (odkaz na abstrakt) - PDF ISI ID:000878453800001 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Pi, G; Pitňa, A; Zhao, G-Q; Němeček, Z; Šafránková, J; Tsai, T-C
Properties of Magnetic Field Fluctuations in Long-Lasting Radial IMF Events from Wind Observation
Atmosphere, 13 (2): Art. No. 173 (18 pages), 2022.
doi:10.3390/atmos13020173 (odkaz na abstrakt) - PDF ISI ID:000778162100001 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Savin, SP; Lyakhov, VV; Neshchadim, VM; Zelenyi, LM; Nemecek, Z; Shafrankova, J; Wang, C; Klimov, SI; Skalskii, SA; Ryazantseva, MO; Rakhmanova, LS; Blecki, J; Lezhen, LA
Bow Shock Eigenmodes and Their Interconnection with Magnetospheric Resonances
J. Exp. Theor. Phys., 134 (3): 321–326, 2022.
doi:10.1134/S1063776122030116 (odkaz na abstrakt) - PDF ISI ID:000789845600008 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Krasnoselskikh, V; Tsurutani, BT; Dudok de Wit, T; Walker, S; Balikhin, M; Balat-Pichelin, M; Velli, M; Bale, SD; Maksimovic, M; Agapitov, O; Baumjohann, W; Berthomier, M; Bruno, R; Cranmer, SR; de Pontieu, B; Meneses, Dde S; Eastwood, J; Erdelyi, R; Ergun, R; Fedun, V; Ganushkina, N; Greco, A; Harra, L; Henri, P; Horbury, T; Hudson, H; Kasper, J; Khotyaintsev, Y; Kretzschmar, M; Krucker, S; Kucharek, H; Langevin, Y; Lavraud, B; Lebreton, J-P; Lepri, S; Liemohn, M; Louarn, P; Moebius, E; Mozer, F; Nemecek, Z; Panasenco, O; Retino, A; Safrankova, J; Scudder, J; Servidio, S; Sorriso-Valvo, L; Souček, J; Szabo, A; Vaivads, A; Vekstein, G; Vörös, Z; Zaqarashvili, T; Zimbardo, G; Fedorov, A
ICARUS: in-situ studies of the solar corona beyond Parker Solar Probe and Solar Orbiter
Exp. Astron., 54 (2-3): 277–315, 2022.
doi:10.1007/s10686-022-09878-1 (odkaz na abstrakt) - PDF ISI ID:000941045200001 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Šafránková, J; Němeček, Z; Němec, F; Montagud-Camps, V; Verscharen, D; Verdini, A; Ďurovcová, T
Anisotropy of Magnetic Field and Velocity Fluctuations in the Solar Wind
Astrophys. J., 913 (2): Art. No. 80 (12 pages), 2021.
doi:10.3847/1538-4357/abf6c9 (odkaz na abstrakt) - PDF ISI ID:000655287000001 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Ďurovcová, T; Šafránková, J; Němeček, Z
Proton Beam Abundance Variations and Their Relation to Alpha Particle Properties
Astrophys. J., 923 (2): Art. No. 170 (8 pages), 2021.
doi:10.3847/1538-4357/ac2c03 (odkaz na abstrakt) - PDF ISI ID:000732557200001 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Pitňa, A; Šafránková, J; Němeček, Z; Ďurovcová, T; Kis, A
Turbulence Upstream and Downstream of Interplanetary Shocks
Front. Phys., 8: Art. No. 626768 (19 pages), 2021.
doi:10.3389/fphy.2020.626768 (odkaz na abstrakt) - PDF ISI ID:000649451800001 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Němeček, Z; Šafránková, J; Němec, F; Ďurovcová, T; Pitňa, A; Alterman, BL; Voitenko, YM; Pavlů, J; Stevens, ML
Spectra of Temperature Fluctuations in the Solar Wind
Atmosphere, 12 (10): Art. No. 1277 (17 pages), 2021.
doi:10.3390/atmos12101277 (odkaz na abstrakt) - PDF ISI ID:000711365700001 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Pitňa, A; Šafránková, J; Němeček, Z; Franci, L; Pi, G
A Novel Method for Estimating the Intrinsic Magnetic Field Spectrum of Kinetic-Range Turbulence
Atmosphere, 12 (12): Art. No. 1547 (21 pages), 2021.
doi:10.3390/atmos12121547 (odkaz na abstrakt) - PDF ISI ID:000743669900001 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Montagud-Camps, V; Němec, F; Šafránková, J; Němeček, Z; Verdini, A; Grappin, R; Papini, E; Franci, L
Flattening of the Density Spectrum in Compressible Hall-MHD Simulations
Atmosphere, 12 (9): Art. No. 1162 (16 pages), 2021.
doi:10.3390/atmos12091162 (odkaz na abstrakt) - PDF ISI ID:000699323800001 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Němeček, Z; Grygorov, K; Šafránková, J; Šimůnek, J; Pi, G
Magnetic Field Gradient Across the Flank Magnetopause
Front. Astron. Space Sci., 8: Art. No. 778234 (13 pages), 2021.
doi:10.3389/fspas.2021.778234 (odkaz na abstrakt) - PDF ISI ID:000725753700001 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Nouzák, L; James, D; Němeček, Z; Šafránková, J; Pavlů, J; Nováková, J; Vaverka, J; Sternovsky, Z
Detection of Dust Particles Using Faraday Cup Instruments
Astrophys. J., 909 (2): Art. No. 132 (11 pages), 2021.
doi:10.3847/1538-4357/abd6e7 (odkaz na abstrakt) - PDF ISI ID:000627736000001 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Vaverka, J; Pavlů, J; Nouzák, L; Šafránková, J; Němeček, Z; Antonsen, T; Mann, I; Lindqvist, P-A
Ion Cloud Expansion after Hyper-velocity Dust Impacts Detected by the Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission Electric Probes in the Dipole Configuration
Astrophys. J., 921 (2): Art. No. 127 (8 pages), 2021.
doi:10.3847/1538-4357/ac1944 (odkaz na abstrakt) - PDF ISI ID:000716124400001 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Savin, SP; Lyakhov, VV; Neshchadim, VM; Zelenyi, LM; Nemecek, Z; Safrankova, J; Klimov, SI; Skalsky, SA; Ryazantseva, MO; Rakhmanova, LS; Wang, C; Li, H; Blecki, J; Rauch, J-L; Kozak, L; Suvorova, A; Lezhen, LA
Eigenmodes of the Boundary of a Magnetic Barrier Flowed Around by Plasma: the Boundary Membrane Model, Linear and Nonlinear Resonances, and Couplings with Internal Modes
J. Exp. Theor. Phys., 132 (2): 285–293, 2021.
doi:10.1134/S1063776121020060 (odkaz na abstrakt) - PDF ISI ID:000630387700013 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Saito, Y; Delcourt, D; Hirahara, M; Barabash, S; André, N; Takashima, T; Asamura, K; Yokota, S; Wieser, M; Nishino, MN; Oka, M; Futaana, Y; Harada, Y; Sauvaud, J-A; Louarn, P; Lavraud, B; Génot, V; Mazelle, C; Dandouras, I; Jacquey, C; Aoustin, C; Barthe, A; Cadu, A; Fedorov, A; Frezoul, A-M; Garat, C; Le Comte, E; Lee, Q-M; Médale, J-L; Moirin, D; Penou, E; Petiot, M; Peyre, G; Rouzaud, J; Séran, H-C; Němeček, Z; Šafránková, J; Marcucci, MF; Bruno, R; Consolini, G; Miyake, W; Shinohara, I; Hasegawa, H; Seki, K; Coates, AJ; Leblanc, F; Verdeil, C; Katra, B; Fontaine, D; Illiano, J-M; Berthelier, J-J; Techer, J-D; Fraenz, M; Fischer, H; Krupp, N; Woch, J; Bührke, U; Fiethe, B; Michalik, H; Matsumoto, H; Yanagimachi, T; Miyoshi, Y; Mitani, T; Shimoyama, M; Zong, Q; Wurz, P; Andersson, H; Karlsson, S; Holmström, M; Kazama, Y; Ip, W-H; Hoshino, M; Fujimoto, M; Terada, N; Keika, K; BepiColombo Mio/MPPE Team,
Pre-flight Calibration and Near-Earth Commissioning Results of the Mercury Plasma Particle Experiment (MPPE) Onboard MMO (Mio)
Space Sci. Rev., 217 (5): Art. No. 70 (91 pages), 2021.
