Tuesday, September 9, 2003 |
chairman: Prof. Z. Nemecek |
9:00 | | | Introduction |
9:10 | Escoubet, C. P., Laakso, H., Goldstein, M. | I | CLUSTER: New Measurements of Plasma Structures in 3D |
9:35 | Zastenker, G. N. | I | An Overview of New Concepts Deduced From INTERBALL Solar Wind Investigations |
10:00 | Eselevich, V. G., Eselevich, M. V. | O | Fractal Structure of the Heliospheric Plasma Sheet at the Earth's Orbit |
10:15 | Richardson, J. D., Liu, Y. | I | Propagation and Evolution of CMEs in the Solar Wind |
10:40 | McKenna-Lawlor, S., Kecskemety, K., Dryer, M., Smith, Z., Fry, C., et al. | O | Comparison of the Predicted Arrival Times at L1 of 209 Flare Associated Shocks Estimated Using Three Numerical Models With Corresponding Energetic Particle Signatures |
10:55 | coffee break |
chairman: Prof. G. Zastenker |
11:25 | Vandas, M., Romashets , E. P., Watari, S. | O | Magnetic Clouds of Oblate Shapes |
11:40 | Russell, C. T. | I | Solar Wind Interaction with Planetary Magnetospheres |
12:05 | Lin, Y. | I | Simulations of Foreshock Structures of the Bow Shock and its Interaction With Interplanetary Discontinuities |
12:30 | Sibeck, D. G. | I | Pressure Pulses and Cavity Mode Resonances |
12:55 | end of session |
chairman: Dr. J. Richardson |
14:15 | Verigin , M. I. | S | Earth's Bow Shock: GD and MHD Aspects |
14:35 | Merka, J., Szabo, A., Richardson, J. D., Narock, T. W. | O | Three Decades of Bow Shock Observations by IMP-8 and Model Predictions |
14:50 | Szabo, A. | I | Interplanetary Discontinuities and Shocks in the Earth's Magnetosheath |
15:15 | Balikhin, M. A., Dunlop, M. W., Walker, S. N., Amata, E. | O | Low Frequency Waves in the Inner Magnetosheath |
15:30 | Hellinger, P. | O | Magnetosheath Compression: Role of Compression Speed and Alpha Particles |
15:45 | Kasper, J. C., Lazarus, A. J., Ashmall, J., Mitchel, B. S. | O | Evaluation of Interplanetary Shock Analysis Techniques |
16:00 | poster session |
18:00 | end of session |
19:00 | Panel discussion on multisatellite data processing Chair: J.-A. Sauvaud |
Wednesday, September 10, 2003 |
chairman: Dr. D. Sibeck |
9:00 | Chen, J., Fritz, T. A. | I | Cusp as a Source of Upstream Energetic Ions |
9:25 | Bochev, A. Z., Kudela, K. | O | Dynamics of Field-aligned Currents and Energetic Particle Fluxes in the Mid-altitude Cusp by INTERBALL -AU, March-April 1997 |
9:40 | Tatrallyay, M., Erdos, G. | O | Statistical Investigation of Mirror Type Magnetic Field Depressions Observed by ISEE-1 |
9:55 | Wing, S., Newell, P. T., Meng, C. I. | I | Double Cusp |
10:20 | Pitout, F., Escoubet, C. P., Bosqued, J. | S | The Cusp at Mid-altitude: 3 Years of Cluster-CIS Data |
10:40 | Song, Y. | O | Theory of Three-Dimensional Alfvenic Reconnection |
10:55 | coffee break |
chairman: Prof. J.-A. Sauvaud |
11:25 | Fuselier, S. A., Petrinec, S. M., Trattner, K. J. | I | Magnetosheath Properties and Dayside Magnetic Reconnection |
11:50 | Vaisberg, O. L., Avanov, L. A., Smirnov, V. N., Moore, T. E. | I | Counter-streaming Ion Components as Indicator of Multiple Reconnection |
12:15 | Fedorov, A., Budnik, E., Louarn, P., Reme, H., Dunlop, M. | I | Direct and Indirect Observations of a Patchy-sporadic Reconnection on the Dayside Magnetopause |
12:40 | Lopez, R. E., Wiltberger, M., Hernanadez, S., Lyon, J. | O | Energy Coupling to Solar Wind Pressure Pulses in MHD Simulations |
