4th VERSIM workshop 2010 |
VERSIM is the
URSI joint working group on VLF/ELF Remote Sensing of Ionospheres and Magnetospheres.
The VERSIM workshop 2010 was organized by the
Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Prague, Czech Republic and by
Charles University, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Prague, Czech Republic.
The scientific sponsorship and financial support for this workshop has been provided by the International
Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy (IAGA) and by the Union Radio-Scientifique Internationale (URSI).
Participants of the 4th VERSIM workshop. Photo taken on 16 September 2010 by A. Collier.
Link to a high-resolution image.
E-mail contact: versim10@ufa.cas.cz
Venue: The workshop took place in hotel
Globus , Prague, Czech Republic, on 13-17 September 2010.
- Link to the pre-workshop www pages.
Received abstracts and workshop program:
47 abstracts were received. They are listed online together
with an alphabetical index of authors.
The scientific committee organized these abstracts in 7 oral sessions and one poster session.
- Session I - Triggered emissions and wave-particle interactions (1 invited + 4 contributed talks)
- Session II - Chorus and quasi-periodic emissions (5 contributed talks)
- Session III - Whistlers (7 contributed talks)
- Session IV - VLF data sets and campaigns (1 invited + 5 contributed talks)
- Session V - DEMETER (6 contributed talks)
- Session VI - Subionospheric VLF propagation (4 contributed talks)
- Session VII - Ionoshere, Martian ionosphere, meteors (4 contributed talks)
- Poster session (8 posters)
- VERSIM business meeting has been also held as in the frame of the workshop.
The complete workshop program and abstract book can be downloaded as a pdf file.
The workshop attracted 40 participants from 15 countries, ranging from New Zealand to Russia
(ordered by latitude) including 9 students and young scientists under
35 from 5 countries. The final list of participants from each country
can be downloaded as a pdf file.
The updated list of presentations given during the workshop, including all last-minute changes can be downloaded
as a pdf file, as well.
The final report:
A detailed report from the 4th workshop
of the URSI/IAGA Joint Working Group on VLF/ELF Remote Sensing of the Ionosphere and Magnetosphere
can be downloaded as a pdf file.
Scientific committee: János Lichtenberger (Eötvös University, Budapest, Hungary), Jacob Bortnik (University of California, Los Angeles, USA),
Jyrki Manninen (Sodankyla Geophysical Observatory, Sodankyla, Finland), Craig J. Rodger (University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand),
Yoshiharu Omura (Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan), David Shklyar (Institute of Space Research, Moscow, Russia), Michel Parrot (Laboratoire de Physique
et Chimie de l'Environnement et de l'Espace, Orleans, France),
Ondřej Santolík (Institute of Atmospheric Physics and Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic)
Local organizing committee: (Institute of Atmospheric Physics and/or Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic)
Jaroslav Chum, Andrea Saglová, Jan Souček, František Hruška, František Jiříček, Pavel Tříska, Benjamin Grison,
Mykhaylo Hayosh,
Ondřej Santolík,
Jiří Pavlů,
Jana Šafránková
O.S. 2010 Oct 28