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Whistler waves observed by the DEMETER spacecraft
PDF@repoUK (#150711)
Student: Záhlava Jan
Supervisor: RNDr. František Němec, Ph.D.
Selected Wave Phenomena in the Earth’s Magnetosphere
PDF@repoUK (#169483)
Student: Bezděková Barbora
Supervisor: RNDr. František Němec, Ph.D.
Variability of the Martian ionosphere
Student: Maruška Jakub
Supervisor: Doc. RNDr. František Němec, Ph.D.
Solar wind variability close to the Lagrange L1 point
Student: Drastichová Kristýna
Supervisor: Doc. RNDr. František Němec, Ph.D.
Consultant: Gilbert Pi, Ph.D.
Multicomponent wave measurements performed by the DEMETER spacecraft
Student: Kotková Marie
Supervisor: Doc. RNDr. František Němec, Ph.D.
Significant boundaries around Mars: magnetic pileup boundary and bow shock
Student: Linzmayer Václav
Supervisor: Doc. RNDr. František Němec, Ph.D.