12:55 | end of session |
Thursday, September 11, 2003 |
chairman: Dr. P. Escoubet |
9:00 | Sauvaud, J.-A. | S | Dynamics and Origin of Ionospheric Ions in the Earth's Magnetotail |
9:20 | Nemecek, Z., Safrankova, J., Prech, L., Simunek, J. | S | Two-point Observations of the LLBL During Intervals of Northward Oriented IMF |
9:40 | Antonova, E. E. | S | The Structure of the Magnetospheric Boundary Layers and the Magnetospheric Turbulence |
10:00 | Mishin, V. V. | O | About Formation of Boundary Layer of the Distant Geotail by the Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability |
10:15 | Popielawska , B., Khotyaintsev, Y., Pickett, J., Farrugia, C., Kellett, et al. | S | Langmuir and Electron Solitary Waves at the High-latitude Magnetopause Near the Merging Site |
10:35 | Greco, A., Taktakishvili, A., Zimbardo, G., Veltri, P., Zelenyi, L. | O | Ion Transport Through the Turbulent Magnetopause: Calculations of the Distribution Function Moments |
10:50 | coffee break |
chairman: Prof. O. Vaisberg |
11:20 | Romashets, E., Vandas, M., Nagatsuma, T. | O | Magnetopause Dynamics Modelling |
11:35 | Savin, S., Zelenyi, L., Skalsky, A., Song, P., Amata, E., et al. | S | Magnetosheath Interaction With High Latitude Magnetopause: Flow Chaotization and Multi-scale Reconnection |
11:55 | Koleva, R. T., Semkova, J. V., Fedorov, A. O., Smirnov, V. N. | O | Observations of Stagnant Populations of Mixed Magnetosheath -- Plasma Sheet Ions in the High-latitude Near-Earth Tail |
12:10 | Chen, L. | S | Acceleration and Transport of Magnetospheric Plasmas by ULF Waves |
12:30 | end of session |
chairman: Dr. M. Balikhin |
13:45 | Pickett, J. S., Chen, L., Kahler, S. W., Santolik, O., Gurnett, et al. | I | Multipoint Observations of Nonlinear Waves and Isolated Electrostatic Structures in the Earth's Magnetosphere: The CLUSTER Perspective |
14:10 | Menietti, J. D., Anderson, R. R., Pickett, J. S., Gurnett, D. A. | O | Near-Source and Remote Observations of Kilometric Continuum Radiation From Multi-spacecraft Observations |
14:25 | Santolik, O., Gurnett, D. A., Pickett, J. S. | O | Fine Structure of the Source Region of Storm-time Chorus |
14:40 | Parrot, M., Santolik, O. | O | Characteristics of Magnetospherically Reflected Chorus Waves Observed by CLUSTER |
14:55 | Rauch, J. L., Decreau, P. M., Trotignon, J. G., Lefeuvre, F., Parrot, M., et al. | O | Observation of Z Mode on INTERBALL 2 and CLUSTER Projects and Evaluation of the Electron Density Using the Wave Propagation Characteristics |
15:10 | Marouan, Y., Lefeuvre, F., Cornilleau, N. | O | Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron Waves and Magnetosonic Waves Observed by the CLUSTER Satellites Within the Plasmasphere |
15:25 | poster session |
17:30 | end of session |
Friday, September 12, 2003 |
chairman: Prof. L. Zelenyi |
9:00 | Borovsky, J. E. | I | A Model for the Turbulence in the Plasma Sheet |
9:25 | Voros, Z., Baumjohann, W., Nakamura, R., Runov, A., Volwerk, M., et al. | O | Multi-point Statistical Analysis of Magnetic Turbulence in the Plasma Sheet |
9:40 | Petrukovich, A. A. | S | The Hourly AL Index Model, Based on the Solar Wind Data |
10:20 | Calvert, W. | O | Basic Theory for a Magnetospheric Substorm |
10:35 | Yermolaev, Y. I., Yermolaev, M. Y., Zastenker, G. N., Zelenyi, L. M., Petrukovich, A. A., et al. | O | Statistic Study of Geomagnetic Storm Dependences on Solar and Interplanetary Events |
