Photonic Quantum Control of Laser-Cooled Plasma

Student: Hudák Ivan
Supervisor: Mgr. Michal Hejduk, Ph.D.
ConsultantRNDr. Petr Dohnal, Ph.D.
Status: Available


Trapped ions stand at the forefront of advancements in optical atomic clocks, quantum metrology, and quantum computing. The integration of this quantum system with photonic devices, notably through strong collective coupling within an optical cavity, promises to enable efficient entanglement across spatially separated traps. Such an advancement is crucial for the development of distributed quantum computing and quantum network systems. Substituting trapped ions with trapped electrons could dramatically increase the efficiency of quantum networks. Yet, the challenge of effectively preparing and reading out the state of trapped electrons remains. Addressing this challenge, the project proposes the coupling of laser-cooled trapped ions with trapped electrons. It will explore the integration of a fiber-based photonic device with ion and electron traps, investigating the quantum control mechanisms of these coupled electron-ion quantum systems.