doi:10.1007/s11214-021-00839-2 (odkaz na abstrakt) - PDF ISI ID:000679437200001 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Vandas, M; Němeček, Z; Šafránková, J; Romashets, EP; Hajoš, M
Comparison of Observed and Modeled Magnetic Fields in the Earth's Magnetosheath
J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys., 125 (3): Art. No. e2019JA027705 (16 pages), 2020.
doi:10.1029/2019JA027705 (odkaz na abstrakt) - PDF ISI ID:000535389600036 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Němeček, Z; Ďurovcová, T; Šafránková, J; Richardson, JD; Šimůnek, J; Stevens, ML
(Non)radial Solar Wind Propagation through the Heliosphere
Astrophys. J. Lett., 897 (2): Art. No. L39 (7 pages), 2020.
doi:10.3847/2041-8213/ab9ff7 (odkaz na abstrakt) - PDF ISI ID:000553254700001 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Němeček, Z; Ďurovcová, T; Šafránková, J; Němec, F; Matteini, L; Stansby, D; Janitzek, N; Berger, L; Wimmer-Schweingruber, RF
What is the Solar Wind Frame of Reference?
Astrophys. J., 889 (2): Art. No. 163 (14 pages), 2020.
doi:10.3847/1538-4357/ab65f7 (odkaz na abstrakt) - PDF ISI ID:000537753200001 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Pi, G; Pitňa, A; Němeček, Z; Šafránková, J; Shue, J-H; Yang, Y-H
Long- and Short-Term Evolutions of Magnetic Field Fluctuations in High-Speed Streams
Sol. Phys., 295 (6): Art. No. 84 (18 pages), 2020.
doi:10.1007/s11207-020-01646-8 (odkaz na abstrakt) - PDF ISI ID:000542222600001 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Němec, F; Linzmayer, V; Němeček, Z; Šafránková, J
Martian Bow Shock and Magnetic Pileup Boundary Models Based on an Automated Region Identification
J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys., 125 (11): Art. No. e2020JA028509 (16 pages), 2020.
doi:10.1029/2020JA028509 (odkaz na abstrakt) - PDF ISI ID:000595859400026 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Gutynska, O; Omidi, N; Sibeck, DG; Nemecek, Z; Safrankova, J; Lynnyk, A
Solar Wind Deflection in the Foreshock: Model‐Data Comparison
J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys., 125 (2): Art. No. e2019JA026970 (11 pages), 2020.
doi:10.1029/2019JA026970 (odkaz na abstrakt) - PDF ISI ID:000535395800011 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Němeček, Z; Šafránková, J; Šimůnek, J
An Examination of the Magnetopause Position and Shape Based Upon New Observations
Geophysical Monograph Series, 248: 135–151, 2020.
doi:10.1002/9781119509592.ch8 (odkaz na abstrakt) - PDF
Šafránková, J; Němeček, Z; Němec, F; Verscharen, D; Chen, CHK; Ďurovcová, T; Riazantseva, MO
Scale-dependent Polarization of Solar Wind Velocity Fluctuations at the Inertial and Kinetic Scales
Astrophys. J., 870 (1): Art. No. 40 (6 pages), 2019.
doi:10.3847/1538-4357/aaf239 (odkaz na abstrakt) - PDF ISI ID:000455126900001 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Ďurovcová, T; Šafránková, J; Němeček, Z
Evolution of Relative Drifts in the Expanding Solar Wind: Helios Observations
Sol. Phys., 294 (7): Art. No. 97 (15 pages), 2019.
doi:10.1007/s11207-019-1490-y (odkaz na abstrakt) - PDF ISI ID:000477049900002 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Pitňa, A; Šafránková, J; Němeček, Z; Franci, L; Pi, G; Montagud Camps, V
Characteristics of Solar Wind Fluctuations at and below Ion Scales
Astrophys. J., 879 (2): Art. No. 82 (9 pages), 2019.
doi:10.3847/1538-4357/ab22b8 (odkaz na abstrakt) - PDF ISI ID:000474750300003 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Kruparova, O; Krupar, V; Šafránková, J; Němeček, Z; Maksimovic, M; Santolik, O; Soucek, J; Němec, F; Merka, J
Statistical Survey of the Terrestrial Bow Shock Observed by the Cluster Spacecraft
J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys., 124 (3): 1539–1547, 2019.
doi:10.1029/2018JA026272 (odkaz na abstrakt) - PDF ISI ID:000466087900005 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Ďurovcová, T; Němeček, Z; Šafránková, J
Evolution of the α-proton Differential Motion across Stream Interaction Regions
Astrophys. J., 873 (1): Art. No. 24 (8 pages), 2019.
doi:10.3847/1538-4357/ab01c8 (odkaz na abstrakt) - PDF ISI ID:000460057100010 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Urbář, J; Němeček, Z; Šafránková, J; Přech, L
Solar Wind Proton Deceleration in Front of the Terrestrial Bow Shock
J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys., 124 (8): 6553–6565, 2019.
doi:10.1029/2019JA026734 (odkaz na abstrakt) - PDF ISI ID:000490956600011 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Samsonov, AA; Bogdanova, YV; Branduardi‐Raymont, G; Safrankova, J; Nemecek, Z; Park, J‐S
Long‐Term Variations in Solar Wind Parameters, Magnetopause Location, and Geomagnetic Activity Over the Last Five Solar Cycles
J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys., 124 (6): 4049–4063, 2019.
doi:10.1029/2018JA026355 (odkaz na abstrakt) - PDF ISI ID:000477723100014 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Vaverka, J; Pavlů, J; Nouzák, L; Šafránková, J; Němeček, Z; Mann, I; Ye, S; Lindqvist, P‐A
One‐Year Analysis of Dust Impact‐Like Events Onto the MMS Spacecraft
J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys., 124 (11): 8179–8190, 2019.
doi:10.1029/2019JA027035 (odkaz na abstrakt) - PDF ISI ID:000493578800001 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Machková, A; Němec, F; Němeček, Z; Šafránková, J
On the Influence of the Earth's Magnetic Dipole Eccentricity and Magnetospheric Ring Current on the Magnetopause Location
J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys., 124 (2): 905–914, 2019.
doi:10.1029/2018JA026070 (odkaz na abstrakt) - PDF ISI ID:000462015700007 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Borodkova, NL; Eselevich, VG; Zastenker, GN; Sapunova, OV; Yermolaev, YI; Šafránková, J; Nĕmeček, Z; Přech, L
Fine Structure of Interplanetary Shock Front—Results from BMSW Experiment with High Time Resolution
J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys., 124 (11): 8191–8207, 2019.