10:50 | coffee break |
chairman: Dr. J. Borovsky |
11:20 | Zelenyi, L. M., Milovanov, A. V., Malova, H. V. | I | Laminar and Turbulent Regimes of Magnetotail Dynamics |
11:45 | Runov, A., Sergeev, V., Nakamura, R., Baumjohann, W., Volwerk, M., et al. | O | Reconstructions of the Magnetotail Current Sheet Structure Using Four-point Cluster Measurements |
12:00 | Sergeev, V. A. | I | Bursty Bulk Flows and Their Ionospheric Footprints |
12:25 | Lutsenko, V. N., Kirpichev, I. P., Grechko, T. V., Delcourt, D. | O | Source Positions for Energetic Particles Responsible for the Fine Dispersion Structures: Numerical Simulation Results |
12:40 | end of session |
13:40 | Panel discussion on perspectives of multisatellite mission Chair: P. Escoubet |
15:00 | Z. Nėmeček | | Concluding remarks |
POSTERS - Tuesday, September 9, 2003 |
1.01 | Yermolaev, Y. I., Yermolaeva, I. F. | Comparison of CME and Solar Flare Geoeffectiveness |
1.02 | Anagnostopoulos, G. C., Vassiliadis, E. S., Karanikola, I. | Dawn-Dusk Asymmetry and Origin of Energetic Ion Events Near the Earth's Bow Shock |
1.03 | Anagnostopoulos, G. C., Efthymiadis, D., Sarris, E. T., Vassiliadis, E. S., Krimigis, S. M. | Ion Events Observed by WIND far Upstream From the Bow Shock and by Geotail/IMP-8 Near the Bow Shock and Within the Plasma Sheet |
1.04 | Ashmall, J., Lazarus, A., Kasper, J. | Orientations of Correlated Wind and Ace Solar Wind Features |
1.05 | Riazantseva, M. O., Zastenker, G. N., Richardson, J. D. | The Solar Wind Plasma and Interplanetary Magnetic Field Discontinuities Connected With the Sharp and Large Changes of the Ion Flux |
1.06 | Koval, A., Safrankova, J., Nemecek, Z. | A Study of Particle Flows in Hot Flow Anomalies |
1.07 | Romashets, E., Vandas, M. | Interplanetary Plasma Disturbances Caused by a CME Propagation |
1.08 | Kaymaz, Z., Sibeck, D. G., Siscoe, G. L. | Magnetic Field Structure in the Dayside Magnetosheath |
1.09 | Kudela, K., Lutsenko, V. N., Sarris, E. T., Sibeck, D. G., Slivka, M. | DOK-2 Ion Fluxes Upstream From the Bow Shock: Characteristics From 5 Years of INTERBALL-1 Measurements |
1.10 | Erdos, G., Balogh, A., Daly, P., Kecskemety, K., Tatrallyay, M. | ULF Waves Observed by CLUSTER Upstream of the Bow Shock on 3 April 2001 |
1.11 | Jelinek, K., Safrankova, J., Nemecek, Z., Jerab, M. | Two-point Study of the Bow Shock Motion |
1.12 | Jerab, M., Nemecek, Z., Safrankova, J., Jelinek, K., Merka, J. | A Study of the Bow Shock Locations |
1.13 | Prech, L., Safrankova, J., Nemecek, Z., Kudela, K. | INTERBALL-1 Observations of Plasma and Energetic Particle Fluxes Upstream of the Earth's Bow Shock |
1.14 | Hayosh, M., Safrankova, J., Nemecek, Z., Kudela, K., Zastenker, G. N. | Relationship Between High-energy Particles and Ion Flux in the Magnetosheath |
1.15 | Shevyrev, N. N., Zastenker, G. N. | Some Features of the Plasma Flow in the Magnetosheath Behind Quasi-Parallel and Quasi-Perpendicular Bow Shocks |
1.16 | Asadchy, A. Y., Skalsky, A. A. | The Magnetosheath Structure at High Latitudes |
1.17 | Samsonov, A. | Dayside Magnetosheath: Numerical MHD Modelling and Observations |
1.18 | Travnicek, P., Hellinger, P. | Hybrid Simulations of the Interaction Between Solar Wind Flow and the Hermean Magnetosphere |
