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Generation and application of attosecond electron pulses

Ponderomotive pulse compressionUltrafast electron diffraction and microscopy combine high temporal resolution provided by femtosecond laser technology with atomic spatial resolution enabled by the short de Broglie wavelength of electrons accelerated to high energies. These imaging techniques provided an insight to ultrafast atomic re-arrangements during phase transitions or chemical reactions. Until recently, the lower limit of the temporal resolution of approximately 100 fs did not allow to observe electronic dynamics occurrig on shorter timescales (single femtoseconds or less). To reach the attosecond frontier in imaging experients with pulsed electron beams, techniques for electron compression by the interaction with femtosecond laser fields have been developed. One of the techniques, which is studied and employed in our group, is based on the ponderomotive interaction between freely propagating electrons and an optical travelling wave formed by two laser pulses at different frequencies [1]. Demonstration of attosecond electron pulse trains by this technique was already performed [2] and generation of isolated attosecond pulses was theoretically proposed [3]. However, ultrafast imaging using compressed electrons is still a challenge and will be studied during upcoming years.

[1] M. Kozák, T. Eckstein, N. Schönenberger, and P. Hommelhoff, “Inelastic ponderomotive scattering of electrons at a high-intensity optical travelling wave in vacuum,“ Nat. Phys. 14, 121-125 (2018).
[2] M. Kozák, N. Schönenberger, and P. Hommelhoff, “Ponderomotive generation and detection of attosecond free-electron pulse trains,“ Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 103203 (2018).
[3] M. Kozák, „All-optical scheme for generation of isolated attosecond electron pulses,“ Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 203202 (2019).

Ultrafast strong-field phenomena  in solids

The speed of contemporary elecronics is limited by a maximal frequency of switching and control of macroscopic electrical currents in solids. However, there are physical processes occurring on much shorter timescales, which could be used to increase the speed of information processing in future. These phenomena are investigated in our laboratory using ultrashort laser pulses reaching electric field amplitudes comparable or higher than the field between atoms in solids. Thanks to the precise control of both the temporal envelope and phase of the pulses on timescales of tens of attoseconds (1 as=10-18 s), this technology allows us to study and control coherent electronic dynamics in solid-state materials and nanostrutures.

Ongoing experiments:

Observation of the transition between multiphoton and strong-field regimes of carrier excitation in solids
Generation of electrical current dependent on the carrier-envelope-phase of few-cycle laser pulses in diferent materials
High harmonic generation in solids