doi:10.1029/2018JA026255 (odkaz na abstrakt) - PDF ISI ID:000494533100001 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Savin, S; Amata, E; Zelenyi, L; Wang, C; Li, H; Tang, B; Pallocchia, G; Safrankova, J; Nemecek, Z; Sharma, AS; Marcucci, F; Kozak, L; Rauch, JL; Budaev, V; Blecki, J; Legen, L; Nozdrachev, M
Collisionless Plasma Processes at Magnetospheric Boundaries: Role of Strong Nonlinear Wave Interactions
Jetp Lett., 110 (5): 336–341, 2019.
doi:10.1134/S0021364019170028 (odkaz na abstrakt) - PDF ISI ID:000496316000006 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Goncharov, O; Koval, A; Šafránková, J; Němeček, Z; Stevens, ML; Szabo, A; Přech, L
Interaction of the Interplanetary Shock and IMF Directional Discontinuity in the Solar Wind
J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys., 123 (5): 3822–3835, 2018.
doi:10.1029/2018JA025195 (odkaz na abstrakt) - PDF ISI ID:000435943300036 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Pi, G; Němeček, Z; Šafránková, J; Grygorov, K; Shue, J-H
Formation of the Dayside Magnetopause and Its Boundary Layers Under the Radial IMF
J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys., 123 (5): 3533–3547, 2018.
doi:10.1029/2018JA025199 (odkaz na abstrakt) - PDF ISI ID:000435943300019 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Kočiščák, S; Pavlů, J; Šafránková, J; Němeček, Z; Přech, L
Do we detect interplanetary dust with Faraday cups?
Planet Space Sci., 156: 17–22, 2018.
doi:10.1016/j.pss.2017.11.004 (odkaz na abstrakt) - PDF ISI ID:000435059800004 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Vyšinka, M; Nouzák, L; Pavlů, J; Němeček, Z; Šafránková, J; Richterová, I
MF Microspheres: Helping or Puzzling Tool?
IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci., 46 (4): 709–717, 2018.
doi:10.1109/TPS.2017.2764163 (odkaz na abstrakt) - PDF ISI ID:000429968500008 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Samsonov, AA; Sibeck, DG; Dmitrieva, NP; Semenov, VS; Slivka, KY; Šafránkova, J; Němeček, Z
Magnetosheath Propagation Time of Solar Wind Directional Discontinuities
J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys., 123 (5): 3727–3741, 2018.
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Carbone, F; Sorriso-Valvo, L; Alberti, T; Lepreti, F; Chen, CHK; Nemecek, Z; Safrankova, J
Arbitrary-order Hilbert Spectral Analysis and Intermittency in Solar Wind Density Fluctuations
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Nouzák, L; Hsu, S; Malaspina, D; Thayer, FM; Ye, SY; Pavlů, J; Němeček, Z; Šafránková, J; Sternovsky, Z
Laboratory modeling of dust impact detection by the Cassini spacecraft
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Němeček, Z; Pavlů, J; Šafránková, J
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Němeček, Z; Pavlů, J; Richterová, I; Šafránková, J; Vaverka, J
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Prech, L; Ruzhin, YY; Dokukin, VS; Nemecek, Z; Safrankova, J
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Pavlů, J; Nouzák, L; Vyšinka, M; Richterová, I; Bartoň, P; Šafránková, J; Němeček, Z
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Ďurovcová, T; Šafránková, J; Němeček, Z; Richardson, JD
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Enžl, J; Šafránková, J; Němeček, Z; Přech, L
Spiky Structures around Reconnection Exhausts in the Solar Wind
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Pitňa, A; Šafránková, J; Němeček, Z; Franci, L
Decay of Solar Wind Turbulence behind Interplanetary Shocks
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Grygorov, K; Šafránková, J; Němeček, Z; Pi, G; Přech, L; Urbář, J
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Samsonov, AA; Sibeck, DG; Šafránková, J; Němeček, Z; Shue, J-H
A method to predict magnetopause expansion in radial IMF events by MHD simulations
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Richardson, JD; Wang, C; Liu, YD; Šafránková, J; Němeček, Z; Kurth, WS
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Sorriso-Valvo, L; Carbone, F; Leonardis, E; Chen, CHK; Šafránková, J; Němeček, Z
Multifractal analysis of high resolution solar wind proton density measurements
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Eselevich, VG; Borodkova, NL; Eselevich, MV; Zastenker, GN; Šafránkova, J; Němeček, Z; Přech, L
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Cosmic Res., 55 (1): 30–45, 2017.
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Pi, G; Shue, J-H; Grygorov, K; Li, H-M; Nemecek, Z; Safrankova, J; Yang, Y-H; Wang, KT
Evolution of the magnetic field structure outside the magnetopause under radial IMF conditions
J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys., 122 (4): 4051–4063, 2017.
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Riazantseva, M; Budaev, V; Rakhmanova, L; Zastenker, G; Yermolaev, Y.; Lodkina, I; Šafránková, J; Němeček, Z; Přech, L
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Riazantseva, MO; Budaev, VP; Rakhmanova, LS; Borodkova, NL; Zastenker, GN; Yermolaev, YI; Safrankova, J; Nemecek, Z; Prech, L; Pitna, A
Intermittency of the solar wind density near the interplanetary shock
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Šafránková, J; Němeček, Z; Němec, F; Přech, L; Chen, CHK; Zastenker, GN
Power Spectral Density of Fluctuations of Bulk and Thermal Speeds in the Solar Wind
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Němeček, Z; Šafránková, J; Lopez, RE; Dušík, Š; Nouzák, L; Přech, L; Šimůnek, J; Shue, J-H
Solar cycle variations of magnetopause locations
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Pitna, A; Safrankova, J; Nemecek, Z; Goncharov, O; Nemec, F; Prech, L; Chen, CHK; Zastenker, GN
Density Fluctuations Upstream and Downstream of Interplanetary Shocks
Astrophys. J., 819 (1): Art. No. 41 (9 pages), 2016.
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Vyšinka, M; Němeček, Z; Šafránková, J; Pavlů, J; Vaverka, J; Lavková, J
Sputtering of Spherical SiO2 Samples
IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci., 44 (6): 1036–1044, 2016.
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Grygorov, K; Němeček, Z; Šafránková, J; Přech, L; Pi, G; Shue, J-H
Kelvin-Helmholtz wave at the subsolar magnetopause boundary layer under radial IMF
J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys., 121 (10): 9863–9879, 2016.
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Vaverka, J; Richterová, I; Pavlů, J; Šafránková, J; Němeček, Z
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Samsonov, AA; Gordeev, E; Tsyganenko, NA; Šafránková, J; Němeček, Z; Šimůnek, J; Sibeck, DG; Tóth, G; Merkin, VG; Raeder, J
Do we know the actual magnetopause position for typical solar wind conditions?
J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys., 121 (7): 6493–6508, 2016.
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Richterová, I; Němeček, Z; Pavlů, J; Šafránková, J; Vaverka, J
Secondary Emission From Clusters Composed of Spherical Grains
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Nouzák, L; Richterová, I; Pavlů, J; Němeček, Z; Šafránková, J
Investigations of Photoemission From Lunar Dust Simulant
IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci., 44 (4): 512–518, 2016.
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Riazantseva, MO; Budaev, VP; Rakhmanova, LS; Zastenker, GN; Šafránková, J; Němeček, Z; Přech, L
Comparison of properties of small-scale ion flux fluctuations in the flank magnetosheath and in the solar wind
Adv. Space Res., 58 (2): 166–174, 2016.
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Park, J-S; Shue, J-H; Kim, K-H; Pi, G; Němeček, Z; Šafránková, J
Global expansion of the dayside magnetopause for long-duration radial IMF events: Statistical study on GOES observations
J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys., 121 (7): 6480–6492, 2016.
