import math import numpy import matplotlib.pyplot as plt def FillHisto(x, histo, xMin, xMax, nBins): """Adds one entry in a histogram (represented by an array)""" dx = (xMax-xMin) / nBins i = int(numpy.floor((x - xMin) / dx)) if i >= 0 and i < nBins: histo[i] = histo[i] + 1 def P_poisson(k,nu): """function to return Poissonian probablity""" P = numpy.exp(-nu) for i in range(1,k+1): P *= nu / i return P def P_binomial(k,n,p): """function to return binomial probablity""" P = 1.0 for i in range(1,n+1): if i <= k and i <= n-k: P = P / i elif i > k and i > n-k: P = P * i return P * pow(p,k) * pow(1-p,n-k) nCyc = 1000 nGen = 100 nBins = 10 iBinRes = int(nBins/2) a = 0 b = 1 binEntries = numpy.empty(nCyc) res = numpy.zeros(nBins) # binning and proability density of x: dx = (b-a) / nBins x = numpy.empty(nBins) # array of bin centres fx = numpy.empty(nBins) # probability density at bin centres for i in range(nBins): x[i] = a + dx * (i+0.5) fx[i] = 2 / (b-a) * (x[i] - a) / (b-a) # sigma2 = pow((b-a)/4,2) # fx[i] = 0.5 * (math.erf((a+dx*(i+1)-(a+b)/2)/numpy.sqrt(2*sigma2))\ # - math.erf((a+dx*i-(a+b)/2)/numpy.sqrt(2*sigma2))) / dx fig, ((fig1,fig2), (fig3,fig4)) = plt.subplots(2,2,figsize=(12, 8)) for j in range(nCyc): hist = numpy.zeros(nBins) for i in range(nGen): xGen = a + numpy.sqrt(numpy.random.rand()) * (b-a) # xGen = numpy.random.normal((a+b)/2,(b-a)/4) FillHisto(xGen,hist,a,b,nBins) if j == 0:,hist,dx,yerr=numpy.sqrt(hist)) fig1.plot(x,fx*nGen*dx,color="red") fig1.set_xlabel("x") binEntries[j] = hist[iBinRes] for i in range(nBins): res[i] = res[i] + pow(hist[i] - fx[i]*nGen*dx, 2) nExp = fx[iBinRes]*nGen*dx nMin = max(int(nExp - 3*numpy.sqrt(nExp)), 0) nMax = int(nExp + 3*numpy.sqrt(nExp)) fig2.hist(binEntries, nMax-nMin, range=(nMin-0.5,nMax-0.5),label="histogram") pois = numpy.empty(nMax-nMin) binom = numpy.empty(nMax-nMin) for i in range(nMax-nMin): pois[i] = P_poisson(nMin+i,nExp) * nCyc binom[i] = P_binomial(nMin+i,nGen,fx[iBinRes]*dx) * nCyc fig2.plot(range(nMin,nMax), pois, label="Poissonovo rozdělení") fig2.plot(range(nMin,nMax), binom, label="binomické rozdělení") fig2.set_xlabel("Počet případů v " + str(iBinRes) + ". binu") fig2.legend() res = numpy.sqrt(res / nCyc) fig3.plot(range(nBins),numpy.sqrt(fx*dx*nGen),color='orange',\ label="$\sqrt{pn_{gen}} = \sqrt{n_{exp}}$") fig3.plot(range(nBins),numpy.sqrt(fx*dx*(1-fx*dx)*nGen),color='green',\ label="$\sqrt{p(1-p)n_{gen}}$") fig3.scatter(range(nBins),res,marker='o') fig3.set_xlabel("bin") fig3.set_ylabel('standardní odchylka počtu případů v binu') fig3.legend()