September 14-19 2009 at Hrubá Skála
- new developments of computational approaches in biochemistry and biophysics, applications of quantum chemical methods on molecular models,
- molecular dynamics, Monte Carlo and molecular mechanics simulations in biodisciplines.
Last version of Book of Abstracts can be downloaded in program section
Special issue from MIB 2009
Please notice - deadline for contribution to Special issue of Journal of Molecular Modeling was posponed till December 15th 2009.
Login at:
and choose Type of manuscript: Special Issue Prague
Winners of Student Poster Competition
- Ewa Chudyk
- Stefan Taubert
- Lukasz Wolanski
We are grateful for sponsoring Student poster competition by
Springer Publishing House, awarding the three best posters
by vouchers for books worth 300, 200, and 100 Euro.
Congratulations !!!
Previous years of the conference
Modeling Interactions in Biomolecules, Nové Hrady 2003, Czech Republic
Modelling and Design of Molecular Material, Wroclaw 2004
Modeling Interactions in Biomolecules II, Prague 2005, Czech Republic
Modelling and Design of Molecular Material II, Wroclaw 2006, Poland
Modeling Interactions in Biomolecules III, Prague 2007, Czech Republic
Modelling and Design of Molecular Material III, Piechowice, Poland