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Safrankova, J; Nemecek, Z; Nemec, F; Prech, L; Pitna, A; Chen, CHK; Zastenker, GN
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Nemecek, Z; Safrankova, J; Kruparova, O; Prech, L; Jelinek, K; Dusik, S; Simunek, J; Grygorov, K; Shue, J-H
Analysis of temperature versus density plots and their relation to the LLBL formation under southward and northward IMF orientations
J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys., 120 (5): 3475–3488, 2015.
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Goncharov, O; Safrankova, J; Nemecek, Z
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Kruparova, O; Safrankova, J; Nemecek, Z; Prech, L
Transient events at the magnetopause and bipolar magnetic signatures
Planet Space Sci., 115 (Sep): 19–26, 2015.
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Rakhmanova, L; Riazantseva, M; Zastenker, G; Safrankova, J
Modification of small- and middle-scale solar wind structures bythe bow shock and magnetosheath:Correlation analysis
Planet Space Sci., 115 (Sep): 12–18, 2015.
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Riazantseva, MO; Budaev, VP; Zelenyi, LM; Zastenker, GN; Pavlos, GP; Safrankova, J; Nemecek, Z; Prech, L; Nemec, F
Dynamic properties of small-scale solar wind plasma fluctuations
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Zastenker, GN; Khrapchenkov, VV; Koloskova, IV; Gavrilova, EA; Ryazanova,,EE; Ryazantseva, MO; Gagua, TI; Gagua, IT; Safrankova, J; Nemecek, Z; Prech, L; Vojta, J
Rapid Variations of the Value and Direction of the Solar Wind Ion Flux
Cosmic Res., 53 (1): 59–69, 2015.
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Zelenyi, LM; Zastenker, GN; Petrukovich, AA; Chesalin, LS; Nazarov, VN; Prokhorenko, VI; Balaz, J; Kudela, K; Strgarski, I; Slivka, M; Gladyshev, VA; Kirpichev, IP; Sarris, E; Sarris, T; Lakutina, EV; Minskaya, LK; Krukovskaya, EV; Beznos, AV; Markov, YI; Tretyakov, AE; Batanov, OV; Korotkov, FV; Melnik, AP; Konoplev, VV; Ryabova, AD; Gevorkova, EV; Klimenchenko, MV; Bazhenov, AG; Belova, IE; Gavrilova, EA; Ananenkova, AN; Rudnevskaya, LV; Dyachkov, AV; Starostina, OA; Ryazanova, EE; Eismont, NA; Safrankova, J; Nemecek, Z; Prech, L; Cermak, I; Vaverka, J; Komarek, A; Vojta, J; Karimov, BT; Agafonov, YN; Borodkova, NL; Gagua, TI; Gagua, IT; Koloskova, IV; Leibov, AV; Parhomov, VA; Ryazanceva, MO; Khrapchenkov, VV; Chugunova, OM
PLASMA-F Experiment: Three Years of On-Orbit Operation
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Goncharov, O; Safrankova, J; Nemecek, Z; Prech, L; Pitna, A; Zastenker, GN
Upstream and downstream wave packets associated with low-Mach number interplanetary shocks
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Enzl, J; Prech, L; Safrankova, J; Nemecek, Z
Statistical Study of Reconnection Exhausts in the Solar Wind
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Chen, CHK; Sorriso-Valvo, L; Safrankova, J; Nemecek, Z
Intermittency of solar wind density fluctuations from ion to electron scales
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Grygorov, K; Prech, L; Safrankova, J; Nemecek, Z; Goncharov, O
The far magnetotail response to an interplanetary shock arrival
Planet Space Sci., 103 (15 Nov): 228–237, 2014.
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Pavlu, J; Beranek, M; Vaverka, J; Safrankova, J; Nemecek, Z; Richterova, I
Secondary electron emission from Martian soil simulant
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Vaverka, J; Richterova, I; Vysinka, M; Pavlu, J; Safrankova, J; Nemecek, Z
The influence of secondary electron emission on the floating potential of tokamak-born dust
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Pi, G; Shue, J-H; Chao, J-K; Nemecek, Z; Safrankova, J; Lin, C-H
A reexamination of long-duration radial IMF events
J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys., 119 (9): 7005–7011, 2014.
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Zastenker, GN; Koloskova, IV; Riazantseva, MO; Yurasov, AS; Safrankova, J; Nemecek, Z; Prech, L; Cagas, P
Observation of fast variations of the helium-ion abundance in the solar wind
Cosmic Res., 52 (1): 25–36, 2014.
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Hsieh, W-C; Shue, J-H; Chao, J-K; Tsai, T-C; Nemecek, Z; Safrankova, J
Possible observational evidence of contact discontinuities
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Savin, S; Amata, E; Budaev, V; Zelenyi, L; Kronberg, EA; Buechner, J; Safrankova, J; Nemecek, Z; Blecki, J; Kozak, L; Klimov, S; Skalsky, A; Lezhen, L
On Nonlinear Cascades and Resonances in the Outer Magnetosphere
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Nemecek, Z; Safrankova, J
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Safrankova, J; Nemecek, Z; Prech, L; Zastenker, G; Cermak, I; Chesalin, L; Komarek, A; Vaverka, J; Beranek, M; Pavlu, J; Gavrilova, E; Karimov, B; Leibov, A
Fast Solar Wind Monitor (BMSW): Description and First Results
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Safrankova, J; Nemecek, Z; Cagas, P; Prech, L; Pavlu, J; Zastenker, GN; Riazantseva, MO; Koloskova, IV
Short-scale Variations of the Solar Wind Helium Abundance
Astrophys. J., 778 (1): Art. No. 25 (7 pages), 2013.
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Safrankova, J; Nemecek, Z; Prech, L; Zastenker, GN
Ion Kinetic Scale in the Solar Wind Observed
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Zastenker, GN; Safrankova, J; Nemecek, Z; Prech, L; Cermak, I; Vaverka, J; Komarek, A; Voita, J; Chesalin, LS; Karimov, BT; Agafonov, YN; Borodkova, NL; Gavrilova, EA; Gagua, TI; Gagua, IT; Dalin, PA; Dyachkov, AV; Koloskova, IV; Leibov, AV; Semena, NP; Chernov, VV; Markov, YI; Ryazanova, EE; Ryazantseva, MO; Shevyrev, NN; Chrapchenkov, VV; Chugunova, OM; Yurasov, AS
Fast measurements of parameters of the Solar Wind using the BMSW instrument
Cosmic Res., 51 (2): 88–99, 2013.
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Nemecek, Z; Safrankova, J; Goncharov, O; Prech, L; Zastenker, GN
Ion scales of quasi-perpendicular low-Mach-number interplanetary shocks
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Kruparova, O; Maksimovic, M; Safrankova, J; Nemecek, Z; Santolik, O; Krupar, V
Automated interplanetary shock detection and its application to Wind observations
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Samsonov, A; Nemecek, Z; Safrankova, J; Jelinek, K
Why Does the Total Pressure on the Subsolar Magnetopause Differ from the Solar Wind Dynamic Pressure?
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Vaverka, J; Richterova, I; Pavlu, J; Safrankova, J; Nemecek, Z
Numerical Calculation of an Equilibrium Dust Grain Potential in Lunar Environment
IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci., 41 (4): 740–744, 2013.