1.19 | Paral, J., Somr, J., Travnicek, P., Bale, S. D. | The Density Transition Scale at Quasi-perpendicular Collisionless Shocks --- Hybrid Simulations |
1.20 | Borodkova, N. L., Zastenker, G. N., Riazantsava, M. O., Richardson, J. D. | Large and Sharp Solar Wind Dynamic Pressure Variations as a Source of Geomagnetic Field Disturbances in the Outer Magnetosphere (at the Geosynchronous Orbits) |
1.21 | Parkhomov, V. A., Riazantseva, M. O., Zastenker, G. N. | Local Amplification of Auroral Electrojet as Response to Sharp Solar Wind Dynamic Pressure Change on June 26, 1998 |
1.22 | Dobreva, P. S., Kartalev, M. D., Shevyrev, N. N., Zastenker, G. N. | Comparison of a New Magnetosphere - Magnetosheath Model With Interball-1 Magnetosheath Plasma Measurements |
1.23 | Stoeva, P. V., Werner, R., Guineva, V. C. | P/Halley Ionosphere and Spatial Distribution of Some Constituents |
1.24 | Georgieva, K. Y., Kirov, B. B., Javaraiah, J. | Solar Rotation and Solar Wind -- Magnetosphere Coupling |
1.25 | Reshetnyk, V. M. | Behaviour of the Auroral Activity as Function of the Interplanetary Magnetic Field Orientation |
2.01 | Simunek, J., Nemecek, Z., Safrankova, J., Prech, L. | Ion Dispersion in the High-altitude Cusp: Spatial or Temporal Features? |
2.02 | Budnik, E., Lavraud, B., Fedorov, A., Grigoriev, A., Reme, H., et al. | Surveying of the Polar Cusp Geometry and its Plasma Properties --- Two Years of CLUSTER Observations |
2.03 | Blecki, J. S., Savin , S. P., Parrot, M., Cornilleau-Wehrlin , N., Wronowski, R. | Nonlinear Wave Processes Seen in the Polar Cusp by Prognoz 8, Interball 1 and CLUSTER Satellites |
2.04 | Serebryanskaya, A. V., Safargaleev, V. V., Koustov, A. V., Lester, M., Pchelkina, et al. | A Possible Source of the Dayside Pc1 Magnetic Pulsations Observed at High Latitudes |
2.05 | Dusik, S., Safrankova, J., Nemecek, Z. | The Influence of a Local Magnetic Shear on the Low-latitude Magnetopause |
2.06 | Nikolaeva, N. S., Borodkova, N. L., Klimov, S. I., Nozdrachev, M. N., Romanov, S. A., et al. | The Development of the Magnetospheric Substorm and its Influence on the Magnetopause Motion |
2.07 | Retino, A., Bavassano-Cattaneo, M. B., Marcucci, M. F., Vaivads, A., Andre, M., et al. | Three-dimensional CLUSTER Observations of Continuous High Latitude Reconnection on the Duskside Magnetopause |
2.08 | Ivanovski, S. L., Kartalev, M. D. | The Coupled Kelvin-Helmholtz and Tearing Mode Instability in the Magnetopause Layer --- MHD approach |
2.09 | Mishin, V. V., Leonovich , A. S., Nikolaeva, N. S., Parkhomov, V. A., Soloviev, S. I., et al. | Magnetospheric Response in Long Period Geomagnetic Pulsations Under Magnetopause Multiple Crossings Conditions Observed by Interball Tail |
2.10 | Korotova, G. I., Sibeck, D. G., Singer, H. J., Rosenberg, T. J. | Compressional Signatures Observed at Geosynchronous Orbit at the Times of Transient Events |
5.01 | Klimov, S. I., Afanasyev, Y. V., Grachev, E. A., Grigoryan, O. R., Gruchin, V. A., et al. | Results of in Flight Operation of Scientific Payload on Micro-satellite ``Kolibri-2000'' |
5.02 | Klimov, S. I., Korepanov, V. E., Lissakov, Y. V., Lapshinova, O. V., Sorokin, I. V., et al. | ``Obstanovka'' Experiment Onboard International Space Station --- The Use for Space Weather Research |
5.03 | Comisel, H., Ciobanu, M., Blagau, A., Simunek, J., Chum, J. | Attitude Determination for Magion-5 Satellite Using Magnetometer Data Only |
