Magnetospheric Response to Solar Activity, September 9-12, 2003, Charles University, Prague

Instructions for authors

Papers from the conference will be published as follows:

To enable a rapid production, all submissions will be processed via the local organizing committee and a strict time schedule is announced for manuscript submissions, peer reviews, revisions and final paper submissions to the committee. Only after that the final selected sets of manuscripts will be passed to the editorial offices. Their Editors-in-Chief have reserved the right to finally evaluate the manuscripts and accept them for publication. Then, after typesetting in the production offices, all first or corresponding authors will receive galley proofs of the papers for checking.

Please note the following points:

From standard policy for the publication of the special issue of the PLANETARY AND SPACE SCIENCE journal:

The local organization committee assumes that all manuscripts will be submitted electronically to it by FTP(*) to the address and folder you will receive after your abstract submission (see below).

Articles should be preferably written using packages (see below) prepared by the publishers. For the first manuscript submissions we also accept Adobe PostScript/Portable Data Format or MS Word compatible files, provided they observe guidelines set by the PSS/NSS publishers. The authors should use double spacing and wide margins to ease the peer-review process.

Details regarding the NATO Science Series publication (length, color figure fees, reprints etc.) will be specified here later.

The following table summarizes author instructions and checklists; manuscript guidelines; LaTeX packages, templates and manuals; links to relevant publishers’ web pages etc.

  Planetary and Space Science NATO Science Series
Final instructions for authors We strongly prefer the FTP submission using LaTeX packages below. If you are not able to use LaTeX, FTP the text in MS-Word format.
Figures should be prepared in EPS or TIFF formats and submitted as separate files. The figures for one manuscript should be in the same format! When preparing figures, please, see Artwork Instructions below.
The book will be printed as black&white with CD-ROM containing color versions.
  1. If you are using B&W figures only, FTP your final manuscript in LaTeX or MS-Word using templates given below.
  2. If you are using color figures, FTP both, B&W for printing and color versions for CD-ROM.
  3. The figures should be either in PS/EPS or TIFF format and in separate files. The combination of formats in one manuscript is not allowed.
Packages, templates, guidelines ELSART package: Kluwer packages:
  • LaTeX and Scientific Workplace package (incl. KAP templates, stylefiles, samples & documentation for camera-ready books) (PC/Mac) or kapproc.tar (Unix)
  • Word (8/97 or higher) package (incl. KAP template, sample & instructions for camera-ready books)
Authors are requested to use
bibliography style (similar to JGR reference style; see procdocs.pdf page 29 from the package for more information).
Preparing figures Artwork instructions (pdf format)
Manuscript submission to LOC Send electronic version of your manuscript via FTP(*) – see below
Submission of revised manuscript to LOC Send electronic version of your manuscript together with replies to reviewers via FTP - same conditions as for the initial submission. Replies to reviewers should be in a separate file in LATEX or MS Word format.

All conference presenters will obtain (after the abstract submission deadline) an FTP link to their personal folder with instructions how to send their manuscript submissions. Any transfer should be announced by email to the local committee. Do not send your manuscripts by email, as their length might prevent them to reach our mailbox.

(*) Please note that unless you are sending ASCII text files (e.g. PostScript, LaTeX ...) you should switch your FTP client into the binary transfer mode.