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Wang, Y; Sibeck, DG; Merka, J; Boardsen, SA; Karimabadi, H; Sipes, TB; Safrankova, J; Jelinek, K; Lin, R
A new three-dimensional magnetopause model with a support vector regression machine and a large database of multiple spacecraft observations
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Safrankova, J; Nemecek, Z; Prech, L; Zastenker, G
Fast solar wind monitoring available: BMSW in operation
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Enzl, J; Prech, L; Safrankova, J; Nemecek, Z
Multi-spacecraft observations of magnetic reconnection in the solar wind
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Urbar, J; Nemecek, Z; Prech, L; Safrankova, J; Jelinek, K
Solar wind modification upstream of the bow shock
AIP Conf. Proc., 1539: 438–441, 2013.
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Safrankova, J; Goncharov, O; Nemecek, Z; Prech, L; Sibeck, DG
Asymmetric magnetosphere deformation driven by hot flow anomaly(ies)
Geophys. Res. Lett., 39 (15): Art. No. L15107 (6 pages), 2012.
doi:10.1029/2012GL052636 (odkaz na abstrakt) - PDF ISI ID:000307742200006 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Jelinek, K; Nemecek, Z; Safrankova, J
A new approach to magnetopause and bow shock modeling based on automated region identification
J. Geophys. Res., 117 (A05): Art. No. A05208 (8 pages), 2012.
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Gutynska, O; Simunek, J; Safrankova, J; Nemecek, Z; Prech, L
Multipoint study of magnetosheath magnetic field fluctuations and their relation to the foreshock
J. Geophys. Res., 117 (A04): Art. No. A04214 (12 pages), 2012.
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Samsonov, AA; Nemecek, Z; Safrankova, J; Jelinek, K
Why does the subsolar magnetopause move sunward for radial interplanetary magnetic field?
J. Geophys. Res., 117 (A05): Art. No. A05221 (13 pages), 2012.
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Beranek, M; Cermak, I; Nemecek, Z; Safrankova, J; Jerab, M; Pavlu, J
Linear trap with three orthogonal quadrupole fields for dust charging experiments
Rev. Sci. Instrum., 83 (11): Art. No. 115109 (8 pages), 2012.
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Richterova, I; Nemecek, Z; Beranek, M; Safrankova, J; Pavlu, J
Secondary Emission from Non-spherical Dust Grains with Rough Surfaces: Application to Lunar Dust
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Savin, S; Amata, E; Zelenyi, L; Lutsenko, V; Safrankova, J; Nemecek, Z; Borodkova, N; Buechner, J; Daly, PW; Kronberg, EA; Blecki, J; Budaev, V; Kozak, L; Skalsky, A; Lezhen, L
Super fast plasma streams as drivers of transient and anomalous magnetospheric dynamics
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Goncharov, O; Safrankova, J; Nemecek, Z; Prech, L
IMF Rotations Following Interplanetary Shocks: Their Influence on the Interaction with the Magnetosphere
Acta Univ. Carolin. Math. Phys., 53 (2): 79–86, 2012. - PDF
Nemecek, Z; Safrankova, J; Koval, A; Merka, J; Prech, L
MHD analysis of propagation of an interplanetary shock across magnetospheric boundaries
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Tkachenko, O; Safrankova, J; Nemecek, Z; Sibeck, DG
Dayside magnetopause transients correlated with changes of the magnetosheath magnetic field orientation
Ann. Geophys., 29 (4): 687–699, 2011.
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Lynnyk, A; Safrankova, J; Nemecek, Z; Richardson, JD
Deformation of ICMEs/MCs along their path
Planet Space Sci., 59 (9): 840–847, 2011.
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Nemecek, Z; Pavlu, J; Safrankova, J; Beranek, M; Richterova, I; Vaverka, J; Mann, I
Lunar Dust Grain Charging by Electron Impact: Dependence of the Surface Potential on the Grain Size
Astrophys. J., 738 (1): Art. No. 14 (7 pages), 2011.
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Richterova, I; Nemecek, Z; Pavlu, J; Beranek, M; Safrankova, J
Modeling the secondary emission yield of salty ice dust grains
Icarus, 212 (1): 367–372, 2011.
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Savin, S; Budaev, V; Zelenyi, L; Amata, E; Sibeck, D; Lutsenko, V; Borodkova, N; Zhang, H; Angelopoulos, V; Safrankova, J; Nemecek, Z; Blecki, J; Buechner, J; Kozak, L; Romanov, S; Skalsky, A; Krasnoselsky, V
Anomalous Interaction of a Plasma Flow with the Boundary Layers of a Geomagnetic Trap
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Mann, I; Pellinen-Wannberg, A; Murad, E; Popova, O; Meyer-Vernet, N; Rosenberg, M; Mukai, T; Czechowski, A; Mukai, S; Safrankova, J; Nemecek, Z
Dusty Plasma Effects in Near Earth Space and Interplanetary Medium
Space Sci. Rev., 161 (1-4): 1–47, 2011.
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Savin, S; Zelenyi, L; Amata, E; Budaev, V; Buechner, J; Blecki, J; Balikhin, M; Klimov, S; Korepanov, VE; Kozak, L; Kudryashov, V; Kunitsyn, V; Lezhen, L; Milovanov, AV; Nemecek, Z; Nesterov, I; Novikov, D; Panov, E; Rauch, JL; Rothkaehl, H; Romanov, S; Safrankova, J; Skalsky, A; Veselov, M
ROY—A multiscale magnetospheric mission
Planet Space Sci., 59 (7): 606–617, 2011.
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Pavlu, J; Beranek, M; Richterova, I; Safrankova, J; Nemecek, Z
The Shape And Charge Of Lunar Dust Simulant (LHT) Under Electron Bombardment
AIP Conf. Proc., 1397: 425–426, 2011.
doi:10.1063/1.3659875 (odkaz na abstrakt) - PDF ISI ID:000299572300142
Richterova, I; Nemecek, Z; Beranek, M; Pavlu, J; Safrankova, J
Electrons Emitted From Small Dust Grains: Comparison Of Sphere And Cube
AIP Conf. Proc., 1397: 325–326, 2011.
doi:10.1063/1.3659825 (odkaz na abstrakt) - PDF ISI ID:000299572300092
Beranek, M; Pavlu, J; Richterova, I; Vaverka, J; Safrankova, J; Nemecek, Z
Self-discharging Of Positively Charged Dust Grains
AIP Conf. Proc., 1397: 301–302, 2011.
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Vaverka, J; Beranek, M; Pavlu, J; Richterova, I; Vysinka, M; Safrankova, J; Nemecek, Z
Composition And Electrical Properties Of Dust From Tokamak Compass
AIP Conf. Proc., 1397: 453–454, 2011.
doi:10.1063/1.3659889 (odkaz na abstrakt) - PDF ISI ID:000299572300156
Gutynska, O; Safrankova, J; Nemecek, Z; Richardson, JD
Correlations of Plasma Density and Magnetic Field Strength in the Heliosheath
Astrophys. J. Lett., 722 (2): L228–L232, 2010.
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Dusik, S; Granko, G; Safrankova, J; Nemecek, Z; Jelinek, K
IMF cone angle control of the magnetopause location: Statistical study
Geophys. Res. Lett., 37 (19): Art. No. L19103 (4 pages), 2010.
doi:10.1029/2010GL044965 (odkaz na abstrakt) - PDF ISI ID:000285009400001 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Jelinek, K; Nemecek, Z; Safrankova, J; Shue, J‐H; Suvorova, AV; Sibeck, DG
Thin magnetosheath as a consequence of the magnetopause deformation: THEMIS observations
J. Geophys. Res., 115: Art. No. A10203 (9 pages), 2010.
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Jerab, M; Vaverka, J; Vysinka, M; Nemecek, Z; Safrankova, J
Relation of Charging History to Field Ion Emission From Gold and Carbon Dust
IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci., 38 (4): 798–802, 2010.
doi:10.1109/TPS.2009.2036014 (odkaz na abstrakt) - PDF ISI ID:000276533200007 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Richterova, I; Beranek, M; Pavlu, J; Nemecek, Z; Safrankova, J
Electrons scattered inside small dust grains of various materials
Phys. Rev. B, 81 (7): Art. No. 075406 (7 pages), 2010.