5.04 | Triska, P., Chum, J., Czapek, A., Hruska, F., Simunek, J., et al. | Space Weather Effects on the MAGION-4 and MAGION-5 Solar Cells |
5.05 | McKenna-Lawlor, S., Balaz, J., Barabash, S., Johnsson, K., Zhenxing, L., et al. | A Neutral Atom Detector Experiment (NUADU) for the Chinese Double Star Polar Mission |
POSTERS - Thursday, September 11, 2003 |
3.01 | Nemec, F., Santolik, O., Gereova, K., Macusova, E. | Cluster Observations of Equatorial Noise Below the Lower Hybrid Frequency |
3.02 | Macusova, E., Gereova, K., Santolik, O., Nemec, F. | Systematic Analysis of Whistler-mode Emissions Observed by Cluster in the Low-latitude Magnetosphere |
3.03 | Pasmanik, D. L., Demekhov, A. G., Trakhtengerts, V. Y., Titova, E. E., Santolik, O., et al. | Quasi-periodic ELF/VLF Wave Emissions in the Earth's Magnetosphere: Comparison of Satellite Observations and Modeling |
3.04 | Kozelov, B. V., Titova, E. E., Trakhtengerts, V. Y., Jiricek, F., Triska, P., et al. | Intermittency in the VLF/ELF Emissions: Experimental Features and Theoretical Explanations |
3.05 | Chum, J., Jiricek, F., Smilauer, J. | Nonducted Propagation of Chorus Emissions and Their Observation |
3.06 | Soucek, J., Dudok de Wit, T., Krasnoselskikh, V., Pickett, J. | Langmuir Wave Decay in the Terrestrial Foreshock: Evidence Based on CLUSTER WBD Observations |
3.07 | Semenova, N. V., Isaev, S. V., Demekhov, A. G., Yahnin, A. G., Yahnina, T. A. | Modeling the Generation Conditions of Magnetospheric Pc1 Emissions |
3.08 | Rothkaehl, H., Goldstein, P., Blecki, J., Klos, Z. | Plasma Turbulence as Source of Broad Band Ionospheric Plasma Emissions |
3.09 | Musatenko, S. I., Choliy, V. Y., Oltsik, Y. O. | Radio-noises of the Mid-latitude Ionosphere in the Magnetically Conjugated Region of the Solar Eclipses |
3.10 | Musatenko, S. I., Kurochka, E. V., Choliy, V. Y., Reshetnyk, V. M. | Drift Impulse Particle Precipitations in the Midlatitude Ionosphere |
3.11 | Teodosiev, D. K., Nenovski, P. I., Hristov, P. T., Koleva, R. T., Vojta, J., et al. | ULF Wave Measurements on Board the Magion-4 Subsatellite: Monochromatic Wave Events Observed Near the Magnetopause Regions |
4.01 | Bochev, A. Z., Dimitrova, I. I. | Magnetic Cloud and Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Response to the 6 November 1997 CME |
4.02 | Bochev, A. Z., Dimitrova, I. I., Nenovski, P. I., Chi, P., Palazov, K. I. | Long Period Magnetic Field Variations Seen by the INTERBALL-AU and POLAR: Case Study |
4.03 | Pulkkinen, A., Vassiliadis, D., Weigel, R., Palmroth, M., Viljanen, A., et al. | Characteristics and Prediction of Ionospheric Phenomena Behind Ground Effects of Space Weather During the April 2000 Geomagnetic Storm |
4.04 | Yahnina, T. A., Yahnin, A. G., Demekhov, A. G., Manninen, J., Kultima, J., et al. | Seasonal Variations of the Pc1 Frequency in Auroral Zone |
4.05 | Bojanowska , M. | Magnetosphere in the Interplanetary Magnetic Cloud With a Large B$_Y$-component |
4.06 | Kozyreva, O., Kleimenova, N., Schott, J. J. | Wave Magnetosphere Response to the Passage of a Front Edge of an Interplanetary Magnetic Cloud |
4.07 | Genot, V., Mottez, F., Fruit, G., Louarn, P., Sauvaud, J.-A., et al. | Bifurcated Current Sheet: Model and Observations |
4.08 | Jankovicova, D., Voros, Z. | Multi-scale and Regularity/Irregularity Aspects of Magnetospheric Dynamics in Artificial Neural Networks |
