
  • Jan Matoušek, Ph.D.

    Post-doctoral researcher
    Team leader for AMBER add COMPASS
    Scinetific interests include semi-inclusive DIS, TMD PDFs, data analysis and event reconstruction
    Office: V 168, Vývojové dílny Troja, V Holešovičkách 747/2, Praha 8
  • Antonín Květoň

    AMBER DAQ developer and database administartor.
  • Jan Tomsa

    External collaborator, AMBER IT admin and DAQ developer.
  • Michael Finger, CSc.

    Deputy team leader for COMPASS.
  • Patrizio Pucci

    Doctoral student focused on TMD PDFs and semi-inclusive DIS
    Office: V 168, Vývojové dílny Troja, V Holešovičkách 747/2, Praha 8
  • Mehran Dehpour

    Doctoral student focused on antiproton production analysis at AMBER
    Office: V 168, Vývojové dílny Troja, V Holešovičkách 747/2, Praha 8
  • Vendula Benešová

    Master student, focused on semi-inclusive DIS analysis at COMPASS
  • Tomáš Klásek

    Master student, focused on antiproton production analysis at AMBER
  • Jakub Tatárik

    Master student, focuses on COMPASS 2022 polarised semi-inclusive DIS analysis
  • Júlia Križanová

    Master student, working on RICH ring recognition using machine learning
  • Michal Victor Janata

    Bachelor student, focused on Drell–Yan, CEDARs and databases.
  • Šimon Pražský

    Bachelor student, working on RICH ring reconstruction.
    Developer and manager of COMPASS-AMBER production system.

Past members

  • Markéta Pešková, Ph.D.

    Doctoral student focused on GPD and exclusive neutral pion production
    COMPASS production manager
    Member of the group: until 2024-07-30
  • Martin Zemko, Ph.D.

    Doctoral student at Czech Technical University focused on data acquistion
    Main AMBER data acquistion and high-level trigger software developer
    Member of the group: until 2024-09-30
  • prof. Miroslav Finger, DrSc.

    Long-time representative of the Czech group at COMPASS and leader of the group. Deceased in January 2025.
    Office: C 109, Kryogenní pavilon, V Holešovičkách 747/2, Praha 8
    Member of the group: until 2025-01-10
HomePublicationsPeopleStudent projectsGrantsContactJan Matoušek, 2025-02-26 13:00, GitLab