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Beranek, M; Vysinka, M; Pavlu, J; Richterova, I; Nemecek, Z; Safrankova, J
Dust as a Gas Carrier
IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci., 38 (4): 886–891, 2010.
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Suvorova, AV; Shue, J-H; Dmitriev, AV; Sibeck, DG; McFadden, JP; Hasegawa, H; Ackerson, K; Jelinek, K; Safrankova, J; Nemecek, Z
Magnetopause expansions for quasi-radial interplanetary magnetic field: THEMIS and Geotail observations
J. Geophys. Res., 115: Art. No. A10216 (16 pages), 2010.
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Nemecek, Z; Safrankova, J; Prech, L; Koval, A; Merka, J
Propagation of Interplanetary Shocks Across the Bow Shock
AIP Conf. Proc., 1216: 475–478, 2010.
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Tkachenko, O; Dusik, S; Safrankova, J; Nemecek, Z
Spatial Profile of the LLBL: Multispacecraft Themis observations
AIP Conf. Proc., 1216: 487–490, 2010.
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Safrankova, J; Hayosh, M; Gutynska, O; Nemecek, Z; Prech, L
Reliability of prediction of the magnetosheath Bz component from interplanetary magnetic field observations
J. Geophys. Res., 114 (A12): Art. No. A12213 (7 pages), 2009.
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Pavlu, J; Safrankova, J; Nemecek, Z; Richterova, I
Dust Charging in Space-related Laboratory Experiments: A Review Focused on Secondary Emission
Contrib. Plasma Phys., 49 (3): 169–186, 2009.
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Gutynska, O; Safrankova, J; Nemecek, Z
Correlation properties of magnetosheath magnetic field fluctuations
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Prech, L; Nemecek, Z; Safrankova, J
Influence of the foreshock of the Earth’s bow shock on the interplanetary shock propagation during their mutual interaction
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Beranek, M; Richterova, I; Nemecek, Z; Pavlu, J; Safrankova, J
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Safrankova, J; Nemecek, Z; Prech, L; Koval, A; Cermak, I; Beranek, M; Zastenker, G; Shevyrev, N; Chesalin, L
A new approach to solar wind monitoring
Adv. Space Res., 41 (1): 153–159, 2008.
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Nemecek, Z; Safrankova, J
IMF control of the high-altitude cusp dynamics
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Tkachenko, O; Safrankova, J; Nemecek, Z; Simunek, J; Prech, L
Observations of vortex-like structure in the cusp-magnetosheath region during northward IMF orientation
Ann. Geophys., 26 (11): 3375–3387, 2008.
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Gutynska, O; Safrankova, J; Nemecek, Z
Correlation length of magnetosheath fluctuations: Cluster statistics
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Jelinek, K; Nemecek, Z; Safrankova, J
Small-scale deformation of the bow shock
Adv. Space Res., 41 (10): 1519–1527, 2008.
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Prech, L; Nemecek, Z; Safrankova, J
Response of magnetospheric boundaries to the interplanetary shock: Themis contribution
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Jelinek, K; Nemecek, Z; Safrankova, J; Merka, J
Influence of the tilt angle on the bow shock shape and location
J. Geophys. Res., 113 (A05): Art. No. A05220 (8 pages), 2008.
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Pavlu, J; Richterova, I; Nemecek, Z; Safrankova, J
Field emission characteristics of gold dust grains
Adv. Space Res., 42 (1): 129–135, 2008.
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Richterova, I; Pavlu, J; Nemecek, Z; Safrankova, J
An application of the dust grain charging model to determination of secondary electron spectra
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Pavlu, J; Richterova, I; Nemecek, Z; Safrankova, J; Cermak, I
Interaction between single dust grains and ions or electrons: laboratory measurements and their consequences for the dust dynamics
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Daum, P; Denton, MH; Wild, DA; Taylor, MGGT; Safrankova, J; Hayosh, M
A general Cluster data and global MHD simulation comparison
Ann. Geophys., 26 (11): 3411–3428, 2008.
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Savin, S; Amata, E; Zelenyi, L; Budaev, V; Consolini, G; Treumann, R; Lucek, E; Safrankova, J; Nemecek, Z; Khotyaintsev, Y; Andre, M; Buechner, J; Alleyne, H; Song, P; Blecki, J; Rauch, JL; Romanov, S; Klimov, S; Skalsky, A
High kinetic energy jets in the Earth's magnetosheath: Implications for plasma dynamics and anomalous transport
Jetp Lett., 87 (11): 691–697, 2008.
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Pavlu, J; Richterova, I; Fujita, D; Safrankova, J; Nemecek, Z
Changes of Dust Grain Properties Under Particle Bombardment
AIP Conf. Proc., 1041: 299–300, 2008.
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Beranek, M; Richterova, I; Nemecek, Z; Pavlu, J; Safrankova, J
Influence of the Electric Field on Secondary Electron Emission Yield
AIP Conf. Proc., 1041: 165–166, 2008.
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Richterova, I; Beranek, M; Pavlu, J; Nemecek, Z; Safrankova, J
Peculiarities of the Field Electron Emission from Dust Grains
AIP Conf. Proc., 1041: 313–314, 2008.
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Safrankova, J; Nemecek, Z; Prech, L; Samsonov, AA; Koval, A; Andreeova, K
Modification of interplanetary shocks near the bow shock and through the magnetosheath
J. Geophys. Res., 112 (8): Art. No. A08212 (9 pages), 2007.
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Safrankova, J; Nemecek, Z; Prech, L; Simunek, J; Sibeck, DG; Sauvaud, JA
Variations of the flank LLBL thickness as response to the solar wind dynamic pressure and IMF orientation
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Safrankova, J; Nemecek, Z; Prech, L; Samsonov, AA; Koval, A; Andreeova, K
Interaction of interplanetary shocks with the bow shock
Planet Space Sci., 55 (15): 2324–2329, 2007.
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Nemecek, Z; Safrankova, J; Merka, J; Simunek, J; Prech, L
Interball contribution to the high-altitude cusp observations
Planet Space Sci., 55 (15): 2286–2294, 2007.
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Richterova, I; Pavlu, J; Nemecek, Z; Safrankova, J; Beranek, M
Secondary emission from glass grains: Comparison of the model and experiment
IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci., 35 (2): 286–291, 2007.
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Jerab, M; Richterova, I; Pavlu, J; Safrankova, J; Nemecek, Z
Influence of charging conditions on field ion emission from dust grains
IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci., 35 (2): 292–296, 2007.
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Pavlu, J; Richterova, I; Nemecek, Z; Safrankova, J; Wild, J
The sputtering of dust grains: Aspects of experimental observations
IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci., 35 (2): 297–302, 2007.
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Koval, A; Safrankova, J; Nemecek, Z; Samsonov, AA; Prech, L; Richardson, JD; Hayosh, M
Interplanetary shock in the magnetosheath: Comparison of experimental data with MHD modeling
Geophys. Res. Lett., 33 (11): Art. No. L11102 (5 pages), 2006.