4.09 | Triskova, L., Truhlik, V., Smilauer, J. | Variability of Electron Temperature in the High Latitude Inner Magnetosphere |
4.10 | Beloff, N., Denisenko, P. F., Ivanov, I. I., Maltseva, O. A., Gough, M. P., et al. | Storm Time Changes in Total Electron Content in Ionosphere |
4.11 | Koleva, R., Dachev, T., Semkova, J., Tomov, B., Matviichuk, Y., et al. | Ultra Relativistic Electrons in the Inner Magnetosphere Observed Aboard Mir Space Station During 1991 |
4.12 | Musatenko, S. I., Musatenko, K. S. | Precipitation of the Energetic Protons as a Result of the Violation of Adiabatic Invariants |
4.13 | Osipenko, S. V., Safargaleev, V. V. | Precursors of Magnetospheric Substorm in Pulsating and Diffuse Auroras |
4.14 | Slivka, M., Kudela, K. | Anisotropy of Proton Fluxes in Neutral Sheet Region Measured by the DOK-2 on INTERBALL-1 |
4.15 | Kotova, G. A., Bezrukikh, V. V., Verigin, M. I., Smilauer, J. | In Situ Observations of Low-density Regions Inside the Plasmasphere |
4.16 | Delcourt, D. C., Malova, H. V., Zelenyi, L. M. | Nonlinear Dynamics of Charged Particles in Double-humped Current Sheets |
4.17 | Antonova, E. E., Kirpichev, I. P., Stepanova, M. V. | Properties of the Distribution of the Magnetic Field and Plasma Pressure in the Plasma Sheet of the Magnetosphere of the Earth and the Problem of the Generation of Field-aligned Currents |
4.18 | Khalipov, V. L., Gubsky, V. F., Afonin, V. V., Bondar, E. D., Stepanov, A. E. | SAR-arc Characteristics in the Region of Ring Current Dissipation and During Polarization Jet Development |
4.19 | Khalipov, V. L., Stepanov, A. E., Bondar, E. D. | Experimental Study of the Mechanism of Polarization Jet Formation |
4.20 | Kovrazhkin, R. A., Vladimirova, G. A., Glazunov, A. L., Sauvaud, J.-A. | Burst-like Precipitations of Particles in the Polar Cap |
4.21 | Kovrazhkin, R. A., Vladimirova, G. A., Glazunov, A. L., Yermolaev, Y. I., Sauvaud, J.-A. | Correlation of Simultaneous Ion Spectral Gaps Observed at Two Satellites of the INTERBALL Project |
4.22 | Vladimirova, G. A., Kovrazhkin, R. A., Glazunov, A. L., Sauvaud, J.-A. | Fresh Plasma Injection Into Ion Spectral Gaps |
4.23 | Kirpichev, I. P., Antonova, E. E., Lutsenko, V. N., Pisarenko, N. F., Yermolaev, Y. I. | The Features of the Ion Plasma Pressure Distributions in Near Earth Plasma Sheet |
4.24 | Grigorenko, E. E., Fedorov, A. O., Sauvaud, J.-A., Budnik, E. Y., Zelenyi, L. M., et al. | The Spatial Structure of Beamlets According to CLUSTER Observations |
4.25 | Petrukovich, A. A., Yermolaev, Y. I. | Vertical Plasma Motions and Velocity Fluctuations in the Earth's Magnetotail: Interball-tail Observations |
4.26 | Bezrukikh, V. V., Kotova, G. A., Lezhen, L. A., Verigin, M. I., Lemaire, J., et al. | Dependence of Cold Proton Temperatures in the Night, Day and Dusk Sides of the Earth's Plasmasphere on Geomagnetic Disturbances as Observed by the Auroral Probe/Alpha-3 Experiment |
1.26 | Kravaritis, G., Walker, S. N., Dunlop, M. W., Andre, M. | A Comparison of Shock Normals |
4.07' | Louarn, P., Fruit, G., Budnik, E., Sauvaud, J.-A., Lucek, E., et al. | Propagation of Low Frequency Fluctuations in the Plasmasheet --- A CLUSTER Analysis |
3.12 | Tomas-Rodriguez, M., Bauks, S. P. | Spectral Analysis for Nonlinear Systems: Plasma Dynamics Appication |