Mgr. Yurii Yakovlev, Ph.D.

Supervised Bachelor Theses

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Year 2022

Optimization of the performance of fuel cell stacks
Student: Vaněk Martin
Supervisor: Mgr. Yurii Yakovlev, Ph.D.

Year 2024

Growth of nanoparticles in liquid medium using magnetron sputtering technique
Student: Kučera Josef
Supervisor: Mgr. Yurii Yakovlev, Ph.D.
Consultant: Yevheniia Lobko, Ph.D.

Work in Progress

Study of physical and chemical properties of new alkaline exchange membranes
Student: Yildyrym Sibiel-Nur
Supervisor: Mgr. Yurii Yakovlev, Ph.D.
Consultant: Yevheniia Lobko, Ph.D.