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Hayosh, M; Safrankova, J; Nemecek, Z
MHD-modelling of the magnetosheath ion plasma flow and magnetic field and their comparison with experiments
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Koval, A; Safrankova, J; Nemecek, Z; Prech, L
Propagation of interplanetary shocks through the solar wind and magnetosheath
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Prech, L; Safrankova, J; Nemecek, Z; Kudela, K
Study of energetic particle anisotropy in weak and strong foreshocks
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Samsonov, AA; Nemecek, Z; Safrankova, J
Numerical MHD modeling of propagation of interplanetary shock through the magnetosheath
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Pavlu, J; Richterova, I; Safrankova, J; Nemecek, Z
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Pavlu, J; Velyhan, A; Richterova, I; Safrankova, J; Nemecek, Z; Wild, J; Jerab, M
Ion beam effects on dust grains: 2 - Influence of charging history
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Richterova, I; Pavlu, J; Nemecek, Z; Safrankova, J
Model of secondary emission and its application on the charging of gold dust grains
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Richterova, I; Pavlu, J; Nemecek, Z; Safrankova, J; Zilavy, P
Secondary emission from dust grains with a surface layer: Comparison between experimental and model results
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Safrankova, J; Dusik, S; Nemecek, Z
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Safrankova, J; Nemecek, Z; Richardson, JD
Dynamics of the solar wind-magnetosphere interaction - Preface
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Prech, L; Safrankova, J; Nemecek, Z; Kudela, K; Slivka, M
Plasma flow variations and energetic protons upstream of the earth’s bow shock: A statistical study
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Merka, J; Safrankova, J; Nemecek, Z; Simunek, J
Magion-4 high-altitude cusp study
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Koval, A; Safrankova, J; Nemecek, Z; Prech, L; Samsonov, AA; Richardson, JD
Deformation of interplanetary shock fronts in the magnetosheath
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Koval, A; Safrankova, J; Nemecek, Z
A study of particle flows in hot flow anomalies
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Prech, L; Safrankova, J; Nemecek, Z; Kudela, K
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Hayosh, M; Safrankova, J; Nemecek, Z; Prech, L; Kudela, K; Zastenker, GN
Relationship between high-energy particles and ion flux in the magnetosheath
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Simunek, J; Safrankova, J; Nemecek, Z; Prech, L
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Nemecek, Z; Safrankova, J; Prech, L; Sauvaud, J-A
Formation of the flank LLBL: A case study
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Jerab, M; Nemecek, Z; Safrankova, J; Jelinek, K; Merka, J
Improved bow shock model with dependence on the IMF strength
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Hayosh, M; Nemecek, Z; Safrankova, J; Zastenker, GN
Variations of the magnetosheath ion flux and geomagnetic activity
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Zilavy, P; Richterova, I; Nemecek, Z; Safrankova, J; Pavlu, J
The influence of ion bombardment on emission properties of small dust grains
Czech. J. Phys., 55 (10): 1283–1291, 2005.
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Blecki, J; Wronowski, R; Savin, S; Cornilleau-Wehrlin, N; Parrot, M; Nemecek, Z; Safrankova, J; Santolik, O; Kudela, K; Sauvaud, JA
Low-frequency plasma waves in the outer polar cusp: A review of observations from Prognoz 8, Interball 1, Magion 4, and cluster
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Kotova, G; Verigin, M; Zastenker, G; Nikolaeva, N; Smolkin, B; Slavin, J; Szabo, A; Merka, J; Nemecek, Z; Safrankova, J
Bow shock observations by Prognoz–Prognoz 11 data: analysis and model comparison
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Pavlu, J; Richterova, I; Safrankova, J; Nemecek, Z
Field Electron Emission from Gold Dust Grains
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Zilavy, P; Pavlu, J; Nemecek, Z; Safrankova, J
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Richterova, I; Pavlu, J; Nemecek, Z; Safrankova, J; Jerab, M
Electric Field Influence on Secondary Emission
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Jerab, M; Richterova, I; Pavlu, J; Safrankova, J; Nemecek, Z
The Study of Field Ion Emission from Gold Dust Grains
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Pavlu, J; Nemecek, Z; Safrankova, J; Cermak, I
Emissions from nonconducting negatively charged dust grains
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Richterova, I; Nemecek, Z; Safrankova, J; Pavlu, J
A model of secondary emission from dust grains and its comparison with an experiment
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Nemecek, Z; Simunek, J; Safrankova, J; Prech, L
Spatial and temporal variations of the high-altitude cusp precipitation
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Velyhan, A; Zilavy, P; Pavlu, J; Safrankova, J; Nemecek, Z
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Pavlu, J; Velyhan, A; Richterova, I; Nemecek, Z; Safrankova, J; Cermak, I; Zilavy, P
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Sibeck, DG; Kudela, K; Mukai, T; Nemecek, Z; Safrankova, J
Radial dependence of foreshock cavities: a case study
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Savin, S; Zelenyi, L; Romanov, S; Sandahl, I; Pickett, J; Amata, E; Avanov, L; Blecki, J; Budnik, E; Buchner, J; Cattell, C; Consolini, G; Fedder, J; Fuselier, S; Kawano, H; Klimov, S; Korepanov, V; Lagoutte, D; Marcucci, F; Mogilevsky, M; Nemecek, Z; Nikutowski, B; Nozdrachev, M; Parrot, M; Rauch, JL; Romanov, V; Romantsova, T; Russell, CT; Safrankova, J; Sauvaud, JA; Skalsky, A; Smirnov, V; Stasiewicz, K; Trotignon, JG; Yermolaev, Y
Magnetosheath-cusp interface
Ann. Geophys., 22 (1): 183–212, 2004.
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Safrankova, J; Jelinek, K; Nemecek, Z
The bow shock velocity from two-point measurements in frame of the INTERBALL project
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Nemecek, Z; Safrankova, J; Prech, L; Simunek, J; Sauvaud, JA; Fedorov, A; Stenuit, H; Fuselier, SA; Savin, S; Zelenyi, L; Berchem, J
Structure of the outer cusp and sources of the cusp precipitation during intervals of a horizontal IMF
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Simunek, J; Nemecek, Z; Safrankova, J
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Nemecek, Z; Hayosh, M; Safrankova, J; Zastenker, GN; Richardson, JD
The dawn-dusk asymmetry of the magnetosheath: INTERBALL-1 observations
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Merka, J; Szabo, A; Safrankova, J; Nemecek, Z
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Pavlu, J; Nemecek, Z; Safrankova, J; Cermak, I
Problems of dust grains charging to negative potentials
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Zilavy, P; Prech, L; Nemecek, Z; Safrankova, J
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Shevyrev, NN; Zastenker, GN; Nozdrachev, MN; Nemecek, Z; Safrankova, J; Richardson, JD
High and low frequency large amplitude variations of plasma and magnetic field in the magnetosheath: Radial profile and some features
Adv. Space Res., 31 (5): 1389–1394, 2003.
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Blecki, J; Savin, S; Rothkaehl, H; Stasiewicz, K; Wronowski, R; Nemecek, Z; Safrankova, J; Kudela, K
The role of wave-particle interactions in the dynamics of plasma in the polar cusp
Cosmic Res., 41 (4): 332–339, 2003.
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Safrankova, J; Prech, L; Nemecek, Z; Sibeck, G
The structure of Hot Flow Anomalies in the magnetosheath
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Safrankova, J; Merka, J; Nemecek, Z
Plasma flow across the cusp-magnetosheath boundary under northward IMF
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Safrankova, J; Prech, L; Nemecek, Z; Sauvaud, JA
Density profile in the magnetosheath adjacent to the magnetopause
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Safrankova, J; Nemecek, Z; Dusik, S; Prech, L; Sibeck, DG; Borodkova, NN
The magnetopause shape and location: a comparison of the Interball and Geotail observations with models
Ann. Geophys., 20 (3): 301–309, 2002.
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Nemecek, Z; Safrankova, J; Zastenker, GN; Pisoft, P; Jelinek, K
Low-frequency variations of the ion flux in the magnetosheath
Planet Space Sci., 50 (5-6): 567–575, 2002.
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Nemecek, Z; Safrankova, J; Zastenker, GN; Pisoft, P; Paularena, KI
Spatial distribution of the magnetosheath ion flux
Adv. Space Res., 30 (12): 2751–2756, 2002.
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Merka, J; Safrankova, J; Nemecek, Z
Cusp-like plasma in high altitudes: a statistical study of the width and location of the cusp from Magion-4
Ann. Geophys., 20 (3): 311–320, 2002.
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Shevyrev, NN; Zastenker, GN; Safrankova, J; Nemecek, Z; Hayosh, M; Richardson, JD
Large and fast variations of parameters in the magnetosheath: 3. Amplitudes and transverse profiles of low and high frequency variations of the plasma and magnetic field
Cosmic Res., 40 (4): 335–346, 2002.
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Prech, L; Nemecek, Z; Safrankova, J; Omar, A
Actively produced high-energy electron bursts within the magnetosphere: the APEX project
Ann. Geophys., 20 (10): 1529–1538, 2002.
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Zastenker, GN; Nozdrachev, MN; Nemecek, Z; Safrankova, J; Paularena, KI; Richardson, JD; Lepping, RP; Mukai, T
Multispacecraft measurements of plasma and magnetic field variations in the magnetosheath: Comparison with Spreiter models and motion of the structures
Planet Space Sci., 50 (5-6): 601–612, 2002.
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Eiges, P; Zastenker, G; Nozdrachev, M; Rybyeva, N; Safrankova, J; Nemecek, Z
Small scale solar wind ion flux and IMF quasiharmonical structures in the earth's foreshock: INTERBALL-1 and MAGION-4 observations
Adv. Space Res., 30 (12): 2725–2729, 2002.
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Savin, S; Buchner, J; Consolini, G; Nikutowski, B; Zelenyi, L; Amata, E; Auster, HU; Blecki, J; Dubinin, E; Fornacon, KH; Kawano, H; Klimov, S; Marcucci, F; Nemecek, Z; Pedersen, A; Rauch, JL; Romanov, S; Safrankova, J; Sauvaud, JA; Skalsky, A; Song, P; Yermolaev, Y
On the properties of turbulent boundary layer over polar cusps
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Savin, S; Zelenyi, L; Maynard, N; Sandahl, I; Kawano, H; Russell, CT; Romanov, S; Amata, E; Avanov, L; Blecki, J; Buechner, J; Consolini, G; Gustafsson, G; Klimov, S; Marcucci, F; Nemecek, Z; Nikutowski, B; Pickett, J; Rauch, JL; Safrankova, J; Skalsky, A; Smirnov, V; Stasiewicz, K; Song, P; Trotignon, JG; Yermolaev, Y
Multi-spacecraft tracing of turbulent boundary layer
Adv. Space Res., 30 (12): 2821–2830, 2002.
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Pavlu, J; Safrankova, J; Nemecek, Z; Velyhan, A
Charging Properties of Dust Grain Clusters
AIP Conf. Proc., 649: 382–385, 2002.
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Nemecek, Z; Pavlu, J; Safrankova, J; Richterova, I; Cermak, I
Secondary Emission From Small Spherical Grains
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Nemecek, Z; Safrankova, J; Pisoft, P; Zastenker, GN
Statistical study of ion flux fluctuations in the magnetosheath
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Sternovsky, Z; Nemecek, Z; Safrankova, J; Velyhan, A
Ion field emission from micrometer-sized spherical glass grains
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Eiges, PE; Zastenker, GN; Safrankova, J; Nemecek, Z; Eismont, NA
Statistical approach to the evaluation of the mean correlation length and the propagation velocity of middle-scale plasma structures in the Earth's foreshock
Cosmic Res., 39 (5): 432–438, 2001.
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Verigin, MI; Kotova, GA; Slavin, J; Szabo, A; Kessel, M; Safrankova, J; Nemecek, Z; Gombosi, TI; Kabin, K; Shugaev, F; Kalinchenko, A
Analysis of the 3-D shape of the terrestrial bow shock by INTERBALL/MAGION 4 observations
Adv. Space Res., 28 (6): 857–862, 2001.
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Maynard, NC; Savin, S; Erickson, GA; Kawano, H; Nemecek, Z; Peterson, WK; Safrankova, J; Sandahl, I; Scudder, JD; Siscoe, GL; Sonnerup, BUO; Weimer, DR; Wilson, GR; White, WW; Yermolaev, Y
Observation of the magnetospheric "sash" and it simplications relative to solar-wind/magnetospheric coupling: A multisatellite event analysis
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De Keyser, J; Darrouzet, F; Roth, M; Vaisberg, OL; Rybjeva, N; Smirnov, V; Avanov, L; Nemecek, Z; Safrankova, J
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Turbulent boundary layer at the border of geomagnetic trap
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Safrankova, J; Prech, L; Nemecek, Z; Sibeck, DG; Mukai, T
Magnetosheath response to the interplanetary magnetic field tangential discontinuity
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Safrankova, J; Nemecek, Z; Santolik, O; Sibeck, DG; Zastenker, GN; Skalsky, A
The flank magnetopause: INTERBALL observations
Adv. Space Res., 25 (7/8): 1503–1510, 2000.
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Nemecek, Z; Safrankova, J; Prech, L; Zastenker, GN; Paularena, KI; Kokubun, S
Magnetosheath study: Interball observation
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Santolik, O; Safrankova, J; Prech, L; Nemecek, Z
Electron fluxes in the magnetotail: Statistical study
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Merka, J; Safrankova, J; Nemecek, Z; Savin, S; Skalsky, A
High-altitude cusp: INTERBALL observation
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Nemecek, Z; Safrankova, J; Zastenker, GN; Pisoft, P; Paularena, KI; Richardson, JD
Observations of the radial magnetosheath profile and a comparison with gasdynamic model predictions
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Nemecek, Z; Merka, J; Safrankova, J
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Sibeck, DG; Prech, L; Safrankova, J; Nemecek, Z
Two-point measurements of the magnetopause: Interball observations
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Eiges, PE; Zastenker, GN; Nozdrachev, MN; Safrankova, J; Nemecek, Z; Ryb'eva, NE
Fast variations of solar wind ion flux and of the magnetic field in the foreshock: 2. Quasi-harmonic structures
Cosmic Res., 38 (5): 439–444, 2000. ISI ID:000090032200004 - BibTeX & \bibitem
Kudela, K; Slivka, M; Sibeck, DG; Lutsenko, VN; Sarris, ET; Safrankova, J; Nemecek, Z; Kiraly, P; Kecskemety, K
Medium energy proton fluxes outside the magnetopause: Interball-1 data
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Sibeck, DG; Kudela, K; Lepping, RP; Lin, R; Nemecek, Z; Nozdrachev, MN; Phan, TD; Prech, L; Safrankova, J; Singer, H; Yermolaev, Y
Magnetopause motion driven by interplanetary magnetic field variations
J. Geophys. Res., 105 (A11): 25155–25169, 2000.
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Yermolaev, YI; Zastenker, GN; Borodkova, NL; Kovrazhkin, RA; Nikolaeva, NS; Nozdrachev, MN; Savin, SP; Skalsky, AA; Zelenyi, LM; Nemecek, Z; Safrankova, J; Sauvaud, JA
Statistic study of magnetosphere response to magnetic clouds: INTERBALL multi-satellite observations
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Safrankova, J; Nemecek, Z; Borak, M
MAGION-4 observations of bow shock crossings
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INTERBALL observations of the high-altitude cusp-like plasma: